Volume XLIV - Issue 8

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THE RECORD Church And The Poor: Project HART VOLUME XLIV ISSUE 8 OCTOBER 18, 2013 Editor In Chief Andrew Cammon ‘14 Layout Editor Lucas McGartland ‘14 Content Editors Michael Herman ‘14 William O’Brien ‘14 Eric Stange ‘14 Faculty Moderator Ms. Layton Contact theprioryrecord@gmail.com 314.434.3690 ext. 221

The Record Disclaimer

The Record is the official student publication of Saint Louis Priory School in St. Louis, Missouri. It is produced by students/staff members. Its purpose is to inform students of events in the community; to encourage discussion of local, national, and international issues; and to serve as a training ground for budding journalists, photographers, and graphic designers. The Record accepts contributions from all members of the Priory community, including students, faculty, and alumni. The Record will not publish content considered legally unprotected speech, including but not limited to: libel, copyright infringement, unwarranted invasion of privacy, or material disruption of the educational process. Opinions in articles do not always reflect the opinion of the publication or the school. Student editors apply professional standards to the production of the newspaper and are solely responsible for all content, both explicit and implicit. Letters to the Editors are always appreciated.

By Andrew Cammon ’14 Editor-in-Chief Church and the Poor is a senior elective in the first trimester taught by the venerable Dr. Kilcullen. The class puts students into contact with different types of poverty through guest speakers and field trips. Much of the class is focused on discussion and reflection, about class experiences on the weekly field trips as well as the students’ daily life. The most recent field trip took the students to the courthouse in Clayton. Here the class participated in project HART (Healthy Alternatives for Relat i o n s h i p s a m o n g Te e n s ) . Through an interesting and creative set up, the students were assigned a character and made decision for him/her through a role-playing game. These decisions included whether person would go to their family or friends for help, whether someone would try to deal with a problem on their own, whether peer pressure

would play a role in their decisions, etc. For all those involved, this exercise illustrated just how fast a relationship can turn abusive and how limited options become because of previous decisions. Through this activity, all of the students were exposed aspects of a relationship that could be telltale signs of an unhealthy relationship. These signs include indications such as increased intensity or an abnormal amount of control or possessiveness.

Dr. Kilcullen closed the field trip with these remarks: “It is important to understand that

a person normally does not become abusive over night. You must listen to others and be observant, but you must also remember to, in a way, listen to yourselves.” You should always be mindful of pitfalls that could cause you yourself to create an unhealthy relationship. For example, objectification of women is, unfortunately, a widespread problem in this age. Thinking in this manner create desires to posses and control. Both of these thought processes can be extremely detrimental to a healthy relationship. Self-reflection is an extremely valuable tool in determining you real priorities, and what you as a person truly exude and stand for. Sometimes we are afraid to self-reflect because we are afraid of what we might find. Everyone must find a way to overcome this fear, because ignorance of the effect of your own actions does not diminish their consequences.

Michael Blogs: P.T. Conferences By Ramzi Haddad ’16 Staff Writer We screw around all year in class. It is our obligation to attempt to not pay attention, and then cram the night before the test. After all Procrastination=Dedication. But now we must undergo what is called by some the gauntlet of despair and torment. The teachers have the opportunity to tell our parents how awful we have been. In this article I will teach you how to deflect the accusations Option 1: Deny Deny Deny. IF your guardian tells you that the teacher said you

did the worm in the back of the classroom, tell your legal guardian that in fact you can’t do the worm, and then proceed to convulse on the ground.Normally I would never condone hiding dance moves, but in this situation it is only fitting. Option 2: The classic “I’m never going to use this”. When you parent tells you that you are failing English let her know that English isn’t useful in the slightest and all you really have to do is memorize a few key words and you will be fine. Option 3: Pretend you have gone deaf. This one is tough,

Books You Didn’t Read But Sparknoted

but Helen Keller executed it perfectly. If you can't hear them you don’t have to care about what they are saying at all. This can only work for so long, because if you have a witty parent they will constantly make loud noises in your ear till you give in. The hope is that you can milk this auditory abuse and differ the attack. Option 4: Join the Circus. #SIKE you may not do that because you will catch some sort the HIV, and unless you are “magical” at basketball its not going to work in your favor.



Geneva Congress On Minimum Destruction Weapons By Fr. Ralph Wright, OSB Monk Pope Francis accepted the invitation from Deaconess Dorne to chair the Congress that assembled in Geneva on the 31st October 2013 to explore the possibilities of the global production of Weapons of Minimum Destruction. Participants in the Congress included President Obama, Prime Minister Cameron from the UK, President Putin from Russia, President Rouhani from Iran, Prime Minister Netanyahu from Israel, Chancellor Merkel from Germany and Kim Yong Nam from North Korea. Settled comfortably in the U.N. assembly hall in Geneva, Deaconess Dorne explained to them the format of the Congress.. “Gentlemen and Gentlewomen, along the lines that Flunk and I have previously organized these conferences we will proceed as follows. All participants will receive a copy of the Octopushoneybee questionnaire and will proceed to answer the questions as best they can. When completed, the answers will be handed to our attendants and depending on the quality and completeness of the answers Flunk and I will establish an order for you to come forward and make your presentation. Remember this is the opportunity for you to express on behalf of your country your opinion of this initiative and the monetary or other contributions that you are prepared to make. Pope Francis will lead us in prayer at the beginning of our session and will be invited to make a few closing remarks. At this Flunk and the attendants distributed the questionnaire. Within twenty minutes Dorne was summoning Pope Francis to the mike: “My dear Friends of Peace,

Thank you for saying ‘Yes’ to Flunk and Gloria’s kind invitation. This is a revolution! How often in the history of Man have people gathered to plan for the creation of non-lethal weapons? Many times for more lethal, but

down so that our polizei can overtake him and quieten him down. This slow down riots very fast, schnell. Germany will be glad to produce 5 million Goobombs for global nonlethal usage. Thank you, Dea-

I suspect not once for less lethal. I now invite the leaders who are here to take the mike as instructed by the Deaconess and contribute to this important discussion. President Putin, please come forward.” “We in Russia have lost millions of people in the last century by violence. We now long for peace. Stalin killed many thousands. KGB killed many thousands. I like Flunk’s idea of Temporary Paralysis Bullet. We in Russia will develop this bullet, millions of them and give them to our, how you say, cops. Thank you, Miss Deaconess.” “Chancellor Merkel, please come forward.” “Thank you, Frau Dorne. We in Germany also feel far too many died in 20th century. Your idea makes good sense. I also like idea of Goobomb. This bomb like Shoe-goo. She break on impact with earth and cover people in shoe-goo. This impede the how you say spaziergang, the walking mechanisms of the human foot. Slow heem

coness.” “President Souhani of Iran, please come forward.” “My people tired of all this fighting. Muslims long for peace. We too have no thirst for nuclear weapons. Nuclear power, yes; nuclear weapons, No. We will develop new laser gun that acts like Flunk’s Temporary Paralysis Bullet. Laser gun pointed at person bring him or her down in, how you say swoon, for 30 minutes. Very satisfactory minimum invasion crowd control tool. We produce 100,000 of these laser guns in next five years. Thank you, Imam Dorne.” “President of North Korean Praesidium Kim Yung Nam, please come forward.” “We do not wish for war. We will produce garment made of bullet-proof velvet. This completely bullet proof for interim time when not all people using Flunk’s Temporary Paralysis Bullet. We make and sell these garments to the world to preserve life.” “If already in existence perhaps

All Quiet On The Western Front

even Mr Assad could have come to our meeting. President of France, Francois Hollande, come forward please.” “We in France will produce peace building dessert. Delicious cake with cream and sodden with how you say rum. This will produce heavy slumber fast and reduce the killing tendency caused by human anger.” At this point Deaconess Dorne , noting the time, had to break in. She summoned Pope Francis to the mike. “I am very happy to accept Flunk and Gloria’s invitation to close this encouraging Congress even though many of you did not get a chance to speak. The message that I have for you as a Christian is very simple: God has an exclusive love for each person He creates. “If each of us understood this message we would see the unique love God has for each of us and wars would be out of the question. May our work on Weapons of Minimum Destruction be the Prologues to this situation we all long for and pray for daily. May God bless us all. Thank you, Flunk and Gloria” There followed a final dinner in which the French contribution, the rum cake, worked like a dream. A deep peaceful sleep descended on the whole banqueting hall and Flunk and Gloria made a discreet exit while the Hotel staff facilitated the Heads of State to their respective suites. The first day of the Congress seemed to have passed quite well.



Sudokus: Easy, Medium, and Hard

Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1. Dogfish 5. Makes a mistake 9. Netting 13. Arm or leg 14. Flora and fauna 16. Doing nothing 17. Vipers 18. Swine 19. A noble gas 20. Statistics 22. Accoutrement 24. Told 26. Water vapor 27. Ash 30. Chronicles 33. Distinction 35. Woman's sleeveless undergarments 37. Apprehend 38. Ludicrously false statements 41. C 42. Cashboxes

45. A thin wire 48. Wiggle room 51. Renters 52. Storms 54. Whip mark 55. Rustic 59. Tarries 62. Found in some lotions 63. Melancholy 65. Hawkeye State 66. Focusing glass 67. French for "Our" 68. A set of garments 69. X X X X 70. Sharpen 71. Feudal worker DOWN 1. "Oh my!" 2. Fog 3. Unfeeling 4. Refrain 5. Diminish

6. Violent disturbance 7. Lion sounds 8. Layers 9. Barely enough 10. Biblical garden 11. Plod along 12. Female chickens 15. Type of poplar tree 21. On the left or right 23. Shallow metal containers 25. Fecal matter of animals 27. Lease 28. Electronic letters 29. Euro forerunner 31. Lacking moral discipline 32. All tuckered out 34. F 36. Collections

39. Hale 40. Killed 43. Very drunk (British slang) 44. Q-Tip 46. Again 47. Listlessness 49. Set straight 50. Lemon or canary 53. Indolence 55. Fit 56. Holly 57. Solitary 58. Bygone era 60. Identical or fraternal 61. Satisfy 64. Got together

House Of Hades: Worth Reading? By Rohith Perla ’15 Staff Writer Last week, the author Rick Riordan published the fourth book in his Heroes of Olympus series, which is a continuation of the Percy Jackson books. Many

people have read the previous book series, and now they wonder if this book is as captivating. In my opinion, the previous book set the stage perfectly for a gripping sequel. All of the half-bloods must make it to the

Doors of Death. There are two sides to the Doors, both located in completely different places. Percy and Annabeth will likely face the most powerful monsters in Greek mythology to make it to one of these locations, some that they have never

Native Son

even dreamt of existed. But also, it is possible that they would face some of the monsters that they killed, because they regenerate in that location. On the other hand, the other half-bloods: Jason... continued on the next page



How To Follow The Cards And “Study”


By George Ahlering ’16 Staff Writer

Anthony O’Sullivan ’18 Staff Writer

We’ve all heard it, our strict parents making us study instead of watching our beloved Cardinals on their trek towards being the World Series Champs. Year after year, students (like you and me) just accepted defeat and would wait until morning to find out whether or not the Cards won. And the next day we are to contribute to the conversations about the game. However, some sly students have ‘beaten the system’ and found ways to put yourself in a win-win situation. Your parents think you are studying and being good, yet you are watching the game and cheering on the team. Besides, we all are looking for ways to avoid schoolwork, right? There are five ways to go about and conquer this incredible feat: 1)“Eavesdropper”- Find that one vent in your house that connects to your living room. Turn the TV on in the living room at high volume and return upstairs. Listen to the game through the vent... This is the most difficult to pull off and only a few can manage it because you must have an optimal sense of hearing. If pulled off, it’s very reliable and can be

used again and again. Excuse: You were too hot and were trying to get some fresh air. 2)“The Oldest Trick in the Book”- You are on your laptop “writing a paper”. Simply pull up an old paper you’ve written and pretend to be working on that. The longer the better, impress your parents... don’t just use a 1 page paper... seniors, heck use your thesis! Open a second window and go to the Cardinals website where you can watch the play by play for free. Switch in between the two windows if you hear footsteps outside your room. This is the most boring, yet most secure form of secretly spectating. Excuse: Even though this is nearly impossible to be caught doing, just say you didn’t notice that tab was still open. 3)“Stalling is Winning”Go down stairs for a drink of water, multiple times in an hour... (Pour the water out in the sink if necessary.) Sneak-aPeek at the game every so often. If you’re feeling daring just go in and sit down with your parents until they call you out. This particular approach could last you up to an inning, if pulled off perfectly. Excuse: Say you needed a

short break from your rigorous studies and were just about to return to your room. 4)“Frisky But Risky”- This style of play could get you the longest viewing time, perhaps even throughout the entire game. You go into the basement and turn the game on the TV on low volume. To erase all suspicion, leave off all the lights in the basement. Excuse: No excuse for this one... you’re going to have to take it like a man. However... from my experience, if you just break down in tears, the parents will usually feel guilty and not be angry at you. 5)“The Creep”- We all have those neighbors whose TV you can see at night through their windows. Take advantage of that. Get those binoculars out of the closet, open up your blinds and start watching. The only way of being caught with this approach is by the police... There’s no way out of that one. I just hope you won’t get arrested for stalking (no promises), but if you do, just know that you will be legendary. Excuse: Good Luck... Just remember, don’t get caught. And this isn’t an excuse to forget about your homework all together...

The Guild is a club formed by a brotherhood of artisans. In the early 2000’s they opened a “guild store” to support their craft, but it was discontinued due to lack of organization. This year’s senior guild members decided that they were going to reinstitute the store. They got money together and bought supplies. At first the store was only open to people in the medieval arts class. But last Friday it opened to the Priory student body, selling drinks and snacks, a huge success. Many people enjoyed it. Some people mentioned that they wanted the Gatorade bottles to be bigger. Overall I heard most people were glad about their dollars being well spent. The money raised supports the Guild and a third goes to charity. It is going to be open again today so save your dollars. But remember that everything has to be eaten in the lower level of the Junior School or be saved until after school.

Villa Mixer Villa Mixer Tonight! ($7) Theme: Freak Like a Greek Time (High School): 9:00 pm Time (Middle School): 6:30-8:30 Location: 801 S Spoede Rd, St Louis, MO in the gym

Continued From Page 4, House Of Hades ...Leo, Piper, Nico, Hazel, and Frank would face immense opposition from the monsters already on the surface. Many have already fallen to Gaea’s side: not only monsters, but even humans: both demigod and mortal. Even some immortals powerful enough to be considered gods, e.g. Boreas, god of the North Wind, and Khione, goddess of snow, have sided

with the earth goddess. Also, Gaea’s children are rising, and each one is already very powerful on its own, because they were designed to be the bane of a specific god. They can only be defeated by a demigod and a god working together. On top of that, each of them has a personal issue. Frank’s life is linked to a piece of wood. Hazel is struggling

with living in the modern world, when she died in the 1930s. Leo is hard-pressed as the ship’s mechanic, and also to come up with many plans. Piper struggles with the fact that she is the daughter of Aphrodite, who doesn’t necessarily have useful powers. Nico battles with the horrors of Tartarus that he was forced to endure, and finally Jason no longer has the

Shakespeare (Name Any Title)

privileges of a Roman camper. And if that was not enough, the Roman camp is preparing to march on Camp Half-Blood. In order to see how all these issues would be resolve, check out the book as soon as possible, because in my opinion, it is definitely worth reading, so pick it up from your local library today!

6 Auditions

SPOR TS Little Wick Gets Weird

Auditions for the February 13-16, 2014 production of

By Eric Stange ’14 Content Editor

will be held Sunday, November 10 at 4 p.m. in the Kevin Kline Theatre.

In the 3 weeks since the Soccer Rebels have been featured in The Record, much has happened. In late September, the Rebels imposed a 3-0 lead on rising Affton, but eventually gave up two soft goals. After winning 3-2, we headed to Chaminade to face another #1 ranked large school. After falling down 4-0 on some broken plays, the Rebels rattled off 3 straight goals only to fall short, but even the stellar fan support proved not to be enough as we eventually fell short to lose 4-3. The next week, the Soccer Rebels took care of business beating Bishop DuBourg and Lutheran North both 3-0. On that week’s Thursday, we took on the SLUH Junior Bills under the lights, prime time. Unfortunately, our play was not too

The Music Man

XC By Daniel Martin ’14 Cross Country Captain This past weekend, Priory and Ladue hosted their own invitational, an important part of the year for Priory sports. As always, Priory JV won, fending off attacks from Ladue and Clayton to take the first place trophy. With William Whaley and Luke Lissner at the forefront of the Priory charge, there was nothing the other teams could do but bow down and lose. On the other hand, the varsity squad was ready to avenge their loss at Hancock the weekend before. On the home course, there was nothing that was going to get in the way of a win. With a smaller field of teams this year due to date flip-flopping, Priory's situation was even more precarious as a packing team. However, all runners went out to to defend the home course. Alas the Priory team was crushed at the results having lost by a point. If Ladue had raced a full team, we may have won. But the odds were not in our favor. Tomorrow we will be out in Washington MO for the Borgia Invitational. The end of the season is fast approaching, so watch out. Until next time, #PrioryXC #compression

Apology The Record apologizes for a few mistakes in the last issue, including publishing Michael Herman’s article a second time instead of Ramzi Haddad’s. We take this kind of error very seriously and assure our readers it will not happen again.

prime this time, and Junior Bills took advantage of a couple of our mistakes, scoring three goals to our one. After that disappointing result, we took the practice field looking to train even harder for another crucial stretch in our schedule. This week’s opponents were conference team Lutheran South, historical rival Duchesne, and a Principia team that is making waves in soccer news in the area, by playing highly ranked John Burroughs to a scoreless tie. The Rebels got by with 1-0 wins against Duchesne and Lutheran South, but both games were more well in hand than the final score suggests. Last night, we took the new Principia field, which plays like a dream, looking for yet another league win. Knowing they would be a tough opponent, and also much better than the Principia squads we were used to facing, the Rebels

were focused throughout the game, and brought out a solid effort all around. After seemingly controlling play against Principia, the Rebels were denied quality scoring chance time and time again. Play was deadlocked into the second overtime, at which time Ryan “Little Wick” Mulqueeny was played in on a long ball that was barely too long which went to the goalie. However, the keeper bobbled the ball and Little WIck almost broke away, but was fouled in the box, forcing a penalty kick. Little Wick buried the spot kick beautifully, and the Rebels came away with the desired result. Happily heading into the weekend, the Rebels face off against Clayton on next Tuesday, De Smet on Thursday, and Whitfield on Friday. If you can make any of these games, please do as your presence is appreciated.

JV Soccer Continues Strong Season By Jacob Williams ’17 Staff Writer JV Soccer is keeping a solid season with 10 wins 3 losses and 2 ties. We are still undefeated in league games which we have 2 more left. This past week we faced SLUH, Duchesne, and Lutheran South. We lost to SLUH 2-1, even though they dominated the game until the last 15 minutes. We beat Duchesne 5-0 who we have not beat in the past few years. We ended up tying Lutheran South in a hard, physical game 1-1. Both teams had many opportunities to score but failed to do so. The JV Soccer team is having a few problems with injuries to the freshmen. Christian

Dubray is out for the season with his heel. Dominic Young broke his collar bone against Duchesne by tripping on a blade of grass and falling on it. Tate Callahan sprained his back and has been out for a few weeks. Finally we have John Forshaw who just hurt his leg and was out for a few days. Right now, John Forshaw is on a 9 game goal-scoring streak with 11 goals in those 9 games. Next week is the last week of the regular season before starting the Metro League Tournament. We play at Clayton on Tuesday and play DeSmet at home on Thursday. Both of these games will be big games. The tournament starts Saturday the 26th for us. We have a game against John Bur-

The Glass Menagerie

roughs at home at 10 in the morning. We tied them 0-0 as our first game of the season. We would love it if we got some fans out to support our team in that game. It will be a good, hard game against a good opponent so we will have to bring our A game. The way the brackets work in the tournament, the 3 best teams, John Burroughs, Lutheran South, and us, are all on the same side. Therefore only 1 of us will be able to get to the championship. The way the bracket is set up could help us by not facing the best opponent in the championship. It also hurts us since we will have to go through the 2 hardest opponents in our League



Australian Music Picks Of The Week

Editor’s Picks

By Austin Krueger ’14 Staff Writer


After going through one of my more extensive playlists, I noticed an more than a few quality Australian artists. These are some of my favorite tracks from the Land Down Under. The first Aussie is name that everyone should remember, but now he’s just some artist that we used to know. That’s right, it’s the one hit wonder Gotye from Melbourne, Australia, although I’m telling you about one of his other songs, “Eyes Wide Open” off of his album Making Mirrors. This song uses the same kind of poppy electronica with somber undertones as “Somebody That I Used To Know,” but in a somewhat different style and subject matter. “Eyes Wide Open” gives more of a view of

what the world, and humanity, could become if we don’t change how we live and look at the signs of what we are doing wrong. Next is an indie rock band heavily influenced by the 80’s. Also from Melbourne, The Temper Trap has become one of my favorite bands with their powerful guitar and drums and an excellent arrangement of lead singer and backing vocals. Here are my top two choices: “Science of Fear” and “Trembling Hands” are two fantastic songs, sung beautifully and produced perfectly, that should give you all a taste of what this band has to offer to the musical world. The Temper Trap recently announced that they are working on a new album set for release early next year. The final band for this week is from Fremantle, West-

ern Australia and their name is San Cisco. I first heard their song “Awkward” on the radio a few months ago and after having it stuck in my head for days, I decided to check out the rest of their album. I challenge all of you to listen to this beyond catchy song and not get it stuck in your head. Not only is the band catchy, they are good. Really good. Most catchy songs are just that, catchy tunes with sub-par lyrics, but “Awkward” tells a story... about a stalker. San Cisco adds incredible vocal layering to their part-rock partsynth brand of indie. If “Awkward” doesn’t quite float your boat, try “Beach” off of the same album. These Australian songs may go unnoticed by many of you but if you give them a listen you will not be disappointed.

Nothing Was The Same: 7/10 By Tripp Miller ’16 Staff Writer Drake might be the biggest name in hip-hop at the moment. The Degrassi actor-turnedrapper has massive pop appeal, and while purists have a strong distaste for both his lyrical content and for his “Top 40”-ness, it's hard to deny he's made some great music. This being said, for every great song he records, a “Young Money” piece of nonsense follows. Nothing Was The Same is Drake's third album, and his most commercially successful one yet. The production flirts with the sort of experimental hip-hop thats coming into style recently; it's no Odd Future or Yeezus, but it's an attempt. A decent one at that, I'll add. “Tuscan Leather” in particular

stands out for being off-kilter: it's relatively long, switches the beat 3 times, and uses layered reverse effects. It's almost like the first track on any given Wilco record, where the most experimental bit comes first to off-set whatever comes next. Drake even realizes what he's done: “This is nothin' for the radio, but they'll still play it though Cause it's that new Drizzy Drake, that's just the way it go”. The album unfortunately doesn't continue this way. “Wu-Tang Forever” made the most disappointing use of a sample, that weird Nirvana bit in Jay-Z's MCHG, but it was alright. Lyrically, this is another Drake release: he's lonely, he misses his ex, he's reminiscent. It’s very formulaic. “Started from the Bottom”

Stan Eminem feat. Dido


Where is the Love? Black Eyed Peas


Cry Me a River Justin Timberlake

4 Gold Digger Kanye West

5 Higher J-Cole

6 might be the worst track on this record and the most “YoungMoney” of anything he has ever done Drake lazily raps about the contrast of when he was a civilian to his current life. Never mind the fact that (all things considered) he really didn't start from the bottom, Drake's flow is horrendous.The production even feels iffy. This is the sort of nonsense that drags Drake's work down. But then Drake wins me over again with the pop-R&B smoothness that is “Just Hold on We're Going Home”, an exceptionally well done song that has been on repeat on my iPod for a week. It makes up for the atrocities of “Started from the Bottom”. Overall, the album was good. Not incredible, but solid. A few tracks felt a bit forgettable, but overall a decent release.

Shoeless Joe

Church OutKast


Beez in the House Nicki Minaj


Rapper’s Delight The Sugar Hill Gang

9 Super Freak Rick James

10This is How We Do It Montell Jordan


8 BPL Week 8 Preview Alex Hill ‘15 Michael Ricci ’15 Staff Writers Week 8 of the Premier League should be a very interesting one. The action we saw during last week’s international break was exhilarating, and many of us can’t wait to see the club season resume, especially with the current state of things in the league. Arsenal is top of the table for the first time in a long time; and many underdog teams such as West Ham and Southampton have surprised many with their performances. Other teams such as Sunderland and Crystal Palace are desperate to rise above their miserable standings in the table. We have analyzed the players, teams, and statistics and have brought you what we see as the most accurate guesses towards who will win; and even evaluations of the big games. Let us know what you think of our predictions. Chelsea v. Cardiff City 3-1 Chelsea is the obvious favorite for their Week 8 matchup against Cardiff City. They possess highly talented players such as Luiz, Oscar, Mata, Cech, Hazard, Cole, and several others who will most likely lead Chelsea to an easy victory. Chelsea, coming off of their 3-1 win against Norwich City, look to replicate that form against Cardiff at home. Cardiff City, coming off of a tough 2-1 loss to Newcastle United will try to make a name for themselves by upsetting the Giants from Stamford Bridge. Cardiff’s only real potential line of defense lies in Caulker. Cardiff almost certainly won’t be able to get it done at Stamford Bridge and the Blues will finish the day with an easy three points. Aston Villa v. Tottenham 2-2 Tottenham is looking to regroup


after their brutal 3-0 loss to West Ham United at home. A trip to Villa Park is not the most ideal place for this, but the Spurs look focused and ready to get the win on Sunday. Key players such as Soldado, Eriksen, and Vertonghen look to lead Tottenham to a win. Aston Villa and Christian Benteke, on the other hand, hope to take advantage of the reeling Hotspurs and get three points. Manchester United v. Southampton 1-1 With 3 straight wins, Southampton is looking to prove to the world that their spot at 4th in the league table is not a fluke. Pablo Osvaldo and the Saints look to take advantage of the slumping Red Devils and hope to get 3 points at the end of the day, while Manchester United look to bounce back from their dismal showings against West Bromwich Albion and Sunderland. After the surprise rise to form from the 18 year old Belgian international Adnan Januzaj, David Moyes is going to look for his big name veterans to prove their worth in the starting XI. This should be a pretty close match. Arsenal vs. Norwich City 3-1 The red-hot, top-of-the-league Gunners will be taking on the Canaries this Saturday at the Emirates. Arsenal’s in-form offense consists of a plethora of talented players and will almost surely give the Norwich defense a very tough battle. Norwich’s attack will probably be hard-pressed to find their way through the Gunner’s defense. Arsène Wenger would be wise to keep a very close eye on Mesut Özil so as to not further aggravate the minor injury he received over the international break. The big news surrounding this match is regarding whether or not Santi Cazorla will make his return. If he does,

the match will pretty much be a fun pick-up game for Arsenal in terms of difficulty. West Ham United vs. Manchester City 2-2 After their rout of Tottenham before the international break, West Ham hopes to cling to their success and pull off another win against Manchester City. A victory for West Ham is actually quite possible since Manchester City has been on a tough ride of form. Although this may be true, many of their players enjoyed a sensational weekend during the international break while playing for their respective nations. Based purely from a who-has-who in terms of talent standpoint, this game should be a complete slaughter of West Ham. Manchester City has a ridiculous number of top-tier forwards, and their midfield is rock-solid as well. If the West Ham defense can lock down the skilled Yaya Touré, their chances of success will increase significantly. The City defense is certainly capable of shutting West Ham down and Joe Hart will probably shine in goal. But despite all this talent, City really isn’t playing well. West Ham will have a good chance of playing even with an out of form Manchester United. Other Matches: Liverpool vs. Newcastle United 3-1 Player to watch:Luiz Suárez Stoke City v. West Bromwich Albion 0-2 Player to watch: Nicolas Anelka Swansea City v. Sunderland 2-1 Player to watch: Michu Everton v. Hull City 2-1 Player to watch: Leighton Baines Crystal Palace v. Fulham 0-1 Player to watch: Dimitar Berbatov

The Scarlet Letter

Friday, October 18 7:00PM V Football @ Affton Saturday, October 19 9:00AM 8th Grade Football @ Affton 9:00AM Cross Country @ Borgia 10:00AM C Football vs. Affton Sunday, October 20 Monday, October 21 Lunch: Pork Loin General Tso’s Chicken 8:30AM University of Rochester 9:15AM Augustana College 10:00AM Texas Christian University 12:45PM Purdue University 2:00PM Marquette University 4:15PM JV Football vs. Affton Tuesday, October 22 Lunch: BBQ Chicken Spaghetti and Meatballs 9:00AM Wofford College 10:00AM Northwestern University 10:45AM Indiana U-Bloomingdale 1:00PM Grinnell College 2:00PM Wartburg College 4:15PM JV Soccer @ Clayton 6:00PM V Soccer @ Clayton Wednesday, October 23 PLAN Exam - Form IV Lunch: Pork Roast Enchiladas Thursday, October 24 Lunch: Kielbasa Burgers 9:00AM Trinity College Truman State University 10:00AM Transylvania University 11:00AM Tulane University 1:00PM Lindenwood University 4:00PM JV Soccer vs. DeSmet 4:00PM V Soccer vs. DeSmet 4:30PM Cross Country Metro League Friday, October 25 Photo Retake Day Career Day - Form V/VI Lunch: Lasagna Tilapia 10:00AM College of Charleston 1:00PM Beloit College 2:00PM Depauw University 4:00PM V Soccer vs. Whitfield 7:00PM V Football vs. St. Dominic

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