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Archives and publication
Our digitised books available online at digi.kansalliskirjasto.fi were viewed
12,795 times
(2021: 14,564)
Following the re-opening of society in the spring of 2022 as a result of decreases in pandemicrelated restrictions, customers returned to our reading rooms. We also reached a new milestone as we increased our holdings beyond three shelf kilometres. Views and downloads of our publications on the article-based platform journal.fi also saw a marked increase of almost 50 per cent.
We published
15 new titles
(2021: 14)
Our articles available online at journal.fi were viewed and downloaded
24,317 times
(2021: 16,349)
We received
Our volume of archival material increased by 112 shelf metres
We are now responsible for the preservation of more than 3 shelf kilometres of material.
The book Ett gott parti. Scener ur Ellan de la Chapelles och Albert Edelfelts liv (A good match. Scenes from Ellan de la Chapelle’s and Albert Edelfelt’s lives) by Maria Vainio-Kurtakko was published in March and became SLS’s bestseller for 2022.
557 customer visits to our reading rooms in Helsinki and Vaasa.
(2021: 331)
Our website sis.finna.fi was visited
17,117 times
(2021: 23,712)
An archive reflects five centuries of life on a country estate
Tjusterby Godsaktiebolag in Pernå has donated the Tjusterby Manor archive to SLS. The archive, which occupies a full 19 metres of shelf space, contains documents dating from as early as the 16th century up to the 1900s.
What was life and business like at Tjusterby Manor over the past few centuries? Some answers can be found in the donated archive. Among other things, it comprises documents on agriculture and forestry, building blueprints, maps and probate instruments.
The shelves also contain private documents such as family letters, almanacs, and documents from the estate owner Kasten Antell’s time as head of the Senate Finance Committee from 1905 to 1906.
A list of the items in the archive will be compiled and it will subsequently become available to SLS’s customers. The oldest documents in the manor’s archive, which date from the 1500s and 1600s, are being digitalised, while the newer material will be freely available in physical form. The protocols from the Godsaktiebolag include certain provisos, but researchers can apply for access to the material.
Michaela von Kügelgen