2 minute read

Retreat Week Pivots, Prevails


Jesus' Parable of the Sower contains profound truth felt implicitly by any Jesuit educator. As it relates to Campus Ministry, we ask: Are the faith formation programs we strive to offer students going to be met by the right type of circumstances to take root in their hearts? In a year when students have endured upheaval to their academic and social lives, SLUH Campus Ministry knew that safe opportunities for faith formation and spiritual growth were perhaps more important than ever. Even during a global pandemic, retreats are one of the ways we have tried to keep alive the flame of faith formation at SLUH.


During the week leading up to Thanksgiving, 75 upperclassmen attended one of three overnight retreats, and all the freshmen and their 90 or so Senior Advisors went about the work of a classwide Freshman Retreat. None of these retreats were carried out in ways we had done before; each demanded high

Pictured: Brian Gilmore ‘02 (left) and Ryan Klostermann '20 at Kairos Retreat in November 2020. levels of creativity and significant schedule modifications. What safety protocols needed to be put in place? What activities would have to be adapted? How could the overnight retreats be shortened by a day and still accomplish their goals? How would Kairos resume after two cancelled springtime retreats left the pool of student leaders dry? Campus Ministry programs always benefit from high degrees of creative collaboration between retreat leaders, but the challenging circumstances of 2020 raised the stakes on what that would look like.

We are very pleased that students experienced significant graces and stayed safe during those retreats. Each retreat was a special time to re-encounter the eternal peace and love offered to us by our God. In this time of great trial, the ancient words of invitation by the prophet Isaiah rang out in students' hearts: "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are mine."


Discover the spirituality of St. Ignatius and grow closer to God and one another in faith and friendship. The next session is April 22 ("Seeking the Grace of Compassion" by English teacher Chuck Hussung). Learn more at: www.sluh.org/amdg

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