“Enter Into His Gates with Thanksgiving & Praise”
April 24, 2022
Verse 1 Would you be free from the burden of sin? There’s pow’r in the blood, pow’r in the blood. Would you o’er evil a victory win? There’s wonderful pow’r in the blood.
OPENING “In This Place” By: Joshua’s Troop CALL TO WORSHIP Psalm 150 Response: Alleluia! Alleluia! Let’s sing unto the Lord: Alleluia! Leader: People:
Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise God in his mighty firmament!
Leader: People:
Praise God for his mighty deeds; praise God for his exceeding greatness!
Leader: People:
Praise God with trumpet sound; praise God with lute and harp!
Leader: People:
Praise God with tambourine and dance; praise God with strings and pipe!
Leader: People:
Praise God with sounding cymbals; praise God with loud clashing cymbals!
Leader: People:
Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!
“There Is Power in the Blood” By: Lewis E. Jones
Verse 4 Would you do service for Jesus, your King? There’s pow’r in the blood, pow’r in the blood. Would you live daily His praises to sing? There’s wonderful pow’r in the blood. Refrain There is pow’r, pow’r, wonder-working pow’r In the blood of the Lamb. There is pow’r, pow’r, wonder-working pow’r In the precious blood of the Lamb. (Verses 2 & 3 omitted.)
MINISTRY THROUGH TITHES AND OFFERINGS By: Rev. Dr. Ken Sloane Director of Stewardship & Generosity, Discipleship Ministries, The United Methodist Church O God of our Salvation: We are witnesses to your amazing deeds! By the resurrection of your son, Jesus, you have opened the gate to eternal life. We are grateful for your gifts of forgiveness and a new start. Let the obedience of Christ, the righteous one, become the chief cornerstone of our lives. Help us to use our spiritual gifts, and monetary blessings, to be a testimony to your glory. We dedicate ourselves and our offerings, through Christ, our risen Lord. Amen. (Acts 5:27-32)
BLESSING AND SENDING FORTH Go in peace. “I Can Do All Things Through Christ” By: Elbernita “Twinkie” Clark
THE NEW TESTAMENT READINGS Acts 5:27-32 Revelation 1:4-8
“Depart To Serve”
Response: Alleluia! Alleluia! Let’s sing unto the Lord: Alleluia!
“Worth” By: Anthony Brown Soloist: Mr. Marvin Moore
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ THE WORD FOR TODAY
Musician Mr. William A. L. Brown, II
Dr. Sherry L. Daniels
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Worship Leader Ms. Erin O. Walden
Drummer Mr. Walter Gilchrist Choir Triple A Praise Team “Anointed, Appointed & Assigned”
FOOD PANTRY MINISTRY Our refrigerator is COMPLETELY FULL with a variety of items; and the tables are full as well!! Please, Please stop in the kitchen; we do not want this food to go to waste! Checkout the tables at the end of the hall as well! A big THANK YOU is extended to Mrs. Valerie Santiful for giving so much of her time to our Food Ministry. It is such a blessing to so many!
Sermon highlights: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________
TEXT CONNECT FROM CHERYL Ms. Cheryl Moore is using her gifts from God to Bless others through text messages! She will be sending out inspirational prayers and messages. God touched her heart and she wants to encourage others. Be sure that the office has your cell phone information, if you would like to receive these special messages.
Other information: ________________________________________
MID-WEEK PRAYER Wednesdays @ 7:00 AM Dial: 425-585-7852
Prayer changes things! Take 30 minutes and join us as we pray one for the other and for people around the world. Spread the word to your networks, family and friends.
FOOD PANTRY DISTRIBUTION SATURDAY, May 14th from 9:00-11:00 AM Our Food Pantry Ministry serves the community on the second Saturday of each month; but if there is ever an emergency need for food, please contact the church office Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. @ 757-628-6543, and we will make arrangements with our Food Pantry Ministry for you to pickup some food.
CHECK YOUR EMAIL Remember to check your email on a regular basis from “Norfolk UMC Office,” not just for church related information, but for other news and information that may be useful to you or someone you know.
Norfolk United Methodist Church NORFOLK UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 6870 N. Military Highway ~ Norfolk, VA 23518 757.628.6543 (telephone) 757.628.8181 (fax) Office Hours Tuesday-Thursday, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Website http://www.numcva.org
6870 N. Military Highway Norfolk, VA 23518 Dr. Sherry L. Daniels, Senior Pastor Rev. Carolyn Graves, Associate Pastor Rev. Finley O. Jones, Minister of Visitation
Facebook www.facebook.com/NorfolkUMC
Email officenorfolk@gmail.com
Text-Giving 757.230.2125
April 24, 2022 9:00 AM