SLOT DNA This text is an attempt to express what is important for people who create SLOT. It is a hologram created by combining many, often different, perspectives. Partly it describes the reality, partly the dreams and ambitions.
#creativity and development
We are interested in creating. Change, movement and development are parts of the art of life we want to master. If we decide that we already have mastered it, it is a sign that we got lost. We do not want to just react. In reaction there is no passion, energy, lightness and beauty we find when we are creative. We need and look for inspiration. We also want to inspire others.
You can go by or meet one another. We choose the latter. One can either want to understand or want to be understood. From those we begin with choosing the first. Slot is a mountain shelter in which travelers meet. Their meeting is important, regardless of the way they walk and the goal they have chosen.
#freedom Freedom to truly be yourself. And clear invitation – here you can be yourself, exactly who you are. There is great richness in our diversity. Next to the word freedom we see another, very important – responsibility. For people and other creatures that live with me or even next to me. And for the space we inhabit.
#love Relationships, friendship and community – we base our actions on them. This constant attempt to step beyond "me" as an individual and "us" as a group – that is the most important thing. That is what gives our actions meaning. Love is very pragmatic. It is mindfulness and wish to stop for somebody else, when we are pushed forward. If any total evaluation awaits us, we will surely be asked about that.
photo: Ola Zawada
We believe in Jesus. Simply but not always the same. That is where our roots are. The deeper it goes, the more we get from it – inspiration to be creative, to be fair, to be free, to be ourselves, to be together and not only for ourselves. Many things come from here for those of us who think and believe differently. Things get complicated when we forget, that "important is only what is important", that this is a way, not a religion. It is good to remind ourselves of this.
SAF Rules 5 days without chemical substances and violence, which means: – On the festival grounds consumption, handling and possession of alcohol, drugs or mind-altering and psychotropic substances is strictly prohibited. Security has the right to control and confiscate any such substance. – People under the influence or intoxicated will not be allowed to enter the festival grounds. – Possessing and all the more using any objects, substances or materials that might be life or health-threatening to other participants is strictly forbidden. – Wearing the ID badge on your neck is obligatory. The ID is to be presented every time you pass the control gates and at every request of the security team. Violating above rules may result in expelling you from the festival grounds. After 22:00 please try to behave quietly on the camping sites so that you won't disturb your neighbours. The festival day lasts from 11:00 to 11:00. Full set of rules is available at www.slot.art.pl or at the info point.
Intro The festival is a holiday, a special time. We talk about how different and special Slot is. That Slot means an empty NICHE, an alternative. We talk about the atmosphere, the people, that they are different here: open, kind, involved and helpful. And when Slot ends, we go back to "everyday reality" and wait for the next one. We can't wait. But maybe we should try – an experiment – look at Slot like we look at a normal city. After all, it's not just a banquet in a forest. After all, here we also get rain sometimes, we also get tired. After all here people also go to work, go for classes and after work they meet their friends, go to the movies, to a theatre or to a concert and at night they dance in a club. This city has its cafes, restaurants and even a library and a post office. So what it exists only for a few days in a year? It shows us that it's POSSIBLE. That we can live, be and look at our surroundings and people in a different way: openly, kindly, with involvement and interest. CREATE and DEVELOP – ourselves and what's around us. It doesn't have to be an enclave – it can be a SIMULATOR and a PROTOTYPE. And when we leave here, let's try looking at our cities the way we look at SLOT. Let's find their Cynamon's and Kalafior's, let's find their plane tree, remember where the tents of our friends are and let's try to meet them and get a bread roll together. Just like that. Let's try looking at our surroundings and people differently. And if in a place where we live there's no cinema or stage – let's make it ourselves, let's make us a Slot. After all the city isn't brought here in containers like a circus. It's something we build – with our own hands, imagination and relationships. Let's train the muscles that allow us to be free, to love, to meet, to create, to develop. You have them too.
Sunrise Movies • P4 10:30
„All three of us” France 2015, 102 min
Documentary Films • P4 19:00
„The Swedish Theory of Love” Sweden 2015, 76 min
Theatre Stage • A10 19:45
„Maria Dunin's Dreams” Alelale Theatre, Bydgoszcz
Cinema • A10 21:20
Meeting young Polish cinema: Bartek Żmuda
„The Unknown Girl” Belgium/France 2016, 113 min
Narwani z Kontekstu
SloTv • B1 00:15 Satirical Actions Spot • G14 00:30
The Info Point is the best-informed place! Here you will obtain all the information on SAF both in Polish and in other languages. You can also come for a guided tour of Slot: at 16:00 on Tuesday, at 10:00 from Wednesday to Saturday. Start: at the INFO Point next to the deposit.
First Aid Point OPEN: 24H /
Might you have any health problems, come to the First Aid Point. If you notice someone else in need of medical help, please let us know! SOS phone number in case of emergency 782 450 999.
Translations Our translators are assigned to the most important parts of the program: meetings, lectures and workshops. Look for a person with the "translator" ID or for the "translation here!" signs. At the English Info Point next to D2 you can ask which events we translate or let us know where else will you need us to help you (not later than one hour before the event begins!).
„Once Upon a Time in Anatolia” Turkey/Bosnia-Herzegovina 2011, 150 min
„Ajami” Germany/Israel 2009, 120 min
„In the Last Days of the City ” Egypt 2016, 118 min
„My Love, Don’t Cross That River” South Korea 2014, 86 min
„Last Men in Aleppo” Denmark/Syria 2017, 101 min
„The Good Postman” Finland/Bulgaria 2016, 82 min
„To Face” Krzyk Theatre, Maszewo
„Holedigger” Naumiony Theatre, Ornontowice
„Insomnia” Strefa Otwarta Theatre, Wrocław
„You Have no Idea How Much I Love You” Poland 2016, 76 min
„Sweet Bean” Japan 2015, 113 min
„Paterson” USA 2013, 118 min
Sekcja Muzyczna Kołłątajowskiej Kuźni Prawdziwych Mężczyzn
Dwaj Panowie
Famous Jim Williams Sviat Marinated
Deposit/Phone charging OPEN: 8.00-22.00 /
One location – two possibilities! If you have anything valuable – we will keep it safe for you. If you are low on energy – charge your phone here and connect back with the world!
Wi-Fi NEXT TO B3 We encourage you to try being off-line for a few days but if you really need it, the net is cast over the courtyard, around the Kiwi Cafe.
Slotisko OPEN: 10.00-1.00 /
Here you can buy attractive Slottish gadgets as well as CDs from the bands playing at SAF this year. Our staff is really nice and positively crazy. Come visit us!
Turn 1 • 11:00-12:45
ABC – 3D carton letters, E5 Architectural drawing, F8 Bag painting, B4 Batik technique: egg decorating, E1 Blacksmithing, B2 Creative photography techniques, H6 Ebru, G7 Handmande paper, G8 Knitting with fingers, F7 Linocut, F2 Paper wicker, F6 Program a robot, F5 Social mural, A9 Sock-animal, H3 Solo – an artistic-social activity, F4
Analyzing Yerba Mate, A7 / A well in South Sudan, F1 / Awareness, A3 Building a shelter for pollinating insects, G2 / Chemical vertigo, B4 Dad-o-sphere, E6 / Dendrology, P5 Dreadlocks, H2 / Game designing, G1 Give a second life, E3 / How to make money from your passion?, G6 Is time really money?, P2 Living Latin and Greek, P3 Reusable nappies, C1 Six Colours of Tea, A5 Social economy, H5 Sufragettes, E10 Thinking in projects! E4
Turn 2 • 13:00-14:45
Balloons, B4 Bath bombs, H2 Blacksmithing, B2 DIY – tulips, B4 Flat embroidery, F7 Ink landscape painting, A6 Mobile photography, F8 Plotting, E1 / Pottery, G7 Scrapbooking, E5 / Stop motion, E10 String-woven, F6 T-shirt dyeing, G8 Tailoring, E3
An even better parent, C1 Art of rhyme, D4 / Bicyclical, A1 Cocoa, A7 / Creative thinking, H5 DO Get along, Z3 / Effective Writing, G6 Find an idea for yourself, H1 #GIRLPOWER, P5 / Hungarian A8 Know your way around, A9 Portuguese, P3 / Sales not for salesmen, E4 / Slot-mafia, G1 Small steps, big changes, E6 Sokrates Cafe, D6 / Taming the Leviathan, P2 / Wetland Workshop Village, B8
Turn 3 • 15:00-16:45
Crazy structures, B4 Badges, F2 / Decorative candles, F10 Decoupage, E5 / Design a logo, P2 Dutchman game, F8 Felting, F7 Fruit and vegetable carving, H3 Inkmania, F3 / Land art, P5 Medieval calligraphy, H6 / Moulding, F6 (Non)templated, H2 Photograms, F4 Sequin decorations, F8 Soutache jewellery, E1 Wooden houses installation, F9
Art projects fundraising, E4 Esperanto MMA, P3 / Ferment!, G7 Forensic, B4 / Four projects and a funeral, G6 / Meaningful talks, E6 Reading between the lines, D7 Psychology of change, E3 Secret of a full moneybag, H5 Shawl-carrying, C1 / Six Colours of Tea, A5 Speed reading, H1 / Stop being scared and start acting! E10 / Turkish, A8 Wetland Workshop Village, B8
Bass rules, D4 Beatbox, B7 Rainsticks F3 Vocal improvisation G12
Acting, G9 Chivalry, Z3 Contact improvisation, Z6 Dancehall, D1 Diabolo, B9 G2 Pantomime, D7 Poi – advanced level, C7 Slot Stories Festival, A1 Staff manipulation, B10 G11 Stage improvisation, A10
Aerial acrobatics, B5 Be like Lewy, C3 Capoeira Regional, C4 Hula Hoop dance, B6 G3 Le Parkour, D5 Sport bow, Z1 Unicycle, G4
Better side of Djembe, C7 Pulse of rhythm, G12
Artistic jam, Z1 F3 Ball juggling, C4 H7 Flowerstick, B6 G3 Flag dancing, D1 Form theatre, G9 Jewish and Israeli dances, F1 Hip hop dance, Z6 Kendama, B9 G2 PartNer, P4 Reggaeton, Z5 Two staffs, B10 G11
Aerial acrobatic, B5 Chess, A10 Krav Maga, C6 Le Parkour, D5 Make yourself a bow, F5 Manzo, C5 Unicycle, G4
A son circle, G12 DJing, B7 Song-writing, D4
Bachata, F1 Dance yourself, G9 Irish dance, D1 Juggler on a stage like a lion out of cage, B9 G2 Levistick, B6 G3 Passing – shared juggling, C4 H7 Salsa cubana, P4 Soap bubbles, Z1 Stilts, B10 G11 What moves us? Z6
Slackline,C7 Unicycle, Z3 Yo-yo, G4
meeting point, the workshop will take place in different location alternative meeting spot in case of rain
Inner Courtyard Upstairs
Palace Upstairs
A IN FRONT OF THE PALACE Sphere Skim Summer Plane tree Folk Stage Eastern Tent Café Wielki Wóz
B COURTYARD Main Stage Kiwi Café Open Space
C RE-CREATION Mini Café Playing Fields
D PALACE GROUND FLOOR ArtRoom Fifth Element Meta-noia Café
E PALACE UPSTAIRS Workshop office Pro Zone Cynamon Café SloTv Ideas Zone
F ARTCATHEDRAL Experimental Stage
G INNER COURTYARD Café Gafa Pro Zone Social Initiatives Zone Chai Lounge Café Wirydarz
H INNER COURTYARD UPSTAIRS P BASEMENT Kalafior Cafe Basement stage Tratwa EVS Tent
Z OUTSIDE THE WALLS Meadow at the River Meadow behind the Road Cultural Centre (10 minutes) Fire Station (20 minutes) School – gym (10 minutes)
Prayer Concert • F1 T. Bednarek, R. „Litza” Friedrich, K. Kmiecik, B. Bobeł, D. Brzozowska
Contest Stage • A10 15:00 15:45 16:30 18:00 18:45 19:30
Futurelight Need More Clouds Headwind
Joa Bird Cukier Puder Sonbird
Folk Stage/ Folk Soundsystem • A6 Wałasi
18:00 18:30 20:00 21:00 01:00 02:30
Pixie Elf and The Tribe
Unplugged Stage • A1 20:00 20:30
Francis Tuan
Martijn Krale
Follow The Sun Buslav
Laureat Sceny Konkursowej
Main Stage • B1 20:30 21:15 22:30
Dikanda Pablopavo i Ludziki
Runo Madame Jean Pierre
Lunatyp karaoke
Spontaneous Stage • G1 21:00 00:30
HC Punk Stage / Hip-Hop Stage / Live Act Stage • P4 22:00 22:30 23:00
Lie After Lie Nukk
Sound Me Ghostman MAPA
DJ ChedeRac
DJ ChedeRac
Ola Bilińska – Berjozkele
Robbie Steppa Warriors Sovah MORC IN DUB
CJ Art Bongo
All that Rap • P4 00:30
Experimental Stage • F1 00:30
Club Stage • P4 00:30 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00
Pixie Elf Moony Banati Crew
Al Lad
Be The Light
Kuba Herok z zespołem
Renata Wybraniec & the band
Oink DryMan Wasabi
Sarang Vigil CLoN
NaliaH Älskar Less is Lessie
Zap Loopy Monsta Sovah
Rhiannon Celtic Band Banati Crew Sovah
DJ Feel-X Zap Loopy Monsta Charles Pakowsky
Magda Kosterkiewicz Klaudia Borczyk
Laureat Sceny Konkursowej Frühstück xxanaxx
Laureat Sceny Konkursowej The Fruitcakes Mikromusic
Laureat Sceny Konkursowej Lilly Hates Roses Damian Syjonfam
Follow Rivers Yuuki
Edyta Górecka Jabłonka
Box Anima karaoke
Dusty Vibes Crew
DJ ChedeRac
DJ ChedeRac
SLOT Art Orchestra
Gotta Go Dave Sparrow
Onex Insomnia
Modefree Diastema
PRO Zone • E3 / E4 / H1 / H5 / G6/ G14 10:00-11:00 11:00-12:45 13:00-14:45
Angelika Chimkowska – Is corporation hell Michał Kochaniewicz – and self-employment paradise? A beer in the morning WORKSHOPS: "Thinking in projects!", "How to make money from your passion", "Is time really money?" WORKSHOPS: "Creative thinking – theory and practice. Turn thinking on!", "Find an idea for yourself", "Sales not for salesmen – how to pass our ideas on to others", "Effective writing – not only cat photos"
13:00-14:45 15:00-16:45 17:30-19:00
WORKSHOPS: "Four projects and a funeral – secrets of bussines creation", "Secrets of a full moneybag of a Slot participant", "Raising money for artistic projects", "Psychology of change – progress not perfection" Piotr Lusina – Values in bussiness: Małgorzata & Wojciech Nowicki – Values in 7 deadly sins business: employee and employer values
Networking after midnight
Special Guests • A10 17:30-18:30
Jasiek Mela, Włodek Markowicz
ks. Adam Boniecki
Ideas Zone (Lectures) / Fifth Element • E12 / E13 / E14 / E15 / A4 11:00-12:45
E12 Krzysztof Czyżewski – The Power of Community E13 Beata & Marcin Janik – How to come to understanding in 20 minutes? E14 Andrzej Burzyński – Hot to live a great life? E15 Ryszard Sierotnik – Infohighway to nowhere?
E13 Rod Smith – They said "Be yourself!" E14 Piotr Kapera & Gwyneth Pierce – Shadows of porn E15 Edwin Bendyk – Where is the world headed? E12 Marcin Janasik – How to change the world • E13 William Shaw – Perfectionism • E14 Asia & Janusz Żydek – On relationships • E15 Jan Masajada – Dreams and Atoms • A4 Fifth element: Filip Pasek – Do you really forge your own destiny?
E12 Piotr Abramczyk & Renata Łukaszewicz – Christianity and ecology E13 William Shaw • E14 Asia & Janusz Żydek • E15 Jan Masajada A4 Fifth element: Jakub Kamiński – Do you really forge your own destiny?
Social Initiatives Zone • H5 / G10 / G14 11:00-12:45 13:00-14:45 16:00-20:00 19:00-22:00
WORKSHOPS: Social Economy Workshop Brand building on social media – good Difficult words, simple ways to make your dreams practices come true – fundraising and crowdfunding Social Initiatives Stalls
Green Slot • D2 / D7 / G2 13:00-14:45
Małgorzata Jackowska-Poloch – Intimate hygiene ecologically, traditionally and progressively
Alicja Koszutska – Pepperminta food truck – How did the business idea came to be?
Blogosphere • A1 15:00-16:45
Włodek Markowicz
Filip Kożusznik @ohmyfifi
Literary Stage • D7 / G1 15:00-16:45 17:00-18:15 18:20-20:00
Workshops: Krzysztof Czyżewski on Ana Blandiana Author's meeting: Joanna Mueller Author's meeting: Sylvester Lavrik
Workshops: Krzysztof Czyżewski on Yahya Hassan Author's meeting: Stanisław Bereś
Ryszard Sierotnik & William Scott Shaw DJ Feel-X – The power of peace – Hot Barbecue WORKSHOPS: "Thinking in projects!", "How to make money from your passion", "Is time really money?" WORKSHOPS: "Creative thinking – theory and practice. Turn thinking on!", "Find an idea for yourself", "Sales not for salesmen – how to pass our ideas on to others", "Effective writing – not only cat photos" "Why together?" panel discussion WORKSHOPS: "Four projects and a funeral – secrets of bussines creation", "Secrets of a full moneybag of a Slot participant", "Raising money for artistic projects", "Psychology of change – progress not perfection" Cezary Rutka – Values in business: Maciej Żłobiński – Workplace ergonomics management through values or not-just-moral spine Networking after midnight Adam Wajrak
11:00 Janina Ochojska • 17:30 Petr Jašek
E12 Olek Macha – Work, money, passion E13 Beata & Marcin Janik E14 Andrzej Burzyński E15 Ryszard Sierotnik
E12 Olek Macha E13 Beata & Marcin Janik E14 Andrzej Burzyński E15 Ryszard Sierotnik
E12 Michał Kuźmiński – Inner workings of Poles E13 Rod Smith E14 Karolina Hołownia – Love, infatuation and sex E15 Edwin Bendyk
E12 Michał Kuźmiński E13 Rod Smith E14 Karolina Hołownia E15 Edwin Bendyk
E12 Piotr Abramczyk & Renata Łukaszewicz E13 William Shaw E14 Asia & Janusz Żydek E15 Jan Masajada A4 Fifth element – Jakub Kamiński
E12 Piotr Abramczyk & Renata Łukaszewicz E13 William Shaw E14 Asia & Janusz Żydek E15 Jan Masajada A4 Fifth element – Jakub Kamiński
WORKSHOPS: Social Economy Workshop Business activity – we bust the myths! Social Initiatives Stalls Race of Thoughts Michał Olszewski – About the "Eco-book on eco-God"
Jarek Kasprzyk (Gaja Club) – Contemporary challenges of nature preservation
Bartłomiej Zawisza @nieANTYfan
Michał Olszewski #upał
Workshops: Wojciech Bonowicz on Eugeniusz Tkaczyszyn-Dycki Author's meeting: Damian Kowal SLAM
Workshops: Wojciech Bonowicz on Anna Świrszczyńska & Julian Kornhauser Author's meeting: Łukasz Jarosz Author's meeting: Wojciech Bonowicz
ArtRoom • D6-D7 10:00-10:45 11:00-12:45 15:00-17:00 17:00-19:00 17:00-19:30 19:30-20:00
Mystery Reads Colors' tastes: Yellow breakfast WORKSHOPS: DIY Pots and Plants WORKSHOPS: How to SLOT Loesje workshops Closing up ArtRoom together
Chai Longue • G13 SLIDESHOW: Family in India
11:00-12:00 12:00-13:00 13:00-14:00 15:00-16:00 21:00-22:00 Eastern Tent • A8 11:00-12:45 22:00-24:00
WORKSHOPS: Women and girls in India
WORKSHOPS: Flavours of the World Aleksandra & Bartosz Fabjański: Because it's in Asia– Kyrgyzstan. And why not add China to the plan?
Piotr Mojżyszek: The path of a man
Re-creation • C1-C3 11:00-12:45
Art workshops Rugby workshops for 8-11-year-olds
Circus themed activities and animation games
Rugby workshops for 12-15-year-olds
Gafa • G1 15:00-16:00
Boardgame club
Open Space • B7 Graffiti Jam
Sfera • A1 18:00-19:00
WAYOUT Project: "Why do people believe in God in 21st century?"
Wielki Wóz • A10 00:30-1:30
The history of Jarocin festival
Mystery Reads: The Whodunit Detective Agency Colors' tastes: Red breakfast Colors' tastes: Green breakfast Colors' tastes: Pink breakfast
Loesje workshops Closing up ArtRoom together SLIDESHOW: Family in Nepal
SLIDESHOW: India surprise
SLIDESHOW: India surprise
SLIDESHOW: Family in Nepal
WORKSHOPS: tea brewing WORKSHOPS: Women and girls in India
SLIDESHOW: Mumbai – street children SLIDESHOW: Mumbai – street children SLIDESHOW: Incredible India FILM: Lion
FILM: Lion
WORKSHOPS: Flavours of the World Róża Jóda – Iran then and now: myths and reality
Jarek Tokarski – Faces of India
Teresa Chudecka – She Who Dances with the World in Cuba
Art workshops Rugby workshops for 8-11-year-olds Circus themed activities and animation games Rugby workshops for 12-15-year-olds Boardgame club Graffiti Jam
WAYOUT Project: "Why do people believe in God in 21st century?" The history of Jarocin festival
Organizer Association of Local Creative Centres (Stowarzyszenie Lokalnych Ośrodków Twórczych) ul. Kącka 12/1, 54-004 Wrocław, Poland +48 600 097 092 biuro@slot.org.pl www.slot.art.pl / www.slot.org.pl facebook.com/slot.art.festival
Do you value this initiative? Support SLOT every month – join the ranks of the regular contributors or help by giving a one-time donation. See more at www.slot.org.pl. We are also a Public Benefit Organization – which means you can choose for 1% of your income tax to go to us (KRS 0000163877). SLOT does not engage in commercial activity and is not profit-oriented. All income is allocated to statutory activities.