Happenings @ the Norfolk Church! Norfolk United Methodist Church
NUMC Verse of the Day Keep reminding them of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen. Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:14-15
Sunday Morning Real Talk: The dynamics of the upcoming election is causing folks to be disappointed and confused--Let’s have a Real Talk on what is going on in our churches and in the world. The next series will start October 23, 2016 @ 11:00 a.m. in the Conference Room. Make plans to join us for this exciting series and let’s get the Word Out—Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
Music Ministries: YOUTH: Wed. Oct. 12th @ 6:30 p.m. GOSPEL: Thursday, 20th @ 5:30 We’re Getting Ready for Christmas Music! Start Inviting Your Family & Friends
Thursday, 27th, @ 6:30 p.m.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month Join us as we honor those whose lives have been affected by Cancer. Sunday October 9th.
NUMC BIBLE STUDIES: Wednesday Night Bible Study @ 6:30 p.m.
NUMC BIBLE STUDIES: Thursdays Bible Study @ Noon
USHERS NEEDED: If you are interested in becoming an usher, please see Sherry Graves or any member of the Usher Team. 543-7059
SENIORS: Will gather on Tuesday, 11 October. A speaker will be present and lunch served.
CAR WASH: New Date
Saturday, 15 October,
9 a.m. until 4 p.m. $10 Donation. Sponsored by UMM.
October 15 – 10:00 until 3:00 6870 North Military Highway Let's get the word out and get the preorders in! Forms are in the back of the church. They are affordable and the dinners and sandwich will be delicious. Fish Dinner w/Green Beans & Potato Salad $8.00 ea. Fish Sandwich $4.00 ea. Spaghetti Dinner w/ Salad & Garlic Bread $6.00 Pre-order forms can be faxed or emailed to the office: officenorfolk@gmail.com
LEADERSHIP TRAINING: October 15 @ 9:00 a.m. at our new campus. If you are leading a ministry team, serving as a leader or just plain interested, this session is for you. Please let us know if you will be present with us.
October 29, 2016 6870 N. Military Hwy Norfolk, VA 23518 Vendors, Community Partners, Food, Crafts, & Much More!
If you would like to purchase a vendor’s table, see Valerie Santiful for more details
TRUNKS OF TREATS: Will be held Monday, October 31st. The request is for donations of wrapped candy for the youth of the church. Please see Diane Mewborn for further information.
BREAKFAST: The Children’s Church will be serving breakfast Sunday, Nov. 6 (rescheduled due to weather forecast). On the menu: Three pancakes and two sides, $6. Sides are: eggs, turkey or pork sausage, bacon and grits. Preorders can be made, please see Arlene Taborn for a form, Please support the Children’s Church, they are our future.
Mrs. Hall sends thanks to everyone: For all the prayers, calls, cards, visits, food, and expressions of concern for her and the family.
CHURCH CALENDAR: If you asked to reserve a date on the calendar and decide not to follow through with your event, please inform the Chair of Trustees 7 days in advance. This will allow another ministry team to plan an event on that date. Thank You. Brenda Turner, Chair
FOOD HANDLER CLASSES: You may go online for the course. This is critical if you are planning to work in the kitchen and/or assist with food handling. Complete the course online at www.statefoodsafety.com. The cost is $15.00. You will be able to print your card. (Test required) Or, go to Huntersville Neighborhood Center, 830 Goff Street. Cost is $10.00. Classes are offered weekly. (No Test)
THE JOSEPH TRIBE: Discount Coupon sales with great savings. 40 coupons per sheet. Donation of $10.00. Anita Chapman, Chair
SILENT AUCTION: Has begun, and will run for a month, ending on next Sunday--October 16. Items that are donated will be counted toward your Capital Campaign. Questions? Please see Doris Artis or Valerie Santiful.
FISH! FISH: Fresh fish are back. Spots & Whitings. $12.00 per bag. Pan ready. See Eugene Colbert for your orders. 757-474-9658
General: Our Praise Team is in place! If you are interested in participating, please see Ms. Maria Davis for more information on rehearsal dates and times.
Please submit all announcements by Wednesday of each week to the church office. Email: officenorfolk@gmail.com CONTACT INFORMATION: If there have been changes in your name, address, phone(s) number(s), email, please leave that information with the office. MAILBOXES: Team Leaders, please check the mailboxes beside the choir room door for your mail and notices.