2 minute read
Love All The People
Please continue to monitor your emails, numcva.org website, texts, and social media for updates and additional information.
Please feel free to share our online and telephone worship and ministry services with your network, family and friends.
ONLINE WORSHIP Sundays @ 9:00 AM
- Facebook.com/NorfolkUMC/Live - Website: NUMCVA.org
MORNING PRAYER & REQUESTS Monday, Wednesday & Friday @ 7:00 AM Dial: 425-585-7852
Rise early, pray and slay! There is power in prayer. The Circle of Prayer Warriors spend 45 minutes in prayer and faith formation to slay the day. Join us, one number, no codes, just communion with God @ 7:00 a.m. in the War Room.
There will be NO BIBLE STUDY this Wednesday, July 1, 2020.
In the meantime, if you have not done so, please check your email for our online announcements for the updated Webinar link for our weekly Bible Study, and get registered. Check-in, get registered, and get set to take it to the next level. We are going deeper and casting the net wider--so share the invitation with your family and friends. You don’t have to be a member to register. If you are camera shy, don’t allow this to be your excuse. You don’t have to be seen or heard, you can just listen. The important part is that you need to hear the lesson to learn the lesson.
Remember to make your yearly pledges to support our Annual Capital Campaign. You may stop by the church during office hours to pickup a Pledge form, complete it and leave it for our Finance Chair, Ms. Lois Simons; or you may submit your pledges to the office via our email address. Thank you for your generosity.
Our Annual Capital Campaign will consist of several church-wide fundraising events that will take place after the “Stay-at-Home” order is lifted. Sermon highlights:
Other information:
NORFOLK UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 6870 N. Military Highway ~ Norfolk, VA 23518 757.628.6543 (telephone) 757.628.8181 (fax)
Office Hours Tuesday-Thursday, 10:00 a.m. -2:00 p.m.
Website http://www.numcva.org
Facebook www.facebook.com/NorfolkUMC
Email officenorfolk@gmail.com
Dr. Sherry L. Daniels, Lead Pastor Rev. Carolyn Graves, Associate Pastor Rev. Finley O. Jones, Minister of Visitation
Online Giving @ http://numcva.org or Text 757-230-2125