The Echo Newspaper Issue 7

Page 1



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t 10:15 a.m. Feb. 14 students’ response to the announcement that school would be cancelled for the remainder of the day and Feb. 15 could be heard throughout the school. School was cancelled at the high school and junior high to the Institute for Environmental Assessment (IEA) to test both buildings. According to Superintendent Debra Bowers, those school days will not need to be made up.

District communications specialist Sara Thompson said the decision to cancel school after a positive test for asbestos in the health office was appropriate because it allowed the school to better assess the risks. “There was very minimal risk. The schools were closed as a precaution,” Thompson said. “We could have sealed off and contained (the 2A hallway), but we thought this was in the best interest of students and staff.” Freshman Lauren Myhra said she appreciated the district’s response and that students weren’t allowed to return to school until officials knew the building was safe.



Risky tile situation

office chair wheels sand and salt

worn wax covering

powdered asbestos

asbestos tile

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illustration | Taylor Delaney source | Diedra Hudgens, senior project manager at the Institute for Environmental Assessment

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t may not have bars across its windows, but with staff members blocking the exits some students say the new lunch policy has turned the cafeteria into a prison. The school reformed its lunch system with the start of second semester Jan. 24. In addition to creating four lunches, the policy prevents students from being in the halls during fifth hour by stopping students from leaving the cafeteria. “I hope students don’t feel that (the poli-

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cy) is punishment. We want less students to skip class,” Principal Rob Metz said. Metz said the changes are necessary for many reasons. The schedule ensures every student can sit in the cafeteria. Last semester more students had third lunch than seats available in the cafeteria and first lunch was also almost too full. According to Metz, because some students were skipping fifth hour, incidents such as three broken windows, trash left from students’ lunches and a fight occured. Metz also said having students remain in

the cafeteria for the entirety of their lunch will better help the administration figure out which students are skipping class. So far, Metz said the policy has been successful. “Now there are only a handful of students in the hallway during lunches,” Metz said. “Teachers say there are fewer disruptions and the hallways are quieter, custodians say there is no longer food and there is generally a more calm feeling in the school.” While the change may be producing some of the desired results, it is being met with resistance from some students. Junior Trevon

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Winn said requiring students to stay in the lunchroom causes numerous problems. “It’s too loud in the lunchroom and you can be late to sixth hour if (staff members) keep you until the end of fourth lunch,” Winn said. “It’s like a prison; if you want to leave you have to learn how to escape.” The changes have also lead to confusion over seniors’ privileges. Seniors are allowed to leave campus for lunch, but like other students they can’t leave the cafeteria.


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he City Council passed an ordinance Jan. 18 that will allow domestic partners to register with the city and be treated as families equal to married couples. Council member Anne Mavity said she hopes the decision can have both a local and state impact. “This sends a message to the state legislature that this is what communities in Minnesota want and we hope they follow suit. It’s also a message to students in St. Louis Park that this city welcomes everyone and is accepting.”

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n a hearing Feb. 3, defendant and former St. Louis Park student Michael Swanson appealed to transfer the jurisdiction of his trial to the juvenile court. This motion was denied by the Iowa District Court of Humboldt County. Swanson withdrew the appeal in Kossuth County. In addition, the defendant requested to postpone the trials set to take place Feb. 16 in Humboldt County and March 1 in Kossuth County. This action was accepted by both counties with a trail date to be set sometime in the summer for Humboldt County and set to take place July 23 in Kossuth County. According to Kossuth County Attorney, Todd Holmes, Swanson pled insanity for his trial.

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uditions for the spring play, “The Fantasticks,” will take place March 7 and 8. Sign ups for auditions will be posted outside the auditorium from March 1-7. A meeting will be 6 p.m. Feb. 15 in the auditorium for parents of students interested in participating. For questions contact director and teacher Jodi Hatzenbeller.

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n response to the censorship of his article “Life as a gay teenager,” BenildeSt. Margaret senior Sean Simonson has experienced an outpouring of reactions. “I’ve been shown nothing but support,” Simonson said. “It’s cool to see people come out of the woodwork, especially since I expected it to be the people who would be in opposition but it’s actually the people in support of me who really were vocal.” Simonson is planning to create a gay-straight alliance group with the Minneapolis fellowship of Christian churches, All God’s Children. In addition, he presented a speech at the Minnesota Capital at OutFront Minnesota’s Freedom to Marry Day Feb. 10.

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pplications are available for students interested in applying to be on the Echo or Echowan staff for the 20112012 school year. Echo positions include artistis, designers, photographers, videographers and writers. Applications are due by March 1 and can be found in Lori Keekley’s room (C363).

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go. Violence just causes more problems,” Jeilani said. Bouchard was visiting her sister who lives in Cairo. She was one of hundreds of U.S. citizens visiting in Egypt at the time the Michael Tuschman | student life editor protests began. “We were stuck inside the house most of hen alumna Andrea Bouchard flew to Egypt three weeks ago she the time,” Bouchard said. “And we did not didn’t expect to find herself in the go in to the city center at all because of the violence.” middle of a revolution. Junior Helen Sarka said she is glad the Egypt entered political chaos Jan. 25 when citizens around the capital city of citizens are protesting their government. “I think the people Cairo began protesting have a right to revolt the military rule of their current president, HosThey have a right to a democ- when their governni Mubarak. Bouchard, racy and they will put their lives on ment is failing them,” who was staying in the the line for it. I think that is admi- Sarka said. Bouchard agrees, neighborhood as the rable. and said she thinks presidential palace, Andrea Bouchard | alumna the Egyptian protests said she found herself are resonating a powcaught in the middle of erful message to the the turmoil. “The first time the fighter jets flew over I rest of the world. “I want people to know that the Egypwas in the bathroom and had no idea what was going on. I thought there was a missile tian people we know are really good people coming for us, or something,” Bouchard and that they do not want violence. All they want is a peaceful transition,” Bouchard said. The protests have sparked varying opin- said. “They have a right to a democracy and ions among students. Freshman Emran they will put their lives on the line for it. I Jeilani thinks the Egyptian citizens have cre- think that is admirable.” Bouchard left Egypt Feb. 4 and is curated too much destruction. “I think causing riots is not the way to rently visiting Hong Kong.


enior Olivia Martinson said seniors should be exempt from aspects of the policy. “Seniors are allowed to have senior privileges, yet now these are being revoked. Lunch is our time of freedom and social interaction, not a time to be controlled,” Martinson said. The four lunch schedule is also facing student opposition. Junior Chelsea Edwards began distributing a petition Jan. 28 calling for the administration to return to the old schedule. As of Feb. 16, 462 students signed the petition. Edwards said she plans to present it to the administration when about 600 student have signed the petition to ensure approximately half of the student body is represented. It reads, “Having four lunches is not solving people wandering the halls or cutting lunch lines down. You’re making it difficult for the teachers to teach and students to learn. Please change it back.” Edwards said she believes four lunches only limits valuable class time. “It’s now really crowded and hard to find a seat (in the cafeteria) during the J/!;7&)$& five minutes of 8/(&<)A"&8'& overlap between '(""*8A& two lunches but +!*&$8;)+:& students aren’t )!<"(+;<)8!-& being allowed to !8<&+&<)A"& leave for class,” <8&."& Edwards said. ;8!<(8::"*?& However, according to Metz, Olivia Martinson four lunches en| senior sures every student can have a seat in the cafeteria. The four lunches are also organized in hopes of limiting disruption caused during passing time. The classes in each lunch are based on which area of the building the students will come from so noise is limited to a smaller area of the school. Metz said he would consider holding a meeting with students in early March to receive feedback about the changes and other ways to meet his goals. Edwards said she hopes the administration reconsiders how best to address the problems and considers student input, including her petition.

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arents would freak out if there was any chance of harm and we were let back in,” Myhra said. According to Assistant Superintendent Bob Laney, after IEA tested the building Feb. 14 asbestos was found on a variety of classroom floors. However, Diedra Hudgens, senior project manager at IEA, said the 25 air samples from the building all came back clean. The school was cleaned and retested, and results were negative for asbestos. The incident caused budget and health con-

cerns. Laney said testing and cleaning is covered by a health and safety levy and money was already set aside to replace flooring. Metz said staff may sign up for testing in his office. District officials are still working on a process to facilitate asbestos testing of students. Junior Desmon Martin said he would strongly consider taking a test. “I would take a test because I’ve been here since freshman year, and I’m worried about (my) safety,” Martin said. For an update on plans to address student testing, visit

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Department of Health

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source | Sara Thompson, district communications specialist

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ulticultural center leader Oscar Reed grew up hearing stories of family members exposed to slavery. He feels frustrated many see black history as only defined by Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr., knowing first-hand the deeper history behind his culture. With a richer history in mind, this year’s Black History Month performance is themed “Looking Back to Our Roots,” and will emphasize informing and entertaining the audience. The performance, now scheduled for Feb. 26 during second, fourth and sixth hours in the auditorium marks a shift in focus from past performances, which *+'&(;)3"4'7< Reed said have been less educational. =) >%457)%&) “A couple of years ago ("29,(2)#("27),&) it was a big disappoint?9"4@)-,7'%2# ment, because the per=) A&42("7() formance was more of a (154"',%&"9) talent show and less infor/"95( mational,” Reed said. =) 6(23%2+"&4(),&) Senior Zach Hahnen 4-2%&%9%B,4"9) said he agrees past perfor%21(2 mances haven’t shown historical depth. source | Oscar Reed “It was a talent show. That’s how it’s been the past three years,” Hahnen said. “It hasn’t really shown a history.” In addition to emphasizing educational value, Reed and the five-student committee of the performance are making an effort to create a more fluid feel to this years’ performance. Senior Nyamuli Tshiteya, one of the students on the

committee, said she thinks this year’s performance will feel more organized — a quality she said was lacking in past years. “This year will be different because in the past it’s been rushed, last minute and less educational, and I feel like the audience didn’t really get the message,” Tshiteya said. Both Tshiteya and Reed are confident the new focus will allow for the audience to feel less overwhelmed and take away a clear message. “We’re trying to make it entertaining, funny and educational all at the same time,” she said. The acts of the performance will progress chronologically, with topics advancing from African roots to more modern culture. Ultimately, Reed said he thinks the awareness and lessons to be taken away from the performance are most valuable. “People will walk away wanting to learn more about black history,” he said. “It’s a major part of this country’s history.” #$%&%'()(6"2,7)8(9"&(#

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+,-#.%&'#/&& #2M'&1(-2" Elena Potek | news editor

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don’t have dreadlocks or sleep on a bamboo mat, but I am a vegan. Before Jan. 1 of this year I would never have thought to try this kind of lifestyle. I loved hamburgers and pizza, and I once drank 64 ounces of milk in a sitting. But my days of consuming animal by-products are behind me. During winter break I read a book titled “Skinny Bitch,” which addressed the corruption in the meat and dairy industries and the health benefits of living a vegan lifestyle. At first I was outraged that this book had the audacity to tell me what I should and shouldn’t eat. And while I did not aspire to be either aspect of the book title, what I read had a lasting effect on me. If the book was really a national bestseller, like the cover so proudly stated, then I figured others must be vegan as well. I decided to jump on the bandwagon and try it for one month. The first week was one of adjust$%&'()#'%*&J& ment. I was always >(#,2B hungry. My mom K& D&/%5.,& came down to the $#4%'23$%&#'& kitchen one night F%,%;&6#.$ to find me standing K& L.9%&2"%&2#)%& in the refrigerator 2(&6.-%&4(-& stuffing handfuls 3(+-&F(03& of blueberries in K& 8.9#,5& my mouth. It was "%.$2"3& defi nitely not my 6"(#6%'&1#2"& proudest moment. 4((0&'"(1'& Before Janu>%-'(,.$& ary, my microwave -%'>(,'#F#$#23 skills were stellar but I could do little else in preparing food. In the past month I’ve learned how to create my own dinners by throwing a random sauce and any vegetables I can find in the house into a pan. However my concoction turns out is what’s for dinner. I guess being vegan has made me brave as well. Deciding what to buy at the grocery store and what to eat for meals gives me a greater sense of responsibility in my own health. In addition, before I was vegan it seemed wherever I went food was readily available to snack on, creating unhealthy eating habits. But being vegan limits my ability to constantly eat because I am only allowed specific foods. This forces me to make conscious decisions when choosing what food to put into my body. While I am not proposing everyone take such drastic measures in changing their diet, I do hope people become more aware of the choices they make with food. So often we get caught up in our busy lives that we forget to take care of our bodies. Being vegan allows me to make decisions showing I care about my body while still keeping up with my busy schedule. My first month of tofu, fruits and veggies was challenging and from time to time I still miss the foods I once greatly enjoyed. But I plan to continue to stay vegan. Not only do I eat with a better mindset than I once did, but I also feel healthier and more energized. By cutting out animal by-products from my life I am making room for more handfuls of blueberries as well as a greater respect for myself and my surroundings.



Michael Cork | staff writer

! Mike Hildman

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!"3&0#0&3(+&6"(('%&2(&*(#,&2"%&8.-#,%'B Mostly because of what I’m going to do after serving. (Serving in the military) really puts me in a better opportunity for becoming a police officer or fireman, which is what I really want to do with my career. I want to give back to the community and help people in need.

!".2&0(&3(+-&>.-%,2'&2"#,9&.F(+2&2"#'B My mom is against it, basically because of a mother’s instinct of her son getting hurt, but my dad has been supportive. My mom’s tried to convince me against it, but it’s not going to work. I think she’ll accept it as my choice when the time comes. !".2&F%,%;&2'&0(&3(+&'%%&4-()&*(#,#,5&2"%&8.-#,%'B I think I will have better opportunities and success, and more recognition for jobs and future careers. It’s also an opportunity to serve my country, and gives education. !".2&0(&3(+&0(&2(&>-%>.-%B I need to train to be ready for boot camp, which is half the reason I play sports such as football and weight-lifting. I need to be fit for boot camp, which is a four year process before being deployed.

C(&3(+&"./%&.,3&6(,,%62#(,'&1#2"&2"%&8.-#,%'B My uncle served for four years, and that’s the main reason for my interest. He didn’t talk much about his experiences as a Marine, but his success in getting a career after the Marines inspired me to do the same.

:./%&3(+&%/%-&2"(+5"2&(4&0#44%-%,2&(>2#(,'B Well I’ve helped out my uncle in doing architectural things, but I’ve known for a while that I want to serve in the military. I see how for many people it’s not always a good option, but for me it’s the best.

D-%&2"%-%&.,3&'>%6#.$&-%E+#-%)%,2'&2(&*(#,B To join you need to do many of the same things that you do applying for college, but in addition you should be physically and mentally ready to train at boot camp.

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ophomore Tenzin Kunsang stands in choir class, only now he’s doing much more than singing. He focuses on choreographer Ricky Stokes, who is demonstrating a dance move in slow motion, the same way he would when he works with Ke$ha. Kunsang is rehearsing for “Oklahoma!,” this year’s choir musical. Every choir student from Park Singers, Concert Choir, and Women’s Choir participates, which makes for a cast of 90. The +&)'&J&4.62' musical is part of the choir cur2# 3&'*4)/)D@=@):#&?6) riculum and not a production of 1-)I)D@=):#&?6)JKL@ the theater department. 2# 56&7*4)M%+*$7&*%= The dance routines in “Okla2# 8,)'4)NI)!7&) homa!” combine hip-hop with '$%+";$')#;+) ballet, and although the perfor'";*7&'-)N/2)!7&) mance is not exclusively dancing, #+%9$' the routines that Stokes choreo2# 9:7;*')4#O7)$7) graphed will be featured promi">";$.&*$"@?7=) #;+)'"#&?6)!7&) nently. 3FG9#67=#HC)7&).%,) Stokes has extensive experi$6"=)#$)$6")+77& ence choreographing high school shows, but has also worked with famous musicians including Prince, Janet Jackson and Ke$ha. He is at Park as part of the St. Louis Park Public Schools Foundation’s artist in residence program. In the past, the program has brought in professionals to work with the band and orchestra as well. Kunsang said he enjoys the energy and passion Stokes brings to rehearsals. “He’s really fun to work with. Whenever he’s around all you want to do is just dance,” Kunsang said.


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espite sub-zero temperatures, Student Council promises Sno Daze will bring a heat wave. Sno Daze 2011 is themed “heatwave” in order to bring excitement to the winter season. According to senior co-chair Karl Switala, Student Council decided on this theme to increase student interest. “Even in the frigid iciness of Minnesota

winter, we’re still hot,” Switala said. Student Council is encouraging all students to participate in Park’s Sno Daze week from Feb. 22-26. Switala said he hopes to increase the energy for Sno Daze by encouraging students to participate in the week of activities. “(Students) can form a fun sports team with their friends and be competitive about it, or just joke around. Students can also go to Battle of the Bands,” Switala said. “There’s something for everyone.” Following the school week, junior Hannah Geressu hopes students behave appropriately on the dance floor.

“I’ve seen the horrors of the dance and no major changes are being made to Sno student behavior is just gross,” Geressu said. Daze traditions and policies. “If there is good music, a Assistant principal dance floor and tons of peoClarence Pollock trusts 2"!%9#'#!)(!@88*!5&()7,! ple, we don’t need to change a students will acknowl$!*$;7#!F!88'!$;*!%8;(! thing,” Rozman said. edge the school policies 8"!?#8?A#,!B#!*8;4%! Student Council adviser before engaging in ob;##*!%8!79$;@#!$! Sarah Lindenberg highlights scene dancing. %9);@> the reduced price for this “Our policy for Sno Alex Rozman | sophomore year’s dance. Daze is the same as the “We made the price $15 so past. Stay vertical, stay classy,” Pollock said. “We are going to be more students can attend,” Lindenberg said. Sign-up for weekday activities are being going in and out of the circle to watch stusold during lunch. Dance tickets will be sold dent activity.” Sophomore Alex Rozman said he is glad all four lunches Feb. 22-25.

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Curtis Greenbush | freshman

Sami Rahamim | sophomore

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Anna Enns & Maddie Peterson | sophomores

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Paige Nagel | junior


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Keanna Fox | junior

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)*+,-,+,'&$.$)/"01& Brandon Klugman ! staff writer



inter One Acts tied for third place with Eden Prairie and Maple Grove at the section 6AA One Act play finals Feb. 5 at Eden Prairie High School with the performance of “John Turner Davis.” First place went to Minnetonka. Twelve schools competed in the semi-finals Jan. 27-28, after which the field was narrowed to six schools for the finals. Considering Park hasn’t made it to the section finals since 2006, director Jodi Hatzenbeller views the play’s success as significant despite not advancing to state. “We were really pleased with the work we had done. It was an honor just to be there at the final round competing against these other schools,” she said.



he Science Olympiad team finished one place away from advancing to state at the regional competition Feb. 5 at the University of Minnesota. Park placed eighth; the top seven moved on to state. The competition consisted of 12 different events, each performed by two students. The highlight came when the team of sophomore Brianna Knight-Fischer and junior Elana Vlodaver placed third in the “write it do it” event, for which they never got an opportunity to prepare for. In addition to competing, junior Nick Bappe said he appreciates the general skills Science Olympiad has taught him. “It teaches you how to think, (how) to solve new problems,” he said.



reshmen Rachel and Claire Tollefsrud placed second in the novice division Dramatic Duo event at the Blaine High School Invitational tournament Jan. 29. Sophomore Zekia Washington received an honorable mention in novice division Serious Prose. Speech coach Lin Myszkowski said she is proud of the students’ ability to confront the challenges that speech competition poses. “In addition to hard work you have to be willing to take some risks. You have to be able to step outside of your comfort zone,” she said. Rachel Tollefstrude said she enjoys the creative aspect of speech. “I like playing around with words and different expressions,” she said. The team’s next competition is sections March 17 at Wayzata High School.


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!"##$%&'%"()*$+,-.// Sam Vinitsky & Sam Dawson | staff writers



or senior Benji Portnoe, religion has always played a significant part in his upbringing. Being an Orthodox Jew, Portnoe’s Friday nights and Saturdays are consumed with religious practice, resulting in little access to his non-Jewish friends. “I really do not have a social life, because half of my weekend I can not hang out with friends,” Portnoe said. “Personally I wish I did not have to devote all the time to it.” While Portnoe believes his religious practices inhibit his social life, the founder and director of Intentional Parenting Center, Susan Abelson, said she finds that despite being time demanding, taking part in organized religion is good for students. If the entire family is devoted to the religion, it can help create a sense of community,” Abelson said. “If a parent asks that a kid is involved in their particular religion, the child will see the value in contributing to his or her community.

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t’s good for parents to be involved in their child’s academics. But if a parent is too involved, it may end up having negative effects on the student. School psychologist Cheryl Bemel said she sees parents negatively affecting their child’s schoolwork. “I’ve had all kinds of cases where parents punish their kids for not getting straight A’s by grounding them, or removing privileges such as driving or hanging out with friends, or restricting any use of computer, television, or iPods,” Bemel said. Bemel said part of the trouble is when parents make decisions independently of the child’s wishes and abilities. “I see that kids who are pushed too much in school end up burning out, and it can also lead to students wanting to drop out of high school, of refusing to go to school,” Bemel said. Bemel said students, parents and school counselors need to collaborate to decide what coursework is most appropriate for the student. Although it is necessary for parents to be involved in their child’s life, pushing a student beyond their capacity is not healthy.



eing a two sport athlete, sophmore Rachel Geressu maintains a busy life outside of school. However, she says her demanding schedule helps her organization and multi-tasking skills. “When I am always doing a sport, working on homework or other stuff, it really forces me to manage my time,” Geressu said Although Geressu’s mother, Kathleen Goor, has allowed Geressu to choose which sports and out of school activities to participate in, she said that she expects Geressu to honor those commitments. “Once they make a commitment to a sport they need to stay focused on it,” Goor said. “If they want to hang out with friends at the same time as a game, then they have to respect that first commitment.” Founder and director of Intentional Parenting Center Susan Abelson has found it is important for students to have a sport or activity of their own choice, something that does not have the pressure from parents. “It is a bit of a necessity that kids have something that they love and are passionate about, and sports are a really good example of that,” Abelson said.



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ike many teens, junior Edie Ofstedal often has disagreements with her mom. Ofstedal has found her relationship with her mother, Sandie Kim, has been strained over the past few years. “We do not really communicate much, except for what is strictly necessary,” Ofstedal said. “I find that pretty weird since we live in the same house.” However, Kim said her parenting style does not classify her on what is considered a tiger mom. “I think that I represent the perfect combination of both western and tiger mom parenting styles,” Kim said. Susan Abelson, director and fournder of Intentional Parenting Center, said parents need to be open to new ideas when talking to their children. “For many tiger moms and dads, they really tend to approach all situations with the same idea, so when their kids have questions or need help, they are not truly assisting them,” Abelson said.



hile some parents push their children to do better in school, work harder in the arts, or follow a certain religion, other parents interfere in their teen’s social life. School psychologist Cheryl Bemel said she has seen parents push their child toward specific social groups. According to Bemel, conflict arises when teens ignore their parents’ wishes. “When the teen has aligned him or herself with kids the parent doesn’t want them with, typically kids who are engaging in unethical behaviors and illegal activities, then conflict starts between the parent and the kid,” Bemel said. Susan Abelson, director and founder of the Intentional Parenting Center, sees the issue differently. “Often times parents want for the child what they didn’t have,” Abelson said. “Parents often have a hard time separating out their own high school experience with that of their teenager” Abelson said it’s imperative for parents to ask questions of their teen and find out what is important to the teenager. “It’s really about getting to know your own kid, really listening and figuring out how to support what’s important to the kid,” she said.



ainting, singing, and playing instruments are sources of joy for many students. However, some parents push their child’s involvement in the arts to an unhealthy extreme. Junior Edie Ofstedal said her mom has been pushing her to play the cello since she was 6 years old. “When I was younger it was like a chore, because if I didn’t practice, I couldn’t do anything else,” Ofstedal said. School psychologist Cheryl Bemel said pushing a child into the arts who is uninterested can have negative effect. “The danger is that the kid ends up hating the particular art, and that hatred can even generalize to not liking any type of creativity,” Bemel said. “It can lead to burnout for the kid.” While Ofstedal said she dislikes the fact that her mom pushed her, she said she enjoys many benefits from playing the cello. “I don’t know if it was worth it, but it hasn’t been all bad,” Ofstedal said. “I’ve learned how to play it pretty well, and I do like performing, but I just wish she wouldn’t have pushed me so much.”



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2",/ Michael Cork | staff writer



hen my mom signed me up for Nordic skiing in seventh grade, I was pretty skeptical. I couldn’t help but think of Nordic as an old-people sport. Besides, isn’t it the same as running on snow? I couldn’t have been more wrong. Winters in Minnesota tend to compare to the frozen tundra of Antarctica. There aren’t many opportunities to enjoy the outdoors. One solution is joining Nordic. Sitting indoors for long periods of time definitely has negative effects, and Nordic skiing helps keep students active during the winter. But Nordic does more than just keep students active; it gets them in great shape. As a three-sport athlete, I run track and play soccer during the spring, summer and fall. I would say during that time I’m athletically fit, but during winter my fitness level is even better. A 155-pound ,)-&./#&)*&3& person skiing up45(%#6 hill for an hour 7& 8&95(%+:&"& burns up to 1,161 )+;;&454<)",& calories per hour. ;45,#&"%:& Skiing burns an )5*+:&(# insane amount of 7& !5,:(1&;/((%0& energy, and each (;&"&)(=+>)5%0& day I come home ;45,# and eat half the 7& ?5%@#&A+& refrigerator. "=,"(:&#5& H o w e v e r, #"/+&"&,(;/& what people of"%:&#,B& ten don’t realize ;5C+#$(%0& about the about %+D the sport is its friendly community. Looking in from the outside, the Nordic ski community appears small, but once you immerse yourself, you realize just how important the sport is in Minnesota culture. Nordic skiing is sometimes considered a cult, and there are many races across the twin cities including the City of Lakes Loppet, which is a whole week of enjoyable skiing activities. I have met so many new people in the sport, and the bonds formed from skiing follow me throughout my high school career. Another positive of Nordic skiing is it’s a life-long sport. Contrary to most sports, the best Nordic ski athletes are in their early thirties giving athletes more time to ski. Each day at practice I see countless older and middle-aged skiers, and it’s nice to know I could still be participating in the sport in my later years. I took a chance and it paid off. I tried a different sport, and ended up enjoying it a lot. Many people tend to try to play the most popular sports like football, basketball and baseball, but there are definitely more options out there. Taking a chance can go way past joining a new sport. Don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and try something new. Nordic has offered me many advantages and rewards, all because I took a chance. Anyone looking for a new active sport during the winter, I encourage you to come out and try Nordic. You’ll never know until you take a chance.


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fter back-to-back conference titles, a young swim team finished second in a tough and experienced conference. The team had a rocky start to the season with a loss to Chisago Lakes and a tie with Benilde St-Margaret’s, but the team rallied and won the rest of its meets, finishing 6-1-1. Senior captain Luke Engstrand said the team found a winning rhythm following a few early season struggles. “We started kind of slow but once we got going – once the guys knew how it felt to win and get pumped – we started doing better,” he said. With fewer upperclassmen on the team compared to past years, coach Amanda Forsberg said that many younger swimmers were forced to step up for the team. “We graduated a lot of talent last year,” Forsberg said. “Many second year athletes are the most experienced ones on the team.” Engstrand said the new swimmers made large improvements

and have a bright future. “I’m really impressed by how well the new guys are doing,” he said. “A lot of them dropped a significant amount of time.” Park’s younger team competes in an “older” and tougher conference, but Forsberg said she didn’t think that was a bad thing. “(The competition) makes it fun,” she said. “I like to win, but it makes each meet more exciting.” The section meet takes place Feb. 24-26, but Engstrand said it will be a difficult competition with Edina and Minnetonka. “We basically have one of the toughest sections. It will be difficult for us to advance to state,” he said. Forsberg said she doesn’t want to put added pressure on the swimmers but junior Erik McCague said he has a good chance at advancing to state. McCague, who will compete in the 50-yard free and the 100-yard fly said he agrees with that assessment. “I think I have a 90 percent chance of making state,” he said. “I just need to go into sections feeling confident in myself.” However, Forsberg said the big goal is improving individually. “The ultimate goal is dropping time, she said. “It doesn’t matter as much how we compare as a team, just how much individually swimmers have improved.”

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oys’ hockey coach Tim Donahue’s recent decision to step down, along with football coach Andy Ewald’s resignation earlier this year, marks the end of two longtime coaching careers. Donahue announced his choice after a 21-year coaching career at Park, 14 of which he has spent as head coach. “Coaching takes up an awful lot of time especially in the evening,” Donahue said. “My boys are at the age where they need me to be there for them.” His decision, however, is not sudden. 0)'&'#1#E)+G&H+,;#+% Donahue said he has gradually eased away */02&'()-+$)*/021)>%0<1',$/'H%#01"*'4$D*-'0'2*2'30)C'3%'-*#$%&'>%##%&'I10#9)*8' from complete control of the hockey pro0J3*&'31*'3*0/K-'?*:'F'-C$&/$-1'03'31*'=*<'>*#3*&@ gram. “I have been lucky enough to play “I realized I was starting to reach the ment to be former University of Minnesoburn out factor,” he said. “I stopped ta and 2001 Colorado Avalanche Stanley hockey in many places and under many coaching the summer program and dele- Cup champion Shjon Podein. The athletic great coaches,” Podein said. “I would gated it to other people a few years back.” department will post the position for two hope their mentorship and ideals would Though not entirely abrupt, Donahue, weeks after the season before interviewing rub off on me so I can bring them back to a Park alumnus, said he was disheartened candidates. Podein has coached the Park the community.” Donahue’s decision coincides with the summer hockey program in about stepping down from his athletic department’s hiring of former recent years. position. &%F!'!+*'):'+' “I worked with Podein Burnsville High School and St. Olaf Col“It’s sad in a lot of ways,” ?#%'#('8+,!=' over the summer during lege assistant coach Vince Varpness as the he said. “This is my dream hockey camp,” Brown new head football coach. job. I knew when I was 17 67)!')!'9,' “This is an opportunity that I am very said. “He is a great guy. that I wanted to be head *$.+9'@#/=' He’s brought the commu- excited about as I see there is some good, coach. It’s hard to walk away, nity back together. He’s young talent within the program,” Varpbut it’s the right time.” Tim Donahue | been around the game his ness said. His decision was also hockey coach Ewald said he is looking forward to the whole life and made it to tough for some of the hockey the show. You couldn’t ask shift. players. “I am very much hopeful about this “It was rough hearing that he was step- for a better guy.” If hired, Podein said he will use his past change,” Ewald said. “He will probably ping down from head coach position,” juhockey experience to bring energy and come in and continue things that are going nior Justin Brown said. well, but a lot of change will happen.” Donahue said he predicts his replace- passion to the position.

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fter having four head coaches in four years, the boys’ basketball team is seeking a new component to success: stability. Following a loss to Irondale Feb. 15, the team sits in third place in the North Suburban Conference with an overall record of 13-9. At the beginning of the season, adapting to yet another new coach was a challenge to the team’s unity and performance. “The program needs stability,” head coach David Breitenbucher said. “I feel bad that some of the players have had so much change throughout their basketball careers. I give them a lot of credit, especially with the adversity they have faced in coaching changes.” Despite these challenges, Breitenbucher said the team has improved in cooperation, which has been crucial to their success. “Back in December we weren’t playing as a team at all, but I think over time there has been a lot of growth,” Breitenbucher said. As a result, the team has been on a recent hot streak, winning nine of the last D%=6./,E,?@ 12 games and remaining in contention for the conference title until its loss to BenilA% B-CD%@E*E% de-St. Margaret’s Feb. 10. &+;E%CF%6)% G';;"12=6/+% “Historically, this has been one of the H''@+( best seasons for Park,” senior captain Aaron Ziman said. “We had one bad loss A% B-CD%@E*E% &+;E%ID%6)%J)E% in the beginning, but we have been tak&(61#"2%% ing care of the teams we should be and even won against some teams we didn’t expect to.” The basketball program hopes this progress will continue next season following Breitenbucher’s decision to remain head coach. “A coach needs time to build relationships, and that doesn’t happen overnight,” Breitenbucher said. “I’m planning on being here for a long time. I want to build the program and build stability.” Returning players such as sophomore Donald Pollard said they are excited Breitenbucher plans to return and believe it will provide

#$%-%.'//,%0(12)'13%4(+25*61 &'%()-%7'#$+, *%+,-%./,$012,3%4,522.,'-036./,10(7 86)3,$%9:23; I started playing varsity last year in eighth grade. <(2,3%4,)$2,3%4./28),=2=52(,%>,)$2, )20=;, ?>, .%)@, $012, 3%4, $2-'2A, )$2, 3%4./2(,'-032(8,/2),0AB48)2A; There are two eighth graders on the team. I know them because I played hockey with them in my younger years so I introduced them to the team and just helped them in drills.


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Emma Vitale | staff writer





he Conference Championship meet was Jan. 28. The boys finished fourth overall and the girls finished third overall. In the individual standings for boys, junior Michael Cork was first overall, eighth grader Sean Cork was 16th, junior Ben Verhasselt was 21st and junior Nate Rumpza was 37th. For girls, senior Katelyn Palmatier was third overall, senior Sarah Skinner was 17th, sophomore Sarah Webb was 24th and sophomore Amelia Shankwitz was 28th. All Conference honors were awarded to Michael Cork and Palmatier, and All Conference Honorable Mention was awarded to Sean Cork, Verhasselt, Skinner, Webb and Shankwitz. “Overall, I think the season went pretty well,” Webb said. “The boys’ team had some injuries but they kept going, and the girls’ team had a good group that was very close in time at the conference meet.” At the Section 6 meet Feb. 9, Michael Cork and Palmatier, who placed third and fourth, respectively, moved on to state. Results of the Feb. 17 state meet were unavailable at press time.



he boys’ hockey record is 2-22. The last conference game is Feb. 19. The date of the section game will be determined at a Feb. 20 section meeting. “We had a lot of fun and worked really hard this season,” senior Evan Arko said. “I just wish our record reflected that.”

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he team’s record is 3-4. At the Feb. 12 section preliminaries, junior Emily Patterson and senior Rachel Waldorf advanced to the Feb. 16 section finals. The state meet is Feb. 25-26. “I think we had a really good season this year, especially with all the injuries we had,” sophomore Katie Sweeney said. “I’m really excited for next season but it’s going to be tough because we’re losing some really good seniors.”



he girls’ hockey record for the season is 3-21-1. The last conference game was Feb. 5, and the section game was Feb. 11 against Breck School. “I think our season had its up and downs; we won three games which was better than last year but we should have won more games than that,” senior Danielle Rice said.



he girls’ basketball record as of Feb. 16 is 7-22. The last conference game is Feb. 25, and sections are the first week of March. “The seniors who graduated last year were a big part of our team, so considering that loss I think we did a pretty good job this season,” junior Bria Evans said. “The freshman team did well this year so if they bring that same intensity I think we’ll be good next season.”

#$0),68,3%4(,528),$%9:23,=2=%(3; I love going on out-of-town tournaments. I went to one four years ago in Red Wing, and that was really fun. It was my first out-of-town tournament, and we got to stay in a hotel. <8,0,A2>2.A2(@,+$0),A%,3%4,-6:2,05%4), '-036./,)$2,'%86)6%.; On defense you have to be more aware of everything that’s going on in the game. I’ve never played forward, I’ve always played defense since I started playing hockey. #$0),68,6),-6:2,'-036./,%.,0,)20=,+6)$, =%8)-3,4''2(9-088=2.; I like it a lot because now I know lots of upperclassmen. I knew some when I joined the team, but they introduced me to others and it’s just nice because they can drive me around and stuff. It’s fun hanging out with older girls. #$0), 68, 3%4(, >01%(6)2, )(0A6)6%., +6)$, )$2,$%9:23,)20=; We started this last year, but after senior night we went to Nickelodeon Universe. You just get to go with the girls, it’s fun doing off-ice stuff with the team. *%+,$012,3%4,6='(%12A,)$68,320(,08, 0.,6.A616A40-;,<8,0,)20=; I’ve improved because I played AAA hockey over the summer and I played with really good girls and it also helped me improve my skills. For AAA, they pick some of the better players from a certain area to be a sort of All-Star team. As a team, we lost three seniors but got two new girls so it’s pretty much the same. We know how to play with each other, and last year was our coach’s first year as head coach so he’s more comfortable now too. *%+,A%,3%4,'(2'0(2,>%(,$%9:23,A4(7 6./,)$2,%>>8208%.;, I haven’t really played club, but during the summer there are different camps and clinics. C%,3%4,$012,0,.69:.0=2;,?>,8%@,$%+, A6A,3%4,/2),6); It’s “Big Daddy.” I got it because last year Abby (Bongaarts) texted ChaCha ‘What nickname should we give Molly Arnston’ because I didn’t have a nickname. It texted back a bunch of random names and Big Daddy was one of them. I also have an attitude, so they gave me the name Big Daddy. %% C%, 3%4, $012, 0.3, $%9:23, '-0.8, '08), $6/$,89$%%-,$%9:23; I’m not quite sure. I don’t have any plans to play hockey in college. As of now, high school hockey is it. DA!EA



St. Louis Park Senior High School 6425 West 33rd Street St. Louis Park, MN 55426 .*#9!)'#$':7#.(#| Kelsey Reid A+$+;#$;'.*#9!)'| Katie Caron :!",'.*#9!)% | Scott Foltz, Ben Kahn & Charlie Shapiro *.%#;$'.*#9!)%'| Sendrea Best & Taylor Delaney "7!9!'.*#9!)% | Paris Delaney & Alex Kersten $.8%'.*#9!)'| Elena Potek %90*.$9'B#(.'.*#9!)%'| Michael Tuschman & Elana Vlodaver (.+90).%''.*#9!)' | Robbie Seltzer-Schultz #$F*."97'.*#9!)'| Nico Johnson %"!)9%'.*#9!) | Abby Bongaarts !"#$#!$%'.*#9!) | Josh Crandell .$9.)9+#$A.$9'.*#9!) | Mara Olson 8./'.*#9!)'| Marcus Eeman %9+(( | Spencer Butler, Michael Cork, Sam Dawson, Cianna Edwards, Sofia Gonzalez, Katie Johns, Brandon Klugman, Sonia Robiner, Abrar Salad, Hannah Sieff, Abi Tupa, Sam Vinitsky, Emma Vitale /0%#$.%%'A+$+;.)'| Art Elmer ")#$:#"+B'| Robert Metz

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-./%*0(1"(%)*&0#)2$.&1+(#%*3&$2*4#&5)$%4%+0 , or most students, lunch is the most valuable time in their day, which explains why current discord over the new lunch policies is expected and understandable. Expected, because many students already feel their privileges threatened at school, and any further loss of these feels like one step too far. And understandable, because barring students from leaving the cafeteria during lunch rightly brings to mind a prison-like atmosphere. Even so, moving forward on new lunch policies requires all sides, students and administration included, to step back and reconsider. The administration was justified in making changes from last semester when too many students used lunchtime as an excuse to miss class and evade hall monitors. The staff of this newspaper, however, remains unconvinced that last semester’s problems required limiting all students’ rights, instead of just targeting the specific offenders. For this reason, the administration should evaluate before the end of the quarter whether all of the new lunch policies –

")#$9.) | American Color

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including four lunches and no passes – are doing more help than harm. We hope with student and teacher feedback, as well as their own reevaluation, the administration can arrive at a solution that imposes less on all students’ freedom and still keeps truancy manageable. At the same time, students should use this quarter to prove they deserve the

art | Katie Johns

lunch privileges they value. By students showing they can behave responsibly, the administration will not feel the need to impose tougher restrictions. We believe the current debate over lunch policy changes is one worth having, but as with any contentious debate, a deep breath goes a long way in making sure change can happen right.

+*G#%.) | Lori Keekley


"0/B#:+9#!$'"!B#:#.% The Echo is the official studentproduced newspaper of St. Louis Park Senior High School. It is published triweekly for the school’s students, staff and community. The Echo has been established as an open forum for student expression. The Echo will not be reviewed by school administrators prior to distribution, and the adviser will not act as a censor. Content represents views of the student staff and not school officials. The Echo will work to avoid bias and/or favoritism. We will strive to make our coverage and content meaningful and interesting to all our readers. We will make every effort to avoid printing libel, obscenities, innuendo and material that threatens to disrupt the learning process or is an invasion of privacy. We will avoid electronic manipulation that alters the truth of a photograph. Staff editorials represent the opinion of the editorial board arrived at by discussion and will not be bylined. Bylined articles are the opinion of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Echo staff or administration as a whole. The Echo welcomes reader input. Letters to the editor and suggestions may be e-mailed to or submitted in room C275. Letters must be signed and should be no longer than 250 words. E-mailed letters must be verified prior to publication. We will not necessarily publish all letters received and reserve the right to edit for length and clarity. Anonymous letters wherein the Echo does not know the identity of the writer will not be printed. Advertisements will be sought from local businesses. We maintain the right to reject any ads we believe to be false, misleading, inappropriate or harmful. The Echo does not necessarily endorse the products or services offered in these advertisements.

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NSPA All-American and Hall of Fame member; 2010 NSPA National Pacemaker Award Winner, 2007 Pacemaker Award Finalist; JEM All-State; CSPA Gold Medalist; 2006 Gold Crown Winner.

nize the immediate consequences characters in “Skins” experience following their decisions. Unlike “Gossip Girl” and “Jersey Shore,” “Skins” doesn’t condone irresponsible behavior. Critics overlook the show’s ability to capture the Sofia Gonzalez ! staff writer truth about adolescence. Throughout the second episode of “Skins” hough issues regarding teens having sex and doing drugs have come into focus on the character Tea questions her sexuality and MTV’s highly anticipated show, “Skins,” struggles between pursuing her own instinct or its true intent is to reflect the lives of teens in a her family’s views. Though not every teen questions his or her sexuality, most are still discoverstraightforward way. Originally broadcast in the U.K., the Ameri- ing who they are and who they aspire to be. Whether parents like it or not, teens will can version of “Skins” has generated criticism always struggle with issues relatfrom the Parents Television Couning to self-identity, mental health, cil (PTC) and has lost advertise<#+(#+1&5"1+*(0& drug and alcohol use and sexualments from Subway, and Foot $%3+&%(&)1&*)(=& ity. Locker, among several other com(++*0&9%$$&"$9">0& Although “Skins” isn’t 100 panies. 0(12??$+&9%(#& percent accurate, it ultimately reThe PTC is an organization %002+0&1+$"(%*?& flects the insecurities, hopes, and dedicated to informing parents of ()&0+$:@%.+*(%(>=& dilemmas teens face from day to the appropriateness of TV shows. /+*("$&#+"$(#=& day. Teenagers even write porThey recently deemed “Skins” the .12?&"*.&"$4)#)$& tions of the show in order to en“most dangerous program that 20+&"*.&0+A2"$%(>B sure its authenticity. has ever been foisted on your chilIf the PTC turned its energy dren.” toward encouraging discussion Following the Jan. 17 premier of the series, the PTC complained about sexu- between parents and their children regarding al promiscuity and illegal substance use in the the problems characters face in “Skins” instead show and urged Congress to open an investiga- of simply calling the show “dangerous,” teens tion regarding child pornography and exploita- would be less likely to distance themselves from tion of the underage actors in “Skins.” Critics of their parents and make impulsive decisions. “Skins” is so honest, in fact, if a parent de“Skins” claim the show’s material will provoke teens to imitate the behaviors of the characters. cided to watch a single episode, they might come However, when these critics only pay attention closer to understanding some possible aspects of to the drugs, alcohol and sex, they fail to recog- high school life.


To tiger moms. I prefer cougars.

To asbestos. Love wasn’t the only thing in the air on Valentine’s Day.

To the new lunch system. This oriole will never be caged.

N.J., B.K., B.K.

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The lead story in the Dec. 13 issue of the Echo was about the equity differences noted around the high school from the Equity Walk in November. Two issues I had with the story: 1. The picture on the front page that went with the story showed two science classes. The objective was to show that there were no students of color in the IB class and many in the regular science class. My issue is not with the picture, but with gender. Most of the students in the IB class were boys. Why isn’t anyone upset about that? I am. We have so many smart girl students – why aren’t more of them in the IB science and math classes? Or at least in the picture.

2. The other issue is that I don’t think the article was balanced on the progress we have made at the high school. Five years ago there were very few students of color taking AP or IB classes. Today there are over 60 students taking over 100 classes. Your article makes headlines, but while there is still much progress to be made, our students and administration deserve credit for the progress achieved. Should that have at least been mentioned? Other than that I thought it was a great story. Keep up the wonderful work the Echo staff is doing. Bruce Richardson Park School Board director

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Abby Bongaarts | sports editor

Josh Crandell | opinions editor


typical AP biology textbook has about 55 chapters and more than 1,200 pages. To cover the material in an AP biology class before the AP test, students need to get through nearly two chapters a week. History classes are often similar in magnitude. Along with the content changes, the College Board will provide a curriculum framework for teachers, which wasn’t available previously. After teaching the major objectives of the framework, teachers can go more in-depth and add material to subjects they wish to take further. By cutting out the breadth of facts in certain AP courses, students will gain analytic thinking skills, and engage in more realistic college preparation. Memorizing a laundry list of facts is useful for trivia games, but not conducive to college or the real world. While the AP changes appear to be moving in the direction of IB, differences remain. In AP history courses students will still be exposed to a full chronological coverage of the subject. However there will be more emphasis on placing events in the context of themes rather than just memorizing more trivial facts.

In a survey by the College Board, 95 percent of AP biology teachers were happy with the changes and 85 percent of AP U.S. history teachers felt the new curriculum was moving in the right direction. AP U.S. history teacher Scott Miller said the changes will give him more flexibility because with the current curriculum he feels a time crunch to get everything in before the test. He also said typical college introductory history courses don’t cover nearly the breadth of content that AP does, and it is usually up to the professor to decide which topics to take more in-depth. The changes to the curriculum will make AP classes more similar to real college courses which will ultimately better prepare students for the type of classes they will face after graduation. Students will gain more experience thinking critically about events and topics and learn to apply their knowledge to more than just a testing situation. In order for America to get ahead in the increasingly competitive world of education, courses should promote thinkers, not just memorizers, and the AP changes will take the steps to help achieve that goal.


ometimes flashcards and timeliness are necessary. While AP seeks to add more “critical thinking” and “thematic analysis” to their curriculum, in reality this new curriculum will rob students of central knowledge on subjects and the ability to be well-rounded individuals. A Jan. 7 New York Times article celebrated the proposed new AP biology curriculum, saying that the number of chapters needed to learn for the AP biology test decreased from 55 to only 36. However, the problem is these chapters are vital to a full and complete understanding of the subject. IB biology teacher Barb Divinsky, who used to teach AP biology, said she is critical of this change. She enjoyed the way AP’s content fit together and the way it was formulated. Though she does not believe AP curriculum would turn completely into IB, she is wary of the way the new AP curriculum could be organized in a less structured way. President Barack Obama recently announcing in his State of the Union address that America

must step up its math and science programs, citing a study that ranks the United States as 25th among countries of the world in science education. Schools must expose students to the broadest range of science topics possible. While no school yet has experienced this new curriculum, AP is seeking to embrace a less extreme “IB style curriculum.” But, many serious problems exist with this new approach. Advanced history classes at Park demonstrate this idea. AP U.S. history teaches a broad survey of American history from “Columbus to Clinton.” However, students taking IB history of the Americas, despite being exposed to competing cultural viewpoints, miss out on the study of many key points of American history. But, these details in history are extremely crucial, especially in a time when students are more and more ignorant of historical facts. Though in recent years the trend has been to engage in more critical analysis, sometimes the best way to be educated human beings is by simply breaking out the flashcards and learning unabridged content. +,'*'&(--./*$#*(')&0&5&%Q'R%-2,%#

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flip off walls and jump around.” All of these options provide the opportunity to enjoy fitness, which is especially advantageous when most students are bound enior Tess Glassman-Kaufman flips and bounces off the indoors during the winter. walls. By the end of 30 minutes, she’s exhausted. “It’s a much better conditioning workout because you’re Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park, located in Plymconstantly moving and jumping everywhere,” junior Jessica Osouth, is a 3-D trampoline space for people of all ages. Tramposanna said. lines are positioned at an angle to allow people to do flips off Sky Zone also offers fitness classes, known as SkyRobics, of them, which distinguishes the experience at Sky Zone from which combine calisthenics, aerobics and core average trampolines. exercises targeting and strengthening certain “Sky Zone is a new, fresh thing to do muscles. that’s not already overdone,” senior Leah 5=!).!9#)6%$#)7*)JE,) Sky Zone advertises that just one class can Segal said. K7"!)&9),7/@$!)>!##&">)%) burn up to 1,000 calories. Hansen said Sky The new trend of trampoline exercising is ;7$E7/#);=!"),7/)+7"@#) Zone attempts to incorporate the fun and not only entertaining but also beneficial. !A!")$!?7>"&L!)&#B positive benefits of exercising on trampolines “There’s the cardio-vascular compoGreg Hansen | Sky Zone into its fitness classes. nent to it and it’s also a lower impact on Operations Manager “At Sky Zone we push the fitness aspect the joints,” health and physical education and the fun aspect. A lot of people get a really teacher Amy Berchem said. “There’s also the good workout, and get their heart rate up,” Hansen said. kinesthetic awareness and the motor development of the brain Sky Zone also offers 3-D dodgeball for an activity with a and the body, which are hard to develop otherwise. Plus it’s a competitive edge. blast.” The activity includes pick-up games, leagues and tournaAccording to Operations Manager Greg Hansen, Sky Zone ments, in which a cash prize is given. calls trampoline exercising “fun fitness.” In total, Sky Zone gives students the opportunity to relive “The best part about Sky Zone is you’re getting a workout their childhood trampoline memories with a grown-up edge. when you don’t even recognize it,” Hansen said. “When you “It’s not the kind of thing you do every day,” Glassmango to the gym you feel fatigued and it’s really boring, there’s no Kaufman said. “It’s totally OK to make a fool of yourself or act change of scenery or activity. At Sky Zone there are so many oplike a little kid there.” tions including the foam pit, dodgeball courts and being able to

Hannah Sieff | staff writer


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British soul singer Adele releases her sophomore album “21” as a follow-up to her Grammy for Best New Artist in 2009 and two years after her debut album “19.” Hit singles in the album include “Rolling in the Deep,” which is currently No. 3 on U.K. charts. The album overall sits at the top of U.K. charts, selling 208,000 copies in its first week.

E"A6%FG Anne Hathaway and James Franco host the 83rd Oscar Awards at 8 p.m. on ABC. “Black Swan,” “The Fighter,” “Inception,” “The King’s Speech,” “The Kids Are All Right,” “27 Hours,” “Toy Story 3,” “True Grit” and “Winter’s Bone” are up for Best Picture, with Jesse Eisenberg in the running for Best Actor in “The Social Network,” another Best Picture nomination.

H)(:=%F The rock musical “Hair” plays at the Orpheum Theater. The production centers on the counter-culture hippie movement of the 1960s and ’70s with depiction of illegal drugs, sexuality and profanity. “Hair” won the 2009 Tony Award for Best Musical Revival, with hit numbers such as “Good Morning Starshine.” Tickets start at $24.50 at G,)H%$%)I897"

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