We will g lorif y G od by be i n g i n creasi n g ly tran sfo rmed i nto the l i keness of C hri s t
FOOTNOTES J. Brent Walker is Executive Director of the Baptist Joint Committee, one of America’s best-known religious liberty advocacy organizations. He is an author, an ordained minister, and a member of the U.S. Supreme Court Bar. His office publishes the widely read “Report from the Capitol” ten times annually. Karla Rivera Bucklew, who holds degrees in vocal performance from Washington Adventist University and the University of Maryland, has toured the world as a soprano soloist. In addition to her solo career, she directed the Georgetown Presbyterian Chorale for nine years and currently sings with the Choir of the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. Walter E. Carson serves as vice president and general counsel of the Columbia Union Conference, where he chairs its Public Affairs and Religious Liberty department. In 1986 he successfully argued a religious liberty case before the U.S. Supreme Court. John Graz is Director of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty department at the General Conference. As Secretary General of the International Religious Liberty Association he plans and hosts regional and world congresses for religious liberty experts and the general public. Orlan Johnson is the North American Division’s newly appointed Religious Liberty Director. In addition to his law practice, Mr. Johnson served as President Obama’s appointee to the Securities Investor Protection Corporation. Noelene Johnsson has been a member at Sligo Church since 1980. Prior to her retirement in 2006 she served as Children’s Ministries director for the North American Division. She is an Australian by birth and American by choice, but part of her is still in India where she and her husband, Bill Johnsson served for 15 years. Carol Stewart has been a member at Sligo since 1975. She enjoys participating in the various ministries of the church and has held nearly every major office in the church. She was the Director of the Primary Sabbath School Department for several years. Among her many hobbies is the care of her dogs. Rob Vandeman is one of the North American Division’s best known and respected administrators. Currently Executive Secretary of the Columbia Union, he served earlier as president of the Chesapeake Conference and as a senior pastor in Spencerville and Minneapolis. Follow us now on Facebook and Twitter
September 28, Saturday Religious Liberty Program, Sanctuary, 4:00 p.m. September 30, Monday Regeneration Ministries, Office Conf. Room, 7:00 p.m. October 1, Tuesday Prayer Gathering, Sanctuary, 7:00 p.m. October 2, Wednesday Sligo Ringers, SAS - Room 114, 7:00 p.m. Knit Night, Prayer Room, 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room, 7:30 p.m. October 5, Saturday Premiere of Adventist II, Sanctuary, 7:00 p.m.
Welcome to our Religious Liberty day. We extend a special welcome to all our guests, in particular to J. Brent Walker, Executive Director of the Baptist Joint Committee. We serve a God who believes in freedom of choice and who has given to each human being that freedom. Our relationship with God is based upon that freedom. As a church, we are concerned about protecting our own religious freedom. At the same time, we are also concerned about promoting and protecting the religious freedom of others, so that they can relate to God in the way they choose to. Religious freedom also requires us to be fair and accurate in describing the religious beliefs and practices of others. Please join me in praying that our worship experience today will deepen our understanding of God’s love and our appreciation of the freedom of choice.
worship schedule Friday, October 4 Reflections, Fellowship Hall A, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, October 5 Church Service, Sanctuary, 8:45 & 11:15 a.m., Speaker: Dr. Gaspar Colon Sligo Underground, Youth Room, 11:15 a.m., (Youth & Young Adult Service) Crossroads, WAU Activity Center, 11:15 a.m., (WAU Collegiate Service) Mizo Service, Office Chapel, 11:15 a.m.
profile of giving SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 CHURCH BUDGET: This offering pays for the outreach and
nurture ministries of the church and the church school, along with necessary expenses such as utilities and maintenance of the church building. Last Year: Sept. 22 $ 5,919.25 Sept. 22 YTD $372,116.58
This Year: Sept. 21 $ 6,296.49 Sept. 21 YTD $ 376,077.18
at worship THE CHURCH
calendar of events
Media Projects: Sept. 21 $ 522.00 Total Raised $ 10,390.59 Goal $45,000.00 Needed $ 34,609.41 Tithe: All of these funds are sent to the Potomac Conference. August 2013 contributions are $ 229,808.94 August 2012 contributions are $ 208,528.56 Today’s designated offering goes to Potomac Partners. Loose offering goes to Church Budget.
Summary of our Beliefs • The Bible is the inspired word of God and our only rule of faith and practice. (2 Timothy 3:16, 17). • Jesus Christ is the Divine Son of God and our personal Savior from sin by grace through faith. (John 1:1-3; Ephesians 2:8). • Having been saved, followers of Jesus live in obedience to Him by observing the Ten Commandments. (Exodus 20: 1-17; John 14:15). • The Sabbath – the seventh day of the week- established by God at creation and honored by Jesus in His earthly ministry, is to be observed by the followers of Jesus. (Exodus 20:8-11; 1 Peter 2:21). • Jesus is coming back to earth personally and visibly to raise the righteous dead and give His faithful children of all ages immortality in an earth made new. (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17; Revelation 22:12; 21:1-3). • Our love for God is demonstrated primarily by our love for our fellowmen. (1 John 4:20; Matthew 25:34-40)
8:45 & 11:15 A.M.
S E P T E M B E R 2 8 , 2 013
directory P: 301.270.6777 EMERGENCY: 301.980.1009 F: 301.270.3518 E: info@sligochurch.org DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HOTLINE: 240.777.4000 SENIOR PASTOR Charles A. Tapp, ext. 126
ADMINISTRATIVE & ADULT MINISTRIES PASTOR Don McFarlane, ext. 116 dmcfarlane@sligochurch.org CONGREGATIONAL CARE PASTOR Debbie Eisele, ext. 127
YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULTS PASTOR Pranitha Fielder, ext. 119
MEDIA AND OUTREACH PASTOR Paolo Esposito, ext. 136
CHILDREN & FAMILY MINISTRIES PASTOR Gerardo Lopez, ext. 122 glopez@sligochurch.org HEAD ELDER Erwin Mack
For additional information on support staff and church officers visit www.sligochurch.org 7700 Carroll Avenue, Takoma Park, MD 20912 I 301.270.6777
a seventh-day adventist church The Washington Adventist University Church
OUR MISSION We s eek to g row passi onate d i sc i pl es of J es us th ro ugh wor shi p of God , nur ture of o ne a noth er,and outreach to the worl d .
we gather in his name
Offertory I Need Thee Every Hour / arr. K. Kaiser Karla Rivera Bucklew, soprano +Laudate Dominum / Mozart Karla Rivera Bucklew, soprano
SANCTUARY – 8:45 A.M. AND 11:15 A.M.
Prelude The Rejoicing / Callahan +Saint Paul, Overture / Mendelssohn
we go to serve *Hymn of Reflection
In Christ There Is No East nor West / No. 587
Adult Sabbath School SANCTUARY – 10:00 A.M.
Song Service
Judith Pino
Theme Song Higher Ground / No. 625
Sasha Ross
Scripture & Prayer
Melissa Reid
Special Music Have Faith in God / John Calvert
Judith Pino
+Song of Gathering Christ for the World / No. 370 Welcome and Church Life Don McFarlane we honor and praise him
O praise the Lord, all ye nations, Praise him, all ye peoples. For his loving kindness is bestowed upon us, And the truth of the Lord endures forever.
*Hymn of Praise
Be Thou My Vision / No. 547
Rob Vandeman
Anthem Give Me Jesus / Johnson Karla Rivera Bucklew, soprano +Psalm 46 / Beck Orchestration / Bingham
we reflect +Children’s Message Scripture Joshua 24:14-15 +Matt. 22:15-22; Gal. 5:13-14 +Music for Meditation Day By Day / arr. Young Karla Rivera Bucklew, soprano Sermon Joshua’s Farewell +Two Sides of the Same Coin
Don McFarlane
+Benedictory Response God Be In My Head / Rutter
+Call to Prayer Hear My Prayer / Beck Prayer
Gerry Lopez
Carol Stewart Noelene Johnsson
Postlude Postlude on St. Denio / Callahan +Symphony No. 5 “Reformation,” Andante con moto / Mendelssohn
Benediction & Offering
*Congregation is standing Congregation is kneeling where possible + 11:15 service only
Fred Weber, organist
Leading our music today are: Victor Phillips Jr., organist Jon Gilbertson, chorister & pianist Karla Rivera Bucklew, soprano Mark DiPinto, pianist Columbia Collegiate Chorale of Washington Adventist University James Bingham, director
Walter E. Carson J. Brent Walker
+Celebration of Ministry
Rob Vandeman Walter Carson
Invitation to Give
Don McFarlane
Mission Feature John Graz Lesson Study Orlan Johnson The Promised Revival: God’s Mission Completed
New England Youth Ensemble of Washington Adventist University Preston Hawes, director Jidong Zhong, pianist
Sasha Ross
sunset Tonight: 6:57 Oct. 5: 6:46
ANNOUNCEMENTS Simple Truths for Life: Sligo’s Radio Ministry, can be heard each Sabbath morning from 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. on WGTS 91.9 FM. Listen with a friend, then invite them to come to church in person at 11:15 a.m. We hold in prayer those who: Request healing: Nirmal Nowrangi, Louis Tilts, Poleta Hutchinson, Dharam Thamby & David Lazarus We grieve the loss of our members, Taylor Clapp A memorial service will be held for Taylor Clapp on Sunday, September 29 at 3:00 p.m. in Spencerville Seventh-day Adventist Church. Nominating Report (second reading): Administrative Board: Jonathan Mowry and Marcus Robinson Adult Sabbath School Assoc. Superintendent: Yuri Tomenko Adult Sabbath School Teacher: Yealuri Rathan Raj Deacon: Troy Campbell
sabbath devotional
“The day you trust in Him [Jesus] is the day He delivers you from fear and opens your eyes to who you truly are.” - IN TOUCH MINISTRIES “He has sent me to bind up the
Blair Peace & Becky Ratana, deacon & deaconess on duty
Let us hear from you! To write the pastors a note, make a prayer request, or inquire about becoming a member of Sligo Church, please use a card from the hymnal rack.
brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners” - ISAIAH 61:1
Church League Basketball teams: Our Varsity and Pony teams will hold tryouts on Tuesday, October 1 at Sligo Adventist School Gym - Pony team at 6:00 p.m. and Varsity team at 7:00 p.m. For more information please contact coach Mike Edwards at 240.485.7510 2014 Youth Mission Trip: Registration for the 2014 Youth Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic from July 20 - 27, 2014 is now open! The cost of the trip is $1000 and a $100 deposit is due by September 30. If you are interested, please contact the Youth Department for more information. Mark your calendars! Kids Church will be held on Sabbath, November 9, from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in the Primary II Room. Our theme is “Hide and Seek.” Religious Liberty: Commencing at 4:00 this afternoon, Karla Rivera Bucklew will be in concert, followed by a panel discussion that addresses some of the key religious liberty issues in our time. Youth Basketball Tryouts: On Tuesday, October 1, at 6:30 p.m., there will be tryouts for the upcoming basketball season in the Sligo School Gym. We look forward to seeing all who are interested.