“Enter Into His Gates with Thanksgiving & Praise” ~ Black History Month ~ February 13, 2022 OPENING “The Lord Is a Wonder” By: Dorothy Norwood Soloist: Mrs. Maria Davis
CALL TO WORSHIP Psalm 1 Response: Like a tree that’s planted by the water, we shall not be moved. Leader: People:
Blessed are those who do not walk in the counsel of the wicked; or stand in the way of sinners, or sit in the seat of scoffers;
Leader: People:
but their delight is in the law of the Lord, and on God’s law they meditate day and night.
They are like trees planted by streams of water that yield their fruit in season, and their leaves do not wither. In all that they do, they prosper.
Response: Like a tree that’s planted by the water, we shall not be moved. Leader: People: Leader: People:
The wicked are not so, but are like chaff which the wind drives away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment; nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous; for the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.
Response: Like a tree that’s planted by the water, we shall not be moved.
PRAYER Dr. Sherry L. Daniels
“Guide My Feet” Negro Spiritual By: Dr. Wendell P. Whalum
Verse 1 Guide my feet while I run this race, Guide my feet while I run this race, Guide my feet while I run this race, For I don’t want to run this race in vain. Verse 2 Hold my hand while I run this race, Hold my hand while I run this race, Hold my hand while I run this race, For I don’t want to run this race in vain. Verse 3 Stand by me while I run this race, Stand by me while I run this race, Stand by me while I run this race, For I don’t want to run this race in vain. Verse 4 I’m Your child while I run this race, I’m Your child while I run this race, I’m Your child while I run this race, For I don’t want to run this race in vain.
By: Rev. Dr. Ken Sloane Director of Stewardship & Generosity, Discipleship Ministries, The United Methodist Church Sovereign God: We give our tithes and gifts this day, knowing that you are deserving of the best we have to offer. The tithe in scripture, we are called to give, is to be our first fruits – not what is leftover. Yet in his writing, Paul reminds us that Christ was, in fact, the first fruits in your new covenant of salvation for each of us! May we live as an offering worthy of this great gift. We pray this in Christ’s name! Amen. (1 Corinthians 15:12-20)
BLESSING AND SENDING FORTH Go in peace. “Amen” Negro Spiritual Arr. By: Valeria A. Foster
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ HOLY COMMUNION ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
THE OLD TESTAMENT READINGS Jeremiah 17:5-10 Psalm 1
“Depart To Serve”
1 Corinthians 15:12-20
MINISTRY THROUGH MUSIC “Been There, Done That” By: Rev. Timothy Wright Soloist: Mr. William Brown
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ THE WORD FOR TODAY Dr. Sherry L. Daniels
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TODAY’S WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS Worship Leader Mrs. Portia Murphy Musician Mr. William A. L. Brown, II Choir Triple A Praise Team “Anointed, Appointed & Assigned”
FOOD PANTRY DISTRIBUTION THANK YOU to Mrs. Valerie Santiful and all of our volunteers who come out to serve on the 2nd Saturday of every month, to distribute bags of food. Your service and ministry is a blessing to others. FOOD MINISTRY - There is candy on the counter in the kitchen. - All of the food in the refrigerator has been given out. - Check the tables at the end of the hall for non-perishable items.
MY NOTES FROM WORSHIP Sermon highlights: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________
USHERS NEEDED!! Please consider our Usher Ministry! We desperately need additional persons to serve, even if you can only help out one Sunday, it will be a great help! We just ask that you try it.
See Ms. Wendy Jones on Sundays, or call the church office during the week. Thank you!
Other information:
MID-WEEK PRAYER Wednesdays @ 7:00 AM Dial: 425-585-7852
Prayer changes things! Take 30 minutes and join us as we pray one for the other and for people around the world. Spread the word to your networks, family and friends.
YOUTH BIBLE STUDY - ONLINE Wednesdays, 7:00-7:30 PM We encourage all youth to be a part of our Online Youth Bible Study. The study is titled, “The Journey.” We will take 30 minutes to journey through the Books of the Bible and review traditions of our denomination. We are looking forward to taking this journey with all youths and even those who feel like a youth at heart. You may access the study through our Digital Bulletin at numcva.org or go to your email and click the Zoom link which is provided, as well as the Meeting ID and Passcode. A reminder will be sent out each week. Please contact the office if you have any questions. SPREAD THE WORD!!
Remember to check your email on a regular basis from “Norfolk UMC Office,” not just for church related information, but for other news and information that may be useful to you or someone you know.
Living Historical Figures To Know
Norfolk United Methodist Church NORFOLK UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 6870 N. Military Highway ~ Norfolk, VA 23518 757.628.6543 (telephone) 757.628.8181 (fax) Office Hours Tuesday-Thursday, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Website http://www.numcva.org
6870 N. Military Highway Norfolk, VA 23518 Dr. Sherry L. Daniels, Senior Pastor Rev. Carolyn Graves, Associate Pastor Rev. Finley O. Jones, Minister of Visitation
Facebook www.facebook.com/NorfolkUMC
Email officenorfolk@gmail.com
Text-Giving 757.230.2125
February 13, 2022 9:00 AM