TheArt of Après 04
Hecho enMexico 08
ForbesGlobal Properties 10
What our ClientsareSaying 11
Featured LuxuryListings 12
Featured inForbes 16
Development Spotlights 17
Acrossour RockyMountains 18
TheArt of Après 04
Hecho enMexico 08
ForbesGlobal Properties 10
What our ClientsareSaying 11
Featured LuxuryListings 12
Featured inForbes 16
Development Spotlights 17
Acrossour RockyMountains 18
The monthly State of Luxury & Lifestyle Catalog draws inspiration from Luxury Portfolio Magazine,a premier publication that delves into the world of high-end living. It highlights topics such as real estate, design, travel, and lifestyle, offering luxury audiences and collectors an in-depth exploration of these subjects through curated excerpts from Luxury Portfolio. Each issue also features Slifer Smith & Frampton?s Front Range luxury listings,showcasingexceptional properties.
This catalog celebrates the sophisticated lifestyle that accompanies luxury living. From gourmet dining and world-classentertainment to opulent spa experiences and exclusive shopping, Luxury Portfolio Magazine exemplifiesthefinest inluxuriousliving
Colorado'sacherished traditionthat embodiesthe spirit of mountainlife: après-ski.
Colorado?s snow-covered peaks are a winter paradise, drawing ski enthusiasts from around the world. But beyond the adrenaline-pumping runs and pristine powder, there?s a cherished tradition that embodies the spirit of mountain life: après-ski. The term, which translates to ?after skiing? in French, has evolved into a beloved ritual of relaxation, celebration,and community. In Colorado,après-ski isn? t just an activity? it?sanart form.
Theconcept of après-ski tracesitsrootsto theEuropean Alps, where skiers would gather in cozy mountain huts to warm up and unwind after a day on the slopes Colorado?s Rocky Mountains embraced this tradition in the mid-20th century, as ski resortsbegan to pop up acrossthestate What started asa simple practice of sharing drinks and stories by the fire has blossomedinto anintegral part of Colorado?sski culture
- Local Craft Beverages: Colorado?s craft beer and distillery scene plays a starring role in the art of après. Try a locally brewed IPA, a warming whiskey, or even a hot toddywithaColorado twist.
- Live Music: From acoustic guitar by the fire to lively bands at outdoor stages, music iscentral to theaprèsexperience.
- ScenicViews: Whether you?re on a heated patio overlooking the slopes or nestled inside a cozy lodge, the backdrop of snow-capped peaks adds magic to the moment.
- Community Spirit: Après-ski is as much about connectionasit isabout relaxation It?s a time to share stories, laughs, and camaraderiewithfellowadventurers.
What sets Colorado?s après-ski scene apart is its blend of rugged charm and upscale indulgence Each resort offers its own twist on the tradition, combining world-class dining, local craft beverages,livemusic,and breathtaking mountain views Let?s explore some of the best après-ski experiencesintheRockies:
At Vail, après-ski is elevated to a luxurious experience. The iconic Red Lion is a classic spot for live music and hearty fare, while The 10th, perched on the mountain, servesfine dining with sweepingviews For atrueColorado touch,sip on acraft beer from Vail Brewing Company or enjoy a signature cocktail by the fire at the Four Seasons
Aspen?s après scene is synonymous with glamour. Cloud Nine Alpine Bistro on Aspen Highlands offers alively European-inspired party vibe, complete with champagne toasts. For amore laid-back experience, Ajax Tavern at the base of Aspen Mountain pairs trufflefrieswithstunningalpinevistas.
Breckenridge embodies the perfect balance between history and fun Known for its historic charm,theGold Pan Saloon hasbeen afavoritefor decades Just steps away from the slopes, you?ll find TBar? a hotspot for skiers and snowboarders cravingcold beersandlivelyconversation
Winter Park offers a more relaxed and family-friendly après-ski scene. The Lodge at Sunspot, accessible by gondola, is a cozy retreat withstunningpanoramic viewsand warmbeverages. For something livelier, head to Derailer Bar at the base of the slopes, where you can enjoy local craft beersand livemusic inalaid-back setting.
Victor Legorreta?scultural architecture
Cantheessenceofaculturebepreservedinstone,steelandlight?ForarchitectVictorLegorreta,theanswerliesin everycornerofhisdesigns Hisworkbuildsonthelegacyhisfather?sfirmforgedin1965,andpayshomageto Mexico?sricharchitecturalhistory.
LEGORRETA, the contemporary architecture studio in Mexico City, produces designs that are unmistakably of their place, championing elements that predate the Spanish invasion. In every project, an amalgamation of Mexican modernist and traditional elements creates livable spaces that directly respond to the local climate, cultureandpeople
Façades make a statement in burnt copper and eye-popping hot pink. Thick stone monoliths interplay with light, shadow and symmetry Airy courtyards burst with native vegetation and, most often, some type of water fountain reminiscent of the celebrated Mexican architect and engineer Luis Barragán (1902-1988) Today, with a project list spanning university buildings in Cairo to privatemansionsinCalifornia,Legorretastandsasone of LatinAmerica?smost celebratedarchitecturefirms
My philosophy has always been about evolution ? not breaking from thepast but building on it.Sometimes,it?s better to stand on the shoulders of what?s come before and push it forward Some principles remain the same We still aim to create architecture deeply rooted in Mexican culture, but we?ve adapted to modern constraints. My father?s designs often featured grand entrances and six-meter-wide corridors, like in the Camino Real These aren? t practical today, especially in urban settings But that doesn? t mean we can? t achieve thesamebeautyinmorecompact spaces
That?s one of the beauties of architecture ? it?s never just one person?s vision It?s always a team effort, and you have to respect the place where the building will stand Climate, culture and the people using the building all shapethedesign It?sabout finding abalancebetween integrating local traditions and maintaining what makes our work unique
Architecture is functional, but it?s also about telling a story Wedesign spacesthat gradually reveal themselves, creatinganexperience Thestorydependsontheproject ? whether we?re keeping stress out of a family home or generating excitement in a lively restaurant I?m most excited when a client has a strong vision It?s our job to translatethat into thearchitecture
ForbesGlobal Propertiesisaluxuryreal estate platformshowcasingtheworld'sfinest homesand thestoriesbehindthem.
Slifer Smith&Framptonisproud to bea founding member of ForbesGlobal Properties,theexclusive real estatepartner of Forbes.
ForbesGlobal Propertiesisowned andrunby brokerages,withaForbesownership stakecreating aninterest inour success.Membership inour network isreservedfor themost distinguished brokerages.
LeveragingForbes' worldwidereachand digital audienceof morethan140 million,weintroduce discerningbuyersand sellersto acurated collectionof prestigiouspropertiesand theagents who represent them.
myehl@sliferfrontrange com
"Mara was always available to show us homes and many times would pick me up after work to go see as many homes as we could in a day I believe we saw at least 50 or more! We actually ended up driving by the home we chose before it was even on the market and noting that it was the cutest little house and we ended up getting that very same one when it came on the market! Talk about fate! We had put offers in on several other properties and we were always outbid in the crazy Denver market but with persistence we ended up getting the one we wanted in thelong run I alwaysfelt shehad our best interestsat heart "
- Tami M
barnoldliferfrontrange com
"Brad Arnold and the SSF team were everything I could ask for in my real estate experience Brad was knowledgable about the market and listened to my concerns. He was able to sell my property in record time Brad?sabilityto listen to hisclientsand assuage concernsiscommendable.Heissharp,insightful,and funny.I couldnot havebeenmorepleased."
- Jeff Johnson
- Molly Provost LOUISVILLE
atoledo@sliferfrontrange com
"Working with Antonio was a wonderful experience He went above and beyond to make sure we met the closing date and that I was fully taken care of as the buyer. He was flexible and willing to work around my work and travel schedule Thank youAntonio!"
jripmaster@sliferfrontrange com
"Joel was professional, kind, and always very positive. He never pushed or hurried us, he listened to our comments, and he got thejob done! Heisthe best broker we?veever had"
- Emily Rath
ContemporaryLuxurywith morethanjust architectural allure;it'sacommitment to sustainability Asymphony of innovative systems converges for efficiency Passive solar design, high-efficiency HVAC, "Tuned" Energy Star windows, foam insulation, and LED illumination. Elevate your lifestyle in aworld where innovation meets luxury, where panoramic vistas and intimate moments coexist Welcome to a reimagined reality where architectural ingenuity dances with nature's beauty Nestled amidst towering trees, this home exudes a harmonious fusion of modern design and the tranquility of itshillside perch. Limestone-clad walls define the lower level,astunningcontrast to theethereal cantilevered spacesthat float above
Listed by David
Elevate your living experience with this exquisite Chautauqua residence, the epitome of refined living for those seeking an unmatched blend of location and lifestyle. Situated steps from the revered Chautauqua Park and just a short distance from Boulder's dynamic downtown, this home boasts an unparalleled mix of tranquility, convenience, and stunning natural surroundings Upon entry, you are greeted with an atmosphere of sophisticated warmth and timeless elegance The interior features astylish staircase and luxurious walnut wood floors, with each detail meticulously chosen
Welcome to this magnificent, one-of-a-kind penthouse with unparalleled views and sophistication One of only seven penthouses at The Coloradan offering an extraordinary opportunity to immerse yourself in Denver's vibrant skyline, the awe-inspiring Rocky Mountains and energy of the city? all from the comfort of your home Thismeticulously designed 2-bedroom with ensuite25-bath residencespans2,545squarefeet of exquisite living space, featuring an office/den and nearly 300 square-foot terrace with a Nana Wall folding glass wall system, allowing to integrate indoor-outdoor living. Every detail of this penthouse has been carefullycurated to createanambianceof eleganceand distinction Listed by John & Adam Jaster | 303.322.6200 & 303.819.6186
2 5 BATH
2,546 SF
Nestledwithinthegatesof Beaver Creek,anenchantingmountainhaven awaits Analpinecommunity,bringsablendof natureandelegance
ArcadianBeaverCreek com | 970 471 4945
Stratosistheculminationof yearsof inspired designand sustainableconstruction byEast West Partnerscompletingthevision for anewSnowmassBaseVillage
StratosSnowmass com | 970 924 9100
VOL 04 | ISSUE 1
SillerSmith&FramptonRealEstateisanindependentlyownedandoperated,licensedrealestatebrokerandabidesbyEqualHousingOpportunitylaws Allpresentedmaterialisintendedfor informationalpurposesonly Offeringissubjecttoerrors,omissions,changeofpriceorwithdrawwithout notice Allinformationconsideredreliable;however,ithasbeensuppliedbythirdpartiesand shouldnotbereliedonasaccurateorcomplete Thisisnotintendedtosolicit propertyalreadylisted