The 2016 Bike SLO County Candidate Questionnaires

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BIKE SLO COUNTY Bike SLO County sent our 2016 Candidate Questionnaire to every candidate running for Mayor and City Council positions in incorporated areas of SLO County, as well as to candidates for the County Board of Supervisors. Responses for County Supervisor races appear first, arranged by district and in alphabetical order by candidate last names, followed by Mayoral and City Council candidate responses, in alphabetical order by city and candidate last names. Candidates that did not respond to our requests for information on these issues are noted as “Did not respond�.


BIKE SLO COUNTY Bike SLO County is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and may not conduct partisan political activities in support of or opposition to a candidate running for public office. Bike SLO County urges you to vote on (or before) November 8th, 2016 for the candidates of your choice. The Board of Bike SLO County is allowed to endorse nonparitsan measures and has enthusiastically endorsed Measure J, a 1/2 cent sales tax expected to raise about $225 million dollars over 9 years for vitally important transportation improvements throughout SLO County. For more information go to



County Supervisor - 1st District Candidate Name: Steve Martin 1) Please start by sharing your fondest memory riding a bicycle: When I received my first bicycle from my parents I had a hard time learning to ride it. I just couldn’t get the hang of keeping my balance. I finally taught myself how to ride one afternoon while visiting my cousins in Paso Robles. An alley ran behind their house and there, by myself and away from observation, I found my balance and spent the afternoon riding up and down the alley-way. I remember the sheer joy of knowing that I could finally ride my bicycle. 2.In your opinion, how do biking and walking fit into the transportation system in your community/district? Biking and walking are additional modes of transportation that not only get us from one point to another but always make us healthier in the process. Also, a cruise on a bicycle or a walk down the street gives us a more leisurely way to observe our community from a vantage point impossible to get from a moving motor vehicle. 3.Would you like to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district, why? For the reasons stated above, increased cycling and walking would be welcome. Our challenge is to add new bikeways and pathways as development occurs and to retrofit existing areas with access for these forms of transportation. 4.What steps would you take to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district? Include bike/walking access in new development. Include bike/walking access in street retrofit/repair projects. Support biking/hiking events in the community. Encourage tourism promotion organizations to include biking/hiking information in advertising and press releases. Encourage existing events to add hiking/biking components. Participate in hiking/biking events such as the annual Cycle de Mayo ride between Atascadero/Templeton/Paso Robles. (I already do this.)



County Supervisor - 1st District Candidate Name: Steve Martin 5.What specific accomplishments/qualifications demonstrate your capacity to improve the transportation system in your community/district? Promotion/participation in biking events. Support for bike/hiking assets in new development. Support for inclusion of bike/hiking assets in retrofit/repair projects. Support for local bus systems. Support for adequate design standards for roads, intersections and overpasses. Support for civil aviation and charter flight operations at the Paso Robles Airport. Support for multi-modal transportation center in Paso Robles. Support for sales tax override to repair streets in Paso Robles ($3-4 Million/year). 6.What else should members of Bike SLO County know about you before going to the polls? I am the local, experienced candidate. I have lived in in the North County since the age of three and in Paso Robles for the last 43 years. I have served on the Paso Robles City Council twice for a total of 13 years. I have served as Mayor of Paso Robles twice. I am currently the Mayor, having run unopposed in 2014. I am the only candidate for 1st District Supervisor who supports new funding for transportation projects including new biking assets. I am also focused on cost-effective management of water supplies, economic development, the needs of the homeless and civil discourse among Supervisors and the public.


County Supervisor - 1st District Candidate Name: John Peschong Did not respond.


County Supervisor - 3rd District Candidate Name: Dan Carpenter 1.Please start by sharing your fondest memory riding a bicycle: My fondest memory is as a child living off of Foothill Blvd and riding my bike to grammar school. We would connect up with our friends along the way and in those days therewere far less cars to contend with. It was a positive experience growing up in SLO and recognizing early on the value of riding a bicycle in our community. 2. In your opinion, how do biking and walking fit into the transportation system in your community/district? As a former biker and now avid walker (8-10 miles a day in town), I’m acutely aware of how critical it is to maintain a balance in our transportation needs. Bicyclists and pedestrians need access and safety to encourage more use of both. I’m satisfied that we are moving in the right direction, and as a community leader I will look for more option to increase bicycle use and walking. 3.Would you like to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district, why? I would like to increase the number of people who walk and bike as it supports a healthier lifestyle and promotes a better awareness of the beautiful surroundings in our area. Quality of life and safety in our community are of utmost importance to me. The more opportunities we provide for safe and accessible use of alternative transportation, the more our residents will use them. 4.What steps would you take to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district? I would commit more resources to provide safe and accessible infrastructure for walkers and bikers and help educate our community on the benefits of this valuable exercise. 5.What specific accomplishments/qualifications demonstrate your capacity to improve the transportation system in your community/district? My six ---continued---


County Supervisor - 3rd District Candidate Name: Dan Carpenter (continued from previous page) years on SLO city council have given me the opportunity to appropriate significant resources to other modes of transportation than vehicles. I’ve successfully advocated for additional resources during our budget and goal setting process and will continue this advocacy should I be elected. 6.What else should members of Bike SLO County know about you before going to the polls? They should know that I’m a lifetime resident of SLO who has spent many years biking and walking in and around our community. My wife and I share one vehicle and walk as often as possible to our destinations. I’ve seen many positive changes over the years increasing opportunities for alternative transportation and I will continue that advocacy as your elected representative.


County Supervisor - 3rd District Candidate Name: Adam Hill 1.Please start by sharing your fondest memory riding a bicycle: As a boy in NJ, my first bike had these cool chopper handle bars and me and a couple of friends would ride our bikes to school. They didn't have any bike racks and we didn't have locks, so we'd leave them leaned up against the wall outside the principal's office. Sure enough they'd still be there after school so we could ride them home, though rarely we went straight home. We'd ride around the neighborhoods, laughing and yelling and enjoying the wind slice through us on downhills and by the river. 2.In your opinion, how do biking and walking fit into the transportation system inyour community/district? Absolutely! District 3 is the most urban district and has the most opportunities for biking and walking to be how people get to work and run errands. I've been part of several efforts to plan trails and bikeways from SLO to Pismo, SLO to Avila, within each community too. 3.Would you like to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district, why? Increasing the number of people on bikes and walking is critical for several reasons: 1) It's healthier; 2) It can cut down on congestion; 3) It cuts down on greenhouse gas emissions 4) It's less expensive than either having to rely on a car or saves money by putting less wear and tear on your car. 4.What steps would you take to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district? We need to program and fund bikeways and walkways with the same importance as roads. In the county we don't do that, and while that may be due to the more rural and spread-out nature of county towns, we simply are not doing enough beyond planning. 5.What specific accomplishments/qualifications demonstrate your capacity to improve the transportation system in your community/district? ---continued---


County Supervisor - 3rd District Candidate Name: Adam Hill (continued from previous page) I have helped push forward the Bob Jones Trail, I've been involved in planning the De Anza trail, and I am supportive of downtowns as the vital hub of each city and town. I've used my community funds to purchase a bike corral in Avila and to support bike events through the county. 6.What else should members of Bike SLO County know about you before going to the polls? That I consult regularly with my appointees to the County Bike Commission (Skip Amerine and Dale Sutliff) and that I support by deeds the advancement of bicycle plans throughout the community. You can see that with my work and votes at SLOCOG as well as the BOS.


Mayor - Arroyo Grande Candidate Name: Jim Hill Did not respond.


Mayor - Arroyo Grande Candidate Name: Richard Waller 1. Please start by sharing your fondest memory riding a bicycle: In 1965 my mother took us three boys to Joyce’s bicycle shop in Arroyo Grande, and bought us each a new Schwinn Varsity ’10 speed’. That was my graduation from a 26” balloon tire single speed. Bicycles have remained an important part ofmy life ever since. Joyce’s bicycle shop was bought by his employee, Ira Hughes, and remains in business today. 2. In your opinion, how do biking and walking fit into the transportation system inyour community/district? Arroyo Grande has taken important steps to make cycling and walking safer, and more user friendly. I feel we can do much more. 3. Would you like to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district, why? I would like to see cycling and walking increase exponentially in Arroyo Grande. Most of the town ison flat land, making both very reasonable modes of ransportation. It is in the resident’s best interest for the City to be proactive. 4. What steps would you take to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district? The city needs to sign and demarcate bike routes, provide maps, promote biking, and walking. I hope your organization can be a part of that. 5. What specific accomplishmentsqualifications demonstrate your capacity to improve the transportation system in your community/district? Not having been in an administrative position that would have dealt with urban transportation, I don’t have a good answer. I do have extensive experience with trails on public lands, national forest land, state and county parks. 6. What else should members of the Bike SLO County know about you before going to the polls? ---continued---


Mayor - Arroyo Grande Candidate Name: Richard Waller (continued from previous page) I have been an active cyclist most of my adult life. I have competed in bicycle races, triathlons, mountain bike races. I am a strong supporter of bicycle use. Greg Bettancourt of CCCMB, Kathy Longacre of SLOPOST, and Ken Price are friends.


City Council - Arroyo Grande Candidate Name: Leann Akins Did not respond.


City Council - Arroyo Grande Candidate Name: Kristen Barneich 1. Please start by sharing your fondest memory riding a bicycle: My fondest memory of riding a bicycle was riding in Van Damme State Park in Mendocino with my Husband and 2 daughters. Beautiful scenery and fun trail. 2. In your opinion, how do biking and walking fit into the transportation system in your community/district? Biking and walking are not nearly as prevalent as I would like it to be in our community. There needs to be much more infrastructure focused on pedestrian and cycling as it is more healthy and environmentally beneficial. It should be safe for our kids to bike to school, and for people of the community to safely cycle between cities on class 1 bike paths. 3.Would you like to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district, why? Cycling communities reduce pollution and traffic, while promoting healthy lifestyles and exercise. I would like to see all of the five cities area as well as all of SLO county focus on infrastructure that gets people out of their cars an either on a bike or on their feet. I feel that blending transportation with fitness brings communities closer, and promotes health centric festivals or events (centuries, fun runs, trail rides, etc.) 4.What steps would you take to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district? First and foremost there needs to be affordable housing where people can live close enough to work to have a reasonable commute by bike or on foot. Second there needs to be infrastructure in place that allows people to safely reach destinations with minimal exposure to vehicular traffic. Lastly, there needs to be increased public transportation that caters to pedestrians and cyclists. 5.What specific accomplishments/qualifications demonstrate your capacity to improve the transportation system in your community/district? Over my ---continued---


City Council - Arroyo Grande Candidate Name: Kristen Barneich (continued from previous page) decade of being involved in A.G’s public service, I have voted for improved bike lanes, sharrows, and more sidewalks. I am a collaborator, and work very hard to make A.G better each day. 6.What else should members of the San Luis Obispo County Bicycle Coalition know about you before going to the polls? I’m passionate about Arroyo Grande, and its citizens. I pride myself on collaborating with staff, Council Members and other jurisdictions to maintain A.G’s character while allowing for financial sustainability. My husband and I are raising our two daughters to appreciate the outdoors through our love of running, walking, hiking, biking, swimming and team sports at AGHS.


City Council - Arroyo Grande Candidate Name: John Mack 1.Please start by sharing your fondest memory riding a bicycle: My fondest memory, I would have to say, is the family outing we would plan along the Bob Jones trail when my kids ranged from 2 to 9. This family friendly trial has points of interest along the way with scenery and wildlife to enhance the experience which kept my kids engaged. The areas of refuge with benches gave the ability to rest and play along the way, eventually reaching our destination of Avila Beach. My son is now a long distance runner and running this and other local trails. My daughter is continuing this family experience with her own children. 2.In your opinion, how do biking and walking fit into the transportation system in your community/district? Biking and walking do not fit as well as I like it to be in the City of Arroyo Grande. We lack the vision and support from city officials to require enhancement or inclusion of these systems. Right now it is a struggle in which this is being yielded to vehicles both in the Village and Gateway to our City. 3.Would you like to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district, why? I would definitely want to increase the number of people biking and walking and realize that the sense of community is to reduce the automobile of being the primary focus. Right now our intersections and roadways do not limit the vehicles nor reduce their speeds for this to occur. When people come together, outdoors for physical exercise, be it walking running or biking it promotes a sense of community interaction, encourages communication, and builds social skills for our youth. With today's technology, (phones, tablets, computers), all used for sedentary gaming experiences, it is up to us to provide an alternative that includes physical activity and healthy lifestyle.



City Council - Arroyo Grande Candidate Name: John Mack 4.What steps would you take to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district? I am an advocate and supporter the City's "Bikes and Trails Master Plan" anddedicated to updating this plan with solutions and requirements for implementation. Right now we spend too much time talking about it and nothing is being done. Providing the trails and bike lanes we currently lack would automatically increase use by the public. I would support programs such as a bike to work month like they do in San Luis Obispo. I would also support a public awareness campaign by the City promoting biking and walking for better physical and environmental health. I intend to contact land owners and open discussions to obtain easements for trails to be built where none currently exist and not wait for future development to occur. 5.What specific accomplishments/qualifications demonstrate your capacity to improve the transportation system in your community/district? I am a graduate of Cal Poly in the school of Architecture & Environmental Design and I am an Architect. I spent countless hours designing Projects, developing sites, Parks and Master Plans to enrich our neighborhoods by way of implementing pedestrian trails and bike paths. I do not wait to include these design elements by way of ordnance or a request from review bodies. I lead by way of example and include innovative designs in my proposals. 6.What else should members of Bike SLO County know about you before going to the polls? As Planning Commissioner this very topic came up for discussion on our Planning Commission meeting of July 19th to review options for the enhancement of East Branch Street and make a recommendation to City Council. The Alternatives boiled down to selecting between two options: Option 1 for Bike lanes or Option 2 Street Parking. Realizing that parking is something that needs to be addressed by Developers being responsible for their impacts and provide onsite solutions I supported Option 1. I listened to Lea Brooks of Bike SLO County along with others in support of Option 1. I am and will be a continued ---continued---


City Council - Arroyo Grande Candidate Name: John Mack (continued from previous page) supporter of having the automobile yield to the pedestrians. Our Cities were once bustling with pedestrian circulation and no automobiles. I believe we need to look to the past to enrich our future. ( -and-freeways)


City Council - Arroyo Grande Candidate Name: Caren Ray Did not respond.


City Council - Arroyo Grande Candidate Name: Ken Sage 1. Please start by sharing your fondest memory riding a bicycle: Riding along Lake Shore Drive in Chicago in early spring. Ice floes were just breaking up and many large and unusual shapes were created by mother nature. 2. In your opinion, how do biking and walking fit into the transportation system inyour community/district? I consider each a viable alternative to auto and bus transportation in many areas of our community but they need to be expanded. Regionally (SLO County) there does appear to be a wide range of biking trails and bike paths. Less so in Arroyo Grande but I see a lot of effort being pursued to improve this. 3.Would you like to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district, why? Increase, if for no other reason than both improve health. Recreational efforts should be increased because it is much easier and more fun to join others while beginning these activities than to start alone. While I have always preferred jogging and walking, I am familiar with the enjoyment others derive from cycling. My son-in law and two grandsons (ages 4 and 7) frequently enjoy biking the Bob Jones trail and share their adventures with grandpa. 4.What steps would you take to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district? Suggest starting with “beginner’s” groups on weekends so that parents with small children can be introduced to the activity and begin developing over time. 5.What specific accomplishments/qualifications demonstrate your capacity to improve the transportation system in your community/district? As a current member of the Arroyo Grande Traffic Commission I am in a position to support both means of transportation as projects are brought before the commission. ---continued---


City Council - Arroyo Grande Candidate Name: Ken Sage 6.What else should members of Bike SLO County know about you before going to the polls? I will bring a long history of businessexperience to the council to support long range planning, cost effective implementation, and collaboration with all members of our community to better serve our city. I am not by nature a politician, and I listen to the ideas and concerns of the entire community. Not just the few.


Mayor - Atascadero Candidate Name: Ann Ketcherside Did not respond.


Mayor - Atascadero Candidate Name: Nicholas Mattson 1.Please start by sharing your fondest memory riding a bicycle: My fondest memory riding a bike was as a 13-year old pumping hard up El Camino Real at Santa Barbara Road toward Santa Clara Road. It was where I really put distance between myself and the rest of the family. Being the first one home was always a goal. 2.In your opinion, how do biking and walking fit into the transportation system in your community/district? Biking and walking relax vehicle traffic and lower overall emissions. They are also ways to get exercise when going to and from work or play. They are highly beneficial to our infrastructure and should be considered as possibilities in all phases of planning. 3.Would you like to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district, why? Increase. For the reasons stated above. Non-emissions transportation is a benefit to our community, and it also provides a sweet ambiance that reflects our small-town, small-county charm on the Central Coast. 4.What steps would you take to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district? Planning for bike and walk trails in all phases of development is almost mandatory in our day. Bike- and walker-friendly features carry a high benefit for our future, and our community development should encourage those activities for people of all ages through thoughtful planning. 5.What specific accomplishments/qualifications demonstrate your capacity to improve the transportation system in your community/district? As a resident of Las Vegas in the early 2000s, I rode public transportation regularly. I know how firsthand the benefit of a well-operated public transportation service is.



Mayor - Atascadero Candidate Name: Nicholas Mattson 6.What else should members of Bike SLO County know about you before going to the polls? I am an advocate of integration of bike and walk ways throughout our county, specifically in Atascadero, where we have a great potential for integrated and creative bike and walk ways and easements throughout the city


Mayor - Atascadero Candidate Name: Tom O’Malley Did not respond.


City Council - Atascadero Candidate Name: Charles Bourbeau 1. Please start by sharing your fondest memory riding a bicycle: Many, because as a youngster I lived on my bike. From 4th through 9th grade, I was a paper boy. Like a good equestrian with a horse, I felt at one with my bicycle, an old Huffy one speed, as I weaved in and out of parked cars, along narrow walkways and driveways focused on landing papers in the best spots. Secondly, at 16 two friends and I rode from Modesto to Pinecrest Lake. 65 miles uphill with camping gear. All day up, 3 hours back. At 17 I decided to see every street in Modesto by bike. Got to about half. 2. In your opinion, how do biking and walking fit into the transportation system in your community/district? Atascadero's geography is challenging to biking and walking as forms of transportation. The flat areas of town are most suited to promoting biking and walking as transportation along with safe routes to schools. 3. Would you like to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district, why? Of course. Biking and walking are good for people, especially for children who need to learn to be independent in an outdoor setting. More biking would reduce the only traffic jams we have in Atascadero, that is the 20-30 minutes around our schools during start and release time. I am happy to see the increasing number of recreational bicyclists I see on our hills. 4. What steps would you take to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district? While the city does not have much in the way of financial resources to dedicate to physical improvements, we need to ensure we always consider biking and walking when we make improvements. I think the city is trying, with a focus on a clear bike way from the downtown to the Lake Park. We need to look again at safe routes to schools and what we can accomplish at low cost. We need to support the missing link between Atascadero and Templeton. This is amongst the projects that could be funded with Measure J funds. ---continued---


City Council - Atascadero Candidate Name: Charles Bourbeau 5. What specific accomplishments/qualifications demonstrate your capacity to improve the transportation system in your community/district? I wouldn't claim any special qualifications or accomplishments in this area. I do understand municipal finances better than most and am a good problem solver who listens to everyone, asks tough questions of everyone, and looks for solutions that benefit everyone where possible. 6. What else should members of Bike SLO County know about you before going to the polls? I am interested in your concerns and ideas.


City Council - Atascadero Candidate Name: Daniel Eister 1.Please start by sharing your fondest memory riding a bicycle: I still remember myfirst bike at age 5, a BMX. I must have road that bike everyday as a kid. 2. In your opinion, how do biking and walking fit into the transportation system inyour community/district? I believe bicycle trails and walking paths are an essential part of local transportation and as an Atascadero City Council Member I will do everything i can to make bike paths and trails more available to the public. 3.Would you like to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district, why? I would like to see an increase in both biking and walking in our community. Both these methods of transportation encourage fitness for our local seniors and young folks as well as provide safe alternatives to driving, reduce pollution and are down right fun. 4.What steps would you take to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district? I would encourage providing more local bike trails and walking paths by finding resources to construct these alternative transportation methods. 5.What specific accomplishments/qualifications demonstrate your capacity to improve the transportation system in your community/district? A good leader knows what they don't know, and how to listen. A good leader also knows how to find and work with the right people to accomplish a goal. I would work with local leaders and the business community to improve our transportation options including bike paths and walking trails.



City Council - Atascadero Candidate Name: Daniel Eister 6.What else should members of Bike SLO County know about you before going to the polls? Daniel J. Eister officially launches his campaign for Atascadero City Council. Daniel J. Eister is excited to announce his candidacy for Atascadero City Council. Daniel was born in San Luis Obispo and graduated from high school, here in Atascadero, CA. As a lifelong resident of the Central Coast, Daniel hopes to bring empathy, compassion and opportunities to the city of Atascadero through his work with the City Council. Over the life of his career, Daniel has dedicated himself to working hard and helping others as a healthcare provider for two local hospitals. Daniel stated, “Helping people is what I love to do. I want to be an advocate for our local citizens. I’d like to bring the human kindness aspect of healthcare to city government. I believe in doing so, everyone leaves city hall feeling like they were heard and treated fairly with dignity and respect.” Daniel has owned several small businesses in the area and knows the financial challenges and strain that is faced by local residents. Daniel stated, “I want to make it easier and less expensive on local businesses and residents to receive permits they need to be successful with their projects.” Daniel has an extensive vision for the future of Atascadero. His vision includes a Civic Theatre to be utilized by local schools and performing arts companies for not only live theatrical entertainment for the people of Atascadero but also increase revenue and jobs for the local community. Daniel stated, “People in our community want entertainment options and a Civic Theatre would be a great step forward for our city, rooted in our past.” Daniel will make a great addition to the Atascadero City Council and he looks forward to working together with our community. Daniel’s campaign can be reached at or by phone at(805) 464-7994


City Council - Atascadero Candidate Name: Roberta Fonzi Did not respond.


City Council - Atascadero Candidate Name: Bret Heineman 1. Please start by sharing your fondest memory riding a bicycle: My fond bicycle memories are when I was younger probably in the 5th to 8th grade. I don’t ride any more because my eyesight is not perfect enough to feel safe. 2. In your opinion, how do biking and walking fit into the transportation system in your community/district? I think it’s an excellent form of transportation for all who prefer to bicycle or walk. 3. Would you like to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district, why? I’ll answer like this. The nature of the community and roads in Atascadero make it easier for some areas of the city to bike and walk. The city did complete a plan for bicycle and pedestrian routes back in 2010. This is good for future planning. 4. What steps would you take to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district? Looking for funds to improve routes is challenging. The Salinas River Trail when completed will serve as a link between Atascadero and Templeton and Paso Robles and south to Santa Margarita. Longer term it should be part of a bigger system. 5. What specific accomplishments/qualifications demonstrate your capacity to improve the transportation system in your community/district? No specific items. I am aware of the need and desire because I have lived in Atascadero for 45 years. 6. What else should members of Bike SLO County know about you before going to the polls? I do have a suggestion for anyone looking for funds to enhance bicycle and pedestrian walking. The library of Congress Catalog of Grants is a listing of all government grants, and searching it may help locate funds for projects. Hopefully, there won’t be too many strings attached. It makes it easier for city and county officials to consider projects if you can show sources of funding.


Mayor - Grover Beach Candidate Name: Ronald “Ron” Arnoldsen Did not respond.


Mayor - Grover Beach Candidate Name: John Shoals Did not respond.


City Council - Grover Beach Candidate Name: Jeff Lee Did not respond.


City Council - Grover Beach Candidate Name: Debbie D. Peterson Did not respond.


City Council - Grover Beach Candidate Name: Terry Wingate Did not respond.


Mayor - Morro Bay Candidate Name: Jamie Irons 1. Please start by sharing your fondest memory riding a bicycle: Tahoe Rim/Flume trail. Great start from the Nevada side meadow to technical single track up to the rim of Tahoe. If you have ever seen the pictures it is better in real life. Go do it!!! 2. In your opinion, how do biking and walking fit into the transportation system inyour community/district? Super important. We have great walking in Morro Bay from neighborhoods to the beach or to Black Hill trails. Our Harbor walk is always active and includes a walking path and a dedicated bike path out to Morro Rock, and now we have the Bike Pedestrian bridge over Morro Creek making a great connection for our North Morro Bay residents to get to the Waterfront. Lets not forget the New Bike Park, thanks Bonnie and volunteers for building it! We have an enthusiastic active community, our feet and wheels are great transportation. 3. Would you like to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district, why? Increase!! Because its healthy for us all, and great fun! 4. What steps would you take to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district? I think we have been making great strides in increasing and improving multi-modal opportunities. The Bike Pedestrian bridge over Morro Creek is an example and our fill in the gap program adding sidewalks in the business district has been very successful. I’d like to see us improve our Safe-Routes to School, specifically on Greenwood St. for the kids going to Del Mar Elementary and improve the cross-walk at San Jacinto and Main St. 5. What specific accomplishments/qualifications demonstrate your capacity to improve the transportation system in your community/district? Working with San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) has been instrumental in additional funds to complete the Bike/Ped bridge over Morro Creek.


Mayor - Morro Bay Candidate Name: Jamie Irons 6.What else should members of Bike SLO County know about you before going to the polls? Ride your bike to the polls and vote for Jamie Irons for Mayor. Thanks!!!


Mayor - Morro Bay Candidate Name: Tina Metzger 1.Please start by sharing your fondest memory riding a bicycle: “When I was in third grade, my Dad bought me an old broken down red boy’s bike at the Goodwill, and he fixed it up so that it was ready for me to ride – it was my first bike and I named it “Red Rider.” Red Rider was my Christmas/Birthday present combined. That’s all I got that year, but I was thrilled, I loved that bike. Red Rider was my freedom machine and I rode it all over town, up and down the hills of San Clemente. The speed with which I could fly across town was exhilarating. My Dad put a basket on the handlebars over the front tire. I could put a stack of library books in the basket. I will never forget that wonderful freedom, independence, and speed flying through the air.” 2.In your opinion, how do biking and walking fit into the transportation system in your community/district? “Pretty well, I think. There’s always room for improvement.” 3.Would you like to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district, why? “Increase the number, for good health, fun, fuel efficiency, and sense of joy of being out in the fresh air.” 4.What steps would you take to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district? “ I will support proposals for safe pedestrian and bike riding projects, plus, encourage the MB Police Dept. to have an annual fun session for kids that improves their safety awareness and good bike riding habits, like the police did in my hometown when I was a kid.“



Mayor - Morro Bay Candidate Name: Tina Metzger 5.What specific accomplishments/qualifications demonstrate your capacity to improve the transportation system in your community/district? “I have been a transportation planner, and I have incorporated safe and beautiful bike paths and pedestrian paths in development projects that I have designed. I look for, and encourage, safe bike paths in projects that I review, also. My college degrees are: Master of City and Regional Planning 1993; and Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture 1987, both from Cal Poly, SLO, so I am well trained on the subject.” 6.What else should members of Bike SLO County know about you before going to the polls? “I think you all (the Coalition) have accomplished amazing things over the years on the Central Coast, I support your goals, and I say, “Keep up the good work!


Mayor - Morro Bay Candidate Name: Betty Winholtz 1. Please start by sharing your fondest memory riding a bicycle: When I was twelve years old, biking to our neighborhood elementary school on my own with controlled abandon down hills and hard pumping up hill. We only had one-speed bikes back then. 2. In your opinion, how do biking and walking fit into the transportation system in your community/district? Walking and biking are necessary modes of transportation for some of our residents to get to shopping areas and work. For others, it's a form of exercise and recreation, from kids to active retirees. 3. Would you like to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district, why? I would like to increase the number of people biking and walking in my community for the value of physical movement for the individual and the value of cleaner air for the community 4. What steps would you take to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district? The steps I would take to increase the number of people biking and walking in my community are: 1. Build a real sidewalk and bike lane with landscaping where possible along Main Street between Highway 41 and Quintana. 2. Keep the walking/biking paths between north and south Morro Bay on the west side of Highway One swept. 3. Support the bike connector between Morro Bay and Cayucos by expanding parking on Toro Lane near North Point in Morro Bay. 5. What specific accomplishments/qualifications demonstrate your capacity to improve the transportation system in your community/district? When I was on the Morro Bay city council 2002-2010, I served on SLOCOG/SLORTA for a few years; this gave me an understanding of how the county interfaces with the city and how the monies flow or don't. As a city council member, I supported ---continued---


Mayor - Morro Bay Candidate Name: Betty Winholtz (continued from previous page) the unmet needs brought to council's attention by the bike committee in our town. Also, it was my council that approved adding the boardwalk and bike lane from the Embarcadero to the Morro Rock parking lot. As mayor, I can encourage the city council to make it a priority to keep bike lanes on potentially dangerous streets like South Bay Blvd and North Main Street swept and trimmed for bike safety, as well as accomplish the 3 items listed in question 4. 6. What else should members of Bike SLO County know about you before going to the polls? I believe in multi-modal forms of transportation. I have biked all my life; now I own a bike with multiple speeds. I didn't buy a car until I was 27 years old. When my job was in SLO and I lived in Morro Bay, I used the bus (RTA) for a couple of years to get to work, then transferred to carpooling. Now I work out of my home.


City Council - Morro Bay Candidate Name: Robert “Red” Davis 1. Please start by sharing your fondest memory riding a bicycle: Climbing Jubilee Pass with my daughter, Catherine, in the darkness as we finished a double century in Death Valley. The stars were brighter than I’ve ever seen them and it was cold. We stopped halfway up and lay on our backs looking at the sky, cold and exhausted. A course marshal stopped and told us to move our bikes off the road or someone might run over them. Catherine and I looked at each other and laughed. If our bikes were run over, we wouldn’t have to get back on them. 2. In your opinion, how do biking and walking fit into the transportation system inyour community/district? They are an integral part of a balanced transportation system. Cities need to be planned and designed to facilitate non-motorized travel of all types, using Complete Streets strategies. 3.Would you like to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district, why? Increase. Biking and walking promote health for the body and for the environment. 4. What steps would you take to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district? Build more Class I and Class IV bikeways because people need to feel safe on their bikes. Build more sidewalks in Morro Bay because we have too many gaps that discourage walking. Provide more community education promoting safe bicycling practices and persuading motorists that bicyclists are people too. As a member of Morro Bay’s General Plan Advisory Committee, I will advocate for greater downtown density and mixed neighborhood zoning to shorten travel distances. Design parking management policy that will include bike corrals and bike racks at all public buildings and commuter destinations. As a Council member, I will promote Morro Bay as a walkable community.



City Council - Morro Bay Candidate Name: Robert “Red” Davis 5.What specific accomplishments/qualifications demonstrate your capacity to improve the transportation system in your community/district? Morro Bay Citizens Bike CommitteeFounding Member since April 2001Chair since 2004 San Luis Obispo County Bicycle Coalition/Bike SLO County Founding Member and Board Vice PresidentJune 2001 – August 2011 San Luis Obispo County Bicycle Advisory Committee Representing Supervisorial District 2 since January 2005 Chair 2008-2011 San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club Member since 1995Newsletter Editor 2000-2002 President 2003-2006 and 2010-2013 Randonneurs USA Member since January 2003 Red Davis Bikeway designated August 18, 2015, by the San Luis Obispo County Board ofSupervisors on Los Osos Valley Road Bike Lanes between Foothill Boulevard and South Bay Boulevard. Bob Garing Service Award - June 2008 San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club Red Davis Outstanding Board Member Award - November 2011 San Luis Obispo County Bicycle Coalition First recipient California Triple Crown winner - September 1994 California Triple Crown organization Three Double Centuries in one season: Tour of the Canyons, Davis Double,Tour of Two Forests



City Council - Morro Bay Candidate Name: Robert “Red� Davis (continued from previous page) Gold Thousand Mile Club - September 2006 California Triple Crown organization Five Double Centuries in one season plus support team member for one additional event: Butterfield, Solvang, Hemet, Knoxville, Tour of Two Forests, Solvang Fall DC. Strava Bike Climbing Challenge - November 2014 Climbed 38,851 vertical feet in 20 days Third Place Photography Award - December 2014 San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club Strava Bike Climbing Challenge - February 2015 Climbed 28,253 vertical feet in 10 days 6.What else should members of Bik SLO County know about you before going to the polls? As a City Council member and public policy decision-maker, I will continue to promote and advocate for infrastructure and education that support bicycling and walking as every-day transportation alternatives.


City Council - Morro Bay Candidate Name: Marlys McPherson Did not respond.


City Council - Morro Bay Candidate Name: Richard Sadowski Did not respond.


City Council - Paso Robles Candidate Name: Steve Gregory 1. Please start by sharing your fondest memory riding a bicycle: My fondest memory of riding a bicycle was the day I rode with my friend Earle Lloyd on a tandem ten speed bicycle. We rode about a 20 mile loop up to Wellsona Road and back around to Paso Robles, and I could not believe how fast we went with two of us pedaling. It was a beautiful clear day and I just couldn’t believe how smooth and fun the ride was. 2 .In your opinion, how do biking and walking fit into the transportation system inyour community/district? We have a great downtown in Paso Robles. We are promoting a live/work planning designation on the west side all within walking distance of downtown. Many of our visitors stay in down town accommodations and walk everywhere. We do have a bike master plan that has linked the east and west sides of the city with class 2 bike lanes. We have also linked the town center to the northeast part of our city with class 2 bike lanes. And every opportunity to make connections to the employment areas and the rest of our city with bicycle lanes we have been completing those routes. 3.Would you like to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district, why? Yes I would like to increase the number of people walking and bicycling. I believe that both pedestrian and bicycling will continue to increase as our town grows. We have become a destination for bicycle events and activities. And many residents are walking and bicycling to go to work and recreate in town. And our town center is so close to so many homes and accommodations and those are continuing to increase in number. 4.What steps would you take to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district? Our downtown area will continue to increase bicycle and pedestrian traffic because of the convenience and close proximity to town. Additionally we have all of the activities in our downtown park area including our ---continued---


City Council - Paso Robles Candidate Name: Steve Gregory (continued from previous page) Library, City Hall, Farmer’s Market, the best new playground for kids in the County and over thirty special events a year. The community as a whole will also increase in bicycle and pedestrian use. We have a good Bicycle Master Plan, that is being added to and improved with many of new housing projects and road repairs we are doing. And we are focusing on pedestrian use as part of that use. And finally we approved to update our Bicycle Master plan in our last two year budget for 2016/2017. 5. What specific accomplishments/qualifications demonstrate your capacity to improve the transportation system in your community/district? As a Councilman I am dedicated to provide recreational activities for all of our citizens. This year we reopened our Centennial pool for our kids and families to swim in our hot summers. Personally I am a runner and my Wife and I love to walk, so I am on the streets and paths very often. And as we have been repairing some of our streets we have found that bike paths are actually helping us to have more width in our roads in an era where roads are narrowing too much. We have also set out as a Council to have bike paths colored red for better delineation and a standard that upgrades the overall look and safety design of the streets and paths. 6.What else should members of Bike SLO County know about you before going to the polls? My job as a Councilman is to look out for the safety and well being of our citizens. My focus in addition to this is to provide as much recreational activity as possible to our citizens. We have a great network of recreational activities through our schools and our Parks and Recreation Department. Providing access to our entire town through bicycling and pedestrian access is another facet to having a great lifestyle that we all enjoy here in Paso Robles. Those of us that enjoying walking, running and bicycling are all part of this great community and we are doing a great job of helping that happen. Evidence of that is to look at all of the multiple bicycling events, and competitive sporting events that are occurring in and around our city. Please go to my website gregoryforpaso.comfor more information about my platform and information.


City Council - Paso Robles Candidate Name: Kevin Kreowski “Guys and Gals I ride on a regular basis but I am slammed for time. Bike trails in paso are sketch so we could do much more to rectify that, gangs are my number one concern. Be good.�


City Council - Paso Robles Candidate Name: Fred Strong Did not respond.


Mayor - Pismo Beach Candidate Name: Sandra Nielsen 1.Please start by sharing your fondest memory riding a bicycle: When living in Copenhagen, I went everywhere on my bicycle with my daughter in one of those seats mounted on the handlebars. Rain, snow, sleet, wind and, once in a glorious while, some sunshine. Still, I was so fit. And we were both so healthy. Maybe only the strong survive? Vikings! 2. In your opinion, how do biking and walking fit into the transportation system inyour community/district? There is great interest in biking and walking in Pismo Beach, but we are a long way from having the safe connectivity we could achieve. I’m hopeful the bike path along Shell Beach Road facilitates biking, but frankly, the plan doesn’t appear to fit the bill. Seems ill conceived to me to have combined pedestrian and bike path on the opposite side of the road from the shops and restaurants. And “real” bike riders will still ride with the cars? Unfortunately, I’m coming late to the plan which was approved when I was not here. My job as Mayor would be to facilitate the implementation of a plan that is flawed. Still, what we have is far below what we will have when the project is finished. 3.Would you like to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district, why? We need to increase the number of people who chose transportation other than personal vehicles. The traffic in Pismo Beach seems to increase every day, both on the freeway and on frontage roads. Our arteries are clogged. We need relief. Not to mention the competition for parking in the Downtown zone. 4.What steps would you take to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district? I’d like to see a bike loan program common in Europe where bikes are free for use in the city and picked up and left off at specific stations. Walking can be facilitated by creating sidewalks on all thoroughfares and strategic crossing points with flashing lights when pedestrians enter the crosswalk. The vision of a bluff top path must be pursued with conviction so that the public can walk the length of Shell Beach by the sea, or close to it.


Mayor - Pismo Beach Candidate Name: Sandra Nielsen 5. What specific accomplishments/qualifications demonstrate your capacity to improve the transportation system in your community/district? I have no specific qualifications to improve the transportation system other than my willingness to listen to as many ideas and solutions that the public and experts can come up with. We don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Other communities have grappled with our issues and made improvements. We can, too. 6. What else should members of Bike SLO County know about you before going to the polls? I lived 20+ years outside of the States, eight of those in Copenhagen. Families often have no car or only one. The society is adjusted to car-free shopping zones and city centers. Public transportation is designed to carry the public to their destinations without the use of a car. Bicycling is the main transportation for huge numbers of the population. I understand that this is California and not Europe, but we can learn from others and adapt their experience and expertise to fit our individual circumstances.


Mayor - Pismo Beach Candidate Name: Edward Waage 1.Please start by sharing your fondest memory riding a bicycle: We lived in Vienna, Austria for a year in 2005 when working at the United Nations IAEA and I renewed my love of mountain biking by purchasing a bike. I had started biking in Marin County, but the biking opportunities in Vienna easily match those in Marin. I explored the Vienna Woods, the Danube River and enjoyed just riding through the streets of Vienna. The city has accommodated bicycle traffic very well. When riding in the Woods, one gets a spectacular view of the city and environs at the top. The ride back down is exhilarating, riding down cobblestone streets in places. Lots of adrenaline. 2.In your opinion, how do biking and walking fit into the transportation system in your community/district? We adopted our Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan in 2010 which guides us in the development of additional bicycle and walking opportunities. We are now implementing our plan with the Shell Beach Streetscape project which features a multi-use path for walking and riding through Shell Beach on the freeway side of the street. This path will enable school children to walk or ride to school rather than having parents drive them. We also contributed $900,000 to the Pismo Preserve which will offer incredible hiking and biking opportunities. We have made efforts to improve bicycle safety on South Dolliver (Hwy 1). We are exploring a rent-a-bike program for the downtown. These opportunities help to make our community and region healthier and help relieve congestion. 3.Would you like to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district, why? I would like to increase opportunities for the reasons mentioned above. 4.What steps would you take to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district? I outlined several efforts above in #2 to increase biking and walking.


Mayor - Pismo Beach Candidate Name: Edward Waage 5.What specific accomplishments/qualifications demonstrate your capacity to improve the transportation system in your community/district? For over twenty years I was an avid mountain biker starting in Marin County and then continuing when I moved to Pismo Beach in 1993. I understand the need for improving opportunities for walking and biking. Besides the efforts mentioned above, we have included a bike valet program for major events. We have also sponsored the Amgen tour twice with a race start on our pier which helps build enthusiasm for bicycling and we have added to our Promenade adjacent to the pier. Future plans include extending the Promenade further north towards the motel/hotel district to encourage people to walk to the beach. 6.What else should members of Bike SLO County know about you before going to the polls? I have a PhD in Chemistry and I have taught at Illinois State University prior to heading up the Illinois Hazardous Materials response program. Later I headed up the Illinois nuclear power plant response program before returning to California to work at PG&E Diablo Canyon until I retired. In 2005, I was invited to work at the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria for a year. I have served on the City Council for eight years and four years on the Planning Commission. I currently serve on the Board and Executive Committee of the SLO County Fire Safe Council. I recently served on the Board of Directors of the YMCA and Executive Committee and chaired the South County Advisory Committee. I was selected twice by the Mayors in this county to serve on the Local Agency Formation Commission. I also serve on the County Zone 3 Advisory Committee for Lopez Lake and the Air Pollution Control District Board. I previously served as a volunteer for the Red Cross and served as Secretary for the County Emergency Communications Council. I have been endorsed by the CalFire firefighters Local 2881.



Mayor - Pismo Beach Candidate Name: Edward Waage From my web page,, my goals include: Continue efforts to recycle our water to make our city more resilient to drought. Keep our city on a sound financial footing. Complete the Shell Beach Streetscape project with a multi-use path to make it safer for children to walk to school and to beautify the area with underground utilities and other attractive amenities. Continue to fix up the downtown area to make it more attractive and improve parking and traffic flow. Continue efforts to make Pismo Beach fire safe in Pismo Heights, Pacific Estates and the Northern portion of the city. My service on the County Fire Safe Council has helped to fund vegetation clearance with goats, hand crews and mechanical equipment. Support the efforts of our Police officers and Fire fighters to make our city safer. Complete Price Historic Park with additional landscaping and other improvements and finish upgrades at Dinosaur Caves Park. Make additional improvements to our bicycle and trail program to encourage our residents to get out and enjoy our beautiful city.


City Council - Pismo Beach Candidate Name: Tom Brooks Burgher II Did not respond.


City Council - Pismo Beach Candidate Name: Marcia Guthrie 1.Please start by sharing your fondest memory riding a bicycle: My first “real” bike had a banana seat and I remember being so proud that I could ride unassisted up and down our driveway. I rode that bike everywhere. 2. In your opinion, how do biking and walking fit into the transportation system in yourcommunity/district? Both biking and walking trails or pathways are integral parts of any transportation system. People enjoy being able to walk or bike to neighborhood attractions; as parking is limited, and roads are becoming more and more congested. Pismo Beach is bisected by Hwy 101 and safe bicycle/pedestrian crossings are essential to get from one side of the town to the other. Existing bike lanes are not contiguous and bikers are having to move in and out of traffic which presents obvious dangers. I would love to see a concentrated effort and focus on getting people out of their cars. Currently, the focus has been on available parking instead of perimeter parking with available trolley, bikes or walking paths to the downtown. I’d work to redirect the focus on the latter as it would help to alleviate traffic congestion and create a more enjoyable experience. 3.Would you like to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking fortransportation and recreation in your community/district, why? Definitely increase! I think vehicle and bus transportation have been the main focus of PB CityCouncil over walking or cycling which is why I think it’s important to have city council members that understand the importance of getting people out of their vehicles. Not only is a more environmentally friendly choice (air quality), but it is a healthy choice. Part of PB’s master plan includes bicycle parking valets andbike rentals; this just hasn’t come to fruition as yet. Making this subject a priority and keeping the conversation and ideas flowing will lead to a much faster result.



City Council - Pismo Beach Candidate Name: Marcia Guthrie 4.What steps would you take to increase or decrease the number of people biking andwalking for transportation and recreation in your community/district? I would love to see more people out of their cars either walking or biking. The traffic congestion in downtown Pismo is at times dangerous so as we implement our downtown revitalization plan I would emphasize alternatives to cars by providing safe bike parking and more areas for handicap parking. Pismo’s largest source of revenue is tourists dollars so by getting people out of their vehicles they will be more likely to enter businesses that might have been missed when driving by. I also think the current bike paths need to be improved for safety reasons. While I served on the PRBC, members of Bike SLO came to speak about the current bike paths along with suggestions on making the current bike paths safer. Not much has been done in this area so as I’ve previously stated, this needs to be a priority. I believe all new development, commercial and residential, should, as a condition of approval, contribute to a bike land mitigation fund for roads in their project with the intention of slowly adding contiguous bike lanes throughout the city. 5. What specific accomplishments/qualifications demonstrate your capacity to improvethe transportation system in your community/district? As a local activist, most recently through our Save Price Canyon group, we placed an Initiative, Measure H14 on the 2014 election ballot which was successful in passing with 68% majority. I’m not afraid to embrace a cause and fight for it. I served a 4 year term on Pismo Beach Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission which was education and helped me to understand how slow the city process can be. We supported the improvement of current bike paths, implementing a safe path that connects Grover Beach to Pismo Beach along Hwy 1 and the bicycle/walking path along Shell Beach Road. The Shell Beach Road path is probably closer than the others in coming to fruition. I believe it’s imperative that we focus on what we deem alternative modes of transportation not only for the health of the city but for the health of our residents and visitors as well as the planet. ---continued---


City Council - Pismo Beach Candidate Name: Marcia Guthrie 6.What else should members of Bike SLO County know about you before going to the polls? Climate change is real, it’s happening, and whatever we can do locally to reduce carbon emissions is essential. I believe a person’s connection with the great outdoors is critical to a healthy mind and body. I believe that future generations won’t see the value in these things unless we set an example. I do walk my 2 dogs daily but have not ridden my bicycle much since I purchased my horse 15 years ago.


City Council - Pismo Beach Candidate Name: Erik Howell Did not respond.


City Council - Pismo Beach Candidate Name: Brian “Craig” Kreowski Did not respond.


Mayor - San Luis Obispo Candidate Name: Heidi Harmon 1. Please start by sharing your fondest memory riding a bicycle: When I think about recent fond memories of cycling, last year’s Kidical Mass ride on July 3rd comes to mind. We had the wonderful opportunity to witness parents, children, and cycling centric folks all riding their decorated bikes from Mitchell Park to downtown. Cycling makes us all kids at heart and nothing emphasizes this like actually riding with kids. 2. In your opinion, how do biking and walking fit into the transportation system in your community/district? As a daily bike rider and pedestrian in SLO for many years, I have concrete daily experience of how bikes can, and should, work as part of our transportation system. Bikes are the most efficient and cleanest way to get around town. Additionally, biking has the added benefit of keeping you fit and healthy. I am in support of more class 1 bike paths and bike boulevards to make riding safer and more convenient. 3. Would you like to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district, why? Everything we can do to get more of our fellow citizens out of their cars, and into energy efficient transportation will make for a better city and a better world. It is of high priority to me to do everything I can to encourage and empower our residents to proactively choose walking and biking instead cars. Not only will this reduce pollution and our impact on climate change, it will also lead to a healthier and happier community. 4. What steps would you take to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district? There is no single or easy answer to this question. But, when you talk to people who would like to bike but don’t, they most frequently cite fear of cars while cycling as the reason they don’t use bikes for day to day transport. Cities and countries that have the highest usage of bikes are the ones that have put the most investment into separate safe bike lanes and zones. ---continued---


Mayor - San Luis Obispo Candidate Name: Heidi Harmon (continued from previous page) More class 1 bike paths and adding a barrier to bike lanes such as a raised median, are solutions I would like to see. I am an advocate of expediting the implementation of the city’s Bicycle Master Plan, which includes some of these solutions. Slowing cars down is also an easy and inexpensive way to make bikers and walkers safer. Cities like Davis, CA have strictly enforced city wide 25 mph speed limits that support their bike friendly infrastructure, and protect pedestrians as well. 5.What specific accomplishments/qualifications demonstrate your capacity to improve the transportation system in your community/district? Good leadership takes a holistic, people-centric, proactive approach to all problems that face the city. As a leader, a cyclist, and a pedestrian, I will push SLO to being one of the safest and most bike friendly cities in the country. We have decent bike and pedestrian infrastructure now, however there is far more that we can and should do. Bikers and pedestrians are inherently vulnerable and we need to do more to protect them. Only in this way will we get more people out of their cars and on to a better way to get around. 6.What else should members of Bike SLO County know about you before going to the polls? I have been an advocate for climate change for many years. I feel that facilitating the use of bikes for routine urban transport is part and parcel of reducing carbon emissions. My personal household has one car and fourteen bicycles. While I understand that this is not always practical for every family, it is my goal to make every resident feel safe, equipped and supported to make their own decision regarding biking in and around SLO. With the right resources, engagement, and education, people can and will choose biking more and more.


Mayor - San Luis Obispo Candidate Name: Jan Marx 1. Please start by sharing your fondest memory riding a bicycle: My fondest memory is a bike ride with my husband and son Joe when he was four years old. I had just taken the training wheels off his two wheeler and started running with him toward a gentle downhill grassy knoll, and then let go, and he was riding all by himself! Then, the three of us joyfully biked around the park! Today he has children of his own and is an avid mountain biker. 2.In your opinion, how do biking and walking fit into the transportation system inyour community/district? Biking and walking are crucial elements of our multi-modal transportation plan. I voted for our City budget to support this model split, increasing the percentage going to improving infrastructure for bike and pedestrian improvements. San Luis Obispo is a silver level bike friendly community, and now we are going for gold! Our plan recently received an award for excellence from the International Engineering Association, based on the significantly increased support for biking and walking. 3.Would you like to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district, why? I would like to increase the number of city residents, workers, students and visitors involved in active transportation. There are so many reasons! Reducing vehicle miles traveled reduces pollution and helps mitigate climate change, consistent with the City’s Climate Action Plan. The more people biking and walking in our City, the fewer cars congesting our streets and competing for parking. Active transportation promotes good health and physical fitness. Since nearly half of our residents are between the ages of 18 and 24, they need to save money by biking to campus, and exercise to blow off steam, engage with non-virtual reality, look great to the opposite sex and have good clean fun.



Mayor - San Luis Obispo Candidate Name: Jan Marx 4.What steps would you take to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district? I will vote for alternate transportation as a budget goal in the two year cycle coming up in January 2017. I will continue to push for implementation of the Bicycle Master Plan and the Land Use and Circulation Element walkable compact neighborhoods and bike paths. I will continue to advocate for the Railroad Safety Bike Trail and the Bob Jones Trail. I will keep an eagle eye out, as projects come before Council, to make sure alternate transportation options are given high priority. 5.What specific accomplishments/qualifications demonstrate your capacity to improve the transportation system in your community/district? On City Council for 6 years (1998-2002 and 2008-2010) and separately elected Mayor for another 6 years (2010 to present), I have consistently voted to support bike and pedestrian projects and plans which have come before me. I am a stalwart supporter of the Safe Routes to Schools Program. When I was off Council (2002 to 2008), I raised over $30,000 from the nearby community and persuaded my Rotary Club to donate $50,000 to link the City and Cal Poly bike path systems along California Avenue between campus and Foothill. This campaign to close the “Missing Link� between the systems succeeded in inspiring the City and SLOCOG to fund the Bicycle and Pedestrian Railroad Safety Trail. As Mayor, I have negotiated with Union Pacific to extend the Trail, which is slated to go behind the CHP headquarters and over the Railroad tracks at Pepper. I will continue to push to connect up this northern portion of the Trail with the existing southern portion at the Jennifer Street Bridge. As the 2016 President of SLOCOG, I have helped shape Measure J, the Self Help Transportation measure to make sure that roads and bike paths are well provided for. I not only have opinions about improving the transportation system, but I have a proven track record demonstrating my capacity to actually get things done.



Mayor - San Luis Obispo Candidate Name: Jan Marx 6.What else should members of the San Luis Obispo County Bicycle Coalition know about you before going to the polls?I am a member of Bike SLO County! I am running for reelection for a fourth term as Mayor and hope your members who live in SLO will vote for me! For more information, please check out my website


City Council - San Luis Obispo Candidate Name: Mike Clark Did not respond.


City Council - San Luis Obispo Candidate Name: Aaron Gomez 1. Please start by sharing your fondest memory riding a bicycle: There are quite a few, but since I have to pick one it will have to be this one The Valley of the Sun Stage Race! It was my last year that I actually raced, which was about 6 years ago now. Where does the time go. What made it such a fond memory was the amazing team that I was able to race with that weekend. Racing was fun but racing with a team that worked together was so much better. We were friends that trained together and raced together. This happened to be a Cat 2 only race which allowed a bulk of the team to be in the same race. We spent the weekend working for our top two teammates. Which for those of you who race you know how great it is to work for a teammate, Tyler W. I would turn myself inside out when I knew it was to help someone. Where as when you race simply for yourself it just does not quite have the same push. After 2 days of brilliant teamwork it came down to the final day, the criterium. That happened to be my day since I was one of the sprinters on the team. It also happened to be the only race I had ever taken 1st place in as Cat 5. Our 2 GC riders were sitting in a great spot they just had to finish with the pack. Our job was to make sure nobody went off the front and if it was going to end up a sprint we would create a lead out train for me or the other sprinter, whom ever was in a better position. Midway through the race I through in a pretty big pull making sure that this one person did not get off of the front. Once we came back in to the group I thought I was done for the race. Fortunately I recovered and made my way back up to my teammates with a few laps to go. I had 3 teammates in front of me with 2 laps to go. They pushed the pace and kept the group spread out. 1 lap to go I had 2 teammates in front of me. My final teammate took me around the final corner and before anyone else could jump I started my sprint and took the win. There is a picture of me crossing the line with several of my teammates fists in the air from the group behind me. It was just an AMAZING weekend of friendship, working together and being a part of something bigger than myself. It was not the fact that I won the crit, it was the fact that our team gelled so well. We were willing to push ourselves harder for the team, not individual glory. That moment has always stuck with me. To me that is the story of life. It is never about the individual, it is about the greater good of all.


City Council - San Luis Obispo Candidate Name: Aaron Gomez 2. In your opinion, how do biking and walking fit into the transportation system inyour community/district? Biking and walking play a major role in our transportation plan. I was very excited when Daryl Grigsby announced that the cities goal was to increase bike/ped to 20% of SLO's transportation plan. With that we need to definitely increase our Class 1 bike routes. It is easy for us that are used to cycling to use the shared lanes, but to get more people on bikes we need safer bike routes. And routes that go across the entire city. I think the Bike Plan is phenomenal, but I feel like we need a better funding mechanism than just relying grants. I am not an expert on that process but securing a better financial plan for the fulfillment of the Bicycle Access Plan as well as making streets more walkable. Better lighting, safer sidewalks etc. 3. Would you like to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district, why? I would most definitely like to increase the number of people biking and walking. It only makes sense from an environmental standpoint as well as a traffic standpoint. Our society has built its infrastructure to depend on the car. We need to shift that back to the bicycle and the foot. We are in the perfect area for it. Denmark has extremely cold winters, but they bike everywhere. So we know it is just a matter of making that cultural shift. It all starts somewhere. And as a city we are always pushing for that, but that needs to continue to evolve. As I said at a forum about parking: "If all able bodied people would bike or walk to our Downtown, then elderly, disabled, and parents with small children could have their choice of parking." Biking and walking is not just good for our health, but it makes our city more livable. WIth the effects of climate change being felt by everyone on our planet we need to be very aware of our role in that. 4. What steps would you take to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district? Parking is constantly an issue that people complain about. But if we reduce parking for residential units it causes people to seek out other ---continued---


City Council - San Luis Obispo Candidate Name: Aaron Gomez (continued from previous page) modes of transportation: public, bike, or ped. SF is a prime example of this. Many people do own cars that live in the city. That is certainly an extreme case. But we need to not build based on providing parking lots as much as build greater access throughout our community. As I said earlier creating a better funding mechanism for our Class one bike lanes. And as we update our infrastructure making sure to have biking and walkability built in to those updates. Follow cities that have implemented great bike/ped plans in to their cities. The Downtown Concept Plan update has some phenomenal ideas for increased bike access in and around our DT. Utilizing some of the visionaries in our town to plan that future. The spoke idea has been one that I just heard about in Atlanta. Creating a pedestrian only road that goes around the city and then has feeder spokes that go in to the different communities. When the city develops its Strategic Plan, having that be one of the top priorities. As for recreation, it is the same concept for expansion of hiking paths and trails. Utilizing our phenomenal open space for recreation and education. I think we need to activate those area, especially for young people. Getting young people in to nature either mountain biking or hiking creates that enjoyment of the outdoors. And that in turn creates the next generation of people willing to preserve and advocate for stewardship. You look at those who are the biggest proponents of wild life preserves, open space, national parks, etc. They are the people that use them. Hunters are some of the biggest advocates for preservation of accessible wilderness because they understand the balance that needs to be maintained in order for them to enjoy hunting. I am a vegetarian, so I do not know much about hunting, but I enjoy those willing to fight for the natural world. I see bike and pedestrian access in the same light. It is worth fighting for so we can all enjoy that connection to our surroundings. 5.What specific accomplishments/qualifications demonstrate your capacity to improve the transportation system in your community/district? Qualifications: I currently chair the Parking and Access Committee for the Downtown Association. We are constantly working on ways to market ---continued---


City Council - San Luis Obispo Candidate Name: Aaron Gomez (continued from previous page) multi-model transportation and use of the Parking Structure. We have representatives from SLOCOG, Bike SLO County, SLO transit, and SLO BIcycle Club. Which allows me access to much of the information/issues that our bike/ped plans face. As well as working on implementing the goals of this community/city staff. My best qualifications are merely the advocacy that I continually do to bring awareness to issues. I have not changed or written policy in this field. But perhaps that will change ;) I won't lie I have A LOT to learn in how to make a larger impact in this community, but that is why I am taking this path. I think it is extremely important that we make some real evolutionary strides. Not only for our city but to shine as an example for other cities. That is how we change the world, by example. I want us to not only be the Happiest Place but also The Healthiest Place and most Environmentally Aware Place! One step at a time... 6.What else should members of Bike SLO County know about you before going to the polls? What people should know about me is that I care deeply for this community. I am not taking on this endeavor for some ego boost or because I think I know better than anyone else. I am doing it because I believe in the power of this community. We are living in the hottest days of this planet, well in recorded history. Our actions can change that for the next generations to come. And I am a firm believer that such change happens at the local level. I hope to inspire more people to get involved in whatever way possible. Breaking down the silos and shifting perception to one of empowerment not defeat. If you want more information of my background go to and check out the campaign page on Facebook: Aaron Gomez for City Council Thank you all very much for you time. Sincerely, Aaron


City Council - San Luis Obispo Candidate Name: Christopher D Lopez Did not respond.


City Council - San Luis Obispo Candidate Name: Andrea “Andy� Pease 1. Please start by sharing your fondest memory riding a bicycle: A few: As a 12-year-old, riding with my Girl Scout Troop up a long mountainous road, staying overnight in a hostel, then the thrilling ride back down. The biking group in high school: I lived the furthest so would start out and see friends waiting on bikes at various corners as our group grew to 8 or 10 by school; reverse on the way home. When my daughters were little and riding on the tag-along, they would talk the whole time, rarely pedaling but loving the ride; Last month biking with my husband from SLO to Morro Bay, as I shamelessly drafted to beat the wind. 2. In your opinion, how do biking and walking fit into the transportation system inyour community/district? Walking and biking are essential components of our transportation system in San Luis Obispo. Both are well established and improving greatly but still need significant investment to reach more people. 3.Would you like to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district, why? I would like to increase the number of people biking and walking because doing so: Avoids the climate impact and air quality concerns of driving a car Takes up less space, allowing for residential development in town where we need it Is good for public health because both are very good exercise for all ages and support an active lifestyle ---continued---


City Council - San Luis Obispo Candidate Name: Andrea “Andy” Pease (continued from previous page) Is good for social engagement, building community and a great quality of life Promotes economic justice, as car-free transportation is more affordable Empowers young people, old people and other non-drivers 4.What steps would you take to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district? I would promote the following steps to increase biking and walking: 1)Continue to invest in interconnected bike infrastructure that is safe for all ages, such as Class 1 and Class 4 bike lanes, bike boulevards, bike traffic signals, bike lockers and bike-friendly traffic calming for shared streets.In SLO, I would target critical routes such as Madonna Road, as well as support the multi-modal mix identified in our Circulation Element. 2)Coordinate multi-modal options throughout the County, for example having ample, secure bike storage at transit centers and linking separated bike paths 3)Set pedestrian and bike friendly development policies, such as street fronts that have a pedestrian scale, complete streets, parking in the rear where feasible, and businesses and homes that have “eyes on the street” 4)Support programs that advocate and educate, including the many great Bike SLO County programs such as Bike Kitchen and Kidical Mass 5.What specific accomplishments/qualifications demonstrate your capacity to improve the transportation system in your community/district? I am a green building architect and often work with clients to design their projects for alternative transportation, including selecting an infill site, adding no parking or at least no more than required by code, incentivizing alternative transportation programs (bike-share, employee-sponsored transit pass, etc.), incorporating ---continued---


City Council - San Luis Obispo Candidate Name: Andrea “Andy� Pease (continued from previous page) effective bike storage, and adding a bus stop. In addition, I co-chaired the Yes on Measure G campaign in 2014, the SLO City half-percent sales tax renewal that has helped fund biking improvements. Finally, my top priority for the City is improving housing options and affordability, and multi-modal transportation is critical for creating infill housing while maintaining our great quality of life. 6. What else should members of Bike SLO County know about you before going to the polls? Thanks to the bike trail, railroad bridge, smart light, bike boulevard and sharrows, I am now a bike commuter, and I love it! I am grateful for the bike advocates, planners and elected leaders who have had the vision and commitment to sustainable transportation options. I hope to continue with that work and would be honored to serve on City Council.


City Council - San Luis Obispo Candidate Name: Brett Strickland 1. Please start by sharing your fondest memory riding a bicycle: My fondest memory riding a bicycle would probably have to be on a trip I took to Solvang with my wife Jazmyn and my dog, Robert Downey Jr. We rode our bikes from the hotel to the ostrich farm just outside of town. Robert rode in a basket on the back of my wife’s bicycle. It was a beautiful, clear day. I could not have asked for a more picturesque setting to spend such quality time with my loved ones. 2. In your opinion, how do biking and walking fit into the transportation system in your community/district? Biking and walking are a big part of life in SLO. Being as environmentally conscious as SLO residents are, they have strived to make biking and walking a priority in our transportation system. Many people that live and work in town bike or walk to work which creates benefits for themand the community as a whole. 3. Would you like to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district, why? I would love to increase the number of people biking and walking in town. The benefits are clear. It is a healthier way to live, it can help build community, it frees up traffic and parking for those what can not bike or walk, like many in our senior population, and of course it’s FUN!. 4. What steps would you take to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district? I would be in favor of sponsoring biking and walking events in town. My wife and I have put on the Fire Hydrant 5K in Shell Beach for the past two years. It is a great event where people can run or walk with their dog(s). We saw a very positive response from this event. Getting people excited to get out and bike or walk is the key. If you show people just how much fun they can have it will encourage them to continue biking and walking outside of these events. I also think setting up bike repair stations similar to those on Cal Poly’s campus would be a great way to aid our biking community. ---continued---


City Council - San Luis Obispo Candidate Name: Brett Strickland 5. What specific accomplishments/qualifications demonstrate your capacity to improve the transportation system in your community/district? I have not been in a position to make a meaningful change to our local transportation but I am looking forward tothe opportunity. 6. What else should members of Bike SLO County know about you before going to the polls? I, like so many other residents here in town, work a fulltime job. I understand the struggles that so many SLO residents face on a daily basis. You need someone with my perspective. I understand the barriers that prevent so many working professionals in town from walking and biking more and thus I am uniquely situated to address them.


City Council - San Luis Obispo Candidate Name: Mila Vujovich-La Barre 1. Please start by sharing your fondest memory riding a bicycle: Learning to ride a bike and biking as a child meant freedom to explore! My fondest memory as a child was on my bike with a banana seat and high bars. My siblings and I would get up early at our summer house in La Jolla Shores and check out the beach conditions and surf. At night, my Mom, Dad, sister, brother and I would go bike riding after dinner to enjoy the summer sunset, either from the beach boardwalk or Scripps Pier, which used to be open to the public. That memory always warms my heart. 2. In your opinion, how do biking and walking fit into the transportation system in your community/district? Biking and walking are ideal ways to commute and recreate in San Luis Obispo due to the open space and fresh air. Currently there is a severe lack of safe Class 1 bike lanes to encourage more people to bike and walk to work or play. The numbers of bikers and walkers are growing! Employers and businesses are slowly accommodating that part of the population, which is great. 3. Would you like to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district, why? I would like to increase the amount of people walking and biking in San Luis Obispo. The progress of the Bike Coalition and other community groups should be applauded for getting more of our neighborhood streets secure for biking. I am an advocate of the Broad Street Bike Boulevard that is currently under design. There are a number of housing developments that are currently being proposed that have an insufficient amount of parking space for the estimated number of residents that may be allowed. That being said, to decrease congestion on our streets and frustration in the neighborhoods, we need to promote safe biking and walking.



City Council - San Luis Obispo Candidate Name: Mila Vujovich-La Barre 4. What steps would you take to increase or decrease the number of people biking and walking for transportation and recreation in your community/district? As I mentioned, I believe that the safety factor is the one that needs to addressed. Education is key. I would like to have more Public Service Announcements for bike safety. I would like to see the City website advertise safe routes for adults and children to schools and work. I would like to make sure that in all the new proposed developments that access to safe bike and pedestrian paths and bus stops are factored in. Currently, I am an advocate of Measure J that I believe will provide some of the much needed funding for these improvements. I would also like to make sure that Cal Poly and Cuesta students, who make up a significant portion of our community, are well versed on the aforementioned safe walking and biking options. I would also like the bike advocates to continue to make sure that anyone who does bike or walk has appropriate visibility and reflective gear for their safety. Also, since many people who bike and walk also take the bus, I would like to make sure that there are buses equipped to handle commuters with a bike, and for there to be a bench at every bus stop throughout the County. 5. What specific accomplishments/qualifications demonstrate your capacity to improve the transportation system in your community/district? As a listener, leader, and long-term planner my gift has been in my interpersonal skills, collaboration, and following through with a vision. When I saw a problem with substance abuse in our local schools, I helped to start County Friday Night Live (FNL). When we needed funding for substance abuse prevention and intervention programs, including County FNL, I helped to the start the 24 Hour Relay Challenge at San Luis Obispo High School. As an advocate of community service, I helped to start the Mayor’s Award for Community Service at both San Luis Obispo High School and Laguna Middle School. Politically, I fought to keep the small portion of 7 acres available for a Class 1 bike lane that is adjacent to the South Hills Open Space and the Damon-Garcia Sports Fields. The land was purchased for recreation, not a road. A bike lane fits the letter of the law there. ---continued---


City Council - San Luis Obispo Candidate Name: Mila Vujovich-La Barre (continued from previous page) As President of Save San Luis Obispo, that defeated the previous Dalidio development on 131-acres of Class 1 agricultural land, I became intimately involved with Prado Road - a “four-lane truck highway” according to the Land Use Circulation Element (LUCE) and on the City books since 1960. It is supposed to extend from Broad Street to Madonna. If elected, I will make sure that a comprehensive Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is completed for that road. Residents should have the luxury of a cross town Class 1 bike lane and cross town transportation. Currently that road is being “piecemealed.” I will work collaboratively with all stakeholders - residents, elected officials and governmental staff to help improve conditions in our City and County. 6. What else should members of Bike SLO County know about you before going to the polls? I am honored to be the only San Luis Obispo City Council candidate to receive the endorsement of the Sierra Club. Their Board of Directors recognized that I have been a long time advocate of health, recreation, the environment, and improving our community. I believe in climate change and if this generation can indeed get out of their cars and walk and bike more, we can make the world a better place. Personally, I am active and fit. In addition to biking, hiking and walking, I body surf, stand up paddle board and work out regularly at Cal Poly Recreation Center. I do that to stay healthy, have fun and to be a good role model for my current students! I have traveled all over our country and all over the world and I sincerely think that San Luis Obispo is “paradise here on earth” - not just from the physical beauty throughout our County, but due to the people who live here. If elected, I will do everything in my power to advocate for more, and safer, biking and walking options for residents and tourists of all ages. Please feel free to contact me at 805-441-5818 or through if you have any questions or desire additional information! Thank you!

BIKE SLO COUNTY Bike SLO County is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and may not conduct partisan political activities in support of or opposition to a candidate running for public office. Bike SLO County urges you to vote on (or before) November 8th, 2016 for the candidates of your choice. Bike SLO County is allowed to endorse nonparitsan measures and their Board has enthusiastically endorsed Measure J, a 1/2 cent sales tax expected to raise about $225 million dollars over nine years for vitally important transportation improvements throughout SLO County. For more information please go to

BIKE SLO COUNTY 805-547-2055

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