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2009 Mr. & Ms. SL International Recession Invasion of the First Lifers Surviving SL Entertainment Living by the Rules Envisioning Scotland in Second Life

Are you ready for a 250,000L Prize? Find out more inside!

That’s Entertianment!

Entertainment Venues - Suviving SL

Business Spotlight Fantastic Furnitures of Lynne Lusch

Recession Invasion of First Lifers


SimSations by Aja Gold Once Upon a Stargate Envisioning Scotland in Second Life

Here and Now

contents Living By The Rules

DJs Booth

Hip Hop Ho Down...Luscious Style

Designer’s Den Fabulous Flaunting by Prissy Price Human Interest Yours Truly Anne SLanders

Job Search: 100 Possible Interview Questions No Trans...Does This Benefit the Greater Good? Designing for Cybersex : Second Life’s Museum of Sex Furnitures

ABOUT THE COVER yours as much as ours...we want to hear from you :) Further, we would like to take this opportunity, to apologize to the models as well as the photographer of our Designer’s Den Section, for not being able to acknowledge them at the last issue. We would like to correct that in this issue of the Editor’s Notes: magazine. We are presenting their Hi! We’re back and we’re giving you shots once again and sharing with more fun and informative articles. In you who they are. Once again our this issue, we are launching a new apologies to the team. contest that you will surely not want Cheers! to miss! The 2009 Search for Mr. and Ariel Lingiuan Ms. SL International. Hey peeps, the Editor-In-Chief prize money is 250,000L!!!!, I haven’t heard of one contest in SL that has this amount! I’m sure it’s going to be an awesome one and it’s going to be HUGE!!!! Also, we will have more of the other sections we introduced in our last issue, like the Business Spotlight, the DJ’s Booth, That’s Entertainment!, Designer’s Den, the SimSations and Ann SLanders’ Your’s Truly. If you have a subject you would want us to cover, do send us some notecards and we will have our team look into it. Remember, SLifers...this mag is


There is truly something for everyone in Second Life but often people are not aware of events, stores or services specializing in pampering you and presenting the finer things here. How many times have you wanted an elegant evening with someone you found irresistible in the finest fashions and locations our virtual getaway has to offer? Well it is our pleasure to bring you and new section where we show you when, where and how to enjoy the champagne lifestyles of Second Life’s rich & famous on a beer budget. Yes you read the above paragraph correctly. The SL Vibe and the Vibe Live Show are going to majorly hook you up and share the keys of the kingdom that is usually reserved for Second Life’s elite mover’s and shakers. Have that look, that home, that guy, that gal that says you are “in it to win it.” Please stay tuned for our first full installment next issue as our Linden stretchers show you how to get maximum bang for your very hard earned buck. It’s time to take your Second Life to the heights enjoyed by only a select few so “strap yourself in Dorothy cause Kansas is going bye bye.”

Scorpinosis NightFire SL Vibe Owner & Founder

SL Vibe Editorial Staff: Ariel Lingiuan Editor-In-Chief Aristipuss Larssen Supervising Editor & QC Kiara Mazi Fashion and Style Editor Scorpinosis Nightfire Entertainment Editor Contributors: Cobra Momiji Aja Gold Sherrie Shepherd Eddi Haskell Aristipuss Larssen Scorpinosis Nightfire Trapped Underwood Prissy Price Staff Photographers: Demoneka Dhaelie Luscious Giano SexyBlenko Blanco Eddi Haskell Roxie Richez Kimmie Rayna

The global crisis has brought about a lot of uncertainties. People in and out of world are affected by this global recession. Some countries might not be experiencing the full impact as of yet, but they will, as this has a domino effect starting from the US.

employers. Thad Peterson, Monster Staff Writer has shared with us these things: “While there are as many different possible interview questions as there are interviewers, it always helps to be ready for anything. So we’ve

Job Search : 100 Possible Interview Questions By : Ariel Lingiuan

Because of this crisis, lots of people are either having difficulty finding jobs or they have lost the ones they held. Companies are right-sizing, reengineering or doing cost-savings measures in order for them to survive. For those who have been affected, it’s difficult to get up and find another means of being financially independent. It is our aim to help or provide you with some tips and guidelines on how to make things easier for us to land that job we are hoping to get. All job seekers go through getting interviewed by our potential

prepared a list of 100 potential interview questions. Will you face them all? We pray no interviewer would be that cruel. Will you face a few? Probably. Will you be wellserved by being ready even if you’re not asked these exact questions? Absolutely.”

• Where would you like to be in your career five years from now? • Tell me about your proudest achievement. • If you were at a business lunch and you ordered a rare steak and they brought it to you well done, what would you do? • If I were to give you this sal• Tell me about yourself. ary you requested but let you write • What are your strengths? your job description for the next • What are your weaknesses? • Who was your favorite manager year, what would it say? • Why is there fuzz on a tennis and why? • What kind of personality do you ball? • How would you go about eswork best with and why? tablishing your credibility quickly • Why do you want this job? with the team?

• There’s no right or wrong answer, but if you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be? • How would you feel about working for someone who knows less than you? • Was there a person in your career who really made a difference? • What’s your ideal company? • What attracted you to this company? • What are you most proud of? • What are you looking for in terms of career development? • What do you look for in terms of culture -- structured or entrepreneurial? • What do you like to do? • Give examples of ideas you’ve had or implemented. • What are your lifelong dreams? • What do you ultimately want to become? • How would you describe your work style? • What kind of car do you drive? • Tell me about a time where you had to deal with conflict on the job. • What’s the last book you read? • What magazines do you

subscribe to? • What would be your ideal working situation? • Why should we hire you? • What did you like least about your last job? • What do you think of your previous boss? • How do you think I rate as an interviewer? • Do you have any questions for me? • When were you most satisfied in your job? • What can you do for us that other candidates can’t? • What are three positive things

make a significant contribution? • Are you willing to relocate? • What was the last project you headed up, and what was its outcome? • What kind of goals would you have in mind if you got this job? • Give me an example of a time that you felt you went above and beyond the call of duty at work. • What would you do if you won the lottery? • Can you describe a time when your work was criticized? • Have you ever been on a team where someone was not pulling your last boss would say about their own weight? How did you hanyou? dle it? • What negative thing would • What is your personal mission your last boss say about you? statement? • If you were an animal, which • Tell me about a time when you one would you want to be? had to give someone difficult feed• What salary are you seeking? back. How did you handle it? • What’s your salary history? • What is your greatest failure, • How do you want to improve and what did you learn from it? yourself in the next year? • What irritates you about other • What were the responsibilities people, and how do you deal with of your last position? it? • What do you know about this • What is your greatest fear? industry? • Who has impacted you most in • What do you know about our your career, and how? company? • What do you see yourself do• How long will it take for you to ing within the first 30 days of this

job? • What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in school? • What three character traits would your friends use to describe you? • What will you miss about your present/last job? • If you were interviewing someone for this position, what traits would you look for? • List five words that describe your character. • What is your greatest achievement outside of work? • Sell me this pencil. • If I were your supervisor and asked you to do something that you disagreed with, what would you do? • Do you think a leader should be feared or liked? • What’s the most difficult decision you’ve made in the last two years? • What do you like to do for fun? • Why are you leaving your present job? • What do you do in your spare time? • How do you feel about taking no for an answer? • What was the most difficult

period in your life, and how did you deal with it? • What is your favorite memory from childhood? • Give me an example of a time you did something wrong. How did you handle it? • Tell me one thing about yourself you wouldn’t want me to know. • Tell me the difference between good and exceptional. • Why did your choose your major? • What are the qualities of a good leader? A bad leader? • What is your biggest regret, and why? • What are three positive character traits you don’t have? • What irritates you about other people, and how do you deal with it? • If you found out your company was doing something against the law, like fraud, what would you do? • How many times do a clock’s hands overlap in a day? • How would you weigh a plane without scales? • What assignment was too difficult for you, and how did you resolve the issue? • If I were to ask your last

supervisor to provide you additional training or exposure, what would she suggest? • If you could choose one superhero power, what would it be and why? • What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the last year? • Describe how you would handle a situation if you were required to finish multiple tasks by the end of the day, and there was no conceivable way that you could finish them. • What techniques and tools do you use to keep yourself organized? • If you could get rid of any one of the US states, which one would you get rid of, and why? • With your eyes closed, tell me step-by-step how to tie my shoes. • if you had to choose one, would you consider yourself a big-picture person or a detail-oriented person? • If selected for this position, can you describe your strategy for the first 90 days? • Who are your heroes? • Tell me 10 ways to use a pencil other than writing.

SLers have many options for fun and entertainment by way of the plethora of clubs available throughout the metaverse. The ability of these clubs to stay viable depends on many factors. The popularity of a club is determined by the atmosphere created by the owners, the niche in which the club fits, the live performers and DJs hired who bring along with them a following, contests and special events, and the ability of the owners to really connect with their patrons and make their club feel comfortable and fun. A club that really connects with its patrons and has that friendly, family-like feel is the Mosh Pit (Mosh Pit Club & Shops (153, 127, 1000). This “Metal Rock” club is run by two dedicated owners, Mongo Willenov, The Lady of Metal, and Rockit Rexen, who are SL and RL partners, and have as their motto “Rock Hard! Play Hard! Have Fun! And No Drama!” Willenov had worked as a host at other clubs for six months before deciding to start her own club along with partner Rexen. The Mosh Pit actually represents their second attempt at opening a club and it’s going very well. As evidence of

her good nature she said, “It’s hard getting started and you never want to take members away from other clubs but want them to come and try our club and have a good time.” She puts no restrictions on her DJs and is fine with them working at other clubs as well. She expresses her perspective by saying, “There are plenty of people and places to share and have fun.” Willenov and Rexen are truly handson owners who invest a lot of their time to the club, with Willenov DJing and Rexen building the Mosh Pit as well as other clubs. When they are there, and they are a consistent presence, these two personable hosts are the life of the party themselves and always get things going. Willenov said that the time invested is difficult since she does have a full-time RL job but still dedicates at least seven hours on most days to being there at the club. DJs Josh, Rollin, Blood, Ambix, Cessie and Ashley are a few of the DJs on the Mosh’s regular schedule. They appreciate the gigs and bring along with them a strong following while working strictly for tips. “We made this club from nothing”, Willenov said, “and we pay for it from tips and donations most

Entertainment Venues - Surviving in SL By: Sherrie Shepherd Photos : Eddi Haskell

The other SLNE venue, The Mermaid Den Mystic (240, 18, 22), has been open for a year. Its small cozy atmosphere is the perfect venue for beginner acts. In fact, every Friday night, Horsforth offers an open mic night for entertainers just starting their SL careers to gain exposure. Throughout the week, there are DJs regularly scheduled.

The Mosh Pit

graciously received. We put all money back into the club to pay for tiers and events.” If there is anything left over after tiers and events are taken care of, they said they buy more land each month and have expansion plans in progress for the club. Willenov tells others who want to open clubs to have fun with it and make friends, “but just know that you have to work hard” to be successful. She thanks all her “Moshers” by saying, “without them, we wouldn’t be here!” SL New England (SLNE) has two great venues for entertainment. General manager for the SLNE estate, Becca Horsforth, handles the

entertainment for the two venues, the Nantucket Theater and The Mermaid Den. Horsforth said she has a love for music and being involved with the venues has given her a definite link. The Nantucket Theater, Nantucket Square and Theater, Nantucket (35, 125, 21), an amphitheater for more experienced acts, has been hugely successful for over three years now. It offers a steady schedule of live entertainment, some of which include prominent SL entertainers like Arora Chadbourne, the “Songgoddess”; Harper Messmer; Melodee McDonnell; Shantu Selene; and Noma Falta. A calendar of scheduled performers can be found at

direct payment to the live entertainers, the real value gained in her assessment is the traffic to the retail establishments in the area around the venues. As far as the performers themselves, she feels they do extremely well between their fee and the tips they receive. The venue and the venue staff can do well if the performers remember to remind Horsforth knows for a fact that live the audience to take notice of the entertainers are drawing people venue and staff tip jars. to SLNE, saying, “Definitely, there Before a performer is hired by are more people here when the Horsforth she will go to see them performers are around.” While there perform and will hire them if she may be a loss of money in terms of feels they are good enough. She Nantucket Theater

does not appreciate being asked to book someone while in attendance at a concert saying, “that is the worst time to ask as I have absolutely no time for that during a concert.” This is one of the reasons she has provided the open-mic opportunity at The Mermaid Den where she is happy to give prospective performers her undivided attention. She says that staying active with your entertainment venues is critical to being successful and you can’t be afraid to remind an audience to tip the venue.

Lurra’s first club, Sphynx Jazz Club, (Sphynx Jazz Club Art Deco Egypti, Sphynx River (82, 111, 33)), has been open over two years. Its luxurious art deco Egyptian motif is mesmerizing, with a huge dance floor for gala events, a truly spectacular venue.

She recommends that anyone wanting to open a club or entertainment venue should apprentice with someone who has already been around for a while. In the meantime, she will continue the success of the SLNE venues by “keeping going, keeping pushing, and keeping dancing.”

Her second club, “Eleni’s at Silver Beach Resort,” (Eleni’s Silver Beach Resort, Aliikai (234, 226, 24)), has been open since May 2007. Lurra describes Eleni’s as a place that was built from love with romance in mind. She’s right on point with that description in that Eleni’s is an intimate heart-shaped open air club on the beach where patrons dress in formal attire and dance under starry skies in a sophisticated yet romantic setting. She hopes that others feel the same romance there that she felt while creating it.

Eleni Lurra says her venture into establishing SL clubs was by accident. She had two successful clubs in another virtual world and had no intention of setting up shop in SL. However, she says once she was introduced to the club scene in SL: “I took to it and it seemed to come naturally. Therefore, I just had to try my hand.”

Many performers come through both of Lurra’s clubs on a regular basis while others are hired for exclusive performances. Lurra observes that both clubs enjoy an increase in attendance as regular members are complimented by the addition of the performers’ own following. “To be honest, we do lose money bringing in live performers,” she said.

The Mermaid Den

The Sphynx Jazz Club

“However, the intent is to introduce your venue with the hope that guests will return and that donations will increase to keep the venue afloat. In addition, this is why you have markets and stores or malls to help offset the cost of your venue. It’s a short-term loss for the long-term gain.” Lurra’s impression is that the performers normally do well, saying: “It depends on how well they perform and how well they are liked by the crowd. I would say I’ve rarely seen a performer that didn’t do pretty well.” In terms of the staff and the venue itself she explained that when the performers are there, they are usually the focus of the donations and the venue just doesn’t do as well. However, again she refers to the concept of short-term loss for the long-term gain but counters that with, “You know some days and nights are better than others.”

Sherrie Shepherd at the piano and Eddi Haskell at he microphone enjoying time at Eleni’s at Silver Beach Resort

Lurra hires performers by way of word of mouth or by attending open-mic nights to assess performers new to the SL scene. She absolutely will go to observe the performer in action before she will hire anyone. JB Melnik and Euterpe Queller are

among the performers she regularly books for her clubs. Both of Lurra’s clubs are true success stories among the SL club scene and she attributes this success to “perseverance, determination, and the love of romance.” Lurra has plans to further develop the area around Eleni’s to enhance the experience of visitors and to intrigue them. Her philosophy is “to attract one has to be creative with the events and ideas that are laid out by and for the club.” Her advice to those planning to open a club is “don’t just jump in. Have a plan. Know what you want. Realize if you want to succeed it does take work. Stick to your goals and ensure having a great staff. A great staff is everything.”

“So far, the deepening recession has not slowed sales of virtual goods, which executives attribute to people spending more time at home,” says the NY Times’ Stefanie Olsen. …Add to this the belief that they (virtual communities) will double in popularity in the next few years, growing from 3 to 6 million subscribers in 2010, and their economies should continue to thrive, whatever’s going on out there in the physical world.”

more are going to come in greater numbers than ever before. Who are they you ask? They are people and businesses that turned (and are still turning) to virtual communities during this time of recession. Now what makes this current migration to virtual worlds different than the typical increase in users is that the new arrivals know the potential that these so called online games (as most long time users see them) has on first life financially. However what’s CNN ironic about the recent revelations Well as you can see from the quote regarding SL and the other above, they are here among us and communities is that it has come

Recession Invasion of the First Lifers By: Scorpinosis Nightfire

from observation of people already in these communities that didn’t join realizing that SL was never just a game. “People who have been in SL since its inception might not be professional content developers, but they have become experts,” says Brandon Berger, senior strategist at OgilvyInteractive’s Digital Innovation unit. Hence, Ogilvy has hired a lot of people directly from Second Life to execute projects for the big name clients who have worked to be in Second Life. As the additional quote from CNN demonstrates most people didn’t come to SL realizing what they can do with the opportunities available. Therefore the investment of time spent in SL for example is not usually spent with the same standards of entrepreneurial acumen or sacrifice commonly applied in similar First Life situations. As a matter of fact many in Second Life make sure to emphasize that since ‘s it’s only a game, they can’t give it the same priority as they do their current efforts to earn income in First Life. So there is a dominant view among most Second Lifers that

may have them not seeing the proverbial forest for all the trees. Some of the reasons for choosing the “SL is not RL” (real life) perspective were covered in my article from last month’s issue entitled “SL Just A Game or Truly a Second Life.” Now one reason pointed out in that article was that certain conduct in SL is only ok to some as long as it not considered RL. The potential negative fall out to First Life relationships of being a vampire sub with 10 masters might not sit well if that info were to be considered a possible real life desire. It is a whole lot easier to justify actions or relationships in SL that might be frowned upon in our first life circles if it’s all just a game and not for real. As a business person in Second Life, I see my time here as being of equal priority to my First Life income efforts and social networking pursuits. Operating in SL with the intent on building a successful brand (to recruit people to expand my First Life entertainment company) has made this issue very intriguing to me personally and professionally. I will even go as far as to say the most businesses and people here for First

Life profits, benefit from those that don’t see the need to get all overly RL about SL. I believe the applicable quote is… “If you find a potential competitor sleeping then let them sleep since you don’t need the competition”.

“We see that while obviously the overall recession is going to hurt people’s spending, we think that as people look to escape the real world a little bit more, they’ll spend definitely more time and probably more money in the virtual world. A luxury item in the virtual world is a whole lot cheaper than in the real world. The big ticket items, cars and HDTVs, are suffering and will continue to suffer, but you’ll find that people spend more time at home, which leads to more time online,”

However I think having others around that know the score can enhance our business performances as opposed to hinder them. It’s my hope that this article is motivation to see what SL can be and mean to us if we take GMG Entertainment CEO Rob Goldberg advantage of it’s full potential. Virtual World News 2008

Club Cleopatras & Luxury Suites The majesty of ancient Egypt is perfectly infused with state of the art club tech to take your clubbing experience to a new level. ROCK LIKE AN EGYPTIAN!!

Hip Hop Ho Down....

I sat down in my office with a woman I have to say I admire and asked, “Where do I begin to talk about your Fabulicious Self?” Readers your in for a treat...Dare I mix Hip/Hop with Country. Sounds like a stretch...well you have not met Luscious Giano.

SV: When did you open your gallery?

LG: about 6 months ago...when I was looking into selling goods on SLX. I love art and was looking for gothic pictures with a soft erotic side to them and when I couldn’t find what I wanted, Sit back readers and put on your I did my own. Friends fell in love with headphones. This woman is a DJ. But them so I decided to put them in a I began with her business ventures shop and they have sold pretty well. first. SV: Can you tell our readers what is SL Vibe: So you own a gallery called your favorite piece your especially Wind Walker Art. proud to sell in the gallery? Luscious Giano: I sell framed gothic LG: k I have 2...both equally and western art favorites.

Luscious Giano and her 2 favorite art at Wind Walker Art

SV: Ok, tell me about them. LG: The first one I called Red On A Rose... I fell in love with her eyes first... they are teal and remind me of the color of the Carribbean. She’s dressed in red holding a red rose. Actually I have a goth skin in SL that is very close to the young girl in the picture. SV: Very nice and the second? LG: It is simply titled Goth. SV: Oooooh these are well worth seeing :) LG: I haven’t had the chance to add much new lately between DJing and first life. SV: Well tell me about DJing, why do you do it? LG: I knew this question was going to be tough, LOL. SV: lol...come on tell Momma all about it. Do you do it for the love of Lindens or Music? Yeahhhh! I went there. LG: Well...I’m not the best at it, never have pretended to’s not about being heard, or being known, it’s all about the music. I guess as some say, I have a “passion for music”. Not just one genre but many.

Auturmn Skys at Swamp Water Bayou (166,212,21)

SV: Is this why you own a club also, those that can’t own? LG: No...the club is...well when I first arrived at Autumn Skys it was a rock club but was just opening and we struggled quite a bit. Several months after DJing there, I was asked if I wanted to become a third co-owner and that is when I brought the idea of why not go country with a name like Autumn Skys and give it a shot... now the rest is sl country club history. I guess Autumn Skys is the way I keep in touch with being the southern rock/ country girl that I am inside. SV: You filly you.....Sounds like Ho Downs can be had at this club readers. You should stop by and stir up the hay. SV: So who are all the Partners in the club? LG: SkyRider Sicling, Melissa Ryba and myself are the owners of Autumn Skys Country and are hoping to make it the best country club in SL. SV: lol, YeeeeHaaaa! LG: lmao! SV: Well lets choke a horse and learn who your favorite country singer is? And I mean that literally guys no horse was wounded during this interview.

LG: Well I don’t know if it will choke a’s probably the most controversial group in the country music industry and that would be the Dixie Chicks. Sorry but I love their music! SV: Ahhhhh, The politically controversial pushers are equally talented in country music as they are talented in expressing their opinions. Dixie Chicks....ROCK! Did I just write that? LG: Yes ma’am...and while I don’t agree with the statements of several years ago or where it was said...I still love the Chicks. AND if I had to pick one male country singer....Trace Adkins...I mean come on!! He looks fiiiiiine in those tight fittin’ jeans and duster *swoons* SV: Oh Back up, yes he does. Yummm, Candy Apple on a Hot Summer Day. LG: Yes ma’am!!! *fans herself* SV: Well best believe they are all equally talented country folks. Ok I had to dip back into my own roots there for a moment......movin on. SV: Well let me see, you own a gallery and co-own a club. How do you

find time to be the Head of DJ LG: She had already told Scorp that I Services for SLOAN ? ( SL Owners could play the music he wanted and he Alliance ) needed to hear me on mic. Well, let me LG: ok do I say this, I didn’t know a lot about R&B or hiphop when I got to Olympia...I even begin? mean I faked it best I could...but what SV: Well tell me about your role for happened once Scorp and I began Sloan while you do the two step. talking about music was the stepping When did you take on the role and stone to my becoming the head of DJ how? Services with SLOAN. He challenges LG: I met Scorpinosis a year ago this me. He still does today as much as back then. We have a musical connection. April as a DJ in his club Olympia. (Readers if you’re not in the KNOW Again that passion I mentioned earlier. by now read the first issue..... With his being in the industry in first life I began to learn so much from paaaaleeeaaaassseee. ) him, and this whole new world of SV: Did he hire you as a DJ or were music opened up for me. During this you referred to him by rep. time, I started learning about SLOAN LG: Actually my SL sister Harlee Lane and was stepping up as a fill in DJ at was already DJing at Olympia which many of the SLOAN clubs. is owned by Scorpinosis Nightfire and SV: Well I had every confidence hit me up with the landmark and told me in you when you DJ’d in my club... I needed to talk to Scorp (Nickname) KONECTED (Closed 2/20/09) We about possibly working at Olympia. both take a moment of silence. Oh Yeah, I have heard of Olympia... SV: So what do you do that you do hmmm let see the club slogan is “Why so well? Party like a rockstar...when you can LG: As Scorpinosis began forming party like a God.” the group of Department Heads, he SV: Gotcha and then how did you approached me about the DJ Services, become head of DJ services? You Entertainment Director part of the must have played all the right songs Alliance and I agreed to take it on. I :) was so honored when he came to me

and not only asked me to become one of the department heads, but also to premiere his group’s single in SL, 1920’s “Backseat”

other department heads and Scorp. I’m so busy with Autumn Skys and the 6 other clubs I DJ in, it’s hard sometimes to fit it all into the week. But we have SV: What has been your biggest so much coming up in the near future when we bring the first life music challenge in taking on this role? industry directly into our second lives LG: If I answer that question I may not (and I cannot give away any secrets have the role after this is published! at this time!) it is all just very exciting LG: Just kidding! for myself and all of SLOAN and we SLV: Girlllll, Challenges make you are hoping it will be for all of SL as well. better :) Readers, a challenge is not a SV: What are those clubs should weakness when you know it exist. our readers want to come hear you LG: I guess the biggest challenge is spin? getting to spend more time with the

craker of a Business Woman, I know your time with me is running out. Can you give our readers one last morsel to nibble on? What three words describe Luscious as if your name is not enough. Fellas take a ganther at her photo then wipe the page. LG: Giving...Caring....and Loyal Readers she just made me all warm and fuzzy. Thank you Luscious for this time. You get my Best New Country Artist of the Year award any day. Is there anything you want to add ? LG: P.S.: I do have to do this one last thing publicly, and that’s to say thank you to my bestfriend in SL for believing in me and standing by me this past year...DJ “Special K” Karen Jetcity. She’s my inspiration, my Double Trouble partner, and my shopping consultant (giggles). Girl knows where to buy the hair, the shoes AND the lookin’ good clothes!

LG: Autumn Skys Country, REVA Blue Room, The Bella Vida, Cocoa Beach Music Mansion, The ONYX and last but not least...Flattlined...and I saved them for last so I could also say that our troops in Iraq have heard our Flattlined stream over the last several months and I was honored to be one Awwww that was a Sweet Tea of the voices they heard. delicious shout out...Luscious style. SV: Wow I was impressed when we started the Im honored. Prissy passes the Miss Humanitarian crown to Luscious to wear. SV : So Miss Country-fied Fire

Notes: Luscious Giano head of DJ services for SLOAN & the Alliance as well as co- owner of Autumn Skys Country Music Club, DJ for hire and owner of WindWalker Art Gallery

Envisioning Scotland in Second Life

An Interview with Tim Mersereau from Second Life’s Hinterland Estates by Eddi Haskell Photography by Eddi Haskell

Scotland is one of my favourite places to travel. The light and scenery there are spectacular. Something happens when mountains crash into the sea, and leave gorgeous microenvironments to discover. The ancient villages, mysterious lochs, ever-changing climate, and impact of the Gulf Stream have created a unique environment that everyone must see at least once. When you go, make sure to get out of the number one tourist destination, Edinburgh, to see the island chains around the rugged Scottish coast. I recently sat down with the charming Tim Mersereau, who, together with his partner Chade Dagger, envisioned, built, and created the six gorgeous sims that make up Hinterland Estates. Tim writes as if he is speaking in his native Scottish dialect, and I am going to preserve much of it in this interview. Eddi: Tim, tell us a little bit about yourself. Are you a Scot yourself? What do you do in real life? Please share as much or as little about yourself as you would like. Tim: Yup – a Scot – born in the Outer Hebrides – raised in Stromness in the Orkney Islands – that’s the islands

Eddi: Are you finished building?

Tim: Well they are inspired by a group of real life islands. They are not exact copies. I don’t want real life people complaining that I got their chimney pots wrong.

Tim: .Any builder will tell you that they are never finished. New technology appears, and you learn new stuff so the work that you have done in the past looks scrappy. I don’t think it Their inspiration is Orkney; a group will ever be finished really. of 70 islands off the north east coast Eddi: Hinterland is gorgeous It is of Scotland, of them are inhabited. one of the nicest developments on There, the light is very strong and skies Second Life. How does each of your are open. Hills are low and break off sims differ? What are the different suddenly into the sea in perpendicular names of the sims? Where in Scotland cliffs. Unlike most of Scotland – the does each of the sims correlate to? landscape is green and fertile – shaped Are there any replicas of historical by the wind and uncluttered by trees. just off the north east tip of Scotland – currently living in London where I am a trainer on drugs and alcohol issues ( Stromness (the second largest town in the Orkneys) is very much my family home and I spend as much time there as I can. Eddi: Tell us about your experience with Second Life. When did you join? Tim: First joined in January 2007. I heard about it through an article on a documentary on the BBC and was intrigued, though I suspected it of being so much hype. It was my first experience in this kind of thing -

completely overwhelmed experience.



Eddi: Tell us about the Hinterland project. How many sims is it? When did you start building it and assembling the land? How long did it take? Tim: It’s a group of 6 sims, four full ones and two homesteads. The sim first rose from the waters in March 2007 or thereabouts. I have no plans to expand now. Hinterland feels about right in terms of size, but who knows about the future? The key point in their development was when I met Chade Dagger, who is my business partner; we own the sims jointly.

towns and landmarks that we should know about?

This lack of trees, which some says makes the place, means that since

Neolithic times – people have always built with stone – so there is a complete archaeological record going back to before 3000 BC – we have some of the oldest stone buildings in Europe. You can see ancient cairns, Viking cathedrals, Scottish castles and small stone crofts. We have tried to give a feel of these buildings, and wherever you go on the sims you will see evidence of the ancient heritage. There are two permanent stone circles (others come and go) On the top of the Hill of Mifla on the Hinterland there is a circle of six stones with a fire burning in the centre. It’s a strange and rather powerful place. On the Orcadia sim, in the centre of the sea loch known as the Stony Water, there is a small island with winter’s day. stones around a small lochan (small lake). The waters are sacred and are The two villages – Kirkness and the one on Hinterland Orkney, face each said to have healing properties. other across a natural harbour. In this Very near the Stony Watter there bay, there are small islands, including is a chambered tomb called the Hill one with a chapel on it which is based of Rapsness. This is based loosely on Eynhallow in real life. Another on Maeshowe, which is a vast stone has a castle of the type built by the chamber entered through a low tunnel. 16th Century Earl of Orkney, Patrick It was built from megaliths at least Stewart, the Black Pattie of legend, 4,500 years ago, and its interior is in who was executed for treason (Tim perpetual darkness, save on mid

a damn good are open at Hinterland. Who are you major commercial tenants? What One of our residents, Addery is the commercial/residential mix? Bracken has an expertise in historic How many tenants do you have, and architecture and his black house how many more are you looking museum, St Cuthbert’s chapel and for? adds that this is thing).

broch on the Hinterland Orkney sim Tim: We have a wide range of people living and working over the six sims are unmissable. Eddi: Tell us about the business that – the main commercial area in the Kirkness village.

Phoenix Textures, owned by Kyler Collas of Hoay, Orcadia is probably the largest commercial tenant we have.


Eddi: There is an incredible use of color and textures in your builds. Can you share any secrets or design Kyler and I have an arrangement where concepts with our readers? all the textures I have developed for Tim: Me laughs. Well thank you kind the sims and many of the build are sir and flattery will achieve much. I am available. not sure we have any secrets really. Other businesses include: BIP Factory Don Reginaldo Cigars and Pipes Hinterland Sundries Tiger Eye Oblonski Antiques Supplee Designs Mactavish and sons Emporium Firebird designs.

With the building here, I try to use photo based textures I have made myself from images of the real place. That means that the colors are right, textures replicating local stone work and so on. Adapting real life designs for Second Life is always a challenge and it is something we are learning the whole time.

I would guess that we have a population Eddi: Will you be selling any furniture of about 50 and we are about 80% or houses, or have any festivals full. or other activities planned? Eddi: What sort of vacant space do Tim: –the Hinterland Kirkness sim is you have left? the main entertainments location. The Tim: In terms of vacant space – we Red Lion pub, built by Chade Dagger, currently a small number of parcels hosts events several times a week. And available and house/ shop space in if you want to know what an island some of the villages. If people contact pub really feels like, it’s the place me in world I am really happy to show to go, although there are fewer fights what we have – a full and up to date list than in real life. Chade has also built is available at the Hinterland Visitors a truly stunning open air venue. Centre in Kirkness Village (note: the SLURL is contained at the end of the Eddi: Thank you Tim for taking time to speak with me today, and I am

our readers will find your and Chade’s Hinterland vision a truly spectacular place to visit. The Hinterland Visitors center can be found at:

There is an exhibition of photography from Hinterland Estates on level four of the Eddi Haskell Gallery, Liberation Square.

Eddi Haskell has made a YouTube video of Hinterland Estates. This can be found at:

JCS is not a modeling agency but rather a building block to assist you in creating your career. Modeling agencies come and go, they promise events that seldom deliver. JCS only provides the Model and the Firm looking to hire a model the necessary tools to meet and exceed those expectations. For further information on JCS, please contact Jenna Coppola or Johnathan Hiess in world.

Your’s Turly, Ann SLanders By: KathleenK Spitteler

your back and click.

Dear Ms SLanders,

It is good, however that you feel this way. It means you are really getting into the SL experience. You think of your av as you. And isn’t wonderful to immerse yourself into this wonderful world...Enjoy!

I care deeply about someone here. He came on the other night, just to tell me he was going to the hospital. If he hadn’t done that, I never would have known what had happened to him. But even at that am so worried about him. If this is serious I will never see him again and my heart breaks that I can’t be there with him while he’s sick (he lives on the other side of the world) How do I stop worrying?

Miss SLaners takes a lighthearted Miss SLanders look at friendships, romance and how to deal with each other with more respect and humor in this wonderful world of SL. Dear Miss SLanders, I’m new here and I don’t have a place to live. I don’t have a house here and changing in front of people is kind of disturbing to me. Any ideas as to where I can change? Bashful Dear Bashful, I know it can seem strange changing in front of people, even if it is an av, Your av becomes you. When I first came here I would change in the bushes but that made it hard to see what I was doing. My solution was to change under water. You can see clearly and nobody can see you. You will soon get used to this, however. When you change, it’s so fast that nobody sees anything. Just turn

we can do. And on their return give them a great big virtual hug. Miss SLanders Dear Ms. SLanders,

I met a guy at a club. After some Desperately Sad nice times together, he suddenly went Dear Desperate, invisible on me, but I know he’s been I know this can be a problem in SL. coming online because I can see him I had always wondered the same online in groups. What should I do? thing. If something happened to Lost Trust one of your friends, you would Dear Lost, never know. I’m not quite sure how I know how it can be here, to loose to resolve this. I myself have a dear trust n the people you meet. Some ,dear friend who is ill on the other people are here to play games side of the world l. I just hope and on others. To play games and get pray a lot that he will be ok. I know revenge for what is happening in when he returns I will be eternally their real lives. I will never understand grateful. He has taken the name of how people can forget that there is a star in the heavens as his SL name. a person behind the avatars they I go outside at night and look at his interact with. It can be so hurtful. star and think of him and hope for I just want to tell you all, this may the best. I guess in the end that’s all

be a game but in reality it’s so much more. I myself have found such wonderful friends here. They are every bit as good as my RL friends. I interact with them as much as any friend in RL. But please don’t loose that trust completely. There are some wonderful and honest people here and sometimes things happen that are out of their control. One example, is, that sometimes friends can get unchecked for no apparent reason. I had that happen to me one time. A good friend saw me at a dance and saw that I wasn’t online to him. He thought I was avoiding him. If I hadn’t seen him and said hello, I

never would have known this had happened. So be willing to give people the benefit of the doubt. But to those who would play games on others. shame on you. You can do some real damage to a vulnerable soul. And as I always say. “Be kind to one another”and. Kiss a thousand frogs, Your prince or princess may be out there..... Ms. SLanders

By Cobra Momiji

When anyone says they have an appreciation for the finer things in Second Life, you will usually find some pieces by Lynne Lusch (the owner of Fantastic Furniture) in their home or office furnishings. Known for her contemporary designs and beautifully detailed creations, Lynne has made a name for herself as one of the premiere designers and interior decorators in Second Life. Recently we caught up with Lynne for this very candid and informative interview exclusively for our SL Vibe readers. CM: Lynne this article is showcasing your wonderful designs and those of another exceptional designer doing gothic elegance while you are doing a very contemporary elegance. Now what inspired you to choose your style of furniture creation versus gothic or some of the other design genres out there?

Photo by Roxie Richez

LL: I’ve always loved contemporary furniture_ and use it frequently in my real life work _. To me it evokes style. I love the simplicity and the clean lines. I have a constant stream of ideas running through my head and living in a contemporary environment gives me the space I need to think and

clarify my ideas.

new growth?

CM: How did you come to SL and start one of the most talked about furniture and decor brands?

LL:Oh well, where to start! lol. I have huge plans for Fantastic Furniture and Dream Homes over the coming months. But I dont want to say too much and spoil the surprises for my lovely group members... lets just say Fantastic Furniture has only just started :)

LL: I learned about Sl approx 2 yrs ago whilst watching a TV talk show in the UK . The idea of being able to create absolutley anything in SL really interested me . I quickly realised at that time there weren’t many modern furniture stores . After discussing my thoughts & ideas for a contemporary store and interior design service with various business professionals, they all strongly advised against it ! Lol, and so I went ahead anyway. But then, I never was one to listen :) good job CM: Were there any designers that you feel influenced you during your early days here in SL and if there was, are you still inspired by anyone now that you have become visible yourself? LL: Hmmm not really SL designers, but in real life there are tons of designers I admire. I love Kelly Hoppen she is my favorite at the moment, next would be London based designer Derek Taylor, he designs fabulous homes for celebreties. Philippe Stark, Charles and Ray Eames, Mies Van De Rohe to name but a few, I could go on...but

CM: Often when people do the same type of work in 1st Life (as they do in SL) it can cause them to be a harder self critic than even their competitors and customers. Lynne does your 1st life experience as a designer make it easier or harder to make products that meet your high standards ? mainly I am inspired by the everday environments we live in . Its very easy to take inspiration from nature and use your creativity to design a natural relaxing interior scheme. CM: Now speaking of inspiration we can’t help but address the issue of moving beyond being inspired by someone and when people just take other people’s designs and say they are their own. What do you think when you see people doing that and how do you protect your own unique concepts?

LL: I’ve had issues in the past with various residents making direct copies of my work and selling it as though they were their own . Its very upsetting and saddening that some individuals can stoop so low. I change my stock often to protect against content theft and my copyrighted designs and textures I don’t worry too much about.

LL: My first life work experience in design has made it so much easier to create furniture and interiors in SL. Fantastic Furniture would probably have never been created otherwise. But conversely I’ve found designing interiors for clients in real life has become more difficult. In Sl if you can’t find a product you need , you can make it to your exact specifications. In rl you can’t do that and it can be very frustrating . Sl has made me become even more of a perfectionist !

CM: We could not help but notice the recent expansion of Fantastic Furniture and some really nice new pieces in the stores. What other new things should we be looking for in this CM: Is there a favorite set in your very extensive collection? new year and in light of all your

LL: Hmmm, I’d say my favourite pieces are the Tokyo & the Orient love beds and also the Tokyo multipose living room set. As you can probably tell I’m into Eastern design this season, its very en vogue at the moment. CM: Finally with so many starting businesses in SL (and closing them once they realize what it takes to make it successful) what advice would you give to someone wanting to reach levelFurniture of success you have Lynne Lusch ofthe Fantastic reached?

LL: Persevere, develop your own style and trust your instincts. You have to have staying power in the game . Thank you Lynne so much for taking time to share with The SL Vibe and our readers.

SL Vibe photographer Eddi Haskell interviewed Jago Constantine, Curator and Founder of Second Life’s latest attraction, the Museum of Sex Furniture (MSxF). (note: Eddi and Jago have been partnered since November, 2008. The museum began as an adjunct to the couple’s publication, Sex Aficionado, www.sexaficionado. The blog explores and reviews Second Life’s sex scene, with reviews of anything sex-related, including clothing, publications, clubs, and romantic destinations inworld). Eddi: Jago, please tell us about MSxF. When did it open and what makes it different? Jago: MSxF opened in February 2008 as part of the Liberation Square Complex. MSxF is unique in Second Life, devoting itself to preserving the virtual world’s erotic heritage – the creations that people have made since the earliest days of Second Life to help express their more primal desires.

Designing for Cybersex: Second Life’s Museum of Sex Furniture Article and Photography By: Eddi Haskell

Eddi: Is there a deeper purpose behind MSxF? Jago: The museum features artifacts dating back to 2003 by some of the most noted sex furniture designers in

Second Life. I think that what is so interesting about the pieces on exhibit here are that sex furniture reflects social and technological trends within Second Life. Eddi: An entire museum for Cybersex? Are that many people interested? Jago: Surveys have shown that a large proportion of residents have experimented with cybersex. Cybersex is a very popular pastime, and has inspired a great deal of creativity. My thought was that this should be documented by institutions such as the museum. Eddi: About one third of the items in MSxF come from our own inventories. Where are you getting the rest of the items from? Jago: Since opening the museum has received support in the form of donations and information from Second Life residents from all walks of life. Visitors are encouraged to support the museum both financially and with donations of surplus sex furniture. Another way of supporting the museum is to purchase items from Gift shop on level 2 in the museum’s newly opened Wintergraden, which connects it to your Eddi Haskell Gallery next door.

Eddi Haskell with Jago Constantine

Eddi: There are a lot of items in here. What are some must-sees for every visit? Jago: My favorite pieces in the collection, and must-sees for every first visit, would have to be the following: 1. Taken Hannibal’s ‘Sex Bench Multi Use’. Made in 2004, it perfectly illustrates a point in the development of sex furniture where the BDSM community was making use of the resources it had to achieve their desires. The particular aspect I refer to is the rather extravagant use of prims to create chains, leaving the device totaling 87 for a not very large object. This was donated by Lucas Underall. 2. I also love the ‘Perilous Pleasures Throne’, made in 2004 by Alana Monde. I’d been searching for something by Alana for a while, and when stpaulsub Clio donated this I was over the moon, especially because the throne comes from an important sex club in Second Life’s history, Perilous Pleasures. 3. Jopy Weber’s ‘The Horse 1.0’ is one of the first sex toys in Second Life to make use of custom imported animations, from June 2004. Before that time, people made use of the poses that came from Linden Labs.

4. An example of this is Gaudeon Wu’s ‘Suspension Bar’, dating to January 2004. It uses the Editing Appearance pose to suspend an avatar playing a submissive role from manacles. It makes me laugh to see, and it’s so subversive the way that residents were hacking Second Life this way to enjoy themselves.

Thank you Jago! This is a very attractive place, and I think our readers will be interested to see how Cybersex in Second Life has progressed over the past five years!

The Museum of Sex Furniture is located at Liberation Square on the Liberation sim, next to Eddi Haskell Photography Main Gallery, 5. Finally, an anonymous donor gave Liberation Square Park, and other us Ashen Stygian’s ‘! Phobos Design! stores and attractions Entangle’. Made in December 2005, h t t p : / / s l u r l . c o m / s e c o n d l i f e / it’s a true work of art. The object looks Liberation/206/85/23 like sculpted prims, but they’re regular. They’ve just been tortured as much as its victim!

Ok, let’s be very fair. I understand the original need for “NO TRANS”. Creators need protection especially if what they have created can be considered “intellectual property” as opposed to an “object”.

The SL permissions system is a balance though, because Trans is a very powerful feature for Residents who sell content. Imagine if someone in the real world told you that you couldn’t re-sell your new car.

No Trans...Does This Benefit the Greater Good? By: Trapped Underwood For this article we are only talking about “OBJECTS”; buildings, cars, clothes …etc… The Lindens argue: Second Life enables content creators to control three kinds of permissions that aren’t possible in the real world: Copy, Mod, and Trans. The first two, Copy, and Mod are very powerful features for Residents who buy content. Imagine if you could easily duplicate your new car in RL, or if you could change its color with a few mouseclicks.

Because of the ways these are balanced, the most common permissions combinations are No Copy/No Mod with Trans, and Copy/Mod with No Trans. If we were to remove the Trans/No Trans permission, we would also likely have to remove the Copy/No Copy permission to maintain the balance. Wow, that last line is the beginning of the real solution but then they go off topic and begin talking about a fictitious tool that is not in development to solve the problem. Who does the NO TRANS really benefit? Certainly not the people that actually spend the money in SL. The people that drive the economy. I understand that some things in Sl need to be No Trans because they are intellectual property. But objects such as homes, cars, clothes... “objects” cannot be allowed to be NO TRANS

I’m going to capitalize on the Linden’s car example and show how there is a immediate FAIR solution to this problem that will work for all and still allow fair commerce to prosper. From the Creator’s perspective…let’s make any object that is NO TRANS to also “No Copy”/ “No MOD”. As in the Linden’s example, if I buy the car..I bought it “AS IS”... big, small, red or black. Forget about copying it..I understand I just bought one. But if I want it modified now or in the future, then I need to go back to the Creator and ask for the changes and the Creator (now has a money making opportunity) can charge me for these modifications. Everybody wins here. An object is sold and it needs more customization then those Modifications are EXTRAS! Where is the problem there?

Now back to the “object” from the Buyers perspective… the “OBJECT” was purchased “AS IS”. I should have the right to sell it “AS IS” or give it away. That next individual, if they want it modified can now also go back to the creator and “pay” for modifications.

To summarize: The creator wins by selling an object and leaving open the door for future modification “extras” on objects he has created and sold. The buyers now has a product that they can control as far as ownership, buy, sell, give away... Moving forward we have now set Everybody wins...NO? the stage for a healthy economy. Objects are bought, modifications are paid for, Objects can now be resold, given away or held on to appreciate in value.

Without change, the world would be very dull indeed. Think of the many changes that have occurred just in the past 50 years:

Some rules are easy to understand, such as those that help keep minors from accessing mature sims.

Rules and responsibilities come in different levels—self-imposed, business imposed, region imposed, and Linden Labs imposed. Each level helps create a more attractive environment for people to have fun, enjoy entertainment, network, and do business.

—Astronauts have left footprints on the moon. —Humans have lived for months at a time on a space station orbiting Earth. —Heart transplants have become routine. —Three television networks have become hundreds running day and night. —Old 8mm movie cameras have become camcorders. —You can carry your phone with you and call from virtually anywhere. —And you read this on one of the most expansive communications systems ever developed—the Internet—in a virtual world that becomes more complex with each passing week. The Internet has lost its free-wheeling, no-holds-barred atmosphere and become civilized. Along with this evolution come rules and responsibilities. Nowhere does this need to create regulatory parameters become more important

than in a virtual world like Second Life.

Living by the rules By : Aristippus larsson

Unfortunately, too many people chaff at the introduction of rules; they still believe the Internet allows absolute freedom. It does not, for as the Internet and as virtual worlds like SL become more civilized, they create self-contained communities in which people must co-exist. Rules enhance the richness of experiencing a virtual world. More and more, Second Life begins to resemble real life. People interact, do business with each other, get married, have virtual children, shop, party, and allow their creative talents to blossom. Granted, Second Life does allow people more freedom than in the real world (where in real life can you role-play and kill or be killed, only to come back and do it all over again?), but one huge restriction

been declared unsafe and in which talent, and of energy that permeates the people who gather in that region every corner of Second Life. agree to role-play as warriors, or gangsters, or roving bands of thugs. The Second Life experience can be as rewarding as individuals care to make it. Creating codes of conduct go a long way toward helping everyone enjoy the richness of diversity, of

Second LIfe offers designers and builders to bring areas from real life into the virtual world, such as the NYC sim - New York City - A Work in Progress by an NYC Girl. Keeping trouble out is the main reason rules are put into place.

exists that most people forget— allow—being intolerant, harassing Linden Labs owns Second Life. others, assaulting others, disclosing This indisputable fact means Linden personal information about others, Labs has the right to create rules indecency in inappropriate places, people must adhere to when in Second and disturbing the peace. Life. Those rules are embodied in a set of Community Standards from which flow all the rules and regulations individual avatars, businesses, and regions put in place.

These six behaviors also form the framework around which individuals, businesses, and regions craft rules to enhance the Second Life experience. Yet, contrary to what some people The “Big Six”, as Linden Labs calls might believe, they do not limit people its community Standards, describe in all things. For example, you can behaviors that no community should assault others in a region that has

Nothing turns the Second Life experience more frustrating than to find someone left a little gift that eats up prims. These landmines look harmless, but they used up 10,000 free prims in a matter of minutes.

Mardi Gras revelers dance to music provided by a live DJ. With real life entertainment booming in Second Life, rules become necessary to avoid behavior that can disrupt the good time people are having.

Once Upon a Stargate By: Cobra Momiji

Boredom. As defined by one reference, Boredom is a state of being wearied with dullness by something or someone due to repetition. Now what also has to be noted when addressing the topic of boredom (i.e. being bored) is the fact that no matter how good, new or exciting something is, in time it can become boring. Even life in a virtual world where the only limit is our imagination can have those seasons where the whole experience is just blah blah blah. So while going through one of my “bored with Second Life” phases, I stumbled upon my first Stargate and to my delight found so much to see and do that I wanted to share one of Second Life’s less known alternatives to being bored while inworld. Now for anyone that may not be familiar with what a Stargate is, it’s a ring-shaped alien device that creates a beautiful blue portal enabling personal teleportation to other Stargates located cosmic distances away or in the case of SL, to other sims containing them. The Gates were made iconic in pop culture by the 1994 sci-fi film with the same namesake (Stargate )starring Kurt Russell and the subsequent TV series that followed. Gate designer

Doran Zemlja has done an exceptional job in bringing the stunning visual experience and authentic detail of the Stargate to Second Life. For more info on Doran, The Stargate Network and other related topics, check Doran’s profile or visit the Doran Zemlja website @ http:// Returning to the Gates (as an alternative to being bored on those blah days) it’s imperative that I point out that there are Stargates seeded all over SL in the most obscure and even popular places. Since the gates have a random teleport feature, you can be sent any where and come face to face with anything on the other side of the gate. Going but not always knowing what’s on the other side of the liquid blue portal, can be as exciting as what you actually find when you get there. On numerous occasions I have entered the command for a random teleport and been blown away by some of the worlds, people, creatures etc I have found on at the other end of a transport. Of course not every transport is a magical mystery tour but for the most part my adventures have been quite exciting. From

popping into danger zones where peeps were battling to locations filled with beautiful architecture that was straight from someone’s very advanced imagination, I was anything but bored. Now is using the Gates going to blow everyone away? No, but it’s worth the time and effort

effort to try them and see what you think. Again If you would like your own Stargate or a listing of where the registered gates are located, then check this web site for Doran Zemlja website @ Thanks for reading and I hope to see you all on the other side.

Model : Prissy Price on ROC “Envy” gown Photo by : Kimmie Rayna

Fabulous Flaunting By: Prissy Price

Welcome back! readers I have so much to tell you. Im going to make this a Two Part write. As promised I have been wearing down the soles of my Ava Choo’s in search of Good Hair, Haute Couture Gowns and Shoes for Men and Women. My soles heated up running after Kirk Claymore of KMADD Enterprises to discuss what ever he wanted. I know he must be into cloning. How can he and Maddox Dupont do so much? Im just giddy with glee to bring you the 411 on a New and Fast rising designer named Ranena Olivier of ROC Designs. Ranena started figuring out how to make clothes at the end of October 2008. A month later she started selling. Her first piece was a Couture gown called Envy.

Ranena said “I have to laugh because the biggest challenge was understanding that CMFF Template and getting the seams to match. I learned everything from online tutorials so I didn’t have anyone to tutor me personally. Fortunately I already knew Photoshop from working with it in real life. I think I’ve improved mostly in bringing forth my own sense of style and learning ways of making wrinkles and getting faster at producing my line without decreasing the quality. I’m still learning other facets of SL clothing like Sculpty, I’ll perfect it soon (crosses fingers).” I have no doubt that ROC will be rocking come summer with this designer’s determination to get her lines just right. Now Im always curious to know where designers get their inspirations and Im never surprised to hear certain names come up.

And yes it was in the color of green. Only later did she add two more Ranena had this to say about her colors with Red and Blue. muses. “I’m inspired by the women Now mind you this self taught at the top of their game Nicky Ree, designer had creative challenges. Luriel Jewell and Simone Stern.

However, I get inspiration from everywhere and everything. Buildings, objects in Real and Second life, It also comes from creative concepts I come up with for work. I may be working on something for a client and get an idea about a fabric or outfit”.

you look back in history the mini skirts and short shorts worn in the seventies and today were worn by pinup girls in the 50’s. The wide leg pants worn in the 20’s and the hip huggers that were worn in the 70’s are worn today. The leg warmers from the 80’s were probably around before the 80’s and I’m seeing them again now.

My interview with Ranena was so much fun and filled with excitement, that I will just let you read the rest while I go pour a glass of wine.

We as designers can put our own spin on it with detail and different fabrics but its all been done before. I do like trying to set my clothing apart from the rest as I’m sure the other designers do as well. I do have casual clothing. I like to be comfortable at times as I’m sure many do... a woman can’t walk around in a ball gown 24 hours a day now can she? LOL.

SLV: How often would you say you produce a new piece? RO: Every day or two I just wait a week before putting it in the store. I still have things in my inventory to put out. But i have to coordinate photo shoots and create the ad’s and get them in the vendors. It’s a time consuming process. The making of the designs is the fun and easy part for me.

Prissy: Well, If your a Graduated Diva you can. SLV: Are you ahead of the seasons or producing according to the season? Meaning are you working on your Spring Line now or ahead designing Summer?

SLV: Does your line mostly reflect Couture one of a kind pieces or do you also offer Daily Wear choices? RO: I really don’t consider any article of fashion a one of a kind piece. If

Model : Madam Goldrosen

SLV: When can we see some new pieces? If already presented, what are they called? RO: I do have some new pieces that are in the store that I haven’t put notices out about yet like the Eboni and Veronika Evening gowns. The Diliana Kisses and Tonya Dresses, and the Arista high waist Jumpsuit. And there are a few other things in the store that I put out that I’ve been quiet about well until now.

new dress to it. SLV: How diverse is your line? Do you provide accessories? Shoes? Hats? Multiple choices in one piece? RO: I’m not into accessories as of yet but it is stirring in the back of my mind. So for right now I give them diversity in the pieces especially the high ticket items. I don’t want women to only be able to wear the dress or garment one time and cant wear it again because they have worn it already. I want them to be able to switch it up and wear it some where else. Besides they should get their money’s worth when they buy a Couture Garment. SLV: If I was a New Couture buyer what would I see in your line that would set you apart from other designers?

RO: My fabrics, the way my flexi skirts flow (they all have to pass the dance SLV: My readers like the Freebies, test LOL). The elegance I reflect in the What are you tossing into their style of my design shopping bags? Girrrl, show us what you go that is RO: Oh yes I give out pieces to folks new and HOT. that I’ve seen go into the store and just buy… buy.. buy or those that SLV: Ranena this has been fun, have been loyal since I’ve opened. Sweetie, Is there anything you would It’s the least I can do to show my like to share with my readers? appreciation. I also have a free gift RO: Keep on the look out for more bag with freebies in it. I just added a from the Ranena Olivier Couture

Model : IoleJanana Chajit

RO: I started working on my spring line at the end of December. I’m not moving into summer so I guess you can say I stay ahead of the season just like real life. I figure out the trends and colors that are coming up and jump right into it. So ladies look out for colors like fuchsia red, salmon rose, palace blue, lemon greens, lavenders to name a few for 2009.

Model : Arianna Mehrtens

Model : Madam Goldrosen

Model : Beth McCaw

Line I may have some surprises by this summer..... shhhhh you didn’t hear that from me LOL Ok, Im back did you enjoy my talk while I had my glass of wine? So after talking to Ranena I started thinking.... when I think couture I think gowns but not just gowns. I also think dresses or pieces. This thought sent me bopping over to see the all so elusive designer Diadra Decosta of D-Factor. She is one of my favorite designers. Having a sit down with her was a challenge due to our schedules but I wrestled her to the floor for nibble of a scoop. And she gave it up good.....with some new release that had me doin the Krump (Dance). Fellas this includes you so stiffen up your about to be served. Here are her new releases.

And readers if your wondering if I back up my words on this designer being a favorite. Im sitting at my desk wearing her AFTERNOON collection rocking the comfy in this jean and sweater combo.

the total casual men to discuss his unique mens shoe line. Bastion I found was eager to discuss his shoes and his whole line even his inclusion of additional accessories soon. So I just tossed a few questions on the table and let him dish. SLV: How diverse is your line? Do you provide accessories? Hats? Multiple choices in one piece? Please tell our male readers what we can expect from you. BW: YES, YES, YES..... I recently put out a line of bow ties, men’s neck ties, watches, I am working on some jewelry.... Obviously Rogue’s shoe line is something I am constantly working on improving.......

Men D-Factor wants you to take time to FREEZE and show your PURENESS.

SLV: Since we have not had a chance to rap since the new year I still want to know from you , what are some of the challenges you see for designers in 2009?

Men I would never leave you debonaire latharios out of my fashion research. We ladies like to see you steppin out on a good foot so I called Bastion Weyland who is doing it for

BW: Sculpties! It seems that they are everywhere in clothing design at the moment, it’s challenge is trying to create them on a mac platform and trying to make them look realistic in SL. The problem with sculpted attachments is they do not fit everyone the same way, due to everyone having a different shape..... And they arent easy for the novie SL user to modify.

SLV: I would agree Bastion, I mentioned the new shapes coming out for new avi’s in the first issue and Im happy to hear your are one designer paying attention.

Ok after seeing what Bastion could do with a shoe I just had to ask him to show us some choice pieces from his current clothes line.

SLV: C’mon Bastion give this Kitty a mouse are there any new pieces coming or completed my male readers can sink their teeth in that I dont see on the show floor?

SLV: Bastion do you offer your customers Freebies, so that new Avi’s can be in style before he hits the club? BW: Yes, I need to put that back out! I had a nice ski jacket and tee shirt out for christmass, still have yet to put anything back out since I remodeled the store and have been working on the expansion, but I will (though you can always get something free by adding the store to your favorite profile picks and dropping me a note, there is a vendor for that too near the magazine kiosks). Now gents as I walked around the store eyeing the shoes I was taken back at the details this designer has put into his styles. He will make you proud under any camera control with his attention to details. You can rock any of these on a dance floor and truly call yourself a Playa.

Model : Bastion Weyland in his designer clothes Photo by : Kimmie Rayna

Model : Bastion Weyland in his designer clothes Photo by : Kimmie Rayna

Model : Bastion Weyland in his designer clothes Photo by : Kimmie Rayna

Models : Darrick Blackburn & Arianna Mehrtens

Eponymous Trenchmouth’s store only to find it being remodeled. So sorry boys you will have to tune in for the reveal in the next issue. POW! OK! OK! since I promised you men shoes here are a few places you just have to slip into to make your feet happy.

Ladies and Gentlemen this fashionista has a tip for you. If you really want to do some damage to your shoe budget then convert those Lindens BW: My Tux is my latest addition to and hit Digital Dragon and Yoshimo the Rogue Clothing line, it comes with Shoes. My Tip jar is on my desk. sculpted prim tie and collar, cuffs and You know I need a moment....lets talk cufflinks.... HAIR. Yummmmm! Im just wiggin out over the Hair SLV: Bastion before I leave you to Designers that can give you every whip it out.....ummmm more great conceivable hair style for what ever designer pieces. Dare I tell my lady is in your wardrobe. readers who is the model in your Analog Dog Quality Flexi Hair, photos. Tiggerfish ( 28,27,21) BW: Right now I am my only model, Calla Women’s Hair & Men’s Hair, good thing i don’t do womens clothing! Calla Lily ( 128,110,35 ) lol (though the jeans, sunglasses and **LAMORA** - Hair, Flexi Hair, Wa, such do look great on women) Wonderland Isle ( 126,151,23 ) Dare I not mention Jeepers Creepers, For all my natural Brothers and Sisters men are you putting your fists up at that choose to step away from the me? Put Em Up, Put Em UP....NOW! processed DO and keep it real, I NOW! No need to fight...I know you have some spots for you. You may want to hear from this staple veteran now put your fists up and make the designer. Well I creeped over to Nubian Nation proud.

BooPerFunk - Afro Caribbean, Afr, Let me whisper this in your ear before BooPerFunk (240,57,22) I go. My next article will be on these PEACE AND LOL, Saint Tib topics. (153,51,23) ARE YOU A NEWBIE? DO YOU Other Places I must mention: NEED A JOB? FASHION COMES TO Ladies: THE RESCUE....BREAKING NEWS IN Laqroki (RaC) - SKINS//, Laqroki NEXT ISSUE!! (164, 71,60) Ladies lets get NAILED, Guys .:GuRL 6 HAIR:. @ GuRLyWood, get wrapped in CHAINS.... GuRLyWood (182,16,41) ACCESSORIIIIEEESS. Whew! my bottle of wine is done. Should I open another......Naaaa! Im going to make this a TWO PART and leave you hanging for my interview with Kirk Claymore and Maddox Dupont the team of KMADD Enterprises....Tag Kirk your it.



By; Aja Gold

I teleported into the park area with the skating rink and ski lift area and was considering skating—nawww, lol, maybe next time. Instead, I rode the ski lift that takes you to the area for skiing and it is very nice. I will come here when there is snow on the ground to go skiing. Hello all, I am back again to share my experiences traveling to various Sims in Second Life. As I said in the last issue, I will be visiting a few places of interest and writing a review each month.

Afterward, I took a trip over to the 7 Seas Fishing area. I did not fish, but I grabbed a beer out of the cooler. Hmm! I probably should not be drinking on the job. It is raining here today at 7 Seas, so I will pass on the fishing. As I am standing on the pier finishing up my beer, I see someone above hang gliding. So far, I am extremely impressed with this place.

When I started working on March’s issue, Valentine’s Day had just past and I had romance on my mind. I remember a friend, Nadia Felwitch, telling me about Wild Hearts Desires. This place has a club, hanG gliding, I was able to get in touch with the skating, dancing, and numerous other owner, Kimmie Rayna, and spoke activities for couples and singles. with her a bit about Wild Hearts

Desires. Kimmie explained to me that she created Wild Heart Desires to provide a place where both men and women could feel at ease, enjoy themselves and do anything that their “wild hearts desires.â€? She also mentioned that there is Club 99, an ice/roller skating rink, hang gliding, hot-air balloons, a romantic park, and the list goes on. Also, for adults that want some privacy and more risquĂŠ action, there are

private adult coves. Wow! This place is a must for anyone to visit, whether for romance or fun or just hang out at the club. I will definitely be coming back here to visit because there is so much to see and do here.

My next stop was at the Raw Art Gallery and Sculptures. When I teleported, in I was only expecting to see an art gallery. Actually, I have been looking for some new art for my home. I was amazed at the variety of sculptures, wall art and sculpted pictures. The first sculpture I noticed was “Self Reflections” (“View the face in the water, do we see our own or others?”) by Colt Parx. I looked at the sculpture and then pondered the question. This is very intense and I could immediately feel the passion that was put into each and every piece of art in this Gallery. There are beautiful, unique and mesmerizing sculptures and artwork on the entire Sim. Also, there is a Hanging Art and Interactive Gallery. I teleported to the Interactive Gallery and was very impressed, specifically with the piece named “Hidden Universe and Step into the Future.” All of these pieces are by Colt Parx and it is visually apparent he puts his heart and soul into all of his artwork. If you want to some view stunning artwork or are looking for something different for your home or office, then Raw Art Gallery is the place to visit. My journeys throughout SL to find some of the best SimSations will continue.

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