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PROJECT SUMMARY Design Project 3 Artist Studio
An artist is a creative person who spends time to express their creativity through different media In this project we were expected to design a small free-standing building which is a studio and Bedsitter for a creative artist of our choice at a selected site. This studio should mainly respond to both the character of the artist and the art form. However the specific features and patterns of the immediate context in which it will be built were also to be considered when designing. We were given the task to interview and analyze the artist, their work type, work space and their character. The site that is selected for the artist was not to be less than 10m by 15m in area since you need to fit in a 50sqm studio building in this site. This project helped u understand the user and design for a specific user, providing architecture that will reflect their character while facilitating the best atmosphere and required space to perform the art form.
Project type Artist Studio
Site Location Horana
Duration July 29,2022 to Sept 06,2022
Software Used -