2 minute read
Letter from the Chairman
Dear Parents, Alumni and Benefactors,
Congratulations! As a result of your support and prayers, St. Louis University High has achieved another milestone by surpassing an historic capital campaign goal few would even consider. We are deeply thankful to each of you. By exceeding $70 million for the Go Forth campaign, SLUH is uniquely positioned to continue developing young men as leaders guided by intellectual competence and high moral caliber.
This incredible feat will help ensure that SLUH can build upon its legacy of admitting all young men capable of thriving at our school, regardless of their financial circumstances. In addition, bolstering investments in a strong and innovative curriculum, Jesuit spirituality, social justice and a 21st century campus will continue fulfilling the Ignatian mission of the school established more than 200 years ago.
Having first walked these halls 45 years ago as a freshman, been blessed with two sons who thrived at SLUH 10 years ago, and having the privilege to serve on your Board of Trustees for the past nine years, it is evident that SLUH "...it is evident that SLUH remains the premier academic and formative institution for nearly 1,000 students because of the collaborative commitment of our many partners – from parents, teachers and staff, to alumni, benefactors and friends."

With my final term as Board Chair complete, and on behalf of your entire Board of Trustees, please accept our heartfelt gratitude for all that you have done and will continue to do for our Jr. Billikens. Thank you for fostering our tradition of excellence, generosity and spirituality for our young men, our community and beyond.
Joseph F. Jedlicka III ‘80
Chairman, Board of Trustees
Letter from the President 2 Letter from the Chairman 3 2021-22 Highlights 4 Thank You to Our Sponsors 6 Sports Scorecard 7 In Motion. On Mission. 8
Opportunity for all
Qualified Young Men 10
Intellectual Growth and Discovery 12
The Greater Glory of God 14 Board of Trustees 16 Financials 17 New Giving Opportunity: Endowed Funds 18 Mothers Club/ Fathers Club 19 Alumni Board 20 Faculty & Staff 21 Advisory Committees 22
We are grateful to our Photography Club, led by Kathy Chott, for capturing many of the photos in this publication.
This Gratitude Report from the President is a publication for alumni, parents and friends of St. Louis University High School. Great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this report. If an omission or error has occurred, please send a note to alumni@sluh.org.