2 minute read
AFP Advance Family Planning BoT Board of Trustees AGM Annual General Meeting ASRHR Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights BEC Branch Executive Committees CMA Capital Markets Authority CMIS Communication Management and Information System CSO Civil Society Organisation CYPs Couple years of protection DANIDA Danish Agency for International Development DFID Department for International Development DFPA Danish Family Planning Association FGM Female Genital Mutilation FiRE Financial Reporting FP Family Planning FPAU Family Planning Association of Uganda GBV Gender Based Violence GRI Global Reporting Initiative’s GTA Gender Transformative Approaches HUMCS Health Unit Management Committees ICPAU Certified Public Accountants of Uganda IEC Information, Education and Communication IPPF International Planned Parenthood Federation IPPFAR International Planned Parenthood Federation Africa Regional IPPFARO International Planned Parenthood Federation Africa Regional Office IUCDs Intrauterine contraceptive devices MoES Ministry of Education and Sports MoH Ministry of Health NDA National Drug Authority NEC National Executive Committee NHI National Health Insurance NGO Non-Governmental Organisation PFC Programme and Finance Committee QoC Quality of Care RHU Reproductive Health Uganda SRH Sexual Reproductive Health SRHR Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights UNFPA United Nations Population Fund USE Uganda Securities Exchange YEP2 Youth Encourage Project 2 YETA Youth Enterprise Through Agriculture YFS Youth Friendly Information and Services
Message from our chairperson
I am delighted to present the first Reproductive Health Uganda 2019 Annual Report since I was elected the board chairperson, in May 2019. This report shows both the organisation’s programmatic achievements and the audited financial report for the year ending December 31, 2019, guided by the seven-year RHU Strategic Plan 2016-2022, where we registered great achievements in this fourth year of the strategic plan’s implementation.
The key highlights of this period include the election of new governing committees at all levels under RHU’s constitutional provisions. These include: the National Executive Committee (NEC), the Programme and Finance Committee (PFC), the Branch Executive Committees (BEC), and the Youth Action Movement (YAM).
The new National Executive Committee (NEC) is composed of professionals from various fields and these among others include; myself - Mr. Nathan T. Kipande, a public health specialist and the director EarlLab as the chairperson; Ms. Connie Nyafwono Bwire, also a public health specialist and the ADHO/MCH in Tororo DLG as vice chairperson; Ms. Faith Amanya Betega, a gender activist and the senior CDO in Bushenyi DLG as chairperson - Programmes & Finance Committee, Mr. David Tweituk, a seasoned retired auditor as the national treasurer. In addition, we also have Hon. Sylvia Akello who is a social worker and Woman MP Otuke district as the representative on IPPFAR regional council.
The different leadership structures were oriented on the vision and mission of RHU and on their roles and responsibilities. I would like to welcome all the new members of the different governance committees and to wish them all a successful three-year tenure. I also appreciate the members of the outgoing National Executive Committee led by Hon. Rosemary Seninde as the chair who steered the organisation through a period of growth and success- 2016 to 2019.
This reporting period also saw the enacting of key policy changes which included the introduction of the Safeguarding Policy in RHU to promote the rights of all of RHU’s stakeholders. Furthermore, in 2019, thirty-three volunteer members as well as a number of partner agencies were recognised for