6 minute read
A real life weight-loss story Super results with SADI
Before After


AGE: 39
What was your relationship with food?
Before surgery I had a terrible relationship with food. I used to binge eat junk food after the kids went to bed and used food to cope with life. It was a terrible cycle, I was eating to feel better but getting more and more depressed the bigger I got.
What motivated you to go on your weight-loss journey?
My family were a big motivation. But mostly it was how I felt physically and mentally. I was struggling to get around. I had aches and pains and physical issues, I was struggling with depression, and I ended up with Gestational Diabetes with my third pregnancy, when I was at my heaviest, and struggled immensely with my pregnancy, labour and recovery. I was falling deeper into a hole I felt unable to get out of.
How long had you battled with weight issues?
My whole life. I have Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), so weight has always been an issue for me. I lost weight after my first child and did really well. I dropped 25kgs in six months on my own. But I regained half of it when I was pregnant with my son and then regained all of the weight and more after he was born!
What health problems did you face as a result?
I started with PCOS. This was a lifelong issue I didn’t know I had till I started trying to have babies. It took five painful years to conceive our first baby. I was also struggling with a bulging disc in my lower back and suffered with sciatica for more than 10 years. In more recent years I ended up with Gestational Diabetes in my third pregnancy and was pre-diabetic by the time I had surgery. For the six months before surgery, I also developed Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles Tendonitis and struggled to walk without pain.
What made you decide on weight-loss surgery and which procedure was the right one for you?
I knew a few people who had weight-loss surgery. I never thought it would be something I would be able to afford. I was initially booked in a year earlier with another doctor and cancelled prior to surgery for financial reasons. This was a huge blow.
A year later, I was desperate and struggling so much and a friend recommended a weight-loss surgeon. He’d had surgery with this surgeon and had experienced incredible success. When I was previously booked in, I was going to have the Gastric Sleeve. The surgeon gave me very little information about it, and I assumed it was the best procedure for me. When I met with my Doctor he suggested the SADI Procedure. He gave me information about all of the procedures and explained why he felt that the SADI was going to be the best procedure for me. I had my surgery on 23 August 2021. I was terrified. It was the first surgery I’d ever had and I was very emotional. The anaesthetist was amazing explaining the process and calming my nerves. Seeing the Doctor prior to surgery and knowing that I was in the best hands also helped to ease my anxiety. When I came out of surgery, I expected to feel a lot of pain. I didn’t. Granted I had some great pain meds, I’m sure. Within a few hours of surgery, I was up and slowly moving around. I was surprised that I felt so good and told the nurses that. They smiled and told me that everyone who has surgery with this team say the same thing. I spent one night in hospital and was home by the next morning. My recovery, once I was home, far exceeded what my expectations. I took Panadol once or twice and that was it. I had the support of my husband and my mother-in-law and followed the recommended diet and the recommendations for getting moving to help with recovery. I was fully committed to the process and the weight started to drop very quickly. My whole experience has been so amazing. With the support of my Dietitian, I’ve been able to continue to adjust my diet to ensure I had to best outcome. I really did have the best team I could have asked for.
Post-surgery, what have been some of the challenges?
I would say the biggest adjustment is getting used to smaller portion sizes and learning what your body can and can’t tolerate. I’m aware that some people experience dumping syndrome, reflux and other complications post-surgery. I’ve had very little of this. I’ve had no reflux and only experience dumping very occasionally if I eat something my body can no longer tolerate, and I just learn to avoid that in the future. I don’t feel that I’ve had any challenges really. Only adjustments. I’ve had to learn to listen to my body and trust that I don’t need a bigger portion. I’ve learned to nourish my body with food and not use food as a coping mechanism. The mental adjustment is really the biggest thing that people need to prepare for. I really prepared myself mentally before surgery. I invested a lot of money and effort into this procedure and I was determined not to waste this opportunity to change my life. If I was to choose the hardest thing, however, I would say it’s getting used to my new body - including my loose skin. I don’t have as much loose skin as many others, but it’s definitely hard to get used to that part of it. I would absolutely rather have loose skin than be in my old body, however, and hopefully I can afford to have it removed one day. Any regrets?

Not one! I sometimes say that my only regret was not doing it sooner. But my story is what it was meant to be. If I’d had the surgery sooner, I wouldn’t have had the same team, and I wouldn’t have had the SADI Procedure. I don’t believe I would have had the same success with another procedure or team. I’m so grateful for every part of my journey and wouldn’t change a thing!
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SADI Procedure
The SADI procedure (Sleeve Gastrectomy plus Duodeno- Ileostomy) involves a sleeve gastrectomy with bypass of part of the small intestine. The weight-loss and resolution of medical disorders is much more than a sleeve gastrectomy alone. This procedure is preferred over Gastric Bypass as it avoids many of the long-term problems some patients with gastric bypass experience. Dr Free has pioneered this procedure in Australia and modified it to improve it’s long term safety whilst maintaining improved weight-loss. Dr Free continues to lead research comparing the various types of SADI and other weight-loss procedures.
Call 07 5564 6501
Dr Jason Free is one of Australia’s most highly-regarded experts in weight-loss surgery, with extensive specialist bariatric training, and is known as a foremost surgeon in the field.