2 minute read
Stacey-Ann Cole
Stacey-Ann Cole is a busy mum of two who runs her own creative business as an independent artist, illustrator and designer.
Her incredible work focuses mostly on expressive Afro Caribbean figurative art using watercolours and in the last few years she has also enjoyed creating abstract art using a range of mixed media.
Stacey-Ann offers some of her work reproduced onto greeting cards, notebooks and giclee prints. We talked to Stacey-Ann about her business.
Q: What made you decide to set up your business?
I noticed a distinct lack of illustrations that depicted black people and I wanted my children to grow up seeing representations of themselves.
Q: What or who has been your biggest influence?
Right now my biggest influence is just seeing so many other artists creating and sharing their work online. I love seeing all the colours, techniques, mediums and how uniquely each artist expresses themselves.
Q: What’s been your biggest challenge?
I guess that would have to be my own doubts plus unsolicited negative comments by others. It can be challenging to block them out, but I do a lot of work on building my own confidence and being stubborn about what I want to create.
Q: What’s the most rewarding aspect of your business?
The most rewarding aspect of my business is the positive feedback I receive about my work. Regardless of whether it is figurative or abstract, the feedback often involves how vibrant and bold my colours are

'Purple Daisy'
Q: What do you wish you’d know before you set up your business?
I wish I’d known how difficult it would be to wear a business hat alongside a creative one. If I think too commercially, that always negatively affects my creativity, but if I completely ignore
the business side of things then what I’m doing is not sustainable. It’s a balance that I’m always tweaking.
Q: What’s the one piece of advice you’d give someone who wants to set up in business?
Always remember why you started. Write it down, pin it up on your wall and refer to it when times are challenging. If the reason you started your business comes from an authentic, compassionate place, then focusing on your why should help centre you again.
Q: What do you like to do to relax and switch off?
I love watching my favourite tv shows and films. Usually these are crime dramas and murder mysteries and one aspect I really enjoy is trying to figure out who did it before the detective can!
Q: What are your future plans?
My future plans involve offering more services such as graphic design and custom illustrations.
Visit: www.staceyanncole.com Find Stacey on instagram @sacoleart

'New Life'

'Tide Pool'

Stacey-Ann Cole