Spring 2022
CONTRIBUTORS Editor-in-Chief
Samantha Krevolin
Kaylee Zhong
Amanda Kaplowitz
Amanda Kaplowitz
Michael Suguitan
Creative Director
Samantha Krevolin Sydney Albert
Kaylee Zhong
Writers & Editors
Laken Pomerantz
Photography Director
Amanda Kaplowitz* Amelia Robinson* Hallie Finkelstein
Ben Parker
Julia Mangeym*
Lexi Zammiello Mary Gaffney*
Kendall Lieberman
Paige Barlow*
V.P. of Operations
Samantha Krevolin* Sydney Albert Victoria Correa
Erika Bloomgarden
(* for editors)
TABLE OF CONTENTS Cornell Student Life New Freshman Dorms
100 Years of the Cornell University Chorus
Covid-19 Under the Radar: The Class of 2025’s Rocky Start
Travel What People Don’t Tell You About Studying Abroad
A Love Letter to London
My Experience at NOMA: The #1 Restaurant in the World
Flying Fiasco
LETTER FROM THE EDITORS Samantha Krevolin and Amanda Kaplowitz
As this semester draws to a close, we’re able
anything and everything they desire. So
to reflect on just how crazy and chaotic,
even while we were abroad, we were able
yet fun, it has been. This was our first
to connect with one another every week
semester taking on the role of Editors-in-
and learn a bit about the happenings at
Chief, and both of us were many miles away
Cornell from a student perspective. Slope
from Cornell’s campus studying abroad
gave us a unique insight into student
in different cities. Running the Mag team
life this semester, and now, the readers
completely virtually with a six hour time
will have the chance to do the same.
difference proved to be challenging, but, as This edition of Slope magazine perfectly
this magazine proves, incredibly rewarding.
encompasses life as a Cornell student We couldn’t have made it through this
in Spring 2022. The articles cover a
semester and produced such an amazing
vast range of topics from COVID, study
magazine without the help of everyone
at Slope. From the dedicated writers and
editors, to the brilliant design and photo
buildings that
influence Cornell
teams, and the E-board members who filled in for us when we couldn’t (major shoutout
We’re looking forward to continuing our
to Mary Gaffney!), thank you for loving Slope
time as Editors-in-Chief next fall and
as much as we do! It’s been an honor to
returning to some normalcy with (hopefully)
work alongside you all, and we’ve certainly
in-person meetings and a physical print
learned a lot throughout this semester.
edition. We can’t wait to churn out even more relatable, witty articles and make
What makes Slope so special to us is the
Slope Media Group even more incredible
fact that the writers are able to write about
for old and new writers and readers.
New freshman dorms Lexi Zammiello
Kaylee Zhong
Before the 2021-2022 school year, Mews
lounge has bright yellow walls with a black
and Court-Kay-Bauer were known as the
and white checkerboard floor. Each of the
best places to live on North Campus. Every
other floors are painted in a bright or navy
freshman dreamed about living in these
blue. Contrastingly, when a person enters
dorms—that is, until Ganędago and Toni
Ganędago or Morrison Hall, the first thing they
Morrison Hall were built last year. These
see are the plain, white walls. Students have
dorms now replace Mews and Court-Kay-
described these to students living in other
Bauer as the new and improved places to
dorm buildings as very long, white hallways
live on campus. The modern architecture
with doors that do not have handles: boring
is unlike any of the other dorms on North
and dreary. Students have also mentioned
Campus, and these dorms are filled with
that the only light that can be seen walking
through the halls are the bright, red EXIT signs.
Toni Morrison Hall has two floors, is for
Despite these plain hallways, however, each
females only, and is equipped with everything
lounge is a bright blue color with floor-to-
that a student needs. It has a cafe, gym, and
ceiling windows. Additionally, these two new
a dining hall. In addition to offering multiple
dorm buildings are suite style with single
places to relax and hangout with friends,
and double rooms that share a bathroom.
Ganędago Hall, sometimes referred to as
This layout encourages students to leave
G-town by the freshman who were unable
their rooms and interact with other students.
to pronounce its name (Gah-nen-dah-go), is the place to be when a student is in need
Overall, these new dorms are the perfect
of a study space. The first floor, along with
place for students to come together to do
each additional floor, contains a multitude
work in groups, study, or simply to hangout
of study spaces, which contains many open
with friends. They have ample study spaces,
lounges for people to be around others and
both silent and collaborative, for students
do work. If these amenities do not impress
to do work and spend time with others. The
you enough, what really sets Ganędago Hall
second floor of Morrison is known to be the
apart from other dorms is the first floor
perfect place to run into “Hotelies” the night
music room, where there are always students
before a prelim. Although it is a freshman-
only dorm this year, next year, for the 2022-
2023 school year, these dorms will transition While
to being a part of the new Sophomore
amenities, a problem with these modern
Village on North Campus, thus beginning
buildings that many people fail to mention
the integration of sophomores onto North
is how they look on the inside. Many of the
Campus. I, along with many other students,
other residence halls on campus have walls
am excited to see what another year of these
that are very lively colors. Take Mews Hall
new dorms will bring to Cornell’s campus.
for example: the first floor along with each
Michael Suguitan
100 Years of the Cornell University Chorus Victoria Correa The Cornell University Chorus was founded
The jump from high school-level choir music
in 1920, and it is currently one of Cornell’s
to college-level choir music is pretty big, but
Chorus is the type of class that will really
University Glee Club. Since its founding,
push your limits and make you realize how
the Chorus has engaged and empowered
much potential you have. Over the decades,
singers who wanted to start or continue
the Chorus has performed at venues such as
singing at Cornell. There are actually
Carnegie Hall, the Kennedy Center, and has
three choirs at Cornell - the Chorus, which
collaborated with professional orchestras and
is the treble choir, the Glee Club, which
other college choirs around the country. At
is the tenor-bass choir, and the Cornell
Cornell, we perform annually at Convocation,
Chorale, which is the mixed choir. In this
article, I will be talking about the Chorus.
Weekend, and other university events.
I joined the Chorus as a freshman, which
While the Cornell University Chorus deals
was a good decision that would shape my
with choral music, many of its members are
experience at Cornell. I sang in a treble
involved in a cappella on campus. In fact, the
choir for the first time my senior year of high
Chorus has a subset a cappella group. From
school, and it was a different experience
1976-1991, Nothing But Treble was that subset.
than singing in mixed choirs, which I really
In 1991, however, After Eight became the
enjoyed. Singing pieces that composers
subset a cappella group of the Chorus. Both
wrote for treble voices was cool, and the
groups are still active on campus, so you
friends I made and the sisterhood we shared
should check out both NBT’s and After Eight’s
was amazing. I was so grateful that I could
semesterly concerts. I’m in After Eight, and
continue singing in a treble choir at Cornell.
it’s one of my favorite things to do on campus.
While the Chorus Centennial was technically in 2020, our centennial celebration was one of the many events that were postponed due to Covid-19. This year, however, the
The Chorus holds a special place in the
Chorus is finally able to hold an in-person
hearts of many current members and
alumni. That is why we are expecting a huge
Chorus members and alumni are super
turnout at the centennial celebration. For
excited. It will be this June during Reunion
many of us, choir is not just singing – it’s one
Weekend, and our director, many Chorus
of our ways of finding meaning in life. Singing
officers, and alumni have been putting
in Choir is a way for us to stay engaged and
in so much hard work in order to plan it.
energized, no matter what else is going on.
One of the great things about the Chorus is that it is mostly student-run. Our wonderful director, Sarah Bowe, takes care of the musical tasks.
have an executive board, a council, and an alumni committee. I’m the social media chair on the Chorus council, so I manage our Instagram and Facebook pages. I post publicity materials, member spotlights, and lately, I’ve been working with the alumni social media subcommittee to post things regarding the centennial celebration. Other Chorus officers have been busy planning performances,
other social events for Reunion Weekend.
Ben Parker
Covid-19 Under the Radar: The Class of 2025’s Rocky Start Hallie Finkelstein Covid-19 has greatly affected all of our
We entered the 2021-2022 school year at
lives over the past two years. Every class of
a time where Covid appeared to be on the
students has lost opportunities and missed
decline. We thanked our lucky stars that
out on important life events. Most people
we had been born just one year later and
may have the perception that the class of
were able to have our parents and family
2024 suffered the most out of all the current
members move us into our new college
students at Cornell: missing out on almost
dorms. Although still wearing masks, we
the entirety of their freshman year and
were hopeful that things would get better.
having to start a new chapter of their lives
However, once classes began, students were
in a world where nothing was normal. There
overwhelmed by the high expectations and
is nothing that can compare to the class of
significant quantity of work that they had not
2024’s surreal first year of college; but just
experienced in nearly two years. With many
as everything seemed to be finally going
coming from an entire senior year online, or
back to normal, the Covid-19 variants struck
at minimum hybrid online, we weren’t used to
again and the class of 2025 has borne a
attending classes in person and having this
similar toll during their freshman year.
many responsibilities. Club meetings had
been on zoom, and assignments and tests were completely virtual. This adjustment was difficult and caused significant stress for students who hadn’t experienced normalcy in almost two years. In addition to this stress, the surge of Covid cases in the beginning of the school year was extremely unsettling for students who had to miss 10 days of classes
the process that much more difficult.
and socialization at the start of their first year of college. As others were meeting
The beginning of college is a time when
people and trying to form close relationships,
teenagers are supposed to experience
students with Covid were isolated for 10 days,
freedom that they never had before and
further burdening in the process of adjusting
foster relationships with their peers. From
to a new environment. The social adjustment
an outside perspective it may seem that
was greatly impacted by Cornell’s stern covid
freshmen were able to experience normalcy,
rules. Rooms with a single resident were
but this was not the case due to Cornell’s
allowed one other person in their room and
strict Covid rules. Students were constantly
doubles were allowed to have four students
getting in trouble for trying to adjust and
total. This limited students from meeting
assimilate: having their school IDs scanned
friends in large groups and forced them into
for stepping into the common room without
the unintentional exclusion of other potential
a mask or having more than four people
friends in fear of getting in trouble with RA’s.
in their room. If you forgot to make your
College is normally very daunting for first
weekly PCR, you got locked out of Canvas
year students, but constant covid outbreaks
and couldn’t complete assignments. All
and the fear of contracting the virus made
these “consequences” for not complying with Cornell’s covid protocols were a detriment to students’ mental health. In the fall of 2020, before vaccines were available, the main concern was to keep students from getting Covid-19. However, after almost two years of a life completely focused on avoiding covid, many in the class of 2025 became fed up with
social isolation. With the peace of mind that everyone they were around was vaccinated, students wanted to meet new friends. For a short while, starting in October, covid cases seemed to decline and students had the normal college experience that they had so longed for. This was until December
classes from their dorms, having to worry
2021 when the Omicron variant struck
about roommates and other distractions
Cornell’s campus. With finals around the
while classes were going on. Students
corner, many students were testing positive
then had to quickly transition back into in-
for covid. Cornell was not prepared for
person classes after having been online
the massive surge. Students who tested positive
for the beginning weeks of the semester.
even days, before being sent to isolate, posing
All students at Cornell University have
suffered losses and mental health tolls from
desperately wanted to stay away to avoid
the Covid-19 pandemic. While it may not
catching the virus. This took a mental toll
have been so apparent to the rest of the
on students during the final examination
students and faculty at Cornell, the lives of
period as they were frantically seeking a
students in the class of 2025 have not been
safe place to sleep while studying for finals.
easy. After two long years, it is time that students begin to get back to their normal
We then had the late start of second semester
lives; Cornell’s decision to lift the mask
and the beginning of online classes. The
mandate in certain areas of campus has
Class of 2025 had never experienced online
already helped to do this. With nearly one tumultuous year under their belts, Cornell freshmen can only hope to achieve some amount of normalcy in the next three years.
Samantha Krevolin
What People Don’t Tell You About Studying Abroad Samantha Krevolin
This semester has been a whirlwind.
that I wish I knew beforehand, and I
In August, I decided I wanted to study
plan on sharing them to help everyone
abroad in Florence, Italy for the Spring
planning or contemplating going abroad
to be as knowledgeable as possible.
rarely travels, I was both very excited and nervous about this new adventure.
Everyone hits a point where things
I tried to get advice and tips from
will not go as planned, and that’s ok!
There have been several times during
since I am the oldest child and my older
my abroad experience when things were
friends at Cornell were not able to go
out of my control. As much as you try to
abroad due to COVID, I was not sure
plan your trips and schedule down to the
what to expect. Today, with four weeks
second, there is only so much you can do
left in my time abroad, I can proudly say
at certain points. Taxis will be late, trains
I found this semester to be everything
will be missed, and flights will be delayed.
I expected and more. Although I think
These instances are unfortunate but
~abroad changed me~ in some ways,
ultimately unavoidable. I could go on
there are things people warn you about
about specific experiences, such as my
that I found to be true. The language
friend’s Italian hospital visit from food
barrier and cultural differences are
poisoning, my allergic reaction in Spain,
real, and everyone will prepare you in
and another friend realizing she did not
that respect. However, there are things
pack her passport as we arrived at the
airport to go to Prague. These situations
the same experience and hesitation
were in no way ideal, but they all helped
about studying abroad for a whole
me grow as a person and learn how to
semester. Everyone should know they
deal with difficult situations. Sometimes
are not alone when they experience
it may also work out for the better. I
this feeling. As independent as you may
learned how to use my Italian language
think you are, it is completely normal and
skills, pack and prepare for trips better,
justified to have some homesickness
and be calm in stressful situations.
when you are halfway across the world.
As independent as you think you
It doesn’t matter how many friends
are, you will miss home sometimes
you make, but the relationship you
After going to camp for seven years and
have with the friends you do make
going to college for three, I thought going
On my first orientation day, I had déjà vu
abroad with three of my best college
of Cornell orientation. Everyone around
friends would be a breeze. I was quickly
me was rushing to meet as many people
proven wrong. I had never been to Europe
and make as many friends as possible. I
before, so I was hit with a huge culture
was fortunate enough to go abroad and
shock during my first week in Florence.
live with three of my best friends from
One night I was alone in my apartment
Cornell, but that is very unusual. We
prepping for an interview when I had an
all wanted to make new friends as well.
internal panic. Although I was with some
Luckily, orientation allowed us to meet
of my best friends in a country I always
new people we never met at Cornell Netflix
wanted to visit, I wondered whether I
and our new classmates who went to
made the right decision. I called my
different universities like Wisconsin,
mom and told her I should’ve stayed at
GW, and Vanderbilt. My friends and I
Cornell, and she told me to wait it out
were also able to meet people in other
a week and try to enjoy myself. A week
programs within Florence who go to
later, I could not have been happier that
I had listened to her advice. Friends new
at night, going out to dinner, or just
and old opened up to me about having
through friends of friends. At first, many
people rush to claim individuals and try
the street of a foreign country where
to show off how many “new friends” they
you don’t speak the language. Enjoy
have. Over the semester, I have learned
every second because you never know
that it’s more important to most people
when these moments will come around.
and me to have fewer closer friends who you will actually talk to after abroad than
having names you can read off of a list.
(fortunately) not come to an end quite
Whether it’s people in your program
yet, these are some things that stood
or not, make sure to take the time to
out to me that people do not seem to
get lunch or go out with new people,
talk about when advising about abroad.
but also, don’t try to spread your arms
I think everyone should be as open-
too wide and be seen as unreliable
minded as possible when going into their
or flakey. I truly believe I have made
semester abroad and appreciate every
friends I will have for years to come,
second because I know it sounds cliché,
and I could not be happier about that.
but it does go by in a blink of an eye. It is a once and a lifetime experience, and
have you
although there are major ups and downs,
the experience is well worth it. I would
Everyone going abroad thinks the most
not trade my experiences for the world
fun parts occur at the craziest sights.
and I’m going to soak up and appreciate
Although I was blown away by the Eiffel
the next few weeks as much as possible.
Tower, Parc Güell, and Coliseum, I often made the most memories simply by spending time with my friends. Some of my most memorable times were missing a train in Rome after going downstairs and back up the same stairs, thinking we were going to a different platform. Or making new friends at a late-night food place in London. Or getting lost wandering
Amanda Kaplowitz
A Love Letter to London Amanda Kaplowitz
I wish I could say I’ll be returning to Cornell
that going abroad to London was one
with a crisp British accent and a newfound
of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
tendency to (dangerously) attempt to drive on the left side of the road. But, while these things
For starters, yes– it is fairly similar to New
may not be true, I am coming back holding a
York City. But since when was that a bad
special place in my heart for the city I’ve called
thing? Adjusting to life in a new city can
home for the past four and a half months.
be hard, so having some semblance of familiarity with its resemblance to home
Don’t get me wrong– I have been so lucky to
was something I really appreciated. And– Netflix
travel to so many amazing new places around
in my opinion at least– it is a cleaner,
Europe every weekend, and have absolutely
prettier, more polished version of NYC.
loved being able to experience new cultures and explore. But having my home base in
Something else I absolutely loved was
London has been something I’ve grown
the fact that everyone speaks English.
understanding the language, but there I’m no stranger to the fact that people think
are still some fun slang words to pick up
London is the most similar to America
on. For example, I will now exclusively be
and may consider it not as coveted to go
calling my apartment my “flat,” and the
abroad compared to say Italy or Spain. But,
trash “rubbish.” Plus, the accents are reason
I’m here to dispel all of those stereotypes
enough to love speaking to people here.
All of the different areas to explore in London are another reason why it’s such an ideal place to reside. I feel like I didn’t even get to check off everything on my bucket list after having lived here for four months. The city
So, I’m not only coming back with pounds
is so big and houses so many fun activities
in my wallet, a greater appreciation for tea
and amazing restaurants that you’ll truly
and scones, and an in-depth knowledge
never get bored. I could spend a lifetime
of the tube lines, but I’m also returning
in London and still discover new things
with a new sense of independence and
everyday. Notting Hill and Camden Market
a huge amount of personal growth that
are two of my favorite spots to hit, but believe
I’ve acquired by navigating a bustling
me– there are a lot more to choose from.
city. I’ve been fully immersed in a place that’s so perfect, I don’t want to leave. So, London, thank you for everything these past few months. See you soon.
Sydney Albert
My Experience at NOMA: The #1 Restaurant in the World Sydney Albert I wouldn’t call myself a picky eater, but if
in Copenhagen, I naturally began to curate
you had told me a few months ago that I
a list of restaurants I wanted to go to. I
would be drinking out of a crab shell and
threw Noma onto the list on a whim - it is
eating oyster ice cream in the middle of
the number one restaurant in the world
Denmark this semester I would have hardly
and happens to be in Copenhagen. Noma
believed it. When I decided to study abroad
was already completely booked for the
four months I would be in the city and the food itself seemed like it would be a little too adventurous for me. But still, my friends and I trolled the Noma website every week searching for any sign of availability. None of us know the next time we will be returning to Copenhagen; it felt like our only opportunity to try this world-renowned restaurant. After having no luck for weeks, I was in disbelief when one of my friends called me up and told me she had a table for four on hold and I had ten minutes to decide if I was going. I was in. We
immediately felt like royalty. The kitchen
Sydney Albert
was situated right at the front and every single chef stopped cooking to greet us and welcome us to the restaurant. When we reached our table, we were given warm
the menu worked. Well, sort of, since there
towels and an intricate explanation of how
was actually no real menu. We were going to be given fifteen courses of whatever the chef wanted to serve. The only hint we had was that it was their ocean season. I was obviously expecting fish, but when the first dish arrived I was still completely taken aback. It was a full crab shell that had been filled with broth. We were instructed to hold the shell like a flask and drink from it. So we did, and it was so fascinating to see how creative innovation could be applied to the consumption of food through this dish. The next few courses were equally as delicious, filled with fish, spices, and vegetables I had never even heard of. Somehow, it all melded together well, and the portions were perfectly sized so that none
Sydney Albert 22
the questions we had about the restaurant. The service was impeccable, so we asked about their training. She told us about the preparation process for each season, and how the team brainstormed the flavors and presentation for each dish. It was so much more than just a meal; it was quite literally a science. On our way out of the restaurant, we even caught a glimpse of the lab that they use for food experimentation. While the food itself was amazing, the service and ambiance is what made the experience an 11/10. It was the most enjoyable four hours I have ever spent in a restaurant. I
Sydney Albert
now have such a greater appreciation for food and culinary art, and how cooking
of the strong flavors were overpowering.
can serve as a form of expression. While these 15 courses will certainly give me
Thirteen courses of uniquely flavored and
an aversion to fish for a while and my
perfectly plated dishes made their way to
standards for seafood are now well above
my table over the next three hours. Finally,
Plum Tree’s finest, I can confidently say
I saw a scoop of ice cream making its way
these are sacrifices that were worth making
over to our table. I felt so excited for a
sweet palette cleanse. But then I heard the description, oyster ice cream, and started to get nervous. Did they really need to take it that far and potentially ruin ice cream?! The answer was yes, but it was far from ruined. The oyster taste was barely there but still served as a reminder of the oceanthemed meal. Definitely an interesting mix of ingredients, but I wasn’t complaining. After the fifteenth course was served and we could barely stomach another bite of food, our waitress took some time to answer all
Sydney Albert 23
Flying Fiasco Ben Parker
Mary Gaffney It’s 5:48 a.m. Hadar walks into Maddy’s
customer service. Though I was aware of this,
childhood bedroom, where I’m sleeping
it’s difficult to understand how frustrating it
on her fuzzy, cream-colored carpet next
can be until you experience flying troubles
to Maddy, who’s asleep in her bed. We’re
yourself. Us Cornellians experienced this
awaiting an eight o’clock wakeup for our flight
firsthand as we tried to get to our Spring
out of Philadelphia. “Mary, Maddy, our flight
Break destinations. Whether you took JetBlue
was canceled. We need to rebook.” I wake
to Punta Cana or were simply trying to make
up, scramble for my phone in the unfamiliar
it to Florida, like me, it’s likely something
room, and drowsily attempt to navigate
about your travel did not go as planned.
the American Airlines app. We rebook to another flight at 12:57 p.m. into West Palm
This was my first Spring Break in over three
Beach, which is only forty minutes north - no
years. I never had a textbook one, complete
problem. If only this cancellation was the most
with beaches, bars, and bad sunburns, so
complicated our travel plans would become.
my friends and I started planning months in advance, securing the location and the best – and cheapest – Airbnb and flights.
We’ve long heard about exacerbated travel troubles due to COVID-19. This spring especially, with pent-up demand due to the
I decided to check a bag because I am terrible
lifting of COVID restrictions and the usually
at packing efficiently and we had a direct
busy spring travel season, everyone wants to
flight. Once we arrived at the Philadelphia
fly. During the first weekend of April, airlines
airport, I printed my bag tag and dropped
across the country canceled or delayed more
it off at the American Airlines counter.
than ten thousand flights due to weather,
Made it with forty-seven pounds – phew.
labor shortages, or technology problems, Our group seamlessly made their way
creating long lines and wait times for airline
through security, got a coffee, and took
away to get help, but the line of disgruntled
turns going on walks while waiting for our
passengers was as far as we could see.
flight. At 12:10, the lady at Gate B5 began making announcements, and a few minutes
Our group was split up. Rachel and Sophie
later, she invited the first few groups to
sprinted to their new gate and flew to
board. There are only a few seventy-
Charlotte, where they would connect and
something-year-old passengers in front of
ultimately end up in Florida late that night.
me in Group 6, and suddenly I noticed the
Hadar was by herself on an 8 p.m. to Ft.
monitor at the gate change. “CANCELED.”
Lauderdale, and Maddy and I end up on a 9
There is a collective groan, and everyone
p.m. to West Palm Beach, with standby status
started checking their phones and asking
for the 8 p.m. Maddy, Hadar, and I spent
the workers, “Is that real? Is it canceled?”
the next several hours skulking around the
“Uh, we’re not sure, but let us ask the pilot
airport, making phone calls, watching March
to see if anything has changed.” Soon after,
Madness, and searching for flights that
passengers deboard, and the cancellation
wouldn’t leave us sitting in PHL for the next
is confirmed. The frantic nature of this
eight hours (or more). Travel anxiety took
moment was nearly paralyzing. We tried to
over, and I wondered if I would ever get to relax
secure another flight without having to pay
and enjoy a nice Pina Colada on the beach.
hundreds of dollars more, but any selection was sold out. We then ran to the American
Maddy and my names kept falling lower and
Airlines Customer Service Desk a few gates
lower on the standby list for Hadar’s flight,
Ben Parker 25
just as our chances of making it to the beach. My blood pressure rose as they call names to claim tickets. Boarding was delayed. My phone buzzed. “FLIGHT AA 2188 CANCELED.” I moved as fast as my legs could take me. We needed to make it to gate A17 and talk to someone to see if Hadar could get on our flight and ensure Maddy and I had seats. We
Somehow, they recruited another pilot and
were the first ones to the desk and could
crew for our flight. Boarding began, but
see all the seventy-somethings from our
Maddy and I held back, struggling with what
earlier flight at the gate waiting for 9 p.m.
to do if Hadar could not get on the flight.
to come around. Maddy and I got seats, but
Only a few passengers remained, and the
all they could do is put Hadar on standby.
boarding agent yells at us, “If you girls have
“Hadar, we can’t leave you,” I said. Maddy
seats, you need to get on the plane. We are
responded, “We’ll never get there if we don’t
counting seats.” “You guys go. I’ll figure it
go now, and it’s easier to find flights for
out,” Hadar says, holding back rare tears. We
fewer people. I’ll give you my mom’s number.
hesitantly walked down the jet bridge, looking
She’ll pick you up.” As the worker printed
back at every chance. We waited for the
boarding passes, another worker informed
elderly couple in front of us to find their seats
him that there was no crew for this flight.
and turned around at the last second to see
Due to weather, they were stuck in Palm
Hadar and her pink carry-on running down
Beach and never made it to Philadelphia.
the bridge. We all started jumping. The people around us started jumping. But we couldn’t
I walked away, and tears fell. I wasn’t even
relax until the aircraft took off – recalling our
sad - I don’t even like Florida that much to
earlier flight. We knew everyone else on the
be honest - but I was exhausted and at a
plane had a long, difficult day of travel. Hadar
loss, wondering if we would ever get there.
kept saying, “It feels like we’re in a movie.”
Flights for the rest of the week were sold out. After about two hours, all three of us landed in West Palm Beach, and the passengers on our flight applauded. It was 11:30 p.m., thirteen hours after we arrived at PHL. We made our way to baggage claim. But where is my suitcase?