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Message from the Chief Executive of Sligo County Council

The ambition to develop a transformative 2030 strategy for Sligo culminates with the completion of Sligo’s second Local Economic & Community Plan ‘Sligo 2030 One Voice One Vision’. This milestone, with the community at the centre, and with collaboration at all levels, seeks to ensure that Sligo thrives as a vibrant, prosperous, sustainable and inclusive place.

This plan focused firstly on identifying Sligo’s needs. With the consultation, the social economic analysis and extensive collaboration with relevant stakeholders, the key needs of the county across housing, economy, infrastructure, quality of life and climate change, were identified. The Sligo Socio Economic Statement incorporating the vision and high-level goals emanated from this and has been published separately since February 2022.


Having identified the needs and high-level goals the task continued to devise the objectives and actions to deliver the ambitious plan to transform Sligo as it moves towards 2030. With the ‘smart living and a sustainable model’ approach I feel this has been achieved in defining the 61 actions set out in the accompanying implementation plan to this strategy.

We will experience change and challenges as we embark on our Sligo 2030 journey and this strategy will guide us in embracing these changes and challenges. The SCOT analysis leaves us under no illusions that while we have huge strengths and opportunities there are constraints and threats, some outside of our control, that will impact on the success of our implementation plan. However, I am optimistic that the Council working, in collaboration with its stakeholders, will build on the amazing and growing confidence of the people of Sligo to make this a world-class place to live green, invest smart and visit sustainably.

I would like to acknowledge the work of the LCDC, the SPC for Planning, Community & Economic Development, Arts & Culture, the Sligo Economic Forum, the PPN and all the statutory and non-statutory bodies, community and voluntary organisations, who gave of their time and ideas to the preparation of the Plan.

Mr Martin Lydon, Chief Executive, Sligo County Council

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