July 6, 2013

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We will g lorif y G od by be i n g i n creasi n g ly tran sfo rmed i nto the l i keness of C hri s t

our life together

ANNOUNCEMENTS (continued) Sligo by the Sea: Speaker for July 6 - Stephen Chavez; Speaker for July 13 - Larry Evans First Monday is on hiatus for the summer. Stay tuned for further information. Homecoming 2013: Join the church family and Sligo friends on August 2 & 3 for Homecoming, the theme of which is, “We’ve Only Just Begun.” Former Associate pastor and now a professor at Andrews University, Hyveth Williams, will be our Sabbath morning speaker. Renowned singer, Pastor Wintley Phipps, will be in concert in the evening. Plan to be there and share with the pastors the names of friends and acquaintances to whom you would like a personal invitation to be sent. Women’s Ministry is starting a project to promote awareness about domestic violence in our community. If you are interested in this project please contact, Women’s Ministries Coordinator Joan Francis at jfrancis@wau.edu or Pastor Debbie Eisele at eiseled@sligochurch.org. CHILDREN & YOUTH


July 6, Sabbath Hope Amidst Chaos, Youth Room, 11:00 a.m. July 7, Sunday Youth Fun Day at King’s Dominion! July 8, Monday Regeneration Ministries, Office Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. July 9, Tuesday Prayer Gathering, Sanctuary, 7:00 p.m. July 10, Wednesday Revelation Seminar, Fellowship Hall A, 7:00 p.m. Sligo Book Club, Discipleship Room, 7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room, 7:30 p.m. Youth Game Night, Youth Room, 5:00 p.m. July 12, Friday Hope Amidst Chaos, Youth Room, 7:30 p.m. July 13, Sabbath Hope Amidst Chaos, Youth Room, 11:00 a.m. Homeless Ministry, Discipleship Room, 2:00 p.m. Veggie Tales Movie Premiere, Sanctuary, 6:00 p.m. July 14, Sunday 55+Club Potluck/Brunch, Fellowship Hall A, 10:00 a.m. VBS, Sanctuary, 6:00 p.m.

worship schedule 8:45 and 11:15 a.m.

July 6 July 13


Charles A. Tapp Charles A. Tapp

Tonight: July 13:

8:37 8:34

Kingdom Rock VBS 2013: July 14 - 19, 2013. Enter the epic adventure that empowers kids to stand strong! Here, God’s victorious power isn’t a fairy tale—it changes kids forever. Kids will enjoy games, Bible dramas, crafts, snacks, skits & great songs each day. To register your children and/or serve as a volunteer, visit us at sligochurch.org/vbs For Parents: Each evening during VBS week, July 14 - 19, we will offer a “Full Plate Nutrition” seminar, followed by a Parenting seminar titled, “Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours,” by Dr. Kevin Leman. Veggie Tale Movie Premiere: Join us on Sabbath, July 13 @ 6:00 p.m. here at Sligo SDA Church for a premiere showing of the new Veggie Tales film, “McLarry & the Stinky Cheese Battle” before it is available in stores. For more information please contact Pr. Gerry Lopez at 301.270.6777, ext. 122 or glopez@sligochurch.org Game Night: Take a mid-week break and join us in the Youth Room at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday for our game night! All high-school aged youth are welcome.

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profile of giving JUNE 30, 2013

CHURCH BUDGET: This offering pays for the outreach and

nurture ministries of the church and the church school, along with necessary expenses such as utilities and maintenance of the church building. Last Year:

at worship THE CHURCH

calendar of events

This Year:

June 30 $ 2,156.00 June Online $ 6,992.52 June 30 YTD $ 230,092.18

June 29 $ 6,644.23 June Online $ 11,011.81 June 30 YTD $253,899.26



Air Conditioning: June 29 $ 5,339.00 Total Raised $ 134,811.00 Goal $160,000.00 Needed $ 25,189.00 Tithe: All of these funds are sent to the Potomac Conference. May 2013 contributions are $ 194,421.67 May 2012 contributions are $ 189,548.60 Today’s designated offering goes to Local Church Budget. Loose offering goes to Church Budget.


I’m sure that all of us have experienced times in our lives when we felt that we would be a lot better off in certain areas if only God had answered our prayers and intervened in our behalf. During moments like these our faith in God can suffer a blow that, for the moment, may cause us to feel that all hope is lost. But is it really? In today’s message we will look at one of the most inspiring stories contained within the gospels. It is a story that, I believe, will provide us with a bolt of just the right amount of hope and courage that our weary souls are desperately in need of, as I share the message titled, “Even Now.”

Summary of our Beliefs The Bible is the inspired word of God and our only rule of faith and practice. (2 Timothy 3:16, 17). Jesus Christ is the Divine Son of God and our personal Savior from sin by grace through faith. (John 1:1-3; Ephesians 2:8). Having been saved, followers of Jesus live in obedience to Him by observing the Ten Commandments. (Exodus 20: 1-17; John 14:15). The Sabbath – the seventh day of the week- established by God at creation and honored by Jesus in His earthly ministry, is to be observed by the followers of Jesus. (Exodus 20:8-11; 1 Peter 2:21). Jesus is coming back to earth personally and visibly to raise the righteous dead and give His faithful children of all ages immortality in an earth made new. (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17; Revelation 22:12; 21:1-3).

8:45 & 11:15 A.M.

J U LY 6 , 2 013

directory P: 301.270.6777 EMERGENCY: 301.980.1009 F: 301.270.3518 E: info@sligochurch.org DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HOTLINE: 240.777.4000 SENIOR PASTOR Charles A. Tapp, ext. 126


ADMINISTRATIVE & ADULT MINISTRIES PASTOR Don McFarlane, ext. 116 dmcfarlane@sligochurch.org CONGREGATIONAL CARE PASTOR Debbie Eisele, ext. 127


YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULTS PASTOR Pranitha Fielder, ext. 119


MEDIA AND OUTREACH PASTOR Paolo Esposito, ext. 126


CHILDREN & FAMILY MINISTRIES PASTOR Gerardo Lopez, ext. 122 glopez@sligochurch.org HEAD ELDER Erwin Mack


For additional information on support staff and church officers visit www.sligochurch.org 7700 Carroll Avenue, Takoma Park, MD 20912 I 301.270.6777


a seventh-day adventist church The Washington Adventist University Church

OUR MISSION We s eek to g row passi onate d i sc i pl es of J es us th ro ugh wor shi p of God , nur ture of o ne a noth er,and outreach to the worl d .



Adult Sabbath School

we gather in his name

*Congregation is standing  Congregation is kneeling where possible + 11:15 service only

SANCTUARY – 8:45 A.M. AND 11:15 A.M.

Prelude Let Heavenly Music Fill This Place / Young, arr. Phillips +Songs of Gathering O, How I Love Jesus / No. 248 Welcome and Church Life Paolo Esposito

Leading our music today are: Victor Phillips, organist Jon Gilbertson, chorister Lanika Whyte, soprano Maddy Ndahayo & Salima Omwenga, soloists

we honor and praise him Sylvan Coke & Joan Silver, deacon & deaconess on duty

*Hymn of Praise

I Sing the Mighty Power of God / No. 88


Ken Flemmer

Anthem Let Us Worship / Adams Lanika Whyte, soprano


we reflect +Children’s Message


Bryan Jones

Scripture Mariane Olibrun Hebrews 11:1-6 (NIV) Sermon Charles A. Tapp “Even Now” Invitation to Give Charles A. Tapp Offertory My Faith Looks Up to Thee / arr. Gilbertson Lanika Whyte, soprano

we go to serve *Hymn of Reflection

All the Way / No. 516

Benediction Charles A. Tapp Postlude America / S. Ward, arr. Phillips My Country ‘Tis of Thee / H. Carey, arr. Phillips

Ken Flemmer has been a member of Sligo Church for 10 years. He worked for ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) in various capacities for 29 years. Ken and his wife, Brenda have served a total of 8 years as missionaries in Japan, Liberia and Singapore. Ken loves his garden and is a 5th generation Adventist. Last Sabbath, the church in North Dakota, which was founded by his forefathers celebrated its 100th anniversary.

SANCTUARY – 10:00 A.M.

Song Service

Judith Pino

Theme Song Higher Ground / No. 625 Welcome

Scripture & Prayer Special Music Flee as a Bird Mission Feature Revival for Mission Lesson Study Revival: Our Great Need Benediction & Offering

welcome Andre Mikhailenko The Tomenko Family Judith Pino Bogdan Scur Class Leaders Class Leaders

Fred Weber, organist

Let us hear from you! To write the pastors a note, make a prayer request, or inquire about becoming a member of Sligo Church, please use a card from the hymnal rack. ANNOUNCEMENTS Simple Truths for Life: Sligo’s Radio Ministry, can be heard each Sabbath morning from 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. on WGTS 91.9 FM. Listen with a friend, then invite them to come to church in person at 11:15 a.m. We hold in prayer those who: Request healing: Scharais Sullivan Thompson, Cacilda Couto, Usha Alexander, Garland Day, Pat Habada, Javen Lunsford, Jack Wright & Karen Ott-Worrow Have lost loved ones: Jonathan Mowry & Karnik Doukmetzian We grieve the loss of our members, Excelie Cruickshank & Henrietta Faakye Today’s Sanctuary Flowers are given by Prabha and Prakash Borge in gratitude to God for His blessings and recent success in their family. Fellowship Lunch: After the 11:15 a.m. service, everyone is invited to join us for “Just Desserts” in the Atrium, hosted by the Joseph & Griffin team.

Bryan Jones is a Sophomore at Washington Adventist University, majoring in Theology. His hobbies include reading and traveling.

Air-Conditioning Upgrading: The deadline to raise $160,000 for the Air-Conditioning Upgrading is August 3, 2013. So far, we have $134,811 in hand, and still need to raise $25,189. Should you wish to give to this project, please make your contribution via the “Giving Envelope” to Church Building Improvement Fund.

Mariane Olibrun recently moved to the Washington Metropolitan area from the state of Florida. She was baptized in 2002 and has three Bachelor’s degrees, respectively in Exercise Science, Food & Nutrition and Criminology. She discovered Sligo Church while googling Seventh-day Adventist churches in the area. Mariane is happy to call Sligo Church her spiritual home.

sabbath devotional We often look for reasons to justify or validate our faith, as if by justifying it or having solid reasons for it we can be sure of it. Yet many times faith works the other way around. That is perhaps what led C.S. Lewis to say:

Revelation Seminar: We invite you to join us on Wednesday nights (June 26 - September 11) at 7:00 p.m. in the Discipleship Room as we study the book of Revelation. Discover this book’s message of hope, meaning and purpose in our everyday lives. For further information, contact Victor Kindo at 301.270.6777, ext. 229

Lanika Whyte graduated from Washington Adventist University and is a former Sligo Church Office Secretary/Receptionist She now works as a Registered Nurse and sings throughout the Metropolitan area.

“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”

Sligo Women’s Ministries Book Club will meet on Wednesday, July 10 at 7:00 p.m. in the Discipleship Room to discuss “The World We Found” by Thrity Umrigar.

May our faith be the light that allows us to see things around us the way they really are.

Sligo Church Needs Receptionists: We are in need of volunteers who can provide the church between two hours and eight hours service in this area of ministry each week. Training will be provided for volunteers. If interested, please contact Kathleen Driscoll at 301.270.6777, ext. 239 or kdriscoll@sligochurch.org

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