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Dr Widdowson
Turn back time with M.I.F.A.C.E
Developed by Plastic and Cosmetic surgeon Dr Peter Widdowson, the M.I.F.A.C.E procedure was devised to take advantage of the minimal recovery time of the traditional S-Lift but with increased longevity and a far superior result There was also a huge difference between full American-style facelifts and the much lesser S-Lift procedure which cosmetic surgeons were doing, so something was needed between the two. A lot of people used to think of a facelift as major surgery where you came out looking like you had been in a wind tunnel! It turned people off for a while and that’s when Dr Widdowson decided to develop something minimally invasive that had less recovery time but had the increased longevity and superior result. The concepts of facial rejuvenation span many treatment modalities, starting from moisturising and rejuvenating lotions and working through facials peels, dermal fillers for facial wrinkles and moving on to muscle relaxant injections, laser resurfacing and deep peels. When loose skin occurs around the eyes, eyebrows, jowls and neck, surgical approaches have become necessary to effect maximum improvement. Loose skin in the neck, jowls, mid-face and cheeks is best improved using face-lifting techniques. A full face-lift procedure has been the standard operation for many years, but when only the neck and lower face needs lifting the less radical procedure M.I.F.A.C.E in the lower face can be performed under a general anesthetic at a Day-stay Hospital. Since the M.I.F.A.C.E procedure was first developed 10 years ago it has been expanded to include the M.I.F.A.C.E Plus, Extended M.I.F.A.C.E and Extended M.I.F.A.C.E Plus to cater for individual needs.

Dr Peter Widdowson has over 30 years of surgical experience in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.
The Lotus Institute Level Two, 2 Short Street Southport. Tel: (07) 5509 4488 lotus-institute.com.au
Dr Peter Widdowson

MBChB, FRACS (Plastic) Plastic Surgeon
Dr Peter Widdowson has a background of 30 years in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Graduating in Australasia, but also studying overseas he specialised in his earlier career in microsurgery, cleft lip and palate surgery as well as burns and trauma surgery. Over the years he has transformed these skills into his Aesthetic (cosmetic) Plastic Surgery in which he now specialises.
He is now the sole Director at the Lotus Institute which is recognised as one of Australasia’s leading Plastic, Cosmetic and Laser Clinics.
Dr Peter Widdowson is recognised not only for his highly acclaimed surgical skills, but also his compassionate, listening nature and his desire for detail. Along with his incredible sta , The Lotus Institute makes up an expert Plastic Surgical team.
Throughout his career Dr Widdowson has devoted his time to his patients, his expertise in his specialty and continued learning in his field. Dr Peter Widdowson’s qualifications include, Member of Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), Australian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS), American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and Fellow of Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (FRACS).

• Abdominoplasty • Faceli • Breast Implant Removal • Fat Gra ing • Otoplasty • Blepharoplasty • Brachioplasty • Breast Li (Mastopexy) • Laser Resurfacing • Skin Cancer Surgery • Breast Augmentation • Browli • Gynecomastia • Lip Li • Post Weight-Loss Surgery
As a non-surgical option, The Lotus Institute has a highly-regarded and professional Aesthetic Injecting Department o ering clients softening, volumising and enhancement of the tissues - especially of the face - using a variety of injectable products. Our nurses/injectors Patricia Hampson and Marie Steele have more than 26 years combined experience in this highly-skilled area. We also o er clients pure mineral makeup and medical-grade skincare, where nature meets clean science, based on clinical data and scientific expertise - all of which are completely biodegradable and environmentally friendly.The products are cruelty free, responsibly sourced and produced entirely in Australia.
THE LOTUS INSTITUTE: Level Two, 2 Short Street, Southport QLD 4215 Australia Tel: (07) 5509 4488 Fax: (07) 5528 4166 Email: lotus@lotus-institute.com.au