Real Lives, Relevant Ministries, Serving A Real God!
Wor ship & Pr aise
6870 N . M i l i t ar y Hi gh w ay
Dr . Sher r y L. Daniels, Senior Pastor Rev. Car olyn Gr aves, Associate Pastor Rev. Finley J ones, M in. of Visitation
N or f ol k , VA 23518 of f i cen or f ol k @gm ai l .com h t t p:/ n u m cv a.or g 1-757-628-6543 Fax 1-757-628-8181
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Wor ship & Pr aise ?Enter I nto His Gates with Thanksgiving & Praise?
December 6, 2020 OPENING ?Agnus Dei ? By:Donnie McClurkin Soloist:Mr. Darius Charles CALL TO WORSHIP ?Second Sunday of Advent? Leader :Can you hear it?A voice cr ies out! People:We?ve gotta get things together !Jesus is coming! Leader :Jesus is coming for those who are broken and have been beat up by life. People:He?s coming for those whose week couldn?t get any better, and for those whose week was long and dr aining.He?s coming for those who embr ace their next steps, and for those who have no idea what?s next. Leader :He?s coming for those who live r ight and those just str uggling to live. He?s coming for those who anticipate a br ight tomor- row, and for those who are already over today. People:Come, sweet Jesus, come!We?r e her e waiting for you, and while we wait, we will wor ship! Leader :He is coming!Yes, Chr ist is coming! People:We wait for him patiently but with expectation! Leader :He is coming!Yes, Chr ist is coming!To meet our expecta- tions and beat our expectations. He is coming to blow our minds! People:Without Chr ist, we can do nothing.We need him mor e than the next br eath we br eathe.So, come on, Jesus!You knowwe?r e her e and we?r e waiting!Come, fill us again, until we ar e over flowing!
PRAYER Rev. Carolyn Gr aves CONGREGATIONAL SINGING ?Silent Night, Holy Night? By:Frederick Whitfield Verse 1 Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is br ight. Round yon vir gin mother and child; Holy infant, so tender and mild. Sleep in heavenly peace; sleep in heavenly peace. Verse 3 Silent night, holy night, Son of God, love?s pure light. Radiant beams from Thy holy face; With the dawn of redeeming gr ace. Jesus, Lord, at Thy bir th; Jesus, Lord at Thy bir th. (Verse 2 omitted.)
Table Talk with Er in Walden THE OLD TESTAMENT READINGS Isaiah 40:1- 11 Psalm 85:1- 2, 8- 13 THE NEW TESTAMENT READING 2 Peter 3:8- 15a THE GOSPEL READING Mark 1:1- 8 MINISTRY THROUGH MUSIC ?Do You Hear What I Hear ?? By:CeCe Winans Soloist:Mrs. Maria Davis
~~~~~ THE WORD FOR TODAY Pastor Car olyn Gr aves Associate Pastor ~~~~~ INVITATION TO CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP LOVE FEAST MINISTRY THROUGH TITHES AND OFFERINGS By:Rev. Dr. Ken Sloane Director of Stewardship & Generosity, Discipleship Ministries, The United Methodist Church Almighty God, as John the Baptist identified the ar r ival of the Messiah, this Advent season, that role falls on us. As we br ing our tithes and offer ings to you, we pr ay that our giving continues to point to the Chr ist who comes in love and compassion, with more concer n for those who don?t have enough and little concer n that those who have so much will get more. May our giving in this season reflect our hope for a new kind of kingdom to reign in our world. We pr ay this in the name of the Messiah, Jesus our Savior.Amen.(Mark 1:1- 8) Instr umental BLESSING AND SENDING FORTH Go in peace. ?You Ar e Good? By:Israel Houghton
TODAY?S WORSHI P PARTI CI PANTS Wor ship Leader Mr s. Deana Banks Musician Mr. William A. L. Brown, II - Minister of Music Choir AAA Pr aise Team
Shop Safe! Shop! Suppor t Our Small Businesses!
Family Spr ings- www.familyspr @familyspr ings I t Gir l Essentials - www.itgir @itgir lessentials H ouse of M LNN - @houseofmlnn Keiwi Kosmetics- @keiwikosmetics Sandy Signatur e Cr eations- https:/ / sscr @sscr eations4u Revel Belles Beauty - www.r @r evelbelles I Am M e I nitiative - @iammeinitiative H ampton Roads H oney - @hamptonr oadshoney K?Wi Teas - @kewiteas @soulstir teawell
What's Happening This Week! Join us for Online Wor ship and Pr aise on Sunday mor nings at 9:00 AM. Please check your email and/ or our Facebook page for guidance on how to connect on Sunday. Our midweek, online Bible Study that we have been doing on Wednesdays @ 12:00 p.m. is on pause for now.We nor mally take a shor t break dur ing the Summer, and come back refreshed and rejuvenated in the Fall, ready to get back into our study together as a group. Dur ing this time, you are strongly encour aged to do your own per sonal study and reflection, however you choose.We hope that you all will look for ward to coming back together after this shor t break.Check your emails, our website and Facebook for updates.
PRAYER MINISTRY: Rise early, pr ay & slay! There is power in pr ayer. The Circle of Pr ayer War r ior s spend 45 minutes in pr ayer and faith for mation to slay the day. We call- in ever y Monday, Wednesday, and Fr iday mor nings. Join us, one number, no codes, just communion with God @ 7:00 AM in the War Room.
Please remember to be faithful stewards and take care of your tithes and offering to our church. We have several ways in which to do so, but why not try something different at least one time. Since many of us have been away from the church for so long, just drive out to the church and bring your tithes and offering and put it in our secured mailbox. It?s nothing like coming on the church grounds; it gives you a different feeling. Come meditate and say a prayer. Yes, you can do this anywhere, but come to the church, sit in your vehicle, or in our picnic area, or our Place of Healing , but just step foot on the grounds, and pay your church a visit; and see how you feel, you?ll be glad that you did.
OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday through Thursday, 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Please submit all announcements to include dates, times and details of the scheduled ministr y or event by 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday of each week to the church office via email: officenor Website: https://www.numcva.or g Facebook: folkUMC Text- Giving: 757- 230- 2125
Request a call list:
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: Please infor m the office of any or ganizations and/or meetings that require the presence of the Director/Coordinator of Community Development. This will be greatly appreciated.
Tuesday, December 15th @ 7:00 PM Ther e will only be one agenda item ? appr oval of the Resolution to r eceive the Deeds for the chur ch (6870 N. Militar y Highway) and the par sonage (1551 Spr ing Meadow Boulevar d).Login details will be pr ovided via email. HOLIDAY DRAMA Sunday, December 20th @ 9:00 AM Another dr ama pr oduction by Janice Gr aves will be pr esented dur ing mor ning wor ship online. We will still be vir tual, so no additional member s or outside guests beyond the cast will be allowed in the Sanctuar y because of COVID- 19. Thank you for your understanding.
The Anonymous Elves of Norfolk United Methodist Church has a holiday surprise for our church members!!! On Sunday, December 20, 2020, please plan to meet in the church parking lot to receive your surprise. Line up for the event will start at 10 am. Security will direct you on how to line up. Please remain in your cars. As soon as worship online is over, we will start distributing the gifts.
Please watch the video and select your method to answer at the end. Feel fr ee to watch it in Full- Scr een View! RSVP with the total number of family members and number of children in each family. Please note that this is required information for our team to prepare properly. Please call the church (757- 628- 6543) to RSVP by December 10th. Or respond at the end of the video. RSVP is required to participate.