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Section: LS3 Obligations & Standards Page: 1 of 1
Date: 20th September 2016
To outline the immediate procedure to mitigate risk when a lifesaving service fails to meet the minimum standards as set in the Lifesaving Service Agreement/Contract.
In the event that a lifesaving service does not have the minimum number of qualified personnel or equipment to establish a patrol, it is vital that immediate action is taken to:
• Meet minimum standards and establish a patrol;
• Mitigate/manage risk as best able in the interim, in order to protect the bathing public.
Personnel and equipment (including signage) already on-site shall be actively engaged in surveillance, roving patrols, preventative actions and rescues even though minimum standards are not yet met to open a flagged patrol area.
SurfCom shall notify the appropriate Branch Duty Officer/s and local Lifeguard Supervisor/s to assist in coordinating any resources to assist in the short term. Such assistance may include:
• Additional personnel from neighbouring lifesaving services;
• Support Operations positioned in the area (RWC, Duty Officer);
• Lifesaving Service Support/Club Callout Teams being activated.
The Branch Director of Lifesaving or ALS Lifeguard Manager shall be notified.