Sligo Bulletin July 2nd, 2016

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We will g lorif y G od by be i n g i n creasi n g ly tran sfo rmed i nto the l i keness of C hri s t

our life together



Welcome to Sligo Church. How are you feeling today? It’s in our nature to take assessment of ourselves each day, even when we are not conscious that we are doing July 2, Saturday so. If you’re climbing the proverbial hill, you might be Young Adults GLOW, Memorial Chapel, 9:30 a.m. feeling the effects of age, which are often real and occasionally imagined. Maybe some ailment has taken July 3, Sunday over your life and has begun to shackle your freedom and possibly David Phelps Concert, Sanctuary, 5:00 p.m. your happiness. Today’s sermon, titled, “The Healer’s Voice,” is July 4, Monday, Independence Day Holiday intended to remind us of the source of real freedom and happiness, Regeneration Ministries is canceled and the fact that Jesus takes an interest in us individually. He knows Church Office is closed our specific needs and our innermost longings. He knows us by name! My prayer is that you’ll find the peace that passes understanding July 6, Wednesday through the healing of your soul and the nourishing of your body Prayer Gathering, Sanctuary, 7:00 p.m. in Jesus Christ. May you be blessed as we worship together in His (or by phone: 949.229.4400 Pin:4997774#, 7:35 p.m.) Sanctuary.

calendar of events

CHILDREN & YOUTH Mark your calendars for Vacation Bible School 2016! This year’s theme is “Cavequest” - following Jesus, the light of the world! Join us July 10 – 16, from 6:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. as we teach God’s Word to the children in our community. Appeal to all adults: VBS needs food and fruit donations. Every year at our VBS we feed 150 volunteers and 250 children. Fruit schedule: • Sunday, July 10: Watermelon & Cantaloupe • Monday, July 11: Strawberries, Blueberries & Pineapple • Tuesday, July 12: Grapes & Pineapple • Wednesday, July 13: Watermelon & Cantaloupe • Thursday, July 14: Grapes & Strawberries In addition to fruits, the following food donations are also needed: shredded cheese, spaghetti, sandwich bread, cookies, potato chips, garlic bread, romaine lettuce, burger buns, salsa, tortilla chips, and tomatoes. Please drop off these much needed items in the church kitchen. Thank you!

MISCELLANEOUS Bulletin information deadline is Monday evening! E-mail information to: Sligo Live: If you have a story, a subject or an individual that you would like to see featured on Sligo Live, please contact Pastor McFarlane at <> or 301.270.6777, ext. 116 Sunset: Sabbath celebration ends today at 8:37 p.m. and commences on Friday, July 8 at 8:36 p.m. *Consent To Use Photographic Images: Sligo SDA Church films all worship services. Attendance at, or participation in Sligo worship services constitutes an agreement by the participant to Sligo’s use and distribution of the attendee’s image, voice, or likeness in photos, video, electronic reproduction and audio tapes of such activities.

July 7, Thursday - Richard Castillo Exercise Class, Office Chapel, 6:30 p.m.

Summary of our Beliefs

worship schedule SABBATH, July 9 Church Service, Sanctuary, 8:45 & 11:00 a.m. Speaker: Pr. Claudio Consuegra Sligo Underground, Youth Room, 11:00 a.m. Mizo Service, Office Chapel, 11:00 a.m. Kerala Church, WAU Richards Hall, 10:00 a.m. Sligo by the Sea, St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, 10301 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, 11:00 a.m. Speaker: Steve Chavez

profile of giving - June 25

CHURCH BUDGET: This offering pays for the outreach and

nurture ministries of the church and the church school, along with necessary expenses such as utilities and maintenance of the church building. Last Year: June 27 $ 9,417 June 27 YTD $244,258

This Year: June 25 June 25YTD

$ 9,584 $ 259,911

Total Raised Needed

CHRIST FIRST J U LY 2 , 2 016 8:45 & 11:00 A.M.

directory PHONE: 301.270.6777 EMERGENCY: 301.980.1009 FAX: 301.270.3518 WEBSITE: Domestic Violence Hotline: 240.777.4000


Church Building Improvement: Greenwood Avenue Entrance Women’s Bathrooms June 25 YTD $ 35,286 Total Raised Atrium Roof and Skylight: June 25 $ 250 Goal $ 350,000 Outstanding Pledges $45,206

• The Bible is the inspired word of God and our only rule of faith and practice. (2 Timothy 3:16, 17). • Jesus Christ is the Divine Son of God and our personal Savior from sin by grace through faith. (John 1:1-3; Ephesians 2:8). • Having been saved, followers of Jesus live in obedience to Him by observing the Ten Commandments. (Exodus 20: 1-17; John 14:15). • The Sabbath – the seventh day of the week- established by God at creation and honored by Jesus in His earthly ministry, is to be observed by the followers of Jesus. (Exodus 20:8-11; 1 Peter 2:21). • Jesus is coming back to earth personally and visibly to raise the righteous dead and give His faithful children of all ages immortality in an earth made new. (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17; Revelation 22:12; 21:1-3). • Our love for God is demonstrated primarily by our love for our fellowmen. (1 John 4:20; Matthew 25:34-40).

SENIOR PASTOR Charles A. Tapp, ext. 126

BUDGET FOR JUNE 25 YTD: $246,239

$ 176,561

$ 19,383 $ 330,617

Tithe: All of these funds are sent to the Potomac Conference. Last Year: This Year: June 27 $ 39,622 June 25 $ 37,493 June 27 YTD $ 1,137,069 June 25 YTD $1,168,176 2016 Goal $2,800,000 Remaining Goal$1,631,824 Today’s designated offering goes to Local Church Budget. Loose offering goes to Church Budget.

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at worship THE CHURCH


PASTOR FOR DISCIPLESHIP & CONGREGATIONAL CARE Pranitha Fielder, ext. 127 PASTOR FOR YOUTH & YOUNG ADULTS Joseph Khabbaz, ext. 119 PASTOR FOR CHILDREN & FAMILY MINISTRIES Gerardo Lopez, ext. 122 PASTOR FOR MEDIA & OUTREACH Richard Castillo, ext. 136 PASTOR FOR WORSHIP Cheryl Wilson-Bridges, ext. 123

ADVENTIST COMMUNITY SERVICES HEAD ELDER Ken Flemmer 301.585.6556 Erwin Mack 301.434.1622 HEAD DEACON Manuel Rosette 301.370.1255

7700 Carroll Avenue, Takoma Park, MD 20912 I 301.270.6777

The Washington Adventist University Church

OUR MISSION We s eek to g row passi onate d i sc i pl es of J es us th ro ugh wor shi p of God , nur ture of o ne a noth er,and outreach to the worl d .


THE CHURCH AT WORSHIP *Congregation is standing  Congregation is kneeling where possible + 11:00 service only

we gather in his name SANCTUARY – 8:45 A.M. AND 11:00 A.M.

Sligo Live Mizo Church

Sylvan Coke & Marjorie Sleeman, deacon & deaconess on duty

Cheryl Wilson-Bridges

Leading our music today are: Paul Byssainthe, Jr., organist Judith Pino, chorister

Prelude Houston / Rebecca Groom te Velde +Song of Gathering I Will Sing of My Redeemer / No. 343

The Brothers of Community Praise Center (CPC) Leonardo Rowe, Robert Browne, Derek Marandure, David Willis, Martin Thomas & Andrew Jeremiah

Welcome & Church Life Cheryl Wilson-Bridges we honor and praise him

The Brothers of CPC are an a cappella group who love the Lord and use their talents to give Him praise. They are comprised of faithful friends who serve their church in various ministries. The group was founded in 2008 and since then has traveled throughout the East Coast singing God’s glory.

*Hymn of Praise I Love to Tell the Story / No. 457  Prayer

Seth Ewoo +Deric Tomenko

Anthem I Believe in a Hill Called Mount Calvary / Bill & Gloria Gaither we reflect

+Children’s Message

Mary McFarlane

Scripture Mark 2:11-12 (NIV) +Music for Meditation Sweet Sweet Spirit / Doris Mae Akers

Jessica Rohaly +Keri Tomenko

Sermon My Healer’s Voice Invitation to Give

Seth Ewoo and Jessica Rohaly met seven years ago. They are engaged and plan to be married later this month. Jessica is an 8th grade Language and Art/English teacher and Seth is a Senior Training Manager for AT&T University. Deric and Keri Tomenko have been attending Sligo Church for the past 19 years. They live in Takoma Park with their three children and they both share a love of music.

Adult Sabbath School SANCTUARY – 10:00 A.M.

Song Service

Roland Halstead Let us hear from you! To write the pastors a note, make a prayer request, or inquire about becoming a member of Sligo Church, please use a card from the hymnal rack.

Theme Song Let Your Heart Be Broken / No. 575 Scripture & Prayer

Enoch Thomas

Special Feature Enoch Thomas Lesson Study The Restoration of All Things Prayer Enoch Thomas

Paul Byssainthe, Jr., pianist

Richard Castillo

Offertory Sinner Saved by Grace /Bill and Gloria Gaither we go to serve

n e x t w e e k , h e r e a t S l i g o . . . We will celebrate our family ministries weekend and begin our Vacation Bible School with a theme that emphasizes “Growing Great Families.” Our guest speaker will be pastor Claudio Consuegra and our musical guest will be vocalist Dwight Monkou.

Richard Castillo

Postlude Toccata on Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart / Albert L. Travis

Simple Truths for Life: Sligo’s Radio Ministry, can be heard each Sabbath morning from 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. on WGTS 91.9 FM. Listen with friends, then invite them to come to church in person at 11:00 a.m. Download past episodes or subscribe to future episodes for free from Simple Truths for Life by Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church from the iTunes Store. You can also go to simpletruthsforlife. org/podcast Prayer Requests Families of these deceased: Nancy Szasz, John Weir, Darrell (Lyn) Reich, Jr. & Patricia Germain People requesting healing/comfort: Yvonne Bob-Semple, Alex Joseph & Juanitta Leigh

Sanctuary flowers: If you would like to enhance the beauty of our worship by providing flowers, please contact Flor Balay at the Church Office, 301-270- 6777, ext. 114.

“Forgiveness is the final form of love.” - Reinhold Niebuhr

*Hymn of Reflection Wonderful Peace / No. 466 *Benediction


The family of Patricia Germain, who recently passed away, would like to express their sincere gratitude for the outpouring of prayers, support, encouraging words, flowers, cards and food during this difficult time in their lives. They are thankful to have such a loving church family.

sabbath devotional Richard Castillo



JESUS PROJECT: Desire of Ages, Chapter 32, July 3 - July 9

Gaither Vocal Band singer, David Phelps, will be in concert at Sligo tomorrow, July 3 at 5:00 p.m., with special guest Charlotte Ritchie. All are welcome to attend! Tickets may be purchased at the door. The Church Office will be closed in observance of Independence Day Holiday on Monday, July 4. If you have an urgent matter that cannot wait until the office reopens, please call our emergency number 301-980-1009. HOMECOMING 2015: Join the church family and Sligo friends on August 6 & 7 for Homecoming. Worship with us on Sabbath morning, when Pastor Ron Halvorsen, President of the Ohio Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, will be our guest speaker. Enjoy a delicious International Potluck luncheon on Sabbath afternoon at Takoma Academy. Join fellow enthusiasts on Sunday, for a Tennis Tournament at the University of Maryland from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon. Sligo Book Club will meet on Wednesday, July 13 at 7:00 p.m. in the Discipleship Room to discuss “What Happened to Sophie Wilder” by Christopher Beha.

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