Wor ship & Pr aise
Real Lives, Relevant Ministries, Serving A Real God!
Online, I n- Per son & On Demand
6870 N . M i l i t ar y Hi gh w ay
Dr . Sher r y L. Daniels, Senior Pastor Rev. Car olyn Gr aves, Associate Pastor Rev. Finley J ones, M in. of Visitation
N or f ol k , VA 23518 of f i cen or f ol k @gm ai l .com h t t p:/ n u m cv a.or g 1-757-628-6543 Fax 1-757-628-8181
www.numcva.org FaceBook.com/ NorfolkUMC.com
Text Online Givings 757- 230- 2125 Email: officenorfolk@gmail.com
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Wor ship & Pr aise ?Enter I nto His Gates with Thanksgiving & Praise?
~ ~ FATHER?S DAY ~ ~ J une 20, 2021 OPENING ?Gospel Ship? By:Brotherhood Chorale CALL TO WORSHIP ?Psalm 9:11- 20? Response:We shall tell among the peoples, the glor ious deeds of theLor d. Leader :Sing pr aises to the Lord, who dwells in Zion! People:Tell among the peoples God?s deeds! Leader :The Lord who avenges blood is mindful of them, People:and does not for get the cr y of the afflicted. Leader :Be gr acious to me, O Lord! See what I suffer from those who hate me; People:You ar e the One who lifts me up fr om the gates of death, that I may r ecount all your pr aises, and, in the gates of the daughter of Zion, r ejoice in your deliver ance. Response:We shall tell among the peoples, the glor ious deeds of theLor d. Leader :The nations have sunk in the pit which they
made; People:their own foot has been caught in the net which they hid. Leader :The Lord is made known!The Lord has executed judgment! People:The wicked ar e snar ed in the wor k of their own hands. Leader :The wicked shall depar t to Sheol, all the nations that for get God. People:For the needy shall not always be for gotten, and the hope of the poor shall not per ish for ever. Leader :Ar ise, O Lord!Let not mor tals prevail; People:let the nations be judged befor e you! Leader :Put them in fear, O Lord; People:let the nations know that they ar e mor t al! Respon se:We sh all t ell am on g t h e peoples, t h e glor iou s deeds of t h eLor d.
PRAYER Dr. Sher r y L. Daniels FATHER?S DAY SPECIAL SELECTION ?Dance with My Father ? By:Luther Vandross Soloist:Mr. Marvin Moore THE OLD TESTAMENT READINGS 1 Samuel 17:(1a, 4- 11, 19- 23) 32- 49 Psalm 9:9- 20 THE NEW TESTAMENT READING 2 Cor inthians 6:1- 13
THE GOSPEL READING Mark 4:35- 41 MINISTRY THROUGH MUSIC ?Fix It Jesus? By:Canton Spirituals Soloist:Mr. William Brown ~~~~~ THE WORD FOR TODAY Dr. Sher r y L. Daniels Senior Pastor ~~~~~ INVITATION TO CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY THROUGH TITHES AND OFFERINGS By:Rev. Dr. Ken Sloane Director of Stewardship & Generosity, Discipleship Ministries, The United Methodist Church God of the heavens, the land and the water that cover s it, we know what it is like to be tossed about in a stor m. We know that the faith we profess when days are calm and sunny, is challenged and shaky when the stor m is fur ious, and the water is swamping our boat. As we offer our gifts to you this day, they are given with the hope that we will be better able to let go of what the world tells us will guar antee our secur ity, and find our hope and assur ance in your redeeming love. Dedicate these gifts in the knowledge that there are other boats besides our s in the same stor m. We pr ay this pr ayer in the power ful name of Jesus. Amen.(Mark 4:35- 41)
BLESSING AND SENDING FORTH Go in peace. ?Just for Me? By:Willie Neal Johnson "Depart to Serve"
We salute the fathers & father figures of N UMC! Love & Blessings to each of you! Enjoy your special day!
T O D A Y ?S W OR SH IP PA RTIC IPA NTS Wor ship Leader Mr s. Fr ieda A. Clark Musician Mr. William A. L. Brown, II - Minister of Music Choir "The Mighty Men" of Nor folk UMC
Knowledge is Power ! Know your H istor y
What's Happening This Week!
PRAYER MINISTRY: Rise early, pr ay & slay! There is power in pr ayer. The Circle of Pr ayer War r ior s spend 30 minutes in pr ayer and faith for mation to slay the day. Join us, one number, no codes, just communion with God @ 7:00 AM in the War Room. ¨ MORNING PRAYER MINISTRY - Schedule Change Wednesday @ 7:00 AM Dial:425- 585- 7852 We will retur n to our schedule on Apr il, 14, 2021
Family Spr ings- www.familyspr ings.com @familyspr ings I t Gir l Essentials - www.itgir lessentials.com @itgir lessentials H ouse of M LNN - www.houseofmlnn.com @houseofmlnn Keiwi Kosmetics- www.keiwikosmeticsllc.com @keiwikosmetics Sandy Signatur e Cr eations- https:/ / sscr eations4u.com @sscr eations4u Revel Belles Beauty - www.r evelbelles.com @r evelbelles I Am M e I nitiative - www.iammeinitiative.com @iammeinitiative H ampton Roads H oney - www.757honey.com @hamptonr oadshoney K?Wi Teas - www.kewiteas.com @kewiteas @soulstir teawell
Still Suppor ting Our Small Businesses!
Please remember to be faithful stewards and take care of your tithes and offering to our church. We have several ways in which to do so, but why not try something different at least one time. Since many of us have been away from the church for so long, just drive out to the church and bring your tithes and offering and put it in our secured mailbox. It?s nothing like coming on the church grounds; it gives you a different feeling. Come meditate and say a prayer. Yes, you can do this anywhere, but come to the church, sit in your vehicle, or in our picnic area, or our Place of Healing , but just step foot on the grounds, and pay your church a visit; and see how you feel, you?ll be glad that you did. Please note that we have added fund lines for the "Food Pantry" and "Sacrifical Offering" in Fund 2
OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday through Thursday, 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Please submit all announcements to include dates, times and details of the scheduled ministr y or event by 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday of each week to the church office via email: officenor folk@gmail.com Website: https://www.numcva.or g Facebook: www.facebook.com/Nor folkUMC Text- Giving: 757- 230- 2125
Request a call list: officenorfolk@gmail.com
¨FOOD PANTRY DISTRIBUTION Satur day, July 10, 2021 9:00- 11:00 AM Our Food Pantr y ser ves the community on the second Saturday of each month. In keeping with social distancing r ules, per sons will be asked to remain in their vehicles. If there is ever an emer gency need for food, please contact the church office Tuesday, Wednesday or Thur sday between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. @ 757- 628- 6543, and we will make ar r angements with our Food Pantr y Ministr y for you to pickup food. PANERA BREAD Our Food Pantr y Ministr y receives var ious breads and sweets on a weekly basis from Paner a Bread. Please stop by the kitchen after wor ship on Sundays, or come by the church Tuesday, Wednesday or Thur sday between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Call ahead if coming dur ing the week, to be sure someone is here.
INFORMATION UPDATE REMINDER: Please be sure that the office has your cor rect contact infor mation on file. If you know of anyone who has new contact infor mation, please have them contact the office, Tuesday- Thur sday between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.We are tr ying to keep ever yone infor med as best we can, so please be sure that we have your cur rent infor mation.Thank you!
TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE (TCC) SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Tidewater Community College is one of our newest Community Par tner s and they have many scholar ship oppor tunities, but there are 3 in par ticular that they mentioned for the Summer/Fall 2021 School Year. LEAP Pr ogr am: This progr am will provide scholar ships to cover tuition, book stipends and a laptop for 2021 High School or GED gr aduates, who enroll at TCC dur ing the Summer 2021 semester for 6- 12 credits. REV (Re- employing Vir ginians) Pr ogr am: This progr am will provide scholar ships to eligible Vir ginians whose employment has been impacted by the COVID- 19 Pandemic, to pur sue workforce tr aining in a high- demand field. A $3,000 or $1,500 one time scholar ship is available, depending on the progr am you choose. G3 Vir ginia Gr ant: This progr am offer s free tuition to low and middle income student in Vir ginia, who pur sue education in high- demand areas.It also provides financial assistance to qualifying students for food, tr anspor tation and childcare.
For complete infor mation, please see the email that was sent out.Ther e is also a contact name and number Please continue to monitor your emails, numcva.or g website, texts, and social media for updates and additional infor mation. Feel fr ee to shar e our online and telephone wor ship and ministr y ser vices with your networ k, family and fr iends.
For J oining Us Today