Worship & Praise Online Digital Bulletin

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Real Lives, Relevant Ministries, Serving A Real God!

Wor ship & Pr aise

6870 N . M i l i t ar y Hi gh w ay

Dr . Sher r y L. Daniels, Senior Pastor Rev. Car olyn Gr aves, Associate Pastor Rev. Finley J ones, M in. of Visitation

N or f ol k , VA 23518 of f i cen or f ol k @gm ai l .com h t t p:/ n u m cv a.or g 1-757-628-6543 Fax 1-757-628-8181


Bless you for joining us today. At Nor folk UMC we focus on real people, living real lives, and seeking to ser ve a real God. We have a bold vision for ministr y which includes wor ship, pr aise and pr ayer at the center. It goes without saying that we believe in Jesus Chr ist and the power of the Holy Spir it. All of our ministr ies are done with these values and beliefs in mind. We are not in the number s game, we seek daily to minister according to the will of God. God has blessed our church and each member in awesome ways. We all declare that "each mor ning new mercies I see." Our pr ayer for you today is that God will bless your presence even in vir tual online for mat, that you will feel the presence of the Lord and that you will encounter God in a fresh and new way. Ser ving as the pastor of this congregation is a joy and a challenge.

S tay Connected

We are not a Mega Church, however, we are absolutely a Mighty Church. This is what real life and real living is all about. Believing God for the impossible, believing that God is still working mir acles daily, believing that God is in control. So get your pr aise on and be blessed of the Lord.

Faithfully Ser ving & Leading,


r. S herry L . D


www.numcva.or g

FaceBook.com/Nor folkUMC.com Text Online Givings 757- 230- 2125 Email: officenor folk@gmail.com

Wor ship & Pr aise ?Enter I nto His Gates with Thanksgiving & Praise? July 12, 2020 Gathering I ntroit ?Just Want To Pr aise You? By:Maurette Clark

CALL TO WORSHIP ?Psalm 25:1- 10? Response:Lor d, make me to know your ways. Lead me in your tr uth, and teach me. Leader :To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul. People:O my God, in you I tr ust, let me not be put to shame; let not my enemies exult over me. Leader :Let none that wait for you be put to shame; People:let them be ashamed who ar e clothed with tr eacher y. Leader :Make me to know your ways, O Lord; People:teach me your paths. Leader :Lead me in your tr uth, and teach me, People:for you ar e the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.

Response:Lor d, make me to know your ways. Lead me in your tr uth, and teach me. Leader :Be mindful of your mercy, O Lord, and of your steadfast love, for they have been from of old. People:Remember not the sins of my youth, or my tr ansgr essions; accor ding to your steadfast love r emember me, for the sake of your goodness, O Lor d. Leader :Good and upr ight is the Lord; therefore the Lord instr ucts sinner s in the way, and leads the humble in what is r ight, and teaches them their way. People:All the paths of the Lor d ar e steadfast love and faithfulness, for those who keep the Lor d?s covenant and testimonies. Response:Lor d, make me to know your ways. Lead me in your tr uth, and teach me.



?Come By Her e, My Lor d? By:Marvin V. Frey Arr. By:Evelyn Simpson- Curenton Verse 1 Come by here, my Lord, come by here. (3x) Oh Lord, come by here. Verse 2 Someone needs You, Lord, come by here. (3x) Oh Lord, come by here. Verse 3

Someone?s pr ayin?, Lord, come by here. (3x) Oh Lord, come by here. Verse 4 Kum Ba Yah, my Lord, come by here. (3x) Oh Lord, come by here. THE OLD TESTAMENT READINGS Genesis 25:19- 34 Psalm 119:105- 112


THE GOSPEL READING Matthew 13:1- 9, 18- 23


?He?s An On Time God? By:Dottie Peoples Soloist:Ms. Erin Walden ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


By:Rev. Dr. Ken Sloane Director of Stewardship & Generosity, Discipleship Ministries, The United Methodist Church God of the univer se, we come to wor ship this mor ning,

longing to set our minds on the Holy Spir it, to live with Chr ist within us. We have not always made room for Chr ist in the clutter of our lives. We have indulged our wants so often, that too often the voice of the Spir it is downed out. As we dedicate these gifts this mor ning, may it help us to live more in tune with the Spir it, and to use our resources in a way that reflects that Chr ist is Lord of all our lives. In his holy name, we pr ay. Amen.(Romans 8:1- 11) ?Souled Out? By:Hezekiah Walker

BLESSING AND SENDING FORTH Go in peace. ?Th e St r u ggle Is Over ? By:Youth for Christ Soloist:Mr. Darius Charles

?Depar t To Ser ve?

TODAY?S WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS Wor ship Leader Mr. Carlton Bacon Musician Mr. William A. L. Brown, II - Asst. Director of Music Choir AAA Pr aise Team

What's Happening This Week! Join us for Online Wor ship and Pr aise on Sunday mor nings at 9:00 AM. Please check your email and/ or our Facebook page for guidance on how to connect on Sunday. We are going deeper and casting the net wider with online Bible Study on Wednesday @ 12:00 Noon- - so share the invitation with your family and fr iends. You don't have to be a member to register. If you are camer a shy, don't allow this to be your excuse. You don't have to be seen or heard, you can just listen. The important part is that you need to hear the lesson to learn the lesson. Check your email or our Facebook page for the updated link to join us. PRAYER MINISTRY: Rise early, pr ay & slay! There is power in pr ayer. The Circle of Pr ayer War r ior s spend 45 minutes in pr ayer and faith for mation to slay the day. We call- in ever y Monday, Wednesday, and Fr iday mor nings. Join us, one number, no codes, just communion with God @ 7:00 AM in the War Room. NUMC ONLINE GIVING 2020: Join our Church- wide Sign- up Campaign for Online Giving (recur r ing or week by week) using the free Mobile Giving App with an easy Tithe Plan or using our online linkhttps://www.numcva.or g. A Cash App will be an additional option star ting in the month of June.

2020 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN: Our Annual Capital Campaign will consist of sever al church- wide fundr aising events that will take place after the "Stay- at- Home" order is updated. However, we encour age you to think about your individual pledges this year. We need your suppor t to ensure that our church continues to move for ward. Check the Weekly Announcements for scheduled events. Remember to make your yearly pledges to suppor t our Annual Capital Campaign. Pledge for ms are located in the Administr ation Building and in the vestibule leading into the sanctuar y. Please submit your pledge for ms to Mr s. Lois Simons or make your pledges to the office via our email address. Thanks for your generosity. CHOIR GETS A BREAK The Male Chor us gets a break this month; you will not have to sing next Sunday.We look for ward to hear ing you in August. DRAMA PRESENTATION Next Sunday we will have a shor t dr ama skit as a par t of the Wor ship Ser vice, so please be sure to tune in.

FOOD PANTRY: On yesterday our team ser ved over 65 families.Please contact the office via telephone at 757- 628- 6543 or email at

officenor folk@gmail.com if there is an ur gent need.

Request a call list: officenorfolk@gmail.com

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: Please infor m the office of any or ganizations and/or meetings that require the presence of the Director/Coordinator of Community Development. This will be greatly appreciated.

OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday through Thursday, 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Please submit all announcements to include dates, times and details of the scheduled ministr y or event by 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday of each week to the church office via email: officenor folk@gmail.com Website: https://www.numcva.or g Facebook: www.facebook.com/Nor folkUMC Text- Giving: 757- 230- 2125

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