Move aside, millennial minimalism Gen Z - born between 1997 and 2012 ? is inspired by their grandparents' homes and is embracing vintage art forms,notablyvintageand antiqueposters "Generation Z has a great hunger and interest in the art of the past," says Linda Tarasuk, co-founder and owner of La Belle Époque Vintage Posters & Framing in New York. "It no longer existsin today'smarket Theworkmanship and dimension are mind-blowing to the younger generation."
Similar to Gen Zbucking social norms,postersof the 19th and 20th centuries were an anomaly of their time Despite being advertisements, they werealso recognizedasaformof highcreativity,
backed by the work of respected artists and revolutionizingboththeart and marketingworlds.
"Posters have always been used to advertise products, destinations, political ideas and movements," says Karen Etingin, owner of L'Affichiste in Montreal "Theatrical posters would highlight the actors and actresses of the day, hopingto bringaudiencesto their halls," shesays
"Railwaysand,later,airlinesand shippinglinesused posters to entice travelers to remote destinations by featuring landmarks and landscapes, and every government at one time or another used posters to swaypublic opinion"
The La Belle Époque shop is named for the earliest and most beloved era of posters LaBelleÉpoquewasspecific to Europe and coincided with the art nouveau movement from the late 19th century to just before World War I, or 1890 to 1914, assome have bookmarked theera.
"Though fairly brief, the works created during this period have become synonymous with the idea of vintage posters," says Andrew England, owner of Real OldPaper inSanFrancisco.
"Art nouveau pieces are dense with detail, ornate borders and beautiful women all in the service of an ephemeral, commercial purpose," he says.
"[Henri de] Toulouse-Lautrec and other really,veryimportant posterswould just beonthestreets," shesays
The general public was so enamored. Theywould actuallyfollow themen who put up thepostersand seeif they could buyor bribeaposter awayfromthem.
That'showcharmingtheseimageswere And so, the government had to get involved Considering the effort in creating a vintage poster - companies or organizations commissioned artists to create the images before passing them on to lithographers - there was a financial stake for both advertisers and the French government, which sold public spacesto themasbillboards
"They licensed the men that put up the posters to ensure that they would not be bribed and they would not sell a poster because, if they did, they would lose their job instantly," Ms Tarasuk says.
In addition to Toulouse-Lautrec, other Belle Époque poster artists included Charles Dana Gibson, Theophile AlexandreSteinlen and AlphonseMucha Their worksareworthquiteafortune.
An 1891 work of Toulouse-Lautrec, Moulin Rouge, sold for $241,500 in 1999 - the highest price ever paid for a vintage advertising poster Meanwhile, the La Belle Époque store sold Mucha's Four Seasonsfor roughly$100,000
"Every periodhas charm, valueand posters that are significant."
The 1920s saw art deco design take off. While still maintaining a sense of grandeur, designs became more streamlined and abstract than the romantic, flowery styles of art nouveau. Instead of opting for curvy, long lines, art deco embraced geometric shapes and sharp angles.Ms.Etinginidentifiesmultiplemasterpiecesandartists from this era, including Austrian artist Julius Klinger, whom she profiled inher book,TheLifeandArt of JuliusKlinger.
"I am particularly attached to hiswork," shesays."Klinger managed to usehumor to sell products, and that,coupled with an impressive range of artistic styles and typographic fonts, puts him at the top of mylist
"Paul Iribe, a French illustrator and designer and Coco Chanel's lover- produced a remarkable series of work for a Paris wine importer called Nicolas His pochoirs, or hand-painted stencils, in black andwhiteandgray,areart deco refinement at itsverybest."
Like art nouveau, art deco often also made women the subject. "At the gallery, we have an enormous work by Rene Vincent, a French art deco artist who produced alarge number of works for the Bon Marchédepartment store[in Paris]," Ms Etingin says "Hisportrayal of women isgenerous,glamorousand vibrant,never gauche,always respectful,andhisattentionto detail isspectacular"
The midcentury modern era in the 1950s and '60s further simplified design, with clean visuals and an emphasis on typography Use of color ensuredimagescontinued to pop.
"There isaseries of Polish zoo posters, done in the 1960s by Waldemar Swierzy, that I love," Ms. Etingin says. "Full of color and verve, they are eye-catching and perfect examplesof midcenturyposter perfection.
"Owning the gallery for roughly 20 years has shown me that every period hascharm, value andpostersthat aresignificant," shesays.
July22nd,2023| 6 - 10:30 PM
TenMileMusic Hall | Frisco,CO
Opener | BeauThomas| 6:00 ?7:30 PM
Headliner | Funkiphino | 8:00 ?10:30 PM
Silent Auction| All-Night
Get readyto FUNK!
Funkiphino is a Colorado-based, 13 member, high-energy funk band infused with explosive horn lines,old-school Hammond organ sounds, and pumpin? bass with intoxicating vocal harmonies Whether performing for the President of the United States in Washington, DC, for major sports franchises, VIP parties catering to Hollywood elite, or for socialite brides across the country, Funkiphino has the energy and talent to bringapartyto life
In 2005, Funkiphino performed at the 55th Presidential Inaugural Ball in Washington, DC The band?s excellence has earned them nominations and spots as Best Funk Band from Westword Magazine and Marquee Magazine, as well as being the ?go-to? band for the Denver Broncos Association and government officials
The band has recorded at numerous venues including thelegendarySkywalker Ranch (GeorgeLucas?studio), in Marin, CA. The band collaborated with horn arranging great DaveEskridge, and wasjoined on their last CD, Rise Above, by Rocco Prestia and Doc Kupka of Tower of Power, Jennifer Batten formerly Michael Jackson?slead guitar player,aswell asmembersof the SanFrancisco Symphonyand Opera
BeauThomasbringsSoul,R&B,and Hip Hopto theColorado HighCountry! Uptempo arrangementsand strongsoulful vocalsare thebackboneto Beau'smusic Based inSummit CountyCO,BeauThomasdelivershighenergysoul renditionsof pop,rock,hip hop,soul,&evencountryhitsfromthen&now
Withanoriginal catalogheavilyinfluenced byMotown&MemphisSoul,contemporaryR&B,andevenundergroundHip Hop,Beau Thomasoffersasoundthat isextremelyuniqueto theregion