Worship & Praise Digital Bulletin

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“Enter Into His Gates with Thanksgiving & Praise”



“We Gather Together” By: Theodore Baker/Edward Kremser

November 21, 2021

By: Rev. Dr. Ken Sloane Director of Stewardship & Generosity, Discipleship Ministries, The United Methodist Church

Verse 1 We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing; He chastens and hastens His will to make known; The wicked oppressing now cease from distressing: Sing praises to His name; He forgets not His own.

OPENING “I Wanna Say Thank You” By: FBCG Combined Choir Soloist: Mr. William Brown

CALL TO WORSHIP Psalm 24:7-10 Leader: Lift up your heads, O gates! And be lifted up, O ancient doors! That the Ruler of glory may come in. People: Who is the Ruler of glory? Leader:

The Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord, mighty in battle!

People: Lift up your heads, O gates! And be lifted up, O ancient doors! That the Ruler of glory may come in. Leader: Who is the Ruler of glory? People: ALL:

The Lord of hosts, the Lord is the Ruler of glory! Amen!

PRAYER Dr. Sherry L. Daniels

Verse 2 Beside us to guide us, our God with us joining, Whose kingdom calls all to the love which endures. So from the beginning the fight we were winning: You, Lord, were at our side; all glory be Yours! (Verse 3 omitted.)

God of Majesty and Power: You have dominion over all the universe, and yet you chose to rule not in power, but in love. The gifts we give to you are not given from fear or in petition for your favor, but in the deepest gratitude for all your blessings that keep us and sustain us. May our whole lives reflect to the world that there is one who rules us with love and compassion, above all this world’s nations and principalities. In the name of your Son, the Christ, we pray. Amen. (John 18:33-37)


THE OLD TESTAMENT READINGS 2 Samuel 23:1-7 Psalm 132:1-12

“Thank You, Lord” Traditional Arr. By: Stephen Key



“Depart To Serve” MINISTRY THROUGH MUSIC “He’s Blessing Me” By: GMWA Mass Choir Soloist: Mr. William Brown

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ THE WORD FOR TODAY Dr. Sherry L. Daniels Stay in Your Lane! Hebrews 12:1-3 NIV What is a Spiritual Blind Spot?

TODAY’S WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS Worship Leader Mr. Carlton Bacon

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Musician Mr. William A. L. Brown, II - Director of Music


Choir Triple A Praise Team “Anointed, Appointed & Assigned”


FOOD ITEMS AVAILABLE In the refrigerator in the back kitchen area, there are white potatoes, tomatoes, pears, peppers, bagels, bread and sweets.

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Non-perishable items are on the tables at the other end of the hall.


VOLUNTEER USHERS NEEDED The Usher Ministry needs additional persons. If you just want to volunteer and help when you can, or if you want to become a part of this ministry, your help will be greatly appreciated!!

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TITHES AND OFFERING We are now in the final quarter of the year and we need to finish strong! We have some major updates and upgrades that must be made to our facility, and we need each member to be fully committed.

Other information:

Our faithful stewardship is very important! Like other churches, we are pressing our way through this pandemic. We also have our Capital Campaign commitments that we must honor. Please make your contribution with cheerful and generous hearts. God has blessed us all in mighty ways.


MORNING PRAYER MINISTRY Wednesdays @ 7:00 AM Dial: 425-585-7852 Prayer changes things! Take 30 minutes and join us as we pray one for the other and for people around the world. Spread the word to your networks, family and friends.

Sermon highlights:

On the kitchen table are lots of bananas.

Please see Ms. Wendy Jones on Sundays, or call the church office during the week. Thank you! 


YOUTH BIBLE STUDY - ONLINE Wednesday, January 12, 2022 from 7:00-7:30 PM We are encouraging all youth to be a part of this study lesson that will be starting in the new year. The title of the lesson is “The Journey.” During this weekly study, we will take 30 minutes to journey through the Books of the Bible and review traditions of our denomination. We are looking forward to taking this journey with all youths and those who feel like a youth at heart. The Zoom link will be provided at a later date. Please contact the office if you have any questions. Spread the word!!

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Norfolk United Methodist Church NORFOLK UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 6870 N. Military Highway ~ Norfolk, VA 23518 757.628.6543 (telephone) 757.628.8181 (fax) Office Hours Tuesday-Thursday, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Website http://www.numcva.org

6870 N. Military Highway Norfolk, VA 23518 Dr. Sherry L. Daniels, Senior Pastor Rev. Carolyn Graves, Associate Pastor Rev. Finley O. Jones, Minister of Visitation

Facebook www.facebook.com/NorfolkUMC

Email officenorfolk@gmail.com

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November 21, 2021 9:00 AM

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