We are thrilled to welcome you to the neighborhood!
As you prepare to relocate your team, we would like to offer our services as expert buyers' agents to assist your team. Slifer Smith & Frampton Real Estate has a great depth of experience working in Colorado's real estate market? from sprawling mountain retreats to modern Downtown penthouses to incredible Boulder Valley family homes. As a result, we are particularly well-positioned to assist with home relocation both for primary residences in the Front Range area and second homes in the surrounding mountains.
In the following pages, you will find information about the relocation services we will provide your executive team, background on our company, and an introduction to the Front Range team and market. Please reach out if there is any additional information we can provide.
Thank you for your time in reviewing our proposal and for the opportunity for us to potentially represent your team as they work to relocate to our market. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Slifer Smith&Frampton'steamof Front Rangereal estateprofessionalsknowsthis arealikethebacksof their hands.
Our storyintheFront Rangereal estatemarket startsinBoulder in1968whenJoel Ripmaster foundedhisbrokerage, Colorado Landmark Realtors,to servetheburgeoningmarket withunparalleled knowledgeand integrity.Over theyearshis companygrewto over 50 agentsservingcommunitiesthroughought theBoulder Valley.Their commitment to their communitiesand their clientsled to their acquisitionbySlifer Smith&Framptonin2022,whichnowserveshomebuyersand sellersfromAspento theFront Rangeand isproud to beColorado'slargest independent real estatefirm
InDenver,westartedin1999 asthesalesteamfor DowntownDenver?sRiverfront Park,aneighborhooddeveloped out of theashesof anabandonedrail yardbyour sister company,East West Partners.Together,wetransformedRiverfront Park fromabareswathof dirt into athrivingand sophisticatedurbancommunityof morethan2,000 homes? and sold themall.
Todayweareafull-serviceboutiquereal estatefirm,servingneighborhoodsall acrossthestate.Together,our teamhas workedthroughout thereal estateindustry,fromnewbuildsanddeveloper salesto resalesand fixer-uppers.Webringthese experiencesto everytransaction,thrivingontheincredibleexcitement that comeswiththegrowthof our cityand the peoplemovinghere?and wecan? t wait to sharethat excitement withyou.
- Riverfront Park
1610 LittleRavenStreet #115
- The Coloradan
1750 WewattaStreet #150
- Boulder
2350 Broadway
- Niwot
136 2ndAve
- Louisville
Our missionisto understand andrepresent theuniqueneedsof our HomeBuyersand Sellers whileprovidingexceptional marketplaceanalysisandadvice,outstandingcustomer careand individualizedmarketingstrategiesthat resonatewiththeresidential marketplace.
BridgeStreet,Slifer Smith&Framptoncontinuesto executealuxury
real estatevisionthat prioritizesservice,local expertise,and careful stewardshipof our Colorado communities.
HeadquarteredinAvon,Colorado,SSFhasgrownto includeateamof morethan300 brokersand 100 support staff across32+locationsspanningDenver,theBoulder Valley,theVail Valley,theRoaringFork Valley,and Summit County.Our brokershaveanaverageof 20 years?experience,providingclientswithanunsurpassedwealthof local knowledge.
Our knowledgeislocal but our reachisworld-wide.In2020 wewereproud to joinForbesGlobal Properties,a members-onlymarketplacethat showcasestheworld'sfinest homes,asafoundingmember.Weexclusivelyflythe Forbesbanner incentral Colorado and leveragetheir extensivebackgroundinbusiness,entrepreneurship,and luxuryto aidour clients.
Today,SSFistheNo.1real estatefirmintheVail Valleyand Summit County,theNo.1independent firminthe RoaringFork Valley,and withour acquisitionof Colorado Landmark Realtorsand our growthintheFront Range our brokeragetotaled over $4 billionin2021annual sales.But we'renot doneyet.We'reonamissionto bringour service-first approachto real estateto morehomebuyersand sellersacrossColorado thanever before.
*Source| ReaTrends2022 SALES VOLUME SINCE
It'sthehardwork of our dedicatedbrokersand their manysatisfied clientsthat putsus abovetherest.Therealityof our successisduelargeinpart to our dedicated support staff. In 2019, our family of companies was named the top workplace in Colorado by The Denver Post.
We were also recognized by Outside Magazine as one of the top places to work in the country.
320+ Brokers
125+ Support Staff 10+ Marketing+Digital Specialists
We'renot just ontheFront Range.Our successisrootedthroughout all of our Colorado communities,bringingthetruelocal experienceto themountainsand cityalike.Our teamsarereadyto help youlive,work,and playontheFront Rangeandinthe mountainsjust liketheydo. It'sjust onereasonwhywe'reColorado's#1Independent Real EstateBrokerage.
6M Magazine Readership
Proud to beanexclusivefoudingmember.
ForbesGlobal Propertiesisarobust resourcefor luxuryhomebuyersand sellers? anew curatedconsumer marketplacethat connectsdiscerningbuyersdirectlyto theworld?s finest homesand thetop-tier agentsthat represent them.Slifer
Estatewaschosenasoneof aselect number of foundingpartnersfor ForbesGlobal Properties? andistheonlymember inColorado.
What is Forbes Global Properties?
Established in2020 asashowcaseof luxuryhomesand an invitation-onlyassociationof international real estateexperts, ForbesGlobal Propertiesisanatural extensionof the time-honoredForbesbrand.ForbesGlobal Propertiesleverages theaudienceand worldwidereachof Forbes,oneof themost trustedmediacompaniesfor thelast 100 years,to engage, inform,anddelight buyersand sellersof luxuryproperties.
What makes Forbes Global Properties different?
No other luxuryreal estateplatformhasthesameglobal reachor mediapower asForbes.Abroker-owned,broker-ledorganization, membershipinForbesGlobal Propertiesisreserved for onlythe most distinguished firms.Exclusivemembersfromacrossthe globecollaborateand transact inanenvironment guidedbythe foundingprinciplesof transparency,information,andtrust.
#1 Most trusted magazineintheUS*
50M+ Social Media Followers
58th Most Popular Websitein2020**
132M MonthlyGlobal Visitors
Spanning six continents and over 800 major cities from Bangkok to Barcelona, Luxury Portfolio?s relationships generate thousands of client introductions and sales annually In the U S alone, luxuryportfolio.com curates more properties priced over $1million than any other luxury property website.
Mayfair is our "London office" for our brokers. The boots-on-the-ground approach is unique in international real estate. It means that our brokers can reach out to European buyers at any time rather than waiting for these buyers to find our listings.
Leading RE has connections in all corners of the world? extending membership only to firms that are leaders in their markets and demonstrate shared values like local insight, global worldview, trusted experience and high performance.
$36 billion more than our closest competitor in 2021*
$296B LeadingREU.S. SalesVolume[2021 ]
LuxuryPortfolio International total inventory[asof 05.25.21 ]
$2.5M AveragePropertyprice onLPI [asof 05.25.21 ]
12.3B Press+Social Media ImpressionsonLPI [Jan-Jun2021 ]
Our missionisto cultivateand sustainaninclusiveand welcomingenvironment inwhicheveryonethrivesand feelslikethey belong.Webelieveindoingtheright thingfor eachother and our communities.That startsbylivingtrueto our corevalue, EmbracingDiversity.Theseprinciplesarealwaystopof mindand arenever inquestion.
- Webelieveracism,discriminationand actsof violenceareintolerable.
- Webelievethat beinguniqueispowerful.
- Webelieveinclusionanddiversityareintegral ingredientsto progress.
- Wewill activelypursuediversityandinclusion.
- Wewill commit resourcesto newand existinginitiatives.
- Wewill listenand createopportunitiesfor all voicesto beheard to inspirepositivechange.
Our companybelievesdiversityisafundamental driver of growth,progress,and success.To that end,wehaveadesignatedcommitteededicatedto drivingdiversity,equity,andinclusion initiatives.Our commitment to thoseeffortsisincorporated throughout our EmployeeHandbook and our leadership teamiscurrentlycompletingamulti-part diversity,equity,and inclusion training.Wearealso offeringacertificationto our entirebrokerageteam,withplansto incorporatethosetrainingsinto annual requirementsmovingforward.
At Slifer Smith & Frampton Real Estate, we understand that giving back to our community is a fundamental part of what makes Eagle County a great place to live Through our SSF Foundation, we couldn? t be more excited about being a supporter of a variety of Eagle County organizations
OVER THE YEA RS, THE CHA RITA BLE FOUNDATION OF SSF HA S SUPPORTED OUR MISSION TO TRA NSFORM LIVES, our community, and ourselves. They continued this support with fundraising efforts for our BrightHouse Capital Campaign, which will provide individuals and families a safe place to heal.
The Eagle County and Summit Foundations are 501(c)3 non-profit organizations
Colorado'sFront Rangereal estatemarket hasshowncontinuoussignsof growthover the past fewyears,withrecordsettingperformancesince2020.Withadiverseemployment baseandexcellent work-lifebalance,theFront Rangehasbecomeoneof themost sought after marketsinthecountry.Withsoundfundamental economicsand unparalleledlifestyle desirabilitythisareaispoised for stablegrowthfor yearsto come.
Lowunemployment for thepast decade, lifestyledesirability, and astrong economyalso contributed to the riseinhomeprices.
* 2020/2021U.S.News&Wor d Report Best Placesto Live Market trendsfromhttps://blog.usajrealty.com/.Statistical nformationisdeemedreliablebut not guaranteed.
Since2010,Denver hashad a25percent increasein employment.
Therearemanygreat neighborhoodsand communitiesontheFront Rangeand findingtheright onecanbeachallenge.Withacombinationof local attentionand industry-wide connections,wecangiveyouatruerelocationadvantage:thespecial knowledgethat onlyalocal companycanoffer and theextensivecapabilitiesour global connectionsallow.
- Conf idential needs and lifestyle assessment | Eachmember of your team will work directlyand privatelywithour RelocationManager who will takethe timeto get to knowyouand your family;what isimportant to youand your familyandhowcanwehelp recreateit inyour newcity.Wediscussyour areas of interest and answer all of your questions.Wework to understand your timeframe,budget,housingand familyneeds.Thisallowsusto select thebest salesagent based onyour criteriato ensureapleasant and productivemove.
- Community Information & Resources | Learnmoreabout the area,including schools,demographics,&attractionsfromour experienced teamof brokers.
- Area Tours | Our dedicated teamof relocationtrained salesagentsprovide areatoursthroughout theareato identifycitiesand neighborhoodsof interest.
- Cost Of Living Analysis | Our Cost of Living analysisincludesbuyingpower comparisons,populationinformation,demographics,employment,educational resources,weather,and homesaleactivity.
- Temporary Housing Resources | WithEast West Urban Management inour familyof companiesweareableto accommodatetheshort-termneedsof our transfereesincludingfurnished and unfurnished apartmentsand homes.
- Vendor Recommendations | Wehaveateamof reputableprofessionalsto
assist youbefore,duringand after therelocationand homepurchaseprocess includinglenders,movers,contractors,etc.
- Leasing | Our brokersareexperienced inbothpurchasesand leases,making uspoised to assist no matter theemployee'shomeneeds.
- New construction | Our company'slocal rootsareinnewdevelopment sales and wearewell-equipped withthetoolsand knowledgenecessaryto purchase anewhome.
- Mortgage, insurance, and title services | Wehand-pick theright industry partnersfromour network to meet theneedsof eachclient.
- Fee structure | Our teamispaid throughstandardreal estatecommissionsat thetimeof closing.Aspart of our conciergeservice,wewill also work with our vendorsto securethebest possiblepricingondirect costsfor additional services,such aspacking/moving,short termrentals,long-termleasing, transportation,etc.
Slifer Smith&Framptonworked closelywith theexecutiveteamfor alargenational health carecompanythat relocated to theDenver community. Throughpersonal relationships established withbothour brokersand our leadership team,wesuccessfullyfound Denver-arearesidencesthat suit their needs.
Oncetheysettledin,manyof theexecutiveteammembersturned towardsthemountains insearchof asecond home:theidyllic mountainretreat to complement Denver'scitylife. Our Front Rangeteamconnected themwith our local brokersinthemountaincommunities of Breckenridge,Vail,and Aspen,wheretheyreceived thesamehigh-level servicethey experienced inthecity.
Executive Team RelocationTheywent completely out of their wayto dedicateanenormous amount of timeto themandmadesure myclientshadastrong knowledgeof the market andthat they felt most comfortable duringtheir visits.