About me ii
MSc Year 01 Semester 02 01
Conservation Project Anuradhapura
MSc Year 01 Semester 01 05
Housing project Wanathamulla Low income
LANGUAGES SKILLS 94 768675173 Lanka nath/ can can be move the teamwork. interested in works love to things and people. / English
Ranmasu Uyana, the Royal Pleasure Garden was located in the ancient city of Anuradhapura near the Isurumuniya Temple. originally the Isurumuniya Temple and the Ranmasu Uyana both are the Royal Gardens and connected each other But after one part of the Garden converted into a Buddhist Temple The Royal Garden which called Ranmasu Uyana The site was located in an area which has most of the sacred archaeological sites The Ranmasu Uyana got its name from its ancient gold fish. Gold is the color of the ‘Ran’, and fish called ‘Masun. The king and the royal family had used this garden. Sigiriya had identified as a royal garden and the kings palace also. The conservation project of the Sigiriya has finished and there are huge amount of foreign and local visitors visit Sigiriya daily Because of that the tourism based conservation projects earn more income and it also help to maintain the monuments and the conserved structures For a well conserved heritage, the visitors are the most important thing. Because without the visitor income, the conserved sites cannot maintain properly and the sites become dead. The Ranmasu Uyana can be conserved as a major tourist attraction site same as the Sigiriya. Because without any religious considerations, visitors can visit those sites The potential of earning a better income by exposing the historical values in the Ranmasu Uyana is very high The royal ponds and the star gate has a huge archaeological value and there can get a large amount of visitor attraction by using a proper method to expose these historical sites. The conceptual idea was to create a nature based healing garden to connect people with nature and conserve the tangible and intangible heritage in the site. There are lot of spiritual intangible heritage around the site because of the star gate inscription Also the tangible heritages can be conserved well if the design create a proper bridge between today and the past to attract more visitors Because when conserving an archaeological site, there are some methods designers can use such as changing the observe angles in the site, creating the bridge between today and the past, add more experiences with use of day time and night. However for this conservation project, creating the bridge between today and the past method and changing the observe angles methods can be used The spiritual practices and healing methods are popular today among the visitors Also there are some spiritual intangible and tangible heritages in the site The design is trying to create the connection between these two
Site was located in Colombo near the baseline road in Wanathamulla area. The site location can be use as a better space for community housing design. Baseline railway and baseline road both facing the site Because of these road networks the location is some busy and noisy environment around the site but using the green cover it can be managed and reduce the noise level When considering about the community and housing types, there are lot of shanties and slums in near the site. The people who are living there are having very Low income. Because of that they are facing lot of troubles not only economically but also socially.