Healthy Habits for Healthy Lifestyle

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The greatest wealth is health, goes the famous adage. It is, by no means, an overstatement. A healthy lifestyle is one of the most important assets of a person, although it is also the most neglected. Fortunately, there are some simple healthy lifestyle guidelines that you can follow to transform your physical and mental well-being and become fit: 1. Diet

This is the first and one of the most important healthy lifestyle tips to consider, in order to lead a healthy, happy life. Our body needs a balanced amount of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and even fat, to function at its optimal level. Fruits and vegetables are a powerhouse of essential vitamins, while unpolished rice, wheat, millets and pulses provide us with energy and help build up our body. It is important to consume unsaturated fatty acids for the required fat content, such as those present in cod liver oil or omega-3 fatty acids, and avoid saturated fats found in processed foods.

2. A well-balanced meal plan

Skipping meals is a bad idea and does more harm than good, although occasional fasting for a day is proven to be beneficial. Many people skip meals under the false impression that it will help in weight loss and slimming down. Nothing could be further from the truth. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and should therefore be packed with nutrition to power us through the entire day.

3. Stop late night snacking

Most of us have at some point in our lives indulged in late-night snacking, for different reasons such as night-outs, hunger or even sheer boredom. Typically, such snacks consist of processed, sugary, oily foods such as chips, biscuits, cookies, chocolates etc. What many of us don’t realize is that these are just empty calories which go into expanding our waistline and wrecking our dental hygiene, and have no beneficial effects.

4. Exercise

Studies have shown that regular exercising help keep many physical and mental ailments such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, depression etc. at bay. Just as how regular oiling and maintenance keeps a machine running smoothly, similarly exercise helps in maintaining flexibility and improving stamina and strength. Exercising is a healthy lifestyle habit inked to a better physical and mental performance in dayto-day activities of a person.

5. Get your beauty sleep

This may not seem very obvious, but good sleep in linked to a good health. Our body needs sufficient sleep in order to rest and repair itself after the regular wear and tear it undergoes in the course of a day’s activities. Besides boosting our capacity for physical and mental work, it also helps enhance our body’s defence mechanisms and ability to handle stress.

6. Consuming the right type and quantity of drinks

Water is the best drink a person can have. Plain water can cleanse our body from within by flushing out the toxins and other harmful by-products of cellular processes

of our body. It also aids in digestion and helps keep our skin clear. Besides water, one can also consume fruits and vegetables rich in water, such as watermelons.

7. Meditation and Socialising

Meditation helps calm our mind and provides us with a measure of harmony. It helps regulate our breathing patterns and soothes our frayed nerves. While socialising and interaction with our family and friends helps us reconnect with each other on an emotional level and improves our psychological well-being.

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