1 minute read

How To Support A Growing Faith

If you think about it, what would be your answer to the question “Why do I come to church?” There actually could be a number of answers that would include the reasons of habit, what you grew up doing, you enjoy Sunday school, you come to experience the fullness of the liturgy, and the answers could go on. The real question though is “what do I get out of this church experience? Why do I keep coming back?” Simply, you come because you want to grow in your faith.

Building our faith is something that we don’t do alone. We do it with others – our friends, neighbors, and teachers. We do it through the eyes of our children, our siblings and our parents. We do it through the work of ministries in our church and community. We do it with the investment of our time, talent and treasure.

Saint Michael is the church that we build it to be. Because of the generous pledges from many of our parishioner, ministries serving all ages have been enabled to increase their offerings so that we can grow in our faith together as a community.

Your pledge and participation in the investment of our ministries is exactly how our priests and lay leader make faith life happen. Because of YOU, we are able to send cards to the sick, listen to the beautiful choral sounds of our choirs, host extraordinary fellowship events throughout the year, and educate our children and adults through Sunday school.

Join us and be an active part of the Saint Michael and All Angels life. It is never too late to make a pledge in support of the impact that can be made in 2019. Visit saintmichael.org/give or fill out a pledge card the next time you are at church.

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