Updated: 5/1/18 Consecration Friday, May 4, 2018 7:30 P.M. Prelude:
Prelude in A Minor
Dietrich Buxtehude
The Congregation is requested to remain seated for the Processional Processional:
Festive Trumpet Tune
David German
Please stand for the Invocation Invocation
Andrea Baldwin, Chair & Professor Business & Communication
Please stand and join in singing Hymn:
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
No. 12 Hymn of Joy Ludwig van Beethoven
Please be seated Scripture Reading
Psalms 37: 4-5 John 16: 33
Musical Selection:
Precious Lord Imani Kindred WAU Jazz Ensemble
Kim Reid, Graduate (English) Vishrante Sathe, SGPS Graduate (Hindi) Sharon Sequiera, Graduate (Spanish) EvVeta Charles, Graduate (French) Cynthia Jeremiah, Graduate (Bahasa Malaysia) Jefferly Toussaint, Graduate (Haitian Creole)
Ralph Johnson, Dean Betty Howard Center of Student Success
Musical Selection:
Prelude in D-flat Major “Raindrop” Alexandra Engelkemier, Graduate
Class Reflections – Video Presentation Eloney Perry-Ryan, Graduate *Flower Distribution* Meghan Fakeye, Graduate
*Flowers given to families & faculty*
Frederic Chopin
Updated: 5/1/18
Introduction of Speaker
Consecration Address
Patrick Williams, Dean
“It’s Yours Because You’re His”
Marquis Johns, Pastor North Philadelphia SDA Church, Class of ‘17
Class Pastor’s Response
Elijah Stanley, Class Pastor
Meghan Fakeye, Graduate
Musical Selection:
O Lord Most Holy, Jefferly Toussaint
César Franck
Please remain standing for the Litany of Consecration Litany of Consecration
Cheryl Kisunzu, Leader Tamie Metellus-Turner, Graduate Julienne Metellus, Parent of Graduate
Leader: Lord, we now present this class of committed overcomers to You in this time of crisis and opportunity. May they remember that “in the world you will have trouble but take heart, God has overcome the world.” May they commit their abilities to You. Graduates: As we begin our new roles, we accept the challenge, to trust in the Lord and to engage in a life of service. We recognize that we are gifted differently, not because we should be separate or alienated from each other. We are different, precisely in order to realize our need for each other. Faculty/Staff/Administration: We have guided, nurtured, and shaped you during your years at Washington Adventist University. As you leave, we pray for your continued commitment to serve in families and corporations, in businesses and schools, in hospitals and houses of worship—teaching, ministering, healing, and working for justice and equality. Parents: Lord, may they use their talents for the good of humanity—knowing that their maturity will be judged by how well they are able to disagree and yet continue to love one another, to cherish one another, to seek the greater good of each other. Leader: Forgive us Lord for having treated with disdain the weak, the poor, the unemployed, the immigrants, the depressed, the “failures.” Forgive us for not living out your love. Graduates: Forgive us for not showing compassion and care, for making power and money the gods at whose altars we have bowed our knees. Now give us grace to trust in You and do good. Faculty/Staff/Administration: Lord, give them the courage to acknowledge their inadequacies and to rely on You for strength, for You have overcome the world.
Updated: 5/1/18
Graduates: Give us wisdom to understand and to act justly, to use our diverse talents faithfully—not for personal advancement but for ministering to our broken homes and fractured communities. Congregation: Give them good judgment to be models of authentic living, so others can learn of your love. Protect them from the gods of power, gold, and greed. Graduates: As we leave the protection and support of this campus environment, we committed overcomers, trust in the Lord to grant us the desires of our hearts and pledge to serve Him and humanity. All: Be at peace, God has promised to be with you. So Lord, give them the audacious compassion to be the humble servants this world needs. Leader: Lord, help the graduates to remember that “in the world you will have troubles, but take heart, God has overcome the world.” Graduates: Lord, with our varied gifts and abilities, we accept the challenge and present ourselves for consecration to You, for active service to humanity. ~ Joan A. Francis (Sponsor for Class of 2018)
Please stand and join in singing the Hymn of Consecration Hymn of Consecration:
Lead On, O King Eternal (one verse)
No. 619 Lancashire Shelia Barckley, Graduate
Please be seated for the Recessional Recessional:
Grand Choeur Dialogue
Eugene Gigout
Festival Toccata
Perry Fletcher
Paul Byssainthe, organ Daniel Lau, piano WAU Jazz Ensemble: Andre Salva, piano Steve Jones, keyboard Jonathan Beebe, trombone Richard Grant, drums
*No Flash Photography please* (30 minutes after service for photos)
Updated: 5/1/18
Sabbath School May 5, 2018 10:00 A.M. Class of 2018 Prelude:
Morning Has Broken
Arr. Lani Smith
Nikiba Richards, Graduate
Please stand and join in singing Hymn:
O Worship the King
No. 83 Lyons
Opening Prayer
Musical Selection:
Lesson Study
Decie Bowens, Graduate
Romanza Erica Ellis, clarinet Study Leaders:
Mikhail Kulakov, Professor, Department of Religion Elijah Stanley, Graduate
Sabbath School Offering Offertory:
Bernie Lajoie, Graduate My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
Closing Prayer Postlude:
Francis Poulenc
Arr. Alice Jordan
Stewart Hill, Graduate In Thee Alone, O Christ, My Lord Debby Szasz, organ Daniel Lau, piano
*No Flash Photography please*
Johann Pachebel
Updated: 5/1/18
Baccalaureate May 5, 2018 11:00 A.M. Sligo Live
Cheryl Kisunzu, Provost
Old 100th Psalm Tune
Ralph Vaughn Williams
The congregation is requested to remain seated for the Processional Processional:
Crown Imperial: A Coronation March
Welcome and Church Life
William Walton Don McFarlane, Pastor Administration and Adult Ministries Baraka Muganda, VP of Ministry Washington Adventist University
Call to Worship
Raysa Creque, Graduate
Please stand and join in singing the Hymn of Praise Hymn of Praise:
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven
No. 4 Lauda anima
Remain standing for the Invocation Invocation
Olabowale Olola, Graduate
Please be seated Anthem:
Let All The World In Every Corner Sing
Ralph Vaughn Williams
Bogdan Scur, Associate Professor Department of Religion
Children’s Message
Gerardo Lopez, Children and Family Ministry Pastor, Sligo SDA Church
Introduction of Speaker
Weymouth Spence, President
Updated: 5/1/18 Scripture Reading
Mark 10: 46-52
Kimani Joseph, Graduate
How Great Thou Art
Dan Forrest
“CHUTZPAH: A Key for Committed Overcomers
Hyveth Williams, Professor, Director of Homiletics Andrews University, Class of ‘85
Invitation to Give
Aaliyah Payton, Graduate
I Can Tell The World
Moses Hogan
Please stand and join in singing the Hymn of Dedication Hymn of Dedication:
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
No. 538 Cwm Rhondda Zjayah Ortega, Graduate
Benediction Response:
A Choral Benediction
Derrick Johnson
Pomp and Circumstance March No. 4
Edward Elgar
Please be seated for the Recessional Recessional:
Columbia Collegiate Chorale of Washington Adventist University Anwar Ottley, director New England Youth Ensemble of Washington Adventist University Preston Hawes, director Paul Byssainthe, organ *No Flash Photography please*
Updated: 5/1/18
Commencement May 6, 2018 10:00 A.M. Prelude:
Canzona per Sonare No. 4
Giovanni Gabrieli
Canzon Septimi Toni No. 2
G. Gabrieli Arr. David Marlatt
President Processional:
Trumpet Voluntary
Jeremiah Clarke/Purcell Arr. José Luis Oviedo
Faculty Processional:
Te Deum
Marc-Antoine Charpentier Arr. William Percher
Graduate Processional:
Pomp and Circumstance March
Edward Elgar Arr. Jack Gale
Olive Hemmings, Professor Department of Religion
Cheryl Kisunzu, Provost
Albert Reece, MD, Trustee
Psalms 37: 4-5 John 16:33
Bradford Haas, Chair & Associate Professor English & Modern Languages & Director, Honors College
SGPS Representative
Vishrante Sathe, SGPS Representative
Class President’s Address
Eloney Perry-Ryan, Class President
Conferring of Honors and Awards
Weymouth Spence, President
Gateway to Service Awards Introduction of Speaker
Commencement Address
Weymouth Spence, President
“Critical Thinking: Demands Change, Vision, Faith, & Patience”
Richard Paul, MD, Class of ‘62
Updated: 5/1/18
Conferring of Degrees
Weymouth Spence, President Cheryl Kisunzu, Provost
Presentation of Diplomas
Reginald Garcon, Registrar Patrick Williams, Academic Dean Nicole Currier, SGPS Academic Dean
President’s Charge
Weymouth Spence, President
Class Appreciation
Meghan Fakeye, Class Treasurer Elijah Stanley, Class Pastor
Welcome to Alumni
Shawn Fordham, 2016-2018 President Alumni Association
Alma Mater
Hail, Washington! Courtney Jenkins, Graduate Alexandra Engelkemier, Graduate Daniela Mantilla, Graduate Jefferly Toussaint, Graduate
Clemen Hamer
Alvin Fuentes, Assistant Professor Health, Wellness, & Physical Education Pomp and Circumstance March No.4
OviBrass Ensemble José Luis Oviedo, director José Luis Oviedo, trumpet Chris Gekker, trumpet Neil Brown, trumpet Kevin McKee, trumpet Peter Morris, horn Justin Drew, horn Stephen Omelsky, trombone Zenas Kim-Banther, trombone John William Banther, tuba Willie Clark, tuba
Edward Elgar
Updated: 5/1/18
The Adrian T. Westney Award for Excellence in Community Service Dr. Adrian T. Westney (1927-2009) an exemplary pastor and educator was a 1962 graduate of Washington Adventist University and is listed in an on-line article as one of its outstanding graduates. Born on the island of Jamaica and receiving his initial education there, Dr. Westney worked on two continents (North and South America), various islands of the sea (including Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Barbados) and several states in the United States of America. He served the church at various levels including: district pastor, teacher, dean of men, academy principal, local conference departmental director, and union conference departmental director. He had a long and distinguished career in ministry exemplified by service in and dedication to education, educational administration, religious liberty, pastoral care, and broadcasting. Dr. Westney was a mentor to many, a confidant to more than a few, an inspiration to thousands, a leader of leaders, a guide and nurturer of many troubled souls, as well as a beloved chaplain to many veterans and sick or needy persons. His visionary leadership and selfless service saw innovation through the founding of churches, schools, homes for the aged and innovative programs. He brought the word "religious liberty" into the homes and vocabulary of thousands of people in the Washington DC area through his weekly WGTS 91.9 radio program Talking About Freedom. He was truly a diplomatic trailblazer who gave yeoman’s service to God, society, and “the least of these.” In fact a quote from his biographical tribute reads: “The life of Adrian Westney can be characterized as untiring service to mankind. In addition to his official work, Adrian gave of his time and talents, and established needed support systems for his church and community. . .” The Adrian T. Westney Award for Excellence in Community Service is a reminder of what Dr. Westney stood for— unparalleled dedication, unmatched performance, inspirational service that goes “above and beyond”—that makes a difference and of what each individual can do to make this a better world. Each of the recipients, in his or her own way, would have demonstrated the essence of what Dr. Westney saw as the special and challenging responsibility of comprehensive and empathic service.