Boeing InsƟtute of InternaƟonal Business John Cook School of Business ~ Saint Louis University July 2015
Volume 23, Number 2
ANDY TAYLOR DRAWS CAPACITY CROWD FOR JUNE 2 BOEING DISTINGUISHED GUEST LECTURE IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS On Tuesday, June 2, Andy Taylor, execu ve chairman of Enterprise Holdings, shared his insights about “The Enterprise Way – Building A Global Culture of Customer Service” as part of the 2015 Boeing Dis nguished Guest Lecture in Interna onal Business. Over 400 reserva ons were accepted for the event, which was held in the Anheuser-Busch auditorium in Cook Hall at Saint Louis University’s John Cook School of Business. Dr. Seung Kim, director of the Boeing Ins tute of Interna onal Business that hosts the annual event, opened the program and served as moderator. A er welcoming the record crowd, he introduced the Saint Louis University Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Ellen Harshman, who provided a university gree ng. The welcome from the Cook School of Business, and the introduc on of Mr. Taylor, were provided by the Dean, Dr. Mark Higgins. Andy Taylor provided a very interes ng and thought-provoking overview of the company’s global culture in customer service. At the conclusion, many audience members posed ques ons during the Q&A period. The group then moved to the Cook Hall atrium for a celebratory recep on to thank the event sponsor, The Boeing Company; the co-host, the St. Louis Business
Photos P h off Andy Taylo or (above) and the standing room only crowd ( e ). (l
Journal; and the partners: World Trade Center of St. Louis, World Affairs Council, U.S. Department of Commerce, Missouri Interna onal Trade & Investment Office, Missouri Partnership for Economic Development, St. Louis Regional Chamber, Interna onal Ins tute of St. Louis, St. Louis Mosaic Project, and the Transporta on Club of St. Louis. Dr. Kim expressed his gra tude to the group, congratula ng all on reaching such a record a endance. “It takes many people to coordinate and promote events,” he said. “This success is shared by many, with special thanks to Mr. Taylor for (Con nued on page 3)
LARGEST IB SUMMER HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMY COMPLETED JUNE 17-19 Twenty-three high school students from Missouri, Illinois, and California arrived at Saint Louis University Wednesday night, June 17, for the Interna onal Business Summer Academy hosted by the Boeing Ins tute of Interna onal Business (BIIB) in the John Cook School of Business. They were greeted by student ambassadors who would be with them the en re me, leading each of the teams. A er se ling into the residence halls Wednesday evening, all students, ambassadors, and staff gathered in the Cook School of Business atrium for some ice-breaker ac vi es and their first dinner together. Photo 1 on page 4 shows one of (Con nued on page 4)
SAVE THESE DATES--see informaƟon on page 2 OCTOBER 8: Hussmann Interna onal Business Awards Ceremony NOVEMBER 20: Monsanto Interna onal Business Conference
JJohn h C Cookk SSchool h l off B Business i • SSaint i LLouis i U University i i
The John Cook School of Business
Monsanto InternaƟonal Business Conference
Hussmann InternaƟonal Business Awards Ceremony Thursday, October 8, 5 p.m. Anheuser-Busch Auditorium in the John Cook School of Business The event is complimentary, but reserva ons are required. The Globalist Awardee: Joe Adorjan Currently a Partner at Stonington Partners, Inc. and previously president of Emerson Electric and chairman of Borg-Warner. He has been a SLU Board of Trustee member for many years with three terms as Chairman of the Board. He is also Chairman of the HungaryMissouri Educa onal Partnership.
The Interna onal Visionary Awardee: A. Greig Woodring
Busch Student Center Ballrooms The morning program includes a networking breakfast with exhibitors and several speakers. The event concludes with a luncheon program. $105 for a single cket ($800 for a table of 8) before October 1st. Company sponsorships that include a table of 8 are available.
Luncheon speaker
President, CEO, and Director of Reinsurance Group of America
The Interna onal Service Awardee: Denny Coleman
Morning Speakers
Re ring August 1st a er 25 years as the CEO of the St. Louis Economic Development Partnership
• • • • • • • •
Friday, November 20, 7:30 am to 2 p.m.
Anheuser-Busch Global Business Scholarship: Tasso Pe grew Bud Berman and Kellwood Company Global Business Scholarship: Hope Williams Emerson Scholarship in Interna onal Business: Alex Rios Gu errez Monsanto Global Business Scholarship: Margaret Hazzard Novus Global Business Scholarship: Mere e Khalil Neil Seitz Interna onal Business Student Scholarship: Haley Martens Sigma-Aldrich Global Business Scholarship: Gina Kowalcyzk BIIB Advisory Board Interna onal Business Scholarship: David Andre
Bre Begemann, President of Monsanto, will talk about feeding the growing world popula on A United Na ons demographer who will discuss world popula on trends Mark Kwapiszeski, Group Execu ve, Emerging Payment Technology, MasterCard Opera ons & Technology , who will discuss financial inclusion and emerging global technologies Dr. Sco Miller, Senior Advisor and Scholl Chair of Interna onal Business, Center for Strategic and Interna onal Studies (CSIS) in Washington, D.C., who will talk about Asia-Pacific trade Kevin Harr, President and CEO, Appistry, who will discuss advances in genomically enhanced medicine
Boeing InsƟtute of InternaƟonal Business
JUNE 2 GUEST LECTURE DRAWS RECORD CROWD TO WELCOME ANDY TAYLOR FROM ENTERPRISE HOLDINGS (conƟnued from page 1) accep ng our invita on to be the speaker at the 2015 Boeing Dis nguished Guest Lecture.” Enterprise Holdings is a privately held business founded in 1957 by Andy’s father, Jack Taylor. The company is s ll owned and operated by the Taylor family with headquarters in St. Louis. When Andy Taylor joined Enterprise at the age of 16 in one of the original St. Louis offices, he began his career by washing cars during summer and holiday vaca ons, learning the business from the ground up. Taylor con nued his educa on at the University of Denver, receiving a Bachelor of Science in Business Administra on in 1970. Following gradua on, he opted to gain some ini al experience outside the family business and began working for RLM Leasing, a Ford Motor company affiliate in San Francisco. A er three years at the company, Taylor returned to Enterprise, which at the me operated a fleet of only 5,000 cars. In 1976, he became the General Manager of Enterprise Rent-A-Car’s St. Louis regional opera ons, and was promoted in 1980 to President and Chief Opera ng Officer. Taylor became Chief Execu ve Officer in 1991 and Chairman in 2001. In June 2013, he transi oned to the posi on of Execu ve Chairman. Beyond his professional du es with Enterprise Holdings, Taylor plays an ac ve role in the community. He serves as Trustee of Washington University in St. Louis; Trustee for the Naval Avia on History Founda on; Life Trustee of the Missouri Botanical Garden, the oldest botanical garden in the U.S. and among the top three worldwide; and Director of Commerce Bancshares. He also is a former member of the Execu ve Commi ee and Board of Directors of the United Way of Greater St. Louis and a past President of Civic Progress. Last year he was featured in the Harvard Business Review. In 2011, Automo ve News magazine named Taylor as one of the “Electrifying 100”
Dr. Mark Higgins, dean of the John Cook School of Business, presen ng a gi to Andy Taylor at the 2015 B ei Bo eing ng g Dis ng gui uish shed sh ed Gue uest st Lec ectu ture tu re.. re key players driving vehicle electrifica on. In 2009, Taylor was inducted into the U.S. Travel Hall of Leaders. With loca ons in over 70 countries, Enterprise Holdings is the largest car rental company in the world today, with the Alamo Rent A Car, Na onal Car, and its flagship Enterprise Rent-A-Car brands. The company and its affiliate, Enterprise Fleet Management, together offer a total transporta on solu on of car rental and car-sharing services, commercial truck rental, corporate fleet management, and retail car sales. Ranked by Forbes as one of “America’s Largest Private Companies,” the company operates a network of nearly 8,600 neighborhood and airport loca ons worldwide and is the most comprehensive service provider and only investmentgrade company in the U.S. car rental industry. In fiscal 2014, the businesses recorded $17.8 billion in revenue and 1.5 million vehicles worldwide, placing Enterprise Holdings and Enterprise Fleet Management near the top of the travel industry, exceeding many airlines and most cruise lines, hotels, tour operators, and online travel agencies. Visit For more informa on about the Boeing Ins tute of Interna onal Business’ academic and professional programs, please visit our website or call the Ins tute at 314-977-3898.
The John Cook School of Business
THIRD INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SUMMER ACADEMY FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ATTRACTS 23 STUDENTS (conƟnued from page 1) the teams during one of the learning games. They also received dance lessons from generous volunteers, Jaime Torres and Carmen Gwynn. Thursday, June 18, began with a class presenta on on “Going Global” with highlights of doing business in Asia, La n America, the Middle East, and Europe. The following business execu ves with global experience in these regions shared their insights and reflec ons: Phil DeFord, execu ve vice president of DHR Interna onal; Larry Taylor, president of Azio cs; Bill Czarnik, Boeing Military Aircra informa on technology business
partner; Sam Sked, global director of sales for the Semiconductor Business Group at Watlow; and Ampy Kollman-Moore, currently a global consultant and previously president of Mallinckrodt La n America who is shown in Photo 2 giving her presenta on. That was followed by an a ernoon of company tours. Lisa Safarian, vice president at Monsanto and a member of the BIIB advisory board, arranged for a tour of Monsanto’s local opera ons and global ac vi es. Photo 3 shows the students on the tour. BIIB advisory board chair, Rhonda HammNiebruegge, hosted the students to a talk and tour of Lambert Interna onal Airport. Hamm-Niebruegge is airport director and arranged for an overview of their efforts to expand global contracts and networks. Photo 4 shows the students at Lambert. A er their ou ngs, they returned to campus for dinner, and the rest of Thursday evening was spent in ac vi es on campus, such as a global trivia quiz. On Friday, students a ended an interna onal business class taught by the school’s interna onal business faculty: Dr. Ni sh Singh, Dr. Hadi Alhorr, and Dr. Ben Benmamoun. Photo 5 shows one of the project teams discussing their interna onal business case. A er lunch they broke into teams to compete in a local version of the “Amazing Race.” Loca ons were setup for Brazil, India, Lebanon, China, Germany, Australia, and Mexico. Students were given clues to find each country and then had to complete a compe on before receiving the clue for the next country. The task in Brazil was to learn the salsa and samba. The task in India was to learn how to wrap a sari (see Photo 6). In Lebanon the students tasted tabouleh and then decided the real eight ingredients out of the 13 provided (see Photo 7). In China they assembled a Chinese lantern, while in Germany they assembled an alpenhorn. They PHOTO 4 hopped around the con nent of Australia in (Con nued on page 5)
Boeing InsƟtute of InternaƟonal Business
RECORD NUMBER OF STUDENTS ATTEND THIRD INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SUMMER ACADEMY (conƟnued from page 4) potato sacks, advancing forward as they answered PHOTO 6 ques ons about the con nent (see Photo 8), and they smashed a piñata in Mexico earning a swing for every correct answer to ques ons about Mexico. Friday concluded with the arrival of parents, family, and friends for a closing recogni on ceremony where they viewed a slide show with photos of the many ac vi es their children par cipated in during the academy. Dr. Seung Kim, director of the Boeing Ins tute of Interna onal Business, opened the ceremony with a gree ng and then presented each student with a cer ficate. A er the ceremony, all gathered for a celebratory dinner that included a tradi onal Congo drum and dance PHOTO 7 demonstra on by performer Chief Bokalaka and the Spirit of Congo. In commen ng on the academy, Dr. Kim stressed the value PHOTO 8 of programs such as this. “Global business is the growth area for U.S. compe ve strength; thus it is cri cal that all students begin integra ng global cultural concepts into their business educa on as early as possible.” He con nued, “The academy is designed to encourage high school students interested in interna onal business to select interna onal business as their major and Saint Louis University as their college of choice.” Student feedback on the evalua on indicated high levels of sa sfac on with the event. Several parents also commented. One mother said, “A er listening to my daughter’s comments about the academy, it is clear she really enjoyed the program. She indicated that the lectures/ seminars were awesome, as were the corporate visits. My daughter’s me spent at SLU for this academy solidified her plans to study interna onal business.” Another parent said, “I want to thank the Boeing Ins tute for hos ng such a THEE NE TH NEWS WSLE WS LETT LE TTER TT ER OF TH THEE BOEING INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS great interna onal business summer academy. My son, AT THE JOHN COOK SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY who generally is not the most effusive kid, hasn’t stopped talking about how terrific it was--the student ambassadors, Publisher the professors, the company visits, the other studentsDr. Mark Higgins, Dean, John Cook School of Business -everything! He loved the experience and had a very Editor-in-Chief favorable impression of SLU and the business school. It is Dr. Seung H. Kim, Director Boeing InsƟtute of InternaƟonal Business exci ng for me to see him so enthused and engaged.” This Interna onal Business Summer Academy for Boeing InsƟtute of InternaƟonal Business Email or call (314) 977-3630 high school students is offered every summer by the BIIB. For more informa on about this program, or other Karen Schneider CarpenƟer, Associate Director programs sponsored by the Ins tute email Jill Newman, External RelaƟons or call 314-977-3898. Danielle Stevens, Program Coordinator Teresa Walsh, AdministraƟve Assistant
The John Cook School of Business
MBA AND MASTER OF ACCOUNTING STUDENTS PARTICIPATE IN MONSANTO GLOBAL IMMERSION COURSES AT SLU MADRID CAMPUS Accoun ng scheduled a course for Master of Accoun ng Sixteen students travelled to the Saint Louis University (MACC) students in Madrid. They offered the course to (SLU) campus in Madrid, Spain, the middle of May 2015 allow their MACC students to complete six hours of credit to complete short-stay graduate business courses led by faculty from the John Cook School of Business SLU campus at the start of the summer semester, so that they can use the rest of the summer to study for the CPA exam and in St. Louis. Debbie Pike, CPA, non-tenure track assistant complete their internships. The accoun ng course focused professor of accoun ng, taught an advanced accoun ng on advanced audit concepts. Debbie Pike explained “The course May 18-29, and Hadi Alhorr, Ph.D., associate students did a great job simula ng the audit environment professor of interna onal business, taught a European and working as audit teams,” Business course May 18-26. she stated, adding: “We also Courses were held at the SLU were able to compare audit Madrid campus with company prac ces between the United visits, cultural tours, cases, States and Europe by visi ng and group presenta ons built the St. Louis office of EY before into the class schedules. the immersion and the Madrid According to office of EY during our me Seung Kim, Ph.D., director in Spain.” Alexander Dern, a of the Boeing Ins tute of student in the audi ng class, Interna onal Business in the commented on the course. Cook School of Business, “The advanced audi ng case “Most MBA students aren’t study provided as close to a able to spend more than one representa on of a real life to two weeks overseas once audit that a college course they enter the workforce. To possibly could. Although assure a meaningful global challenging and o en mes immersion experience at frustra ng, when the final the graduate level, many product was turned in, few years ago we developed moments were as gra fying two interna onal business during my college career.” (IB) study abroad courses The European Business that have been quite D Dr. Dr r Alh Al h horr o rr i ncl nc l lud u d ded e d seve se vera ral l cul cu l ltur lt t ur al l v i isi s i its it t s i in n t h he e c ur ricu ri i cul l lum lu u m course focused on the successful.” t to e xp p ose os e stud st uden ud ents en ts t o Sp p ain’ ai n s p pa st a nd p rese re sent se nt. nt . challenges and opportuni es With an Asian the European market presents Business course in Hong to mul na onal firms. The faculty for the course, Dr. Kong each January and a European Business course Hadi Alhorr, explained “Europe’s transi on towards an scheduled in Madrid each May, students are able to add economically stronger, integrated region creates a highly a global component to their graduate school curriculum. compe ve market with shi ing dynamics. Global MBA student Chris ne Ascencio par cipated in the 2015 strategists at mul na onal firms must be able to assess, Madrid IB course. She noted: “It's great that SLU offers understand, and react to the challenges and opportuni es a study abroad program that working professionals can arising in the changing European marketplace in order take advantage of. It's not always easy to take me off to both sustain and build their compe ve advantage.” of work or to spend me away from your family, but the length and content of this course was perfect. I cannot say The course included case analysis and research, team enough about the value of learning in a culturally different presenta ons, lectures, a corporate visit to The Boeing Company’s research and development office in Spain, and environment. It allows you to observe, understand, and a class-sponsored cultural ac vity to expose more of the accept the differences between people, processes, and history of Spain through a trip to Toledo. In free me, prac ces, in a way that is not possible through a textbook students immersed themselves in the culture at tapas or lecture.” May 2015 was the first me the Department of (Con nued on page 7) 6
Boeing InsƟtute of InternaƟonal Business
SUMMER ACADEMY ONE OF THE SPARKS THAT IGNITED INCOMING FRESHMAN’S DECISION TO SELECT SLU AND INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS As he anxiously an cipates the start of his freshman year at Saint Louis University (SLU), Ma as Grignola, a 2015 graduate of Saint Louis University High (SLUH), shares his interna onal experiences that led to his decision to select SLU for his college-level study and select interna onal business as his area of concentra on. He was a 2014 par cipant in the Interna onal Business Summer Academy, which is hosted annually by the Boeing Ins tute of Interna onal Business in the John Cook School of Business. The Academy introduces high school juniors and seniors to an interna onal business curriculum and a prac cal understanding of local companies doing business interna onally through an on-campus program. (See related ar cle on page 1.) Ma as has had a life filled with immersion into global cultures through family as well as travel. Both of his parents are from South America, his father is from Uruguay, his mother is from Argen na, and Ma as was born in Ontario, Canada. Due to his parents’ careers, he spent three years living in Argen na and two years living in Switzerland. During his me in Switzerland, he became par cularly interested in pursuing a career in interna onal business since Switzerland is a hub for many interna onal businesses, non-profits, and government organiza ons. Having the opportunity to meet people from all over the world and very different backgrounds, Ma as realized he had a love for diversity and learning about cultures. This ignited a desire to pursue an interna onally-focused career. A er his family se led in St. Louis, Ma as began a ending SLUH. By the end of his junior year, he was seriously considering SLU for his college career. To determine if SLU was the right fit for him, he wanted to a end a summer program in order to see what life at SLU was like. A er doing some research on SLU’s website, he came across the 2014 (Con nued on page 10)
MONSANTO GRADUATE BUSINESS IMMERSION OPPORTUNITIES AT THE SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY CAMPUS IN MADRID (conƟnued from page 6) the class from his home ins tu on, the Dolan School restaurants and shopping, plus a ending a tradi onal of Business at Fairfield University. He noted “The class flamenco show and a Real Madrid soccer game. sessions were very enlightening and the cultural visits gave Laura Kleinschmidt par cipated in the IB course. me key insights into the culture. It was a truly unique and She reported great sa sfac on: “It's hard to explain what rewarding experience, and everyone made me feel quite this experience was like, but between the classroom me welcome.” learning about the complex issues facing the European A grant from Monsanto assisted the BIIB in Union, cultural trip to Toledo to see where Jews, Chris ans, developing the global immersion curriculum and course and Muslims have lived in peace for centuries, and structure. Along with sightseeing opportuni es study abroad, the to experience the Spanish Ins tute offers IB culture, it was a trip so degree programs at different from what I the undergraduate expected. I know every and graduate levels student in the SLU MBA program would benefit that are ranked in the top 20 by U.S. News from this class.” & World Report, plus The John Cook a Ph.D. program, and School of Business numerous professional graduate study abroad global events. For more program is also open informa on, please to students from other contact the Ins tute AACSB-accredited graduate business schools. aat or call SSttud uden ents en ts fro rom m SL SLU U in St. t. Lou ouis is on th thee SL SLU U Ma Madr drid dr id cam ampu p s. pu s. Sean Tierney joined 314-977-3630. 3
The John Cook School of Business
EXECUTIVE MASTER OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDENTS COMPLETE MONSANTO GLOBAL IMMERSION COURSE in road safety with China’s Fengshun Driving School that Business professionals in the Execu ve Master of Interna onal Business program (EMIB) recently completed excels at safe driving through research in driver behavior, impulse control, and hazard percep on. Other visits a whirlwind two-week Asian business global immersion included a tour of the state-owned company China Energy study abroad developed through funding from Monsanto. The course is offered to EMIB students every year, with the Conserva on and Environmental Protec on Group, which employs over 30,000 people. They also stopped to learn Asian course alterna ng with a La n American business more about opportuni es in China within finance and real course. This summer, 16 EMIB students par cipated in estate, communica ons, capital management, energy and the course, led by interna onal business faculty member environmental protec on at the Dingyuan Investment Dr. Hongxin Zhao, who remarked “Though I have been Group. involved with this EMIB study abroad course for more than 15 years, I s ll find that every trip is different and unique and exposes all of us to new facets of the business environments and the business prac ces of the local firms as well as the mul -na onal enterprises we visit.” Dr. Seung Kim, director of the Boeing Ins tute of Interna onal Business in the John Cook School of Business and the sponsor of the course, agreed with Dr. Zhao, no ng “We have been offering study abroad courses with various des na ons for many years with the goal of helping our students and faculty become familiar with the differences and similari es within economies and cultures around the world. We have been able to develop these global immersion courses thanks to a grant from Monsanto.” He con nued Cultural tours in Beijing to comment on the networks included key historical around the world: “Our Ins tute venues such as the advisory board members, Great Wall, Summer global community partners, and Palace, Temple of overseas academic colleagues are Heaven, Tiananmen instrumental in linking us to the Square, the Forbidden corporate hosts in each city. We City, and a tour of are very grateful to all of them.” the hutongs and Rear A er an exhaus ng Sea, the largest of flight of nearly 6,800 miles, they the three lakes in the landed on June 1 in Beijing, Xicheng District of China, for the first leg of their central Beijing. Since business immersion experience. the early 2000s, the Their two-week i nerary also hutong neighborhood included Shanghai, China, and Beijijiing Beij Be ing ph phot hotos os inc ncllud lude de the he stu tud dentss an dent and d Dr Dr. Zh Zhao ao on to tour ur at around the Rear Sea has Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. While China Energy Conserva on and Environmental Protec on become known for its in Beijing, business visits included G ou Gr oup p (t ( op p) an and d vi visi si ng g Tia iana nanm nmen en Squ q ar aree (b ( o om)). night life, restaurants, a mee ng with execu ves from bars, and cafes. Student The Boeing Company, the largest Tim O’Donnell commented that the Great Wall was one foreign customer for China's avia on manufacturing of his cultural visit highlights. “Seeing the magnitude of industry. The group was greeted with a presenta on the Great Wall and knowing it is over 5,000 miles long and on Mercedes Benz’s (MB) efforts in China to create a was built thousands of years ago by hand is amazing and strong brand and business growth during a stop at the MB Driving School, which unites MB’s pioneering role (Con nued on page 9)
Boeing InsƟtute of InternaƟonal Business
STUDENTS IN THE EXECUTIVE MASTER OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PROGRAM COMPLETE MONSANTO IMMERSION COURSE (conƟnued from page 8) eye opening. I’m open minded to other cultures and tradi ons, but un l you are able to immerse yourself into their daily way of life, history, and tradi on, it is difficult to relate just by reading about it in books.” Once in Shanghai, cultural visits con nued with a stop at the Shanghai Museum and the Yu Garden. They also visited Xin andi, which literally means “New Heaven and Earth,” a shopping and entertainment area in Shanghai comprised of mid-19th century stone-gate houses, adding a stop at the Bund, the waterfront area in central Shanghai that runs a mile along the Huangpu River and is home to 52 buildings of various architectural styles. Business tours included the Shanghai World Financial Center and a visit to the Missouri Interna onal Trade & Investment Office that works to a ract business from Shanghai to Missouri, as well as assists Missouri businesses that want to sell in Shanghai. With a transfer to Suzhou, they visited Hussmann Shanghai and the Suzhou New Development District, which hosts more than 1,500 foreign companies. Some 40 Fortune 500 companies have established 67 projects in the district. On day nine, the group then le China for Vietnam. Landing in Ho Chi Minh City, they were welcomed to company visits at Royal De Heus Feed Mill (an animal feed conglomerate with ac vi es in more than 50 countries within Europe, Asia, Middle East, Africa, and La n America), Nong Lam University, and the U.S. Commercial Services Office. Cultural visits included the War Remnants Museum, the Reunifica on Palace, the Central Post Office, Ben Thanh Market, and a day trip to the Mekong Delta. EMIB student Tim O’Donnell also noted he would never have been able to experience something like this if it weren’t part of this EMIB program. “Working for an interna onal company there is opportunity for interna onal travel or even a poten al expat assignment, so there is a good chance I could travel to China for business, but, a business trip would not afford me the opportunity to learn about local businesses and experience so much of the history, tradi on, and culture.” EMIB student Jackie Waters even
SSh Shan h gh haii ph hottos incllude d a viisit it to Hussman (abov b e)) and d a cit ity tour thatt included a view of the Shanghai skyline (below). in
believes this component of the EMIB program is a key to giving her a compe ve advantage professionally. She stated that few people at her office have traveled to China nor had the experience she had. “From a professional standpoint, an experience like this is very important as it gives you a perspec ve on culture and business that you would never otherwise get—giving you an edge over your compe on in this global respect.” She also recognizes the cri cal value of study abroad in a global business degree program. “Without this immersion experience, all of the content and informa on we discuss and learn about China in the classroom would not have sunk in the way it did a er being in country for almost two weeks and having the chance to discuss (Con nued on page 10)
The John Cook School of Business
EMIB PROGRAM SUMMER ASIAN IMMERSION COURSE (conƟnued from page 9) business opera ons and issues with Chinese business owners, FDI managers, and consultants.” The John Cook School of Business interna onal business programs are repeatedly ranked in the top 20 na onwide by U.S. News & World Report. The Execu ve Master of Interna onal Business is a 21-month program with courses every other Saturday.
Ho Chi Minh City photos include the company visit to Royal de Heus Feed Mill (le ) and a cultural vissit to People’s eop e s Community Co u ty Hall a (be (below). o ).
A new class forms every August. For more informa on about how to apply to this outstanding globally-focused degree program to begin next month, please contact Jill Newman at or call 314-977-3839. Feel free to visit the web page as well:
2014 SUMMER ACADEMY PARTICIPANT AND 2015 INCOMING FRESHMAN SELECTS SLU AND INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS (conƟnued from page 7) Interna onal Business Summer Academy. Ma as was excited to see that there was a summer program at SLU that fit his interests and included a stay in the residence halls. While a ending the Academy, Ma as had the opportunity to hear from global prac oners from the St. Louis community who have lived, worked, and traveled abroad. Ma as noted, “I was struck by how dynamic their careers were. They were able to travel all over the world and work with people from different cultures.” Having this opportunity to hear from these speakers about their lives and interna onal careers helped solidify his choice to study interna onal business. In his later research, he decided SLU had what he wanted: “During my college research, I knew I wanted to come to a school with a large emphasis on interna onal, and SLU did this the best out of all the others I was looking at.” Ma as will be joining the SLU community this fall as a member of the Class of 2019. He plans to study in the John Cook School of Business with a concentra on in interna onal business and leadership/change management. He also wants to minor in French to be fluent in a third language, since he already speaks Spanish and English. He hopes to become involved on campus as a University Ambassador, par cipate in the student government associa on, join the Interna onal Business Club, and spend a semester abroad at SLU’s campus in Madrid, Spain, or in Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. Seung Kim, director of the Boeing Ins tute of Interna onal Business that developed and annually hosts the Interna onal Business Summer Academy, welcomed Ma as for a visit. They are pictured above with Dr. Kim on the le , Ma as in the middle, and Academy program coordinator Danielle Stevens on the right. Dr. Kim noted: “We created the Academy for high school students for this exact reason: to give them a place to explore and nurture their interest in interna onal business. We are very pleased Ma as will be pursuing his academic career in interna onal business with us here in the Cook School of Business. It is always enriching to watch a student grow personally, academically, and professionally during their collegiate years.” Ma as also provided remarks: “Global business is expanding as the world becomes increasingly more interconnected. With the skills that I bring to the table and those that I will develop through my undergraduate experience, I feel like I will be a great fit for this career and will help grow the interna onal business community.” For more informa on on the Interna onal Business Summer Academy, please see the ar cle star ng on page 1. 10
Boeing InsƟtute of InternaƟonal Business
DR. SEUNG KIM RECEIVES INTERNATIONAL EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR AWARD AT THE WAC HUMANITARIAN BANQUET JUNE 4 On Thursday, June 4, Seung Kim, Ph.D., director of Mark Higgins, Ph.D., dean of the John Cook the Boeing Ins tute of Interna onal Business at Saint School of Business, was in a endance along with Louis University’s John Cook School of Business, was numerous family, friends, colleagues, board members presented with the 2015 Interna onal Educator of the and supporters who have joined Dr. Kim in providing Year award by the World Affairs Council of St. Louis. outstanding academic and professional programs “This is the first year that the World Affairs Council of in interna onal business over the years. “Dr. Kim’s St. Louis is awarding the Interna onal Educator of the dedica on to building global business educa on Year,” stated Robert A. Fischer, execu ve director, World programs has posi oned the Cook School as a leader in Affairs Council of St. Louis. “It couldn’t be given to a global educa on,” said Dean Higgins. “His hard work has more deserving individual than Dr. Seung H. Kim, who greatly contributed to the school’s consistent ranking has led the global educa on ini a ve in the Saint Louis by U.S. News & World Report as one of the top 20 region for several decades.” interna onal business programs in the na on.” Rhonda HammIn accep ng Niebruegge, the director the award, Dr. Kim of St. Louis Lambert expressed his gra tude Interna onal Airport for those who have and the chairperson of partnered with him the Boeing Ins tute of throughout the years, Interna onal Business “None of this can be advisory board, provided accomplished alone. the introduc on for Dr. The work that has been Kim at the dinner held at done, and the work the Four Seasons Hotel that is to come, is a in St. Louis. Within her result of partnerships presenta on, she stated, with educators and “There is not ample me corporate leaders; tonight to summarize his global and civic incredible career. Nothing Dr. Seung Kim received the Interna onal Educator of the Year Awardd organiza ons; as well as from the World Affairs Council at their 2015 Humanitarian Banquet.. I say would give proper city, state and federal P ictured above are, from le , Dr. Beth Stroble, president of Webster r jus ce to the programs government offices. University, a Gold-Level sponsor of the event; Robert “Bob” Fischer, Seung has spent many Together we can execu ve director of the World Affairs Council; Deepak Kant Vyas, years growing and strengthen the global president of the World Affairs Council; Dr. Seung Kim, recipient of th he perfec ng at Saint Louis business opportuni es Interna onal Educator of the Year Award and director of Saint Louiss University through his for St. Louis, the region University’s Boeing Ins tute of Interna onal Business; and Rhonda Hamm-Niebruegge, director of St. Louis Lambert Interna onal passion to expand the and the na on.” He A irport and chair of the advisory board for the Boeing Ins tute of interna onal footprint con nued, no ng “It I te In tern rna a ona nall Bu Busi sine ness ss.. Phot Ph oto: o: And nder erso sonM nMed edia iaST STL. com m of this region. The root is a great honor and of Seung’s life is to be an privilege to receive this educator, but he has succeeded in both the academic award along with the others being honored tonight. world and the business world, a trait rarely achieved. He Congratula ons to Emerson and David Farr, CEO of brings the business world together with the academic Emerson, for receiving the Interna onal Humanitarian world to educate men and women who can successfully Award, and to Frankie Muse Freeman being honored lead and grow interna onal business. He has taught with the Interna onal Civic Leader of the Year Award.” us that to succeed in life, we must embrace the global This annual event recognizes those bringing world in which we live. He has taught us that we must the world together through cultural or humanitarian appreciate and understand that diverse cultures are not ac vi es. To learn more about the World Affairs only healthy, they are vital to a global economy.” Council, visit: 11
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Boeing Institute of International Business John Cook School of Business One. Grand Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63103
WE’RE PROUD OF OUR OUTSTANDING ALUMNI Pat Larmon President and CEO Bunzl Distribution USA, Inc. Cindy Malawy Vice President, Marketing The Boeing Company Amber Simpson Vice President National Multicultural Markets US Bank Mike Woida
Senior Vice Pres., International CKE Restaurants Inc.
U.S. News & World Report recently ranked Saint Louis University’s international business graduate programs 13th in the nation. 15th naƟon.
Success in today’s global economy requires competence and confidence in the Success in today’s global economy requires competence and confidence intricacies of international business. Open doors to the world business in the intricacies of international business. Open doors to the world of of business withwith a a
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Executive format (EMIB). Classes meet every other Saturday for just 21 months!
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Classes begin every August. If you are ready to start advancing your global career, call Jill at 314-977-3839 or email today!
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