Worship & Praise Online Weekly

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Wor ship & Pr aise

Real Lives, Relevant Ministries, Serving A Real God!

6870 N . M i l i t ar y Hi gh w ay

Dr . Sher r y L. Daniels, Senior Pastor Rev. Car olyn Gr aves, Associate Pastor Rev. Finley J ones, M in. of Visitation

N or f ol k , VA 23518 of f i cen or f ol k @gm ai l .com h t t p:/ n u m cv a.or g 1-757-628-6543 Fax 1-757-628-8181


S tay Connected www.numcva.org FaceBook.com/ NorfolkUMC.com

Text Online Givings 757- 230- 2125 Email: officenorfolk@gmail.com

Wor ship & Pr aise ?Enter I nto His Gates with Thanksgiving & Praise? OPENING ?Tr oop?s Pr ayer ? By:Joshua?s Troop CALL TO WORSHIP ?Psalm 29? Response:With joy the Lor d of Hosts pr oclaim; extol the gr eat almighty name. Leader :Ascr ibe to the Lord, O heavenly beings, ascr ibe to the Lord glor y and strength. People:Ascr ibe to the Lor d the glor y of his name; wor ship the Lor d in holy splendor. Leader :The voice of the Lord is upon the water s; the God of glor y thunder s, the Lord, upon many water s. People:The voice of the Lor d is power ful, the voice of the Lor d is full of majesty. Response:With joy the Lor d of Hosts pr oclaim; extol the gr eat almighty name. Leader :The voice of the Lord breaks the cedar s, People:the Lor d br eaks the cedar s of Lebanon. Leader :The Lord makes Lebanon to skip like a calf, and Sir ion like a young wild ox. People:The voice of the Lor d flashes for th flames of fir e.

Leader :The voice of the Lord shakes the wilder ness, People:the Lor d shakes the wilder ness of Kadesh. Leader :The voice of the Lord makes the oaks to whirl, and str ips the forests bare; People:and in his temple all cr y, ?Glor y!? Leader :The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; the Lord sits enthroned as Ruler forever. People:May the Lor d give str ength to his people! May the Lor d bless his people with peace! Response:With joy the Lor d of Hosts pr oclaim; extol the gr eat almighty name.

PRAYER Pastor Sher r y L. Daniels

CONGREGATIONAL SINGING ?Pr aise Him!Pr aise Him!? By:Fanny J. Crosby Verse 1 Pr aise Him!Pr aise Him!Jesus, our blessed Redeemer ! Sing, O ear th His wonder ful love proclaim! Hail Him!Hail Him!Highest arch- angels in glor y, Strength and honor give to His holy name! Like a shepherd Jesus will guard His children; In His ar ms He car r ies them all day long. Pr aise Him!Pr aise Him!Tell of His excellent greatness! Pr aiseHim!Pr aise Him!Ever in joyful song!

Verse 3 Pr aise Him!Pr aise Him!Jesus, our blessed Redeemer ! Heav?nly por tals loud with hosannas r ing! Jesus, Savior, reigneth forever and ever, Crown Him!Crown Him!Prophet and Pr iest and King! Chr ist is coming, over the world victor ious. Pow?r and glor y unto the Lord belong. Pr aise Him!Pr aise Him!Tell of His excellent greatness! Pr aiseHim!Pr aise Him!Ever in joyful song! (Verse 2 omitted) THE OLD TESTAMENT READINGS Genesis 1:1- 5 Psalm 29 THE NEW TESTAMENT READING Acts 19:1- 7 THE GOSPEL READING Mark 1:4- 11

MINISTRY THROUGH MUSIC ?Emmanuel? By:NormanHutchins ~~~~~

THE WORD FOR TODAY Beloved: There is One More Powerful! Pastor Sherry L. Daniels ~~~~~ INVITATION TO CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP LOVE FEAST MINISTRY THROUGH TITHES AND OFFERINGS By:Rev. Dr. Ken Sloane Director of Stewardship & Generosity, Discipleship Ministries, The United Methodist Church Holy God and Parent of us all: We have moved through this season of family and Chr istmas joy, and we are reminded that beyond our ear thly families, you have adopted us into your redeemed family. Through the saving, redeeming work of the Incar nation, we have become heir s, and our redemption is the magnificent gift of salvation. We give our gifts, but we give our selves as the only fitting response to your adoption of us, your rebellious children. Lead us in your way into this new year. In Jesus?name, we pr ay. Amen.(Ephesians 1:3- 14) BLESSING AND SENDING FORTH

Go in peace. ?Let It Rise? By:Stephen Hurd ?Depart To Serve?

TODAY?S WORSHI P PARTI CI PANTS Wor ship Leader Mr s. Freida Clark Musician Mr. William A. L. Brown, II - Minister of Music

Choir Triple ?A?Praise Team ?Anointed, Appointed & Assigned?

Family Spr ings- www.familyspr ings.com @familyspr ings I t Gir l Essentials - www.itgir lessentials.com @itgir lessentials H ouse of M LNN - www.houseofmlnn.com @houseofmlnn Keiwi Kosmetics- www.keiwikosmeticsllc.com @keiwikosmetics Sandy Signatur e Cr eations- https:/ / sscr eations4u.com @sscr eations4u Revel Belles Beauty - www.r evelbelles.com @r evelbelles I Am M e I nitiative - www.iammeinitiative.com @iammeinitiative H ampton Roads H oney - www.757honey.com @hamptonr oadshoney K?Wi Teas - www.kewiteas.com @kewiteas @soulstir teawell

Still Suppor ting Our Small Businesses!

What's Happening This Week!

PRAYER MINISTRY: Rise early, pr ay & slay! There is power in pr ayer. The Circle of Pr ayer War r ior s spend 45 minutes in pr ayer and faith for mation to slay the day. We call- in ever y Monday, Wednesday, and Fr iday mor nings. Join us, one number, no codes, just communion with God @ 7:00 AM in the War Room.

Please remember to be faithful stewards and take care of your tithes and offering to our church. We have several ways in which to do so, but why not try something different at least one time. Since many of us have been away from the church for so long, just drive out to the church and bring your tithes and offering and put it in our secured mailbox. It?s nothing like coming on the church grounds; it gives you a different feeling. Come meditate and say a prayer. Yes, you can do this anywhere, but come to the church, sit in your vehicle, or in our picnic area, or our Place of Healing , but just step foot on the grounds, and pay your church a visit; and see how you feel, you?ll be glad that you did.

OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday through Thursday, 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Please submit all announcements to include dates, times and details of the scheduled ministr y or event by 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday of each week to the church office via email: officenor folk@gmail.com Website: https://www.numcva.or g Facebook: www.facebook.com/Nor folkUMC Text- Giving: 757- 230- 2125

Request a call list: officenorfolk@gmail.com


The staff of the church expresses its most sincere thanks to the SPRC and the church for the gifts of love shown to us this past holiday season. Dur ing a time such as this, we are most gr ateful for your generosity. ¨OFFICE HOURS The office will resume its nor mal schedule this Tuesday, Januar y 5, 2021, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. ¨FOOD PANTRY DISTRIBUTION Satur day, Febur ar y 13th fr om 9:00- 11:00 AM Our Food Pantr y ser ves the community on the second Saturday of each month. In keeping with social distancing r ules, per sons will be asked to remain in their vehicles. If there is ever an emer gency need for food, please contact the church office Tuesday, Wednesday or Thur sday between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. @ 757- 628- 6543, and we will make ar r angements with our Food Pantr y Ministr y for you to pickup food. ¨INFORMATION UPDATE REMINDER: Please be sure that the office has your cor rect contact infor mation on file. If you know of anyone who has new contact infor mation, please have them contact the office, Tuesday- Thur sday between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.We are tr ying to keep ever yone infor med as best we can, so please be sure that we have your cur rent infor mation.Thank you!

Please continue to monitor your emails, numcva.or g website, texts, and social media for updates and additional infor mation. Please feel fr ee to shar e our online and telephone wor ship and ministr y ser vices with your networ k, family and fr iends.

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