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Slifer Smith & Frampton Real Estate

Slifer Smith & Frampton is a full-service brokerage firm offering expert guidance through our team of over 250 experienced professionals. With an almost 60-year history as the only company with a history that starts with Vail, SSF is the leader in Vail Valley real estate. Whether it is new property, previously owned real estate, commercial property, ranches, time-shares or vacation homes, you can rely on our extensive knowledge to help you explore your options and make informed decisions. We have 19 office locations throughout the valley, open seven days a week. Slifer Smith & Frampton is the dominant real estate brokerage in the Vail Valley representing nearly 50% of the total sales volume in Eagle County.


2010 Slifer Report

April 4, 2011

2010 6-Month Slifer Report

September 20, 2010

Grand Openings

April 19, 2010

2009 Slifer Report

March 22, 2010