The Official Magazine for Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church Volume XXXVI Issue I | Spring 2024
Creating the next chapter of Saint Michael’s great legacy. Energizing our church for the future. From December 2023 to March 2026, we will experience some short-term inconveniences that will bring long-term benefits. The renewed campus will better utilize our space for life-changing praying, learning, serving, and giving.
For all construction-related information, visit
THE TALLIS SCHOL ARS at Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church
Sunday, April 14, 2024 7 p.m. in the Church
“The rock stars of Renaissance vocal music” –The New York Times
18 March 31, 2024
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SAINT MICHAEL STAFF Dr. Robert August Associate Director of Music and Organist Rob Baber Director of Finance The Rev. Christian Basel Curate Martha Hellman Bogdon Director of Stewardship The Rev. Nate Bostian Sunday Assistant Katherine Bowen Assistant to Pastoral Care Dianne Boyd Coordinator for Worship Media The Rev. Kenneth H. Brannon Vice Rector Melisa Bray Operations Manager Justin Brooks Director of Contemporary Music Carter Bruey Graphic Designer I Stephen Burk Interim Director of Music and Organist Robert Butler Assistant Director of Facilities BJ Clark Assistant to Operations Haley Dettra Head Sacristan Charlie Eidelman Organ Scholar Sarah Fairweather Digital Marketing Manager Bonita Frederick Receptionist The Rev. Dr. Christopher D. Girata Rector The Rev. Dr. Andrew Grosso Senior Associate for Worship &Discipleship Tammy Hale Assistant for Worship & Liturgy Shelby Hendryx Director of Early Childhood Music Lynelle Hill Assistant to Finance and Foundation The Rev. Robin H. Hinkle Associate for Mission & Outreach Catherine Hinkley Assistant to Music Diane Hollie Receptionist Meghan Houk Director of Children and Family Ministry Angelia Hunter Accountant Beth Igoe Assistant to Formation Madelyn Ivy Assistant Director of CFM The Rev. Robert (Bob) Johnston, III Associate for Contemporary Worship Cheryl Kaschak Accountant Jordan Lawton Assistant to Advancement The Rev. Mary Lessmann Associate for Spiritual Growth Bhavnita Masih Executive Assistant to the Rector Caroline Moore Director of Advancement Samuel Moore Director of Youth Ministries Colleen O’Hara Director of Operations Darla Osterhout Accountant The Rev. Greg Pickens Associate for Pastoral Care Jenna Pitman Graphic Designer II Edgar Porras Sexton Shannon Rawdon Executive Assistant to the Vice Rector Marco Reyes Sexton Elsa SanJuan Sexton Dr. Timothy M. Smith Director of Formation Rob Springer-Kyle Director of Engagement Celise Stephenson Database Manager & Parish Records Samuel Sweet Assistant Choirmaster Brian Turner Manager of Audio, Visual, and Lighting (AVL) Meredith Turner Director of Communications Tish Visinsky Director of Parish Life Caroline Wilks Advancement Manager Morgan Wood Assistant to Mission & Outreach
FULL-TIME CLERGY The Rev. Dr. Christopher D. Girata, Rector The Rev. Kenneth H. Brannon, Vice Rector The Rev. Dr. Andrew Grosso, Senior Associate for Worship & Discipleship The Rev. Robin H. Hinkle, Associate for Mission & Outreach The Rev. Greg Pickens, Associate for Pastoral Care The Rev. Christian Basel, Curate
SUNDAY SERVICES 7:30 AM: Holy Eucharist Rite I, Traditional 9 AM: Holy Eucharist Rite II, Traditional 9 AM: JOY: A Children’s Service 10 AM: Formation Classes 11 AM: Holy Eucharist Rite I, Traditional 11 AM: Holy Eucharist Rite II, Contemporary 5:30 PM: Holy Eucharist Rite II, Traditional
CONTACTS EMERGENCY PRIEST ON CALL (214) 363-5471 Main Parish Number (214) 363-5471 All Angels Foundation (214) 363-5471 8011 Douglas Ave Dallas, TX 75225 Saint Michael Episcopal School (214) 361-1224 4344 Colgate Ave Dallas, TX 75225 St. Michael’s Woman's Exchange (214) 521-3862 SMWE FAX (214) 522-1933 5 Highland Park Village Dallas, TX 75205 Episcopal Diocese of Dallas (214) 826-8310 Episcopal Diocese FAX (214) 826-5968 5100 Ross Ave Dallas, TX 75206
The Rev. Nate Bostian, Sunday Assistant The Rev. Bob Johnston, Associate for Contemporary Worship The Rev. Mary Lessmann, Associate for Spiritual Growth
the The Archangel Newsletter (USPS 015-033) is published liturgically seasonally by Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to the Archangel, Saint Michael And All Angels Church, P.O. Box 12385, Dallas TX 75225-0385
Carter Bruey
Ken Brannon Chris Girata Robin Hinkle Bhavnita Masih Meredith Turner Tish Visinsky CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
Katherine Blachly Chris Girata Andrew Grosso Robin Hinkle Mary Lessmann Caroline Moore Morgan Wood PHOTOGRAPHERS
A&A Creative Louis DeLuca Sylvia Elzafon Sarah Fairweather PRINTER
Publication Printers 2001 S. Platte River Drive Denver, CO 80223
No part of this publication may be used without written permission. Every effort is made to avoid error, misspellings, and omissions. If an error comes to your attention, please accept our apologies and notify us. | (214) 363-5471 @smaadallas
Pub Theology is a speaker and music series designed for outreach to the surrounding community. Theological, challenging, and thought-provoking topics are presented in a welcoming pub environment equally comfortable for the parishioner, an invited friend, or curious listener. To stay updated on event details, visit
Tuesdays, April 2 – May 21, 2024
Alpha Course Led by the Rev. Ken Brannon & Justin Brooks 6:30 p.m. in the Parlor $10 free-will offering to cover costs Did you grow up in the Christian faith but still search for the right words to articulate it? Are you exploring the Christian faith? All are welcome to join us for dinner, learning, and small group conversation as we explore the tenets of the Christian faith and get to know one another better.
Kelly Reddell Senior Warden Carol Goglia Junior Warden Dee Ann Anigian Warden-at-Large Becky Odlozil Treasurer Dianna Bowen Chancellor Mary Louise Hopson Clerk Julie Allen, Susan Barnicoat, Allison Bovard, Stuart Brown, James Carry, Jim Chambers, Squeaky Connolly, Eric Gilmour, Zoe Hart, LeAnne Langholz, Keller Webster, Hudson Weichsel
2024 DIOCESAN DELEGATES Exp 2024 Exp 2025 Exp 2026
Paul Talbot, Heather Lorch, Rafik Nassif Croft Chestnut, Kathy Hayes, Todd Howard David Hopson, Chris McClung
Exp 2024 Exp 2025 Exp 2026
Alternates: George Baldwin (1), Erica Sartain (2), Stephen Miller (3) Chuck Butterworth (1), Joseph Cahoon (2) Amanda Harris (1)
2024 ALL ANGELS FOUNDATION officers class Eric Conner 2024 President Grady Schleier 2025 Treasurer Elizabeth "Lee" Thompson 2025 Secretary Katherine Blachly 2024 Vice President of Communications Nita Clark 2024 Vice President of Grants
Join the conversation. Dinner is provided with registration. Childcare is available at no cost with pre-registration. We ask that attendees make a commitment to attend most classes because the lessons build on each other, and attending the whole course offers the richest experience. Scan the QR code to learn more!
trustees class Katherine Blachly 2024 Tony Briggle 2024 Joe Colonnetta 2024 Eric Conner 2024 Nita Clark 2024 Lee S. Hobson 2026 Helen Cherry Holman 2026 Stacey Malcolmson 2026 Phil Ritter 2026 Grady Schleier 2025 Stuart Sikes 2026 Andy Smith 2026 Stewart Thomas 2025 Elizabeth “Lee” Thompson 2025 ex officio The Rev. Dr. Christopher D. Girata, Rector Kelly Reddell, Senior Warden Becky Odlozil, Treasurer Stuart Brown, Vestry Representative Rob Baber, Director of Finance
THE POWER OF TRANSFORMATION A Message from the Rector, the Rev. Dr. Christopher D. Girata
his new year will be filled with firsts for many of us. I, for one, have never worked or worshipped in a church under construction. As a teen, my family’s church built a new building on an undeveloped piece of land, but there is a world of difference between building a new building on fresh land and replacing existing buildings directly next to renovated buildings, all while continuing to function as a church! What we are embarking on is a journey rooted in the deep faith that we are helping to build up God’s kingdom right here, right now. That last idea—helping to build up God’s kingdom—is not intended to be poetic or trite. It’s meant to yoke us to an idea that is not common in our culture. In our 21st century American life, it’s most common to seek comfort and stability, to seek the predictability that helps us stay calm. Honestly, life has plenty of unknowns as it is, and the world seems to constantly teeter on instability, so why not seek stability at home? The hope and the wish that we can find a stable, unwavering rock upon which to stand makes great sense, but that’s simply not the life of discipleship Jesus calls us into. In my Wednesday Bible study, we’re studying the Gospel of John together. Although the gospel writer describes Jesus as using the warm term “friend” with his followers, John is rich with stories of Jesus challenging them to step outside their comfort zones. Certainly, the call to follow Jesus is based on the idea that those called make a radical transformation to leave behind the life they knew. Today, we may think of following Jesus as a simple idea, but Jesus certainly didn’t. Throughout the gospel, Jesus’s descriptions of his disciples move toward a push to change more and more. In John 1, his followers are called seekers. In the next chapter, they are identified as disciples or learners. By the thirteenth chapter, Jesus calls his followers servants or coworkers before shifting a few chapters later where Jesus says, “I do not call you servants any longer, because the servant does not know what the master is doing; but I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father (15:15).” Jesus moves his followers in significant ways, preparing them for a totally new level of relationship with God. And Jesus’s encouragement and
transformative influence has a clear purpose: When Jesus’s earthly ministry ends, his followers are the ones who will remain to do God’s work in the world. Jesus’s followers—disciples like you and me—are the ones that must “go and bear fruit, fruit that will last (15:16),” because sending disciples into the world is how God works out His transformative love. Make no mistake—this can be scary! There’s a reason very few people actually chose to follow Jesus during his earthly ministry. All things considered, recruiting a few dozen disciples isn’t terribly successful. And yet, those disciples did what they could do to change the lives of those around them and began a ripple effect that continues to this day with you and with me. We have inherited the strong tradition of Christian discipleship and we have individually been called by God to bear fruit. At Saint Michael, we are leaning into God’s call in a very tangible way. Over the past few years, we have faithfully allocated most of a significant income stream to positively impact the community outside our walls, and we have committed to one another to make sure the space inside our walls is set up to support our community for generations to come. This is no small moment in the history of our church, and our collective witness is already inspiring others around the world. By doing this work—by embarking on such a significant period of transformation—we may be tempted to allow the frustration of the work to get to us, but I encourage you to hold on. God is working on us and through us in amazing ways, and whenever God does meaningful work, there’s a lot of disruption. That disruption is God working on us from the inside so that we can bear a greater witness on the outside. Consider one of our great twentieth-century theologians, C. S. Lewis, and what he wrote in Mere Christianity about the impact of God’s work: “Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can un1
derstand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently, He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of—throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage, but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself.”1 Lewis offers such a powerfully simple way of understanding the impact of discipleship. When we commit ourselves to following Christ, we submit ourselves to the transformative power of God’s Spirit. The transformation never happens on our terms or on our schedule. Discipleship transformation is not comfortable or convenient. Yet the transformation that we undergo when we commit ourselves to a life of faith is why we were created. God’s love is immense. It’s a love that never fails and never ends. For those of us who call Saint Michael home, we are entering a period of constructive transformation that will remake us with renewed strength to bear God’s fruit in the world in ways we can only begin to imagine. As we enter the holy seasons of Lent and Easter, the work of God on us and through us continues with renewed energy. We are being transformed as individuals and as a faith family. Our fidelity to God and to one another, and the commitment of our whole selves, is what will make the transformation worthwhile. It’s truly the purpose of our lives to help build up God’s kingdom together, and I can’t wait to see what God does with us next.
C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity, New York: MacMillan Co., 1960, p. 160.
the lenten season at saint michael | february 14 – march 30
in the
For a full listing of events, scan the QR code or visit
February 14
March 31, 2024
EASTER SUNDAY 6:30 a.m. Sunrise Service Garden Cloister
9:45–11 a.m. Reception Parlor
7:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I Saint Michael Chapel
11 a.m. Contemporary Church
9 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II Church
11 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I Saint Michael Chapel
9 a.m. Joy Saint Michael Chapel
5:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II Church
For more details on our Easter services, please visit SPRING 2024
THE PILGRIMAGE OF HOLY WEEK By the Rev. Dr. Andrew Grosso, Senior Associate for Worship & Discipleship
ome time around the year 380 CE, a woman named Egeria made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. She documented her journey by way of a long letter she wrote to her friends at home; this letter subsequently became known as the Peregrinatio Aetheriae (The Pilgrimage of Egeria), and has been for centuries an influential account of early Christian pilgrimage and spirituality. One of the things Egeria documented in her letter was the Holy Week observances she experienced while in Jerusalem. Her description of the services and practices she encountered not only give us a clear perspective on the faith and practice of the church in the fourth century, but also provides many rich opportunities for reflection on the meaning of the events of Holy Week. We may not be able to travel to Jerusalem for Holy Week like Egeria did, but we nonetheless have the opportunity to engage in a pilgrimage of our own. Every year, Holy Week provides us with multiple opportunities to draw closer to God by observing faithfully and participating fully in the services we use to mark our remembrance of this most holy season in the church year. As the Book of Common Prayer suggests, the observances of Holy Week help us “enter with joy upon the contemplation of those mighty acts whereby [God] has given us life and immortality.” (BCP, p. 270) The pilgrimage of Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, when we remember the triumphant entry Jesus made to the city of Jerusalem. This story is recounted in all four of the canonical gospels (Mt 21.1-11, Mk 11.1-11, Lk 19.29-44, and Jn 12.12-19), and each gospel writer provides a slightly different perspective on this dramatic event. This service provides us with the opportunity to reflect on the sovereignty of Jesus as “the one who comes in the
Name of the Lord,” and to learn to welcome him more fully as Lord into our lives. Our pilgrimage through Holy Week continues with the observance on Wednesday of the service of Tenebrae. This is a contemplative service that comes out of the monastic tradition; it includes a series of lessons, psalms, and canticles that help quiet our hearts and minds and thereby draw our attention to the events of the coming days. This service provides us with the opportunity to enter into the stillness Jesus himself sought as he prepared for his Passion. Thursday of Holy Week marks the beginning of the Paschal Triduum. The word “paschal” comes from the Hebrew word for Passover, and the word “triduum” simply means “three days.” The Triduum continues uninterrupted through Friday and Saturday and reaches its conclusion on Sunday. All of the services of these three days are part of a single extended observance, all organized around the death and resurrection of Jesus. Taken together, these observances are the very heart of the church year. Maundy Thursday is the service we use to commemorate the institution of the Lord’s Supper and to remind ourselves of the “new commandment” (Jn 13.34) Jesus gave to his disciples. This observance thus powerfully reminds us of the ways Jesus himself continues to be present to us through the gifts of bread and wine and through acts of mutual service. This service concludes with the Stripping of the Altar, a dramatic reminder of the lonely vigil Jesus kept in Gethsemane. The most solemn day of the church year is Good Friday, the day we commemorate the death of Jesus. We gather in silence before the cross and reflect on the circumstances and events that have led us to this
place. But even in the midst of sorrow and loss we hear of the hope of redemption, for we are reminded of the promise Jesus made to his disciples that when he was lifted up he would draw all people to himself (Jn 12.31-33). Holy Saturday is unfortunately often overlooked, but is actually an essential and integral part of Holy Week and offers important spiritual lessons. As we commemorate the burial of Jesus, we are reminded of the sabbath of God after the creation of the world and are invited to share in the sabbath of Christ after he has fulfilled his Father’s work of inaugurating the new creation. Holy Saturday gives us the chance to follow in the steps of Joseph of Arimathea (Lk 23.50-56) and attend to the rest of our Lord and thereby learn how to enter ourselves into his rest and peace. The most important observance in the church year is the Great Vigil of Easter. This service celebrates “the Passover of the Lord” through which “we share in his victory over death” (BCP 285). Beginning with a recounting of the record of God’s saving deeds throughout history, the service continues with the renewal of baptismal vows and a festive celebration of the Eucharist. This service invites us to nothing less than an encounter with the risen Lord and the renewal of our commitment to proclaim the good news of his resurrection. Our celebration of the Eucharist on Easter Day is nothing other than an act of joyful thanksgiving for the salvation given to us through Jesus as well as a testimony to his resurrection. Through the proclamation of the Gospel and our celebration of his presence made real through the gifts of bread and wine, we bear witness both in word and in deed to his new life. Like the women who arrived at his tomb only to find it empty (Mt 28.1-10), we too find ourselves sent out with a message of hope and joy. All the seasons of the church year provide us with opportunities to sojourn alongside the people of God as we make the pilgrimage of the life of faith. But no season provides us with a more striking and profound opportunity to do this than Holy Week. This year, make your observance of Holy Week a pilgrimage that enables God to lead you to new levels of faith, of hope, and of love.
HOLY WEEK SERVICE SCHEDULE MARCH 24: PALM SUNDAY 7:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I, Saint Michael Chapel 9 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II, Church 9 a.m. Joy, Saint Michael Chapel 11 a.m. Contemporary, Church 11 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I, Saint Michael Chapel 5:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II, Saint Michael Chapel
MARCH 25: MONDAY IN HOLY WEEK 7 a.m. Morning Prayer, Saint Michael Chapel
MARCH 26: TUESDAY IN HOLY WEEK 7 a.m. Morning Prayer, Saint Michael Chapel
MARCH 27: WEDNESDAY IN HOLY WEEK 7 a.m. Morning Prayer, Saint Michael Chapel 7 p.m. Tenebrae, Church
MARCH 28: MAUNDY THURSDAY 7 a.m. Morning Prayer, Saint Michael Chapel 7 p.m. Maundy Thursday & Stripping of the Altar, Church 9 p.m. – 6 a.m. Vigil in the Garden of Repose, Bishop Moore Chapel
MARCH 29: GOOD FRIDAY 7 a.m. Good Friday, Saint Michael Chapel 12 p.m. Good Friday & Holy Communion, Church 12 p.m. Family Stations of the Cross, Saint Michael Chapel 1:15 p.m. Traditional Stations of the Cross, Church 5:30 p.m. Contemporary Stations of the Cross, Church 7 p.m. Contemporary Good Friday & Holy Communion, Church
MARCH 30: HOLY SATURDAY 8:30 a.m. Holy Saturday, Bishop Moore Chapel 7 p.m. Great Vigil of Easter, Church SPRING 2024
SAINT MICHAEL 101 Sunday, April 21 | 12:15–1:30 PM | Parlor Led by the Rev. Dr. Christopher D. Girata and the Rev. Mary Lessmann If you are new to Saint Michael or just visiting, and want to learn more about membership, then this is for you! Come meet members of our clergy & vestry, and hear about our many ministries, opportunities for involvement, and the exciting future of our parish. For questions or help registering, contact Rob Springer-Kyle,
9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Coke Room We need you! Did you know that American Red Cross has updated their donor guidelines? Those who have not been able to donate in the past might be eligible to donate now. Please consider being a donor today. Drivers license or ARC card/app required to donate. Contact Dianne Boyd,, with questions or scan the QR code to sign up!
Give Blood. Give 14 THE ARCHANGEL
YOUTH CONFIRMATION | November 12, 2023 After a year of intentional study and discernment, more than 50 of our 9th graders stepped out in faith and made the decision to be confirmed in November. Joined together with families, our community, and Bishop Sumner, we were overjoyed to celebrate these confirmands. We are so proud of each of them and we cannot wait to see how God will continue to work in their lives!
CHILDREN'S SOLEMN COMMUNION By the Rev. Mary Lessmann, Associate for Spiritual Growth
hen our sons were young, Russ and I sat on the second pew on the Gospel side every week for worship. We did this so that our boys could see the “action” of the worship service and stay more engaged. They quickly came to know the rhythm of worship, with all of our Episcopal standing, sitting, and kneeling! One of these rhythms was sitting back in the pew and leaning down to lift the kneeler so that we could walk forward to the rail for Holy Communion. When our son, Mitchell, was three years old, he would see us raise the kneeler and he would jump to his feet, exclaiming, “I’m gonna go get me some Jesus!” Mitchell didn’t know what we believed about what was happening in Holy Communion, but he knew, in his three-year-old way, that Jesus was present there. As Anglicans, we hold that all who have been baptized are welcome to join us at the rail for Holy Communion. More than this, we hold that the Sacrament of Baptism is our invitation to the Eucharist. When asked by parents when they should begin allowing their children to receive, my response is anytime the parents feel comfortable with it … es-
pecially if their child understands in an age-appropriate way that they are being fed by Jesus. Understandably, many parents find that they desire their children to have some formation around Holy Communion before beginning to receive. At Saint Michael we understand and support this desire. This spring we will be offering a Children’s Solemn Communion class. In it we will discuss what is happening in Holy Communion and prepare children for receiving. This class is geared to children ages 6 to 9. Classes will be held over two Sundays – April 21 and 28 – during the 10 a.m. Formation hour on Sunday mornings. The class will be led by Saint Michael clergy. Children completing the class will make their Solemn Communion at the 9 a.m. church service on Sunday, May 12. What a beautiful way to celebrate Mother’s Day! If you would like more information on the class, or to register your child, please contact Meghan Houk, Director of Children and Family Ministries, at
ADVENT FESTIVAL | December 3, 2023 We celebrated the magic of the Advent season at our annual Advent Festival! From festive treats to a meaningful Christmas service project, and all the joyous Advent activities in between, it was a day filled with love, laughter, and the spirit of giving.
ut rea ch
Mi for e t ocia By th e Rev. Robin Hinkle, Ass
his season I want to share with you the work of some of our Saint Michael ministry partners as they help people in financial crisis. As we saw at the beginning of the pandemic, our food banks are front line workers as they respond to the economic crises of our neighbors. During the pandemic, I was serving at my former parish of St. Mary’s in Jasper, Alabama. It is situated in a small community in a county of approximately 64,000 people, and we ended up hosting one of the largest food banks in the state at the onset of the pandemic. When the world shut down without notice, including our schools and businesses, so many people, from the waitresses at Waffle House to the assistant teachers and nonessential hourly workers, suddenly
n ssio
found themselves at home with no paycheck. Their rent and mortgages and utilities continued to click along, not to mention the immediate need for food. Through that experience we learned so much about the fragility of the economic circumstances of too many of our neighbors. Hard-working double income families were holding multiple jobs to make ends meet and depending upon schools for lunch programs and childcare. Food banks are an essential part of our system of aid. They have stepped into the void of emergency aid where our government has stepped out. They are the place for true emergency assistance—food for today/this week, as well as help with rent and utilities. Some people seem to believe that many people who are utilizing food banks are scamming the system and do not want to work. The data disprove this assumption. At our food bank in Alabama, we col-
Serve lected data on every family we served (over 14,000 per year during non-Covid times). We tracked every bag we sent out as well as all of the other aid we pro-
vided, including rent and utility assistance, and other emergency aid. We found consistently year over year:
% 33 vIsItEd 1-2 tImEs
% 33 vIsItEd 3-5 tImEs
These clients were usually experiencing a true emergency such as all the hourly workers in a family suffering illness; a fire that demolished their home; loss of a job. Once the immediate crisis was resolved, we never saw them again.
These clients had longer economic crises including hospitalizations, extended time out of work, escape from a domestic abuse situation, or re-entry from prison.
% 30 wErE sEnIoRs oR dIsAbLeD
% <5 wErE sUsPeCtEd sCaMmErS
These clients were typically on a fixed income receiving $1,200 to $1,400 per month who came to the food bank once a month to get groceries as part of their strategy to make their very limited ends meet their needs.
I share this data with you because I want you to know that food banks are so very important as we work in the area of poverty. We are working on systemic changes, helping people to get to lives of financial stability where they can thrive and grow. Food banks are a necessary part of this process, because food insecurity is merely a symptom of a larger issue. Good food banks know this. Good food banks therefore use the request by a family for food as an opportunity for intervention to determine the real issue (loss of job, health crisis, fire, etc.), and then help to resolve the core issue. It is so hard to be in financial crisis. The constant daily stress of not having enough to cover basic needs can be all-consuming. It lays a heavy weight on the families. That is why onestop agencies such as the ones we support are so wonderful. We do not make our families with too little time, run around all over the city to get through a rough patch. The food banks we work with in Dallas are exceptional. They are good ones that understand and look for the true source of a family’s food insecurity. They then help with rent, utilities, healthcare and so much more. This impactful response is scriptural, elevating families to a place of wholeness. Did you know that there is an even greater need for food bank assistance today than there was during the pandemic? Low-income families living on the edge of economic security feel the effects of inflation deeply. That is why we are supporting our food bank partners through a renewed effort to help their distributions. We are forming a Saint Michael Food Bank Super Team. This team will commit to serving each food bank partner with one distribution per month serving at one site per week. The Super Team schedule will be: First Monday of the month: Aunt Bette’s Community Pantry at St. Philip’s Monday, February 5 | 7:45 – 11:45 a.m. Third Thursday of the month: Brighter Bites at Foster Elementary School Thursday, February 15 | 12:45 – 2 p.m. Fourth Saturday of the month: Jubilee Park and Community Center Food Pantry Saturday, February 24 | 9 a.m. – Noon
Fourth Tuesday of the Month: North Dallas Shared Ministries Tuesday, February 27 1 – 4 p.m. We are calling for people to sign up to be a part of the Super Team and hope to have a core crew that can serve at least one time per month. We will be sending five to six people per week to each distribution. We will keep and publish the same schedule each month, with sign-up slots available for Super Team regulars and slots for those of you who can only help on an intermittent schedule. Come serve as often as you like! You do not have to commit to a particular site or day for the long-term. Sign up your family to serve during a break, or sign up with a group of friends on a particular day—then afterward head to share a lunch. With this flexibility, we hope to be able to consistently support these important ministries. Please contact me,, or Morgan Wood,, if you have any questions and let us know if you would like to be a part of our go-to Super Team! You can also scan the QR code to sign up today!
ISAIAH 58:9–11 If you remove the yoke from among you, the pointing of the finger, the speaking of evil, 10 if you offer your food to the hungry and satisfy the needs of the afflicted, then your light shall rise in the darkness and your gloom be like the noonday. 11 The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your needs in parched places, and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters never fail. 12 Your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to live in.
Scan the QR codes to learn more about our ministry partners!
North Dallas Shared Ministries Aunt Bette’s Community Pantry at St. Philip’s
Jubilee Park and Community Center Food Pantry Brighter Bites at Stephen C. Foster
Thank You
Lynn and Bob Abbott Jerry Andrlik Ginger and Allen Baden Emy Lou Baldridge Martha Beard Nell Beck Barb and Randy Biddle Monique and Tom Black Kalita and Ed Blessing Beth Boeing Allison and Chris Bovard Rachel and Ken Brannon Marla and Tony Briggle Ginger Brown Julie and Chuck Butterworth Janice and Ban Bywaters Shannon Callewart Lynne and Bob Campbell Judy Canon Peggy Carr Margaret Cervin Suzanne and Lance Charriere Garland and Mike Cohlmia Leslie and George Conant Martin Crawford John Ellerman
Kay Ellis Joan Faubion, PhD Cookie and Dick Frazar Kristen Fry Ruthie Garrett Dare and Dale Gillette Nicole and Chris Girata Mimi and Pax Glenn Jane and Greg Greene Louise and Guy Griffeth Sara Hallam Bruce Harbour Nancy and Howell Harralson Kay and Steve Head Mary and David Henderson Kate Hopkins Mary Louise and David Hopson Helen Houp Marilyn Hubble Bitsy and Matt Hudnall Bea and Walt Humann Jane and Pat Jenevein Kate Juett Charles Latham Kathleen and Frank Lauringer Mary and Russ Lessmann
Suzanne and Jay Lipscomb Gloria Lombardi Bill Madden Stacey and Ken Malcolmson Barbara and John McClellan Sharon and Bill McGannon Shirley McIntyre Polly and Dan McKeithen Megan and Casey McManemin Diana and Geoff Newton Libby Norwood Gray-Leigh Peeler Nancy Perot Patricia Plettner Gigi and Jerry Poglitsch Carol Priice Mary Stewart Ramsey Katherine Reeves Darrel and Jeff Rice Philip Ritter Mary Elizabeth and Grady Schleier Jan Schoellkopf Nancy and Jim Skochdopole Linda and Les Secrest Marillyn and Gus Seeberger Leahe Serpan
Arden Showalter Rob Shults Linda and Ellis Skinner Ann Slaton Anne and Randy Slaughter Nancy and John Solana Jennifer and Chris Sorrells Brenda and Nelson Spencer Kae and Ben Stuart Betty and John Taylor, Jr. Byrd Teague Michelle and Stewart Thomas Tig Thompson Kathy Wall Mary and Matt Waller Paige Wilbur Nancy Wilbur Karen and Jim Wiley Sherry and Robert Wilson Nancy Wilson Claude Wilson Carolyn Wittenbraker Kathy and John Yeaman
3 Anonymous
CHRISTMAS LESSONS AND CAROLS | December 17, 2023 We experienced the story of Christ's birth through scripture readings by local dignitaries and the enchanting voices of our choir. This beloved tradition reflected the beauty of the season, warmed our hearts, and brought us peace.
LEADING WITH PURPOSE Meet the Volunteers Steering the All Angels Foundation—Our Officers and Trustees!
ll Angels Foundation, the charitable arm of Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, is dedicated to illuminating the world with love and bringing about transformative changes in people’s lives. We believe that love is not just a feeling, but a powerful force that drives us to take positive actions and make a difference in the lives of others. As stewards of our faith, we are committed to serving our communities and spreading love through meaningful and impactful acts. Our Foundation is built upon three pillars: Elevating Acts of Love, Empowering Acts of Love, and Healing Acts of Love. These pillars guide our endeavors and grant initiatives as we seek to uplift, empower, and bring healing to those in need. All Angels Foundation is led by a dedicated group of volunteer individuals who guide our mission. Annually, during the congregational meeting in October, trustees are elected by the congregation of Saint Michael to uphold the values and goals of the Foundation. To be eligible, trustees must be baptized, confirmed, and committed pledging members of the parish. The commitment to service extends to an initial three-year term, with the option to serve an additional three years, ensuring a sustained and experienced leadership. Nominations for these crucial roles are carefully considered through a committee comprised of representatives from the Vestry and outgoing Foundation Trustees, ensuring a thoughtful and representative selection process that aligns with the Foundation's mission and values. For more information about All Angels Foundation, please visit
OFFICERS Eric Conner President Trustee Class: 2019–2024 Joined Saint Michael: 1995 Saint Michael Volunteer Roles: Meals on Wheels; Vestry, Senior Warden (2017); AAF President; Horizon Outreach Fund Committee Member Why Eric serves on the Foundation: “I serve on the Foundation because of the enormous impact the expanded grants program has on Saint Michael and the greater community. Serving with my fellow trustees is a great honor, and I look forward to helping craft the new vision and being a part of the energy of this ever-growing Foundation.” Professional Experience: Multifamily real estate owner/operator; Venture investor; Partner in online wine company Personal: Married to Judy Conner with three adult children (Nick, Noah, and Olivia)
Grady E. Schleier Treasurer Trustee Class: 2022–2025 Joined Saint Michael: 1993 Saint Michael Volunteer Roles: Former Saint Michael Treasurer/Vestry; Former President, Saint Michael Episcopal School; Tela, Honduras Mission trips
Why Grady serves on the Foundation: “I serve on the Foundation to facilitate the outreach of the church and to help provide an avenue for parishioners to extend their personal Christian ministry.” Professional Experience: Retired CPA, financial executive, and small-company owner
in our community and share the light of Christ.” Professional Experience: 25 years B2B marketing/sales professional Personal: Married to Michael Blachly
Nita Clark
Personal: Married to Mary Elizabeth with three adult children
Vice President of Grants Trustee Class: 2018–2024 Joined Saint Michael: 1973
Elizabeth "Lee" Thompson Secretary Trustee Class: 2022–2025 Joined Saint Michael: 2004 Saint Michael Volunteer Roles: Verger/Acolyte; Secretary for All Angels Foundation; Small-Group Teacher for Confirmation Class Why Elizabeth serves on the Foundation: “It is an honor to serve on a Foundation Board whose purpose is to empower others in Christ’s mission. The Board has the unique privilege as an arm of Saint Michael to meaningfully support ministries within our parish, in Dallas, and beyond. I am fortunate to be a part of this exceptional group of trustees whose mission is focused on wise stewardship and furthering God’s love and work.” Professional Experience: Professor at SMU Law; Board Certified Civil Appellate Attorney Personal: Married to David Thompson with three children: Elizabeth, Margaret, and Catherine
Saint Michael Volunteer Roles: Grants Committee Chair All Angels Foundation; Confirmation Tribe Leader; Women of Saint Michael Luncheon Co-Chair; Horizon Outreach Fund Committee Member Why Nita serves on the Foundation: “Serving as a trustee of the All Angels Foundation is an honor, particularly at this time of thoughtful and fresh strategic work around the All Angels Foundation’s grants program. I am energized by the visionary leadership of Rev. Chris Girata, Stewart Thomas, Eric Conner, and my fellow Foundation trustees, who collectively are committed to reaching beyond our church walls to serve our community in a profound and meaningful way.” Professional Experience: Investment Management; Civic Volunteer Personal: Married to Cullum Clark with three daughters: Lili, Annabel, and Charlotte
Katherine Blachly
Anthony (Tony) N. Briggle
VP of Communications Trustee Class: 2018–2024 Joined Saint Michael: 2004
Trustee Class: 2019–2024 Joined Saint Michael: 1965
Saint Michael Volunteer Roles: Verger/Acolyte; VP Communications/Trustee for All Angels Foundation; Ministry to Newcomers Why Katherine serves on the Foundation: “I serve on the Foundation to extend the positive impact of Saint Michael into the community through our acts of love—elevating, empowering, and healing. This allows us to make a meaningful difference
Saint Michael Volunteer Roles: Acolyte Master (50 years)/Verger; Former Vestry/Junior Warden; Sunday School/Confirmation Teacher; Capital Campaign Executive Committee; Horizon Outreach Fund Committee Member Why Tony serves on the Foundation: “Serving as a trustee of the All Angels Foundation is a great honor! The Foundation has grown exponen-
tially through the years and is now poised to make substantial contributions to our community, nationally and internationally.” Personal: Married to Marla Jacks Briggle, we share six daughters, their spouses, and 11 grandchildren.
Joe Colonnetta Trustee Class: 2019–2024 Joined Saint Michael: 1995 Saint Michael Volunteer Roles: Co-Chair of Stewardship Committee; Usher; Pathways to Ministry Treasurer; All Angels Foundation Trustee Why Joe serves on the Foundation: “I serve on the Foundation to extend and expand Saint Michael's Kingdom Building activities in our community.” Professional Experience: 33 years as a private and institutional investor, former Investment Committee Chairman of Texas Teachers Pension Fund, and Member of the Mayor’s Task Force on Dallas Police and Fireman Pensions Personal: Married to Kimberly Colonnetta
Helen Holman Trustee Class: 2024 – 2026 Joined Saint Michael: Lifelong member Saint Michael Volunteer Roles: All Angels Foundation Grants Committee; Former WOSM Program Chair and Gifts Committee; Former Stewardship Campaign Member Why Helen serves on the Foundation: “To help improve and impact our shared community by wisely allocating Foundation resources to pressing community needs and issues.” Professional Experience: Over 40 years in Dallas’ nonprofit and philanthropic sectors. Recently retired as SVP and Chief Philanthropy Officer of The Dallas Foundation
Stuart Sikes Trustee Class: 2024–2026 Joined Saint Michael: 1991 Saint Michael Volunteer Roles: Vestry, Disciples Class Teacher, Lay Reader Why Stuart serves on the Foundation: “The mission of the Foundation is truly amazing—a tangible way to build the kingdom of Heaven on Earth, right here in our own community. It is a privilege and an honor to facilitate the process of funding new initiatives and changing lives.” Professional Experience: Market research for leading technology giants Personal: Married to Jeanie Sikes with three adult children
Lee Hobson Trustee Class: 2024–2026 Joined Saint Michael: 1992 Saint Michael Volunteer Roles: Mission and Outreach Committee; Grants Committee, All Angels Foundation; Capital Executive Committee for Saint Michael Capital Campaign Why Lee serves on the Foundation: “I am motivated by the increasing impact Saint Michael can have on our local community; as we rejuvenate our physical buildings for the next 100 years, we can also harness our personal capital and ‘Love’ to address the enormous needs around us. That ‘Love’ of Saint Michael’s parishioners goes a long way to improving our lives while also improving the lives of those around us.” Professional Experience: Investment Management, Highside Capital Personal: Wife, Ann and three children: Blake, Kathleen and Henry, all baptized and confirmed at Saint Michael
Stacey Malcolmson
Andy Smith
Trustee Class: 2022–2026 Joined Saint Michael: 1999
Trustee Class: 2024–2026 Joined Saint Michael: 2022
Saint Michael Volunteer Roles: Former Vestry Junior Warden; Horizon Outreach Fund Committee Member; Austin Street Center Server
Saint Michael Volunteer Roles: All Angels Foundation Trustee and Grants Committee Member
Why Stacey serves on the Foundation: “Serving as a trustee on the Foundation gives me the opportunity to make an impact on the community through the grants we make to nonprofits. I have seen firsthand how our funds are being used for healing, empowering and elevating acts of love. I’ve also enjoyed the ‘start-up’ nature of the All Angels Foundation and being a part of its future success.”
Why Andy serves on the Foundation: “I serve on the Foundation because I’m passionate about its mission and the ability of Saint Michael to be a transformative force for good in our community. My professional background as the leader of the Texas Instruments Foundation and the TI Giving and Volunteering team provides me with experience I hope to apply in this role. As it says in 1 Peter 4:10, ‘Use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.’”
Professional Experience: President & CEO of The Senior Source Personal: Married to Ken Malcolmson
Phil Ritter Trustee Class: 2024–2026 Joined Saint Michael: 1986 Saint Michael Volunteer Roles: Acolyte/Verger; Building our Future Capital Campaign; Former Senior Warden/Vestry Why Phil serves on the Foundation: “The Foundation is an important means for Saint Michael and All Angels to serve our community and fulfill our call from Jesus Christ to love our neighbors. I am excited to serve on the Foundation at a time of growth and innovation, with colleagues on the board who are deeply committed to our church and its role in our world.” Professional Experience: Attorney; Senior Fellow, Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute; Dallas College Trustee
Professional Experience: 30+ years of experience in communications, including 15 years in grant making, volunteering, and employee engagement. Personal: Married to Paul von Wupperfeld
Stewart Thomas Trustee Class: 2016–2024 Joined Saint Michael: 1968 Saint Michael Volunteer Roles: Past President, All Angels Foundation (2020–2023); Choir; Confirmation Class; Capital Campaign Committee; Former Vestry Why Stewart serves on the Foundation: “I serve on the Foundation to extend Saint Michael’s positive impact into the community through our acts of love—elevating, empowering, and healing. The All Angels Foundation shares the light of Christ to a broken and needy world, and it makes a meaningful difference in our community.” Professional Experience: Retired litigation attorney now serving as a professional independent trustee to various clients’ family trusts Personal: Married to Michelle Neuhoff Thomas with five baptized, confirmed, and communicant children
Capital Campaign
Uniting our Community:
BUILDING OUR FUTURE By Caroline Moore, Director of Advancement
nspired by unwavering faith and bold dreams, those who came before us helped build the beloved Saint Michael we hold dear today. We are the grateful beneficiaries of their grand vision and generous hearts. Today, it is absolutely thrilling to witness this parish join together to create the next chapter of Saint Michael’s great legacy by investing in the historic capital campaign, Building our Future.
As we approach a formidable goal of $65 million, we are profoundly thankful for those who have helped anchor this transformative effort, but it will take all of us to finish strong. We invite you to join us if you have not yet done so. We need you. Large or small, each sacrificial gift makes a difference for our parish. Together, strengthened by prayer, we can successfully build a vibrant future for our beloved Saint Michael community. Building our Future is focused on Uniting our Community, Reinvigorating our Campus, and Investing in Education. This campaign will preserve the beauty of our sacred spaces, while creating new areas and better equipping our parish with updated facilities that will support our continued spiritual formation for generations to come. With your support and commitment, we can continue to grow in our faith and in our service to others in unprecedented ways. Scripture calls us to give generously to our church through our time, talent, and treasure, enabling us to lean in and stretch our gifts. This campaign is a significant financial commitment, but there is no doubt that, together, we can achieve great things for God's kingdom in Building our Future.
Renovating and expanding our gathering spaces will better connect our congregation, grow our discipleship, and provide more opportunities to expand current and future ministries.
Reinvigorating our Campus: Upgrading decades-old utility infrastructure and maximizing our physical footprint will enable Saint Michael to provide a welcoming gathering place for Christ’s followers for generations to come.
Investing in Education: Adult Faith Formation Adult Faith Formation is the lifelong process of finding and falling in love with God in the midst of our human lives. Every one of us, by virtue of our Baptism, is on a lifelong journey of faith. Consequently, formation has its purpose to support, nourish, and challenge adults as they explore their faith, experience its power, and grow in relationship with God. Children, Youth, and Family Ministries Expanding the learning environment for our Children, Youth, and Family ministries as well as Saint Michael Episcopal School, will allow us to further invest in the faith formation of our youngest learners.
The Rev. Robin H. Hinkle, Associate for M&O Morgan Wood, Assistant to M&O, For more information, to see a comprehensive listing of events, or to see how construction on our campus may impact these offerings, please visit
AUSTIN STREET CENTER Each month, parishioners prepare and serve food for 250 residents experiencing homelessness while staying at Austin Street Center. On the first Tuesday of the month, parishioners prepare a dinner to be served the next day.
SAINT MICHAEL FOOD BANK SUPER TEAM Mission & Outreach is launching a new Saint Michael Food Bank Team that visits one food bank each week of the month. We invite you to join this team to make a big difference in the lives of those in need. Volunteers are asked to serve one or more times per month. First Monday of the month Aunt Bette’s Community Pantry at St. Philip’s February 5, March 4, April 1, & May 6 7:45 – 11:45 a.m. Third Thursday of the month Brighter Bites at Stephen C. Foster Elementary School February 15, March 21, April 18, & May 16 12:45 – 2 p.m.
Cooking: February 6, March 5, and April 2 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Fourth Tuesdays of the month North Dallas Shared Ministries February 27, March 26, April 23, & May 28 1 – 4 p.m.
Serving: February 7, March 6, and April 3 5 – 7 p.m. Austin Street Center, 1717 Jeffries Street
Fourth Saturday of the month Jubilee Park and Community Center Food Pantry February 24, March 23, April 27, May 25 9 a.m. – Noon
Meghan Houk, Director of CFM, Madelyn Ivy, Assistant Director, Beth Igoe, Assistant, For more information, to see a comprehensive listing of events, or to see how construction on our campus may impact these offerings, please visit
SUNDAYS, NOW – MAY 19 CFM SUNDAY FORMATION 10 a.m. Sunday Formation classes will not meet on March 10 and 31. GODLY PLAY Godly Play Level I (Ages 3 – 6) Godly Play Level II (Ages 6 – 9) Godly Play is a Montessori-style curriculum that helps children create personal meaning through story, wonder, and play. Children will explore various stories of the Bible and the wonder about the mystery of God as they continue to build their faith. The Level I class builds a solid faith foundation, while the Level II class expands on this foundation with additional Bible story extensions. This class focuses on creating a calm and quiet environment for children who prefer to work independently. WEAVING GOD’S PROMISES PreK – 1st grade (Ages 3 – 8) 2nd – 3rd grade (Ages 7 – 10) Children will build upon their understanding of God and God's relationship with people through meaningful lessons with the Bible’s stories, people, and places. Using storytelling, prayer, and other play-based activities, this class is sure to help your youngster grow in their faith. This class encourages an active and lively environment where children can choose from a variety of activities. WHAT’S IN THE BIBLE? WITH BUCK DENVER 4th – 5th grade (Ages 9 – 12) From the creator of Veggie Tales, Phil Vischer’s What’s in the Bible? is a two-year curriculum that looks at the entire Bible. Along the way, they will discover what is in each biblical book and what it all means. Participants can expect to think about some of their biggest questions about the Bible and learn what they do and don’t know about God’s Word.
SUNDAYS EARLY CHILDHOOD MINISTRY 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Room 14: 0 – 23 months old Room 16: 2 – 3 years old Sunday morning nursery care is offered every Sunday. Saint Michael’s Early Childhood Ministry will assist you in beginning to build your child’s faith foundation from the ground up. During their stay, children will play enriching games, sing spiritual songs, and, during the formation hour at 10 a.m., hear an age-appropriate Bible story. Children can be picked up at any time. Be sure you have the Saint Michael app to check in your children for nursery care!
SUNDAYS CHILDREN’S CHAPEL 9 a.m. Traditional Service Kids ages 3–8 are invited to join us on Sunday mornings during the 9 a.m. Traditional Service. Children will visit the Joy service for the Bible story and sing songs before returning to their families during the Peace/Announcements.
WEDNESDAYS, NOW – MAY 8 CHERUB CHOIR 2:45 – 3:45 p.m. SMES students, PreK – 2nd grade 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. PreK – 2nd grade Register at Children in Preschool through 2nd grade are invited to come on Wednesday afternoons for a chance to get their feet wet with singing basics in this first level of the Saint Michael Chorister program. Children will hear Bible stories, participate in faith-based activities, learn to sing various songs, and engage in music and movement-based games. Participants will sing in Saint Michael worship services on certain Sunday mornings throughout the year. Cherub Choir will not meet on February 14, March 13, and March 27.
AVAILABLE FEBRUARY 14 FAMILY LENTEN PRAYER KIT All are welcome to pick up a Family Lenten Prayer Kit to begin, or strengthen, a family prayer time during the Lenten season. This year’s kit will provide opportunities for families to pray not just throughout Lent, but also into the Easter season! Kits will be available for pick up at all Ash Wednesday services on February 14, and throughout the church on Sunday, February 18.
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14 ASH WEDNESDAY JOY: A CHILDREN’S SERVICE 5 p.m. Church Children and their families are invited to receives ashes at this special family-friendly Ash Wednesday service. Don’t forget to pick up your Family Lenten Prayer Kit!
FRIDAY, MARCH 29 GOOD FRIDAY: FAMILY STATIONS OF THE CROSS SERVICE 12 p.m. Saint Michael Chapel Come explore the Stations of the Cross with CFM in this kid-friendly service! Families will receive a booklet and a bag with various items that they can use to learn more about each of the Stations of the Cross.
SUNDAY, MARCH 31 EASTER SUNDAY CELEBRATION AND RECEPTION 9:45 – 11 a.m. Join us on Easter Sunday as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ! Come by the Garden Cloister and Parlor for treats, refreshments, and fun Easter activities.
REGISTRATION OPENS MARCH 1! REGISTER FOR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2024: CONCRETE AND CRANES! Sunday, June 16 (evening kick-off event) Monday, June 17 – Thursday, June 21 5:30 – 8 p.m. Save the date for this summer’s Vacation Bible School, Concrete and Cranes. As kids explore a world of concrete and cranes, rivets and rebar, bulldozers and backhoes, they will learn to build their faith on Jesus as they uncover the truth that He who began a good work will be faithful to carry it on to completion! With limited space during the day due to the actual construction of our campus, we’re hosting VBS in the evenings. That way, we can use as much of the campus as we can and make this year’s event bigger and better than ever!
Samuel Moore, Director of Youth Ministries Beth Igoe, Assistant, For more information, to see a comprehensive listing of events, or to see how construction on our campus may impact these offerings, please visit
SUNDAYS MIDDLE SCHOOL & HIGH SCHOOL FORMATION 10 a.m. Youth Center Join us each week as we gather together over donuts and Bible study and discuss how God is moving in our lives.
SUNDAYS CONFIRMATION 10 a.m. Youth Center This class is for our 8th grade students who wish to deepen their commitment to their faith in preparation for confirmation in the fall of 2024. The class focuses on the teachings and traditions of the Episcopal Church, as well as biblical literacy and faith practices.
WEDNESDAYS YOUTH GROUP 6:30 – 8 p.m. Youth Center We will share a meal, gather for a time of worship, play games, and talk about what it means to live out our faith in every-day ways, both in large group and grade-specific settings. This is the place where your students can learn, grow, and connect with their friends throughout the school year.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12 DALLAS MAVERICKS GAME 7:30 p.m. Come cheer on the Mavericks at the American Airlines Center for Faith and Family Night! Those who register will get the opportunity to shoot free throws on the court before the game. Transportation will be provided to and from Saint Michael. To register for this event, please visit
SUNDAY, MAY 5 SENIOR RECOGNITION SERVICE 5:30 p.m. Join us as we gather together to celebrate, recognize, and bless our graduating seniors. To register your student for senior recognition, please visit
JUNE 3 – 7 REGISTER FOR YOUTH MISSION WEEK! Youth Mission week is the best way to begin your summer and a tremendous opportunity to serve our neighbors in Dallas. Earn up to 45 service hours in a week-long project! To learn more about how we are serving this year, see our website at JULY 8 – 14 REGISTER FOR A COLORADO RETREAT! Beat the heat this summer as the Youth head to Colorado for white-water rafting, rock climbing, and mountain summiting. The Summer Youth Retreat will be a yearly opportunity to unplug and grow spiritually in one of the most beautiful places in the country. To learn more and reserve your spot, please visit
YOUNG ADULTS NEW YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY! Your 20s and 30s are full of transitions, questions, and milestones. Young adults— whether you are single, married, engaged, have kids, don’t have kids—are invited into this space to pray, learn, serve, and give in the context of genuine community as you grow in your relationship with God and others. For questions, contact Rob Springer-Kyle, THURSDAYS, FEBRUARY 8 – MARCH 7 "THE STORY OF MY LIFE" BIBLE STUDY 6 – 7:30 p.m. In this series, young adult leaders will host and lead a conversation around contentment, happiness, and hard times. When we understand that Jesus offers us a joy greater than any happiness we can find on Earth, we can begin to live a full life. As we look at the story of our lives and what our lives are meant to look like, the life Jesus offers His followers makes more and more sense. When we understand our part in God’s bigger story, we can better understand our own story.
This group is primarily an organization for seniors (60+). We meet on the first Thursday of the month and the "P.T. Cruisers" take trips to area locations on the third Thursday of the month. For more information about monthly meetings or excursions, please contact Ruth Mason, 214-373-7984, or Bonita Frederick, 214-728-6440.
FIRST THURSDAY OF THE MONTH PRIME TIMERS MEETINGS 10:30 a.m.** Reservations required, includes lunch, $12 RSVP by calling Bonita Frederick, 214-728-6440 March 7: Solving Crime and Murders with DNA Technology Led by Kelvin Meyers, Forensic Genealogist April 4: Artificial Intelligence - Should We Be Curious, Nervous, or Happy? Led by William Bjorndahl, SMU Engineering Doctoral Student May 2: Our Future as Prime Timers at Saint Michael PLUS Our traditional fried chicken picnic (in house!) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15 PT CRUISERS STUDY THE VIA CRUCIS We will gather in the narthex where one of our parishioners, Karen Wiley, will take us through the bas reliefs of the stations of the cross hanging on the walls. A perfect way to start our Lenten journey! After, we will carpool to Celebration for a wonderful on-your-own lunch. Meet in the Narthex at 10:30 a.m. for this very special program. THURSDAY, MARCH 21 PT CRUISERS "TIPTOE THROUGH THE TULIPS" We will be returning to Tulip, Texas to walk through the fields of beautiful colors (and maybe pick some tulips to bring home!) The bus will leave the church at 9:30 a.m. Lunch to follow. THURSDAY, APRIL 18 PT CRUISERS TOUR THE METHODIST CHURCH ON ROUTH STREET PT Cruisers are tentatively scheduled to visit the Methodist Church on Routh Street for a tour. It is one of the few remaining churches in the area that was built by slaves. The bus will leave the church at 9:30 a.m. Lunch to follow.
Dr. Tim M. Smith, Director of Formation Beth Igoe, Assistant, For more information, to see a comprehensive listing of events, or to see how construction on our campus may impact these offerings, please visit
SUNDAYS ADULT FORMATION CLASSES 10 a.m. February 4 – March 24 The Last 24 Hours of Jesus Led by Dr. Tim Smith What a difference a day makes. It’s a phrase people say, but it could not be truer than when talking about the last 24 hours of Jesus’s life. In this study, we will look through the lenses of history, archaeology, geography, and biblical culture to help you experience and understand the significance of Jesus’s suffering and death like never before—a day that changed human history and will change your life, too. February 4 – February 11 Witness to Justice: Martin Luther King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” Led by the Reverend Robin Hinkle “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” not only represents an important milestone in the American civil rights movement, but also includes influential reflections on the nature of justice, the freedom of conscience, and the relationship between the church and the state. Robin Hinkle will help us reflect on how King’s treatment of these themes might inform our own on-going efforts to be faithful people in the face of challenging circumstances. February 18 – April 7 Growing your Faith: Parenting as an Invitation to Discipleship Led by the Reverend Andrew Grosso Raising children in the life of faith is one of the greatest privileges Christian parents have—and one of the greatest challenges. We will explore ways parents can cultivate a rich life of faith and thereby equip themselves to raise their children in the “knowledge and love of the Lord” (as the Book of Common Prayer suggests). Andrew Grosso will facilitate conversations aimed at helping parents more fully order their lives in light of the Gospel and thereby mentor their children in life and faith.
February 18 – March 24 Paul's Letter to the Romans Led by the Reverend Christian Basel Paul’s epistle to the church at Rome is one of the most inspiring, one of the most important, and one of the most challenging texts in the New Testament. Paul likely wrote this epistle around the years 55-57 CE in preparation for a visit he planned to make to Rome, and it contains the most extensive account we have of his understanding of the Gospel of Christ. The Reverend Christian Basel will lead us through a close reading of this seminal biblical text and help us recognize its abiding relevance. April 7 – April 21 Growing in Christ: Stages of Faith Formation Led by the Reverend Mary Lessmann Sometimes we struggle to grow in the life of faith because we’re unsure what growth really looks like. We become so accustomed to familiar patterns that we have a hard time recognizing how God may be calling us to grow in faith, in hope, and in love. But God always has more for us than we can imagine. The Reverend Mary Lessmann will help us broaden our perspective of the ways God calls us to grow and hone our ability to discern God’s call in our lives. April 7 – May 19 Being A Blessing: Loving Your Neighbor, Changing the World Led by Clergy and Formation Staff During the season of Easter, we’ll reflect on ways we can demonstrate God’s love to those around and thereby extend to them the blessing of God’s new life. This series explores ways we ourselves are transformed by God’s love as well as concrete, everyday practices we can use to share that transformative love with others. Simple acts of presence, of listening, of service, and of sharing life together can become the means God uses to draw us closer to himself by helping us learn how to draw closer to others. April 14 – May 5 30 Days to Understanding the Bible Led by Dr. Tim Smith In this series, you will learn the “Arc of Bible History” to help you visualize the Bible’s overarching themes and why it matters. In this class, we’ll explore the cohesive “Story of the Bible” from Genesis through Revelation and the core beliefs of the Christian faith. You'll also learn the Bible's key people, events, and doctrines, allowing you to get more out of God's Word when you read it. This is an opportunity to start a new journey with the Bible in your faith walk.
TUESDAYS EDUCATION FOR MINISTRY CLASS Led by Dr. Elizabeth Lang 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. OR 6:30 – 9 p.m. Registration required. $365 tuition per year, partial scholarships available Education for Ministry is a program for adult Christian Education that combines the study of scriptures, Christian history, and theology with a focus on ordinary experience in order to discern God’s presence in one’s life. Our program comes from the Episcopal Seminary at Sewanee, which has become famous for educating adults to see God acting through their lives as well as developing knowledge of scripture and theology. For questions or to enroll, please contact Dr. Elizabeth Lang at
TUESDAYS SAINT MICHAEL READER’S BOOK CLUB Led by Ann Mills 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Join the Saint Michael Book Club to enjoy reading a great book each month and join in conversation about what stood out for you, how you did or did not like it, or how the author touched you. For more information, please contact Ann Mills at Feb. 6: All the Beauty in the World by Patrick Bringley March 5: Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano April 2: Little Women by Louisa May Alcott May 7: Absolution by Alice McDermott
TUESDAYS, APRIL 2 – MAY 21 ALPHA COURSE Led by the Rev. Ken Brannon and Justin Brooks 6:30 p.m. Parlor $10 free-will offering to cover costs See the ad on page 7 All are welcome to join us as we explore the basic tenets of the Christian faith and provide an opportunity for asking the tough questions. Dinner is provided with registration. Childcare is available at no cost with preregistration. We ask that attendees make a commitment to attend most classes because the lessons build on each other, and attending the whole course offers the richest experience.
The Gospel of
Rector’s Bible Study
WEDNESDAYS Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. | Saint Michael Chapel RECTOR'S BIBLE STUDY Beginning Wednesday, September 20! Led by the Reverend Dr. Christopher D.Join Girata our Rector, Chris Girata, for his 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. weekly Rector’s Bible Study (RBS) beginSaint Michael Chapel ning Wednesday, September 20. This year, we will study the Gospel of John. Over the past two years, RBS has focused on a fasciWEDNESDAYS nating character study ofBIBLE Moses and David. Together, IMAGING THE WORD STUDY Moses and David provide a foundation upon which the Led by Karen Wiley promise of a Messianic King is understood. After 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, his disciples sought to understand him within the context of the Jewish The Bible and the arts are inherently and historically linked. promise of a Messiah, as well as Jesus’ call to spread Sincehis themessage 4th century inthe theJewish Christian era, congregations beyond community. Now that have been guided by the lectionary's imaginative and we have created a sure foundation of the prophet anddisciplinedthe journey through the Bible. Using these readings, king, we shift to study the most important figure in the liturgy, colors, movements, and celebrations of the ourmusic, history, the Christ.
church year, the Bible and the arts are brought together in Although notImaging required,the thisWord year’s is companion will a significant way. a resourcebook providing be John by N.T. Wright and is available in the Saint visual arts, music, photography, prose, poetry, prayers, and Michael Book Shop. For more information about the commentary based on each Sunday's lectionary readings. Rector’s Bible Study or to be added to our email list, The class is open to everyone anytime. For questions and the please email Bhav Masih at Zoom link, contact Karen Wiley,
WEDNESDAYS, FEBRUARY 7 – APRIL 24 ENNEAGRAM JOURNEY Led by Mary Ann Webster and Chick Deegan 1 – 2 p.m. Cost: $30, scholarships are available The Enneagram is a personality assessment tool that helps us discover the characteristics and motivations of our personality. More than this, the Enneagram helps guide us in our spiritual work. This class utilizes the curriculum of Suzanne Stabile, an internationally recognized Enneagram master. Not only will we access wisdom from Suzanne Stabile, but also from others, including Beatrice Chestnut, Beth and Jeff McCord, and Rivers Crossing Church to name a few. This class is for those new to the Enneagram and also for previous graduates of the class. For questions and to register, contact Mary Ann Webster at or Chick Deegan at SPRING 2024
WEDNESDAYS, FEBRUARY 21 – MARCH 20 WEDNESDAYS IN LENT: GOING DEEPER Led by Clergy and Formation Staff 6 p.m. Fellowship and light supper in the Youth Center 6:30 p.m. Formation for all ages 7 p.m. Worship in the Youth Center See the ad on page 41 Lent is a season for not only taking stock of where we are in our life of faith, but also developing new practices that will help us grow even more. In 2024, Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on February 14 and will continue until the beginning of Holy Week on Palm Sunday on March 24. We will gather every Wednesday evening for a time of fellowship, worship, and education that will help make this season especially meaningful and help us continue to grow Night Formation even after Lent is over. Make plans toWednesday take in these During part the Season of Lent special offerings and experience the blessings Lent offers. Our focus this year will be on cultivating spiritual practices that can help us grow in our relationship with February 21 March 20 God and others. TOPICS:
6 p.m. Light supper in the Youth Center 6:30 p.m. Formation for all ages 7 p.m. Worship in the Youth Center
2/21 Life With God: Going Deeper in Prayer Throughout the season of Lent, join us every evening for a time of fellowship, 2/28 Abiding in the Word: GoingWednesday Deeper in Scripture worship, and education that will help make
this season especially meaningful and help us continue to grow even after Lent is over. Our focus this year will be on cultivating spiritual practices that can help us grow in our relationship with God and others.
3/6 Doing More With Less: Going Deeper in Simplicity 3/13 Entering Into Rest: Going Deeper in Sabbath
3/20 Loving Others as Ourselves: Going Deeper in Outreach February 21 Life with God: Going Deeper in Prayer
THURSDAYS February 28 COMMUNITY BIBLE STUDY Abiding in the Word: Going Deeper in Scripture Led by Elizabeth Lang and Brady Millican March 6 9:30 a.m. Doing More with Less: Going Deeper in Simplicity March 13 This year we will be delving into the book of Romans, Paul’s Entering into Rest: Going Deeper in Sabbath most influential letter that has had a profound effect on 20 Christian thinkers. Join us for fellowship andMarch conversation in Loving Others as Ourselves: Deeper in Outreach response to attentive reading in class. ForGoing more information, contact Dr. Elizabeth Lang,
THURSDAYS, FEBRUARY 22 – MARCH 28 LECTIO DIVINA Led by Nancy Somodevilla 2 – 3 p.m. Enjoy an hour of quiet reflection as we pray, meditate, and focus on scripture, poetry, prose, and painting. These practices will move us closer to God and to each other.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17 ICON RETREAT: PRACTICE, PRAY, PAINT Led by The Rev. Christian Basel 8 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Discover the transformative power of Iconography in this accessible and inclusive class as we explore the history, significance, and symbolism behind iconography. Regardless of your talent level, this course is designed to introduce and guide you in the practice of iconography as a spiritual prayer and meditation technique. It will feature instruction, presentation, and discussion about iconography and culminate in creating your own icon. The retreat is an opportunity to discover how art can be a bridge to the divine and offer you a moment to deepen your spiritual connection to God. The cost is $20 per person. All supplies are included. For more information and to register, contact the Rev. Christian Basel,
WOMEN FIRST MONDAY OF THE MONTH WOMEN'S CURSILLO GROUP Led by Maria D'Antoni 11 a.m. – Noon This group is open to all women who have completed a Cursillo weekend. These women strive to equip and inspire people to live out their faith. For more information, please contact Maria D'Antoni at
2ND AND 4TH MONDAYS OF THE MONTH WOMEN WORD WORK Led by Blair Shaw, Diane McGrath, and Kathy Hayes 6:30 – 7:45 p.m. Often times it can be hard to fit it all in—especially if you have a career. In this casual group, drop in any time you can and get together with other women who are looking for relational and spiritual connections. This is a great opportunity to pray and spend time in fellowship with other women. For more information, contact Kathy Hayes,
MONDAYS UNENDING CONVERSATION GROUP Led by Linda Westerburg and Nancy West 9:30 – 11 a.m. This group of curious women want to learn more about their faith, emerging church ideas, and new ways of looking at Christianity. Join this vibrant group for an interactive
discussion of The Socrates Express: In Search of Life Lessons from Dead Philosophers by Eric Weiner. For more information, contact Linda Westerburg,, or Nancy West,
TUESDAYS BROWN BAG BIBLE STUDY 11 a.m. – Noon This group of women gather to study God’s word, sharing strengths and weaknesses while supporting one another in the name of Christ. The two books this group will study this winter and spring are Angels: Standing Guard, by Douglas Connelly and Ruth: Rescued by the Redeemer, by Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen. For more information, contact Peggy Carr at
THURSDAYS BIBLE STUDY FELLOWSHIP 9:45 – 10:30 a.m. Who is Jesus? What do His words have to do with your life? How can Jesus possibly bring peace and satisfaction to your life and broken world today? Explore God’s answers to these questions and more in the community through an in-depth Bible study of the Gospel of Matthew entitled, “The Unexpected King”.
MEN WEDNESDAYS THE SEEKERS Formerly the Men of Saint Michael Book Study Led by Tim Smith 7 – 8 a.m. Does your soul feel drained from the madness of modern life, the toll of global crises, and pandemic challenges? Have you thought about what the impact of trauma has been on you personally? Most are in denial. In his latest book, Resilient: Restoring Your Soul in these Turbulent Times, pastor, author, and counselor John Eldredge offers tools to recover your joy, strengthen your heart, and thrive through the storm! Drawing on scriptural wisdom and powerful stories of determination, this book will bolster your spirit and help develop your resilience! Join us for breakfast tacos, coffee, and conversation. For questions, please contact Tim Smith,
Art and Spirituality
SATURDAY, MARCH 2 Jubilee Mother-Daughter Tea Jubilee Park and Community Center 907 Bank St. | 3 p.m. Join us at this special event celebrating Women’s History Month and honoring mothers and daughters at Jubilee Park. Volunteers are needed for fellowship with the women of the community, serve refreshments, and lead activities.
Day of Service Jubilee Park and Community Center 907 Bank Street | 9:30 a.m. – Noon
WOSM Spring Luncheon: Experiencing the Spiritual Arts 7000 Park Lane | 10:30 a.m. Anne Neilson, Artist, Author, and Philanthropist When we allow God to take over as the master artist, we find He carefully adds the dimension and highlights, so we become masterpieces. Anne will share personal stories about her faith and how it resonates in her work. Anne's stories are a beautiful reminder that God is both our creator and the fulfiller of promises. He is the artist of our life. Following the luncheon, Anne will be signing her newest book, a memoir, The Brushstrokes of Life, at the St. Michael's Woman's Exchange.
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24 MEN WITH PURPOSE SPEAKER SERIES Dr. Terry Flowers, St. Philip’s School and Community Center 7:30 a.m. $30 Park City Club Dr. Flowers grew up on the south side of Chicago and has multiple degrees in education, including a doctorate from Columbia University. Throughout his career, Dr. Flowers has demonstrated the importance of Christianity to families, students, and neighbors in the community. His experiences as an educator in tough urban communities shaped his belief in the need for holistic and faith-based efforts to address the erosion of inner-city neighborhoods. Dr. Flowers’s leadership emphasizes academic excellence, a positive self-image and a faith-based focus for life. He highlights the importance of Christianity and faith for men in all their activities.
THURSDAYS MEN’S LECTIONARY BIBLE STUDY Led by David Loomis 7 – 8 a.m. Zoom This men’s group meets to discuss the Lectionary's Scripture lessons for the current week, exploring ways in which the passages speak to everyday life and our own spiritual journey. Lessons and commentary are emailed early each week. You’ll be challenged and encouraged in your faith! For questions or the Zoom link, contact David Loomis at
THURSDAYS A MEN’S BIBLE STUDY Led by Phil Ritter 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. This Bible study is based on the Lectionary readings for the coming Sunday. There are no attendance expectations other than to come when you can and as often as you are able. The group is led by lay members of the group and occasionally clergy. For questions, contact Phil Ritter,
The Brotherhood of Saint Andrew seeks to bring men and youth to Jesus Christ through the daily practice of prayer, Bible study, and service. We will begin discussing, A Pilgrimage to Eternity: From Canterbury to Rome in Search of Faith by Timothy Egan. For more information, email Barry Crossman,, or call 214-357-4939.
The Rev. Greg Pickens, Associate for PC Katherine Bowen, Assistant For more information, to see a comprehensive listing of events, or to see how construction on our campus may impact these offerings, please visit
ANGEL FOOD COOKS Volunteers provide a delicious meal to parishioners in need. This is a great opportunity to support individuals and families of Saint Michael who are going through a challenging time due to a recent hospitalization, ongoing illness, or the birth of a child. For questions, contact Katherine Bowen and Gay Rekerdres, CARD MINISTRY Volunteers share the love of Christ with parishioners by sending sympathy cards to those who lose a loved one, birthday and holiday cards to the homebound, and greeting cards to families welcoming new babies. For questions, contact Pat Moore,, Julie Butterworth,, Mary Ruth Perkins,, or Sandra Hughes, FRIENDS IN CHRIST The Friends in Christ Ministry re-establishes ties with parishioners who are unable to attend church but wish to stay in touch with the life of our parish. This team of volunteers visits these parishioners, offering friendship and fellowship. For questions, contact the Rev. Greg Pickens.
INTERCESSORY PRAYER MINISTRY (DAILY) Saint Michael receives prayer requests on a daily basis through the Pastoral Care Ministries office or from online submissions. Intercessors pray for these requests each day and keep them in strict confidence. For questions, contact Terry Demler, LAY EUCHARISTIC VISITORS Teams of trained parishioners take the bread and wine directly from the church altar to parishioners in hospitals, in assisted living facilities, and at home who are unable to attend church. For questions, contact Charlie Smith, RECOVERY ADVOCATES Recovery Advocates provide for the spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being of those who experience substance abuse or other addictions. Contact this ministry for any help in navigating the recovery community. For questions, contact the Rev. Greg Pickens. SPIRITUAL DIRECTION With Dr. Elizabeth Lang or the Rev. Dr. Hiltrude Nusser-Telfer Spiritual direction provides guidance and companionship for one who is on a journey seeking to deepen their faith. It is a way to receive God’s love and to enhance awareness of one’s relationship with God. For one-on-one Spiritual direction, contact Dr. Elizabeth Lang,, or the Rev. Dr. Hiltrude Nusser-Telfer, STEPHEN MINISTRY Stephen Ministry is a program that equips lay persons to provide Christian one-on-one care, confidentially, to anyone in our community who is experiencing challenging life circumstances. For questions, contact the Rev. Greg Pickens or Mary Kardell, TOUCH BASE PHONE MINISTRY Touch Base Phone Ministry is a group of volunteers who represent Saint Michael and make phone calls to check on those in our parish who have experienced a recent death. For questions, contact Liz Wheelan, EVERY MONDAY CARE GIVERS SUPPORT GROUP Led by Gayl Braymer 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Caregiving for a loved one can be isolating and overwhelming. This group provides confidential, loving, emotional,
and practical support to those involved in caregiving. Contact Gayl Braymer,, to enroll. FIRST TUESDAY OF THE MONTH PRAYER SHAWL KNITTING MINISTRY Led by Peggy Carr 1 – 3 p.m. The Prayer Shawl Knitting Ministry has knitted and distributed 2,866 shawls to express love to those in our parish who are hurting or ill. Each shawl is specially labeled with a tag that identifies it as being "knit with love at Saint Michael" and a healing prayer is added. The clergy and the entire congregation bless each shawl prior to distribution. Knitters can also work on shawls at home and drop them off at church. For questions, contact Peggy Carr, WEDNESDAYS, APRIL 3 – MAY 8 GRACEFUL HEALING: NAVIGATING GRIEF WITH HOPE Led by the Rev. Christian Basel 5:30 – 7 p.m. Loss touches all of us in different ways, but you do not have to walk this journey alone. Graceful Healing is a grief and support ministry for those experiencing loss of any kind. Through a combination of scriptural reflection, personal experiences, and meaningful discussion, we will build an encouraging and uplifting community together and explore how faith offers us hope in the most difficult of times. For questions or to RSVP, contact Christian Basel, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23 & MAY 10 BLOOD DRIVE 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. We need you! Did you know that American Red Cross has updated their donor guidelines? Those that have not been able to donate in the past might be eligible to donate now. Please consider being a donor today. Drivers license or ARC card/app required to donate. Contact Dianne Boyd,, to reserve a time or ask questions. SUNDAYS, APRIL 14, 21, 28 & MAY 5 PRE-MARRIAGE CLASS 10 a.m. This class prepares couples for marriage and their life together. To register or to go over the details of scheduling a wedding at Saint Michael, please contact Tammy Hale, SPRING 2024
The Rev. Dr. Andrew Grosso Senior Associate for Worship and Discipleship Haley Dettra, Head Sacristan, Tammy Hale, Assistant for Worship & Liturgy Dianne Boyd, Coordinator for Worship Media Justin Brooks, Director of Contemporary Music Stephen Burk, Interim Director of Music and Organist Robert August, Associate Director of Music and Organist For more information, to see a comprehensive listing of events, or to see how construction on our campus may impact these offerings, please visit
APRIL 14 SAINT MICHAEL PRESENTS: THE TALLIS SCHOLARS 7 p.m. Church See ad on the inside cover THURSDAY, APRIL 25 FEAST OF ST MARK HOLY EUCHARIST 6 p.m. Saint Michael Chapel THURSDAY, MAY 9 FEAST OF THE ASCENSION HOLY EUCHARIST 6 p.m. Saint Michael Chapel SUNDAY, MAY 19 PENTECOST Regular worship schedule
Rob Springer-Kyle, Director of Engagement
For more information, to see a comprehensive listing of events, or to see how construction on our campus may impact these offerings, please visit
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14 ASH WEDNESDAY All Ash Wednesday services are listed on page 10. WEDNESDAYS, FEBRUARY 21 – MARCH 20 LENTEN RECITAL SERIES Noon Saint Michael Chapel SUNDAY, MARCH 24 – SATURDAY, MARCH 30 HOLY WEEK All Holy Week services are listed on page 13. SUNDAY, MARCH 31 EASTER SUNDAY All Easter services are listed on page 11.
GOOD SHEPHERD MINISTRY The purpose of the Good Shepherd Ministry at Saint Michael is to build a sense of community within the larger geographical area of approximately 102 community areas that make up our current congregation. Good Shepherd volunteers serve as liaisons between Saint Michael and their community area parishioners in times of need or celebration and reach out to new parishioners with a warm welcome. Doing small things together that make a BIG impact. If you want to know who your Good Shepherd is or learn more about the Good Shepherd Ministry, please contact Shannon Callewart,, or Anne Leary,
GREETER MINISTRY If you are looking for a next step in connecting at Saint Michael, serving as a Greeter is a simple, fun way to help welcome, inform, and help people get connected while also making new friends and building stronger relationships. If you are new to Saint Michael or visiting for the first time, we want to welcome you, help you, and invite you to come back! To learn more about joining this ministry or with any questions, please contact Rob Springer-Kyle. WELCOME LIAISON This is a strategic, collaborative, and fun opportunity to partner with the Engagement Ministry and help clergy and staff connect with people. Volunteers are asked to intentionally look for new people on Sundays and then notify the Director of Engagement with any details (and/or invite them to sign up for the Saint Michael Weekly email. Serving as a Welcome Liaison volunteer helps clergy and staff intentionally follow up with new people, thank them for attending, and invite them to come back. To learn more about becoming a part of this ministry or with any questions, please contact Rob Springer-Kyle. APRIL 21 SAINT MICHAEL 101 Hosted by the Rev. Dr. Christopher D. Girata and the Rev. Mary Lessmann 12:15 – 1:30 p.m. See the ad on page 14 If you are new to Saint Michael or just visiting and want to learn more about membership then SM101 is for you! Meet members of our clergy and vestry, hear about many ministries and opportunities to connect and engage with others inside and outside our parish. Also learn more about the exciting future of Saint Michael! Registration is open and we are looking forward to meeting you! Lunch will be served, and childcare will be available with advance registration. Contact Rob Springer-Kyle with questions and/or RSVP details.
Wednesday Night Formation During the Season of Lent
February 21
March 20
6 p.m. Light supper in the Youth Center 6:30 p.m. Formation for all ages 7 p.m. Worship in the Youth Center
Throughout the season of Lent, join us every Wednesday evening for a time of fellowship, worship, and education that will help make this season especially meaningful and help us continue to grow even after Lent is over. Our focus this year will be on cultivating spiritual practices that can help us grow in our relationship with God and others.
February 21 Life with God: Going Deeper in Prayer February 28 Abiding in the Word: Going Deeper in Scripture March 6 Doing More with Less: Going Deeper in Simplicity March 13 Entering into Rest: Going Deeper in Sabbath March 20 Loving Others as Ourselves: Going Deeper in Outreach
JUNE 17–21, 5:30–8 PM
NATIVITY PAGEANT | December 10, 2023 Our annual Nativity Pageant was beautifully portrayed by our talented children from Preschool through 8th grade! Their heartwarming performance brought the story of Jesus' birth to life. Whether you joined us in person or watched online, the warmth and wonder of this performance filled viewers hearts with joy.
2024 LAY LEADERS New leaders are elected annually at the Fall Parish Meeting. These leaders were elected on Sunday, October 22, 2023.
2024 – 2026
• Volunteer, Weddings and Funerals
• Chairman, Dallas County Red Cross
• Member and Volunteer, Farmers Market • Acolyte and Verger
• Lead Trainer and Teacher, Catechesis of the
Good Shepherd Sunday School
• President, Boys & Girls Club
• President, Junior Achievement
• Member, St. Mary’s Guild
Saint Michael • Co-Chair, Mission & Outreach • Women of Saint Michael Gifts Committee • Chair of Board, TITAS
• Reader, Chalice Bearer, and Usher • Reservations Chair, Women of Saint Michael
• Volunteer, Jubilee Park & Austin Street Center
• Member, Men of Saint Michael
• Member, Building & Grounds Committee • Server and Volunteer, Pancake Supper • Volunteer, The Bridge
• Acolyte, Chalice Bearer, and Usher
• Former President, Women of
Foundat ion
2024 – 2026
• Former SMAA Sunday School Teacher
• Disciples Confirmation Class (6 years)
• Rector Search Committee (Chris Girata) • Trustee, Virginia Theological Seminary;
General Theological Seminary • Active supporter and former trustee for Endowment of Episcopal School of Dallas
• Youth Sunday School Teacher (16 years) • Vestry Member (2001-2003)
• Adult Education and Technology Committees
• Stewardship Campaign Committee
• Mission and Outreach Committee
• All Angels Foundation Grants Committee • Past Women of Saint Michael Gifts Committee • Former Senior Vice President and Chief
Philanthropy Officer, The Dallas Foundation • Former President, Junior League of Dallas
• All Angels Foundation Grants Committee • Executive Director of the TI Foundation
• Board of Directors, Dallas Assembly and
Dallas Education Foundation • Board of Directors, Dallas Theater Center, TACA, and SMU Dedman College Executive Board
PHILIP RITTER • Acolyte and Verger
• Capital Campaign Committee
• Former Senior Warden and Vestry Member • Convention Delegate, Stewardship
Committee, Sunday School Teacher, Catechist • Senior Fellow, Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute
Diocesan Convention
2024 – 2026
• Confirmation Class Teacher
• Graduate, EFM Class
• Sunday School Teacher
• Farmers Market Committee • Cast, Michael! A Musical
• Acolyte
• Volunteer, Tela Mission Trip, Austin Street
Center, Jubilee Park, and Project Moses
• Participant, Men of Saint Michael
ALTERNATE: AMANDA HARRIS • Worship Leader and Co-Director of VBS • Member, Stewardship Committee
• Communications Chair, Women of Saint Michael • Lay Advisory Team, CFM Director Search • Foundation Trustees
STAFF ARRIVALS Please join us in welcoming our newest Saint Michael staff members!
Manager of Audio, Visual, and Lighting (AVL)
We are thrilled to announce Brian Turner as the new Manager of Audio, Visual, and Lighting (AVL). Brian joined the team at Saint Michael in 2022 as an AV Technician before accepting the role as AVL Manager. Prior to this, Brian spent three years working in logistics followed by six years in accounting while he pursued his passion for audio engineering and post-production. He has worked on many AVL projects over the years, including post-production work for an indie film. He also served as a recording engineer and has produced, mixed, and mastered music for various artists around Dallas-Fort Worth. Brian holds an Associate of Arts degree with a focus in audio engineering and audio for video from Collin College. Originally from Ohio, Brian has called Texas home for the last 10 years. He enjoys playing guitar, supporting the Michigan Wolverines and Pittsburgh Steelers, and spending time with his wife Allison and their dog Louis.
Assistant for Mission & Outreach
We are delighted to announce that Morgan Wood has joined us as the new Assistant to Mission and Outreach. Morgan graduated magna cum laude from Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, with a degree in Public Relations and a minor in Social Media Management. Morgan also has a wonderful background in logistics and event planning which will be a tremendous asset to the expanding Mission and Outreach ministries of Saint Michael. She also has a servant’s heart!
DEPARTURES Cedric Buard has left his position as Manager of AVL & Technology. Cedric worked at Saint Michael for nine years, providing technological support for our worship services, events, and programs. Along with his skilled and trained AVL team, Cedric provided high-quality live streaming, videos, podcast recordings, and more, especially during the trying times of Covid restrictions. Chris Love has left her position as Bookshop Manager. Chris ran the Saint Michael Bookshop for an impressive 14 years, curating lovely items and forming strong relationships with staff and parishioners. She did amazing work as the Bookshop Manager and we wish her the best with her new adventures. Nozar Daryapayma is no longer working at Saint Michael. We are very grateful for his leadership as Director of Facilities and wish him the very best in his future endeavors.
Thank you
for helping us Build the Kingdom!
Our annual stewardship campaign, Building the Kingdom, supports Saint Michael's growing staff, campus, programs, and ministries. While essential to our operations, it is most important to remember that your giving is part of the stewardship of our time, talents, and goods, and that stewardship is a key part of being true disciples of Christ.
If you have yet to make a pledge or financial gift to the 2024 program year, please visit or scan the QR code.
Martha Hellman Bogdon, Director of Stewardship | 214.692.3015
WINTER 2023–2024
SAINT MICHAEL'S 12 SHARES OF CHRISTMAS Take a look at some of the many ways parishioners spread Christmas cheer in our community! By Morgan Wood, Assistant to Mission & Outreach
ith the 12 Shares of Christmas, Saint Michael parishioners shared Christmas with over 3,000 children and seniors, showing great generosity despite all the busyness of Christmas tree decorating, holiday shopping, cookie baking, and Christmas movie marathoning. They were pleased to sacrifice some of those anticipated holiday traditions in honor of those for which gifts and joy at Christmas could not be assumed and expected. That sacrifice meant parishioners brightened the holidays for Jubilee Park and Community Center through I Believe in Angels gift-giving and a holiday luncheon. At the Thanksgiving lunch, seniors turned out in style, wearing their finest hats and fur for the special occasion. Volunteers dressed up too, sporting tacky jumpsuits, headbands, and gobble-themed gear which sparked plentiful laughter and infinite cheer. The gratefulness and gratitude from community members for a meal baked with care and a sweet Christmas present spelled the reason for the season and had Saint Michael’s heart melting. The love returned from sharing was so much greater than we felt should be collected. Many of Saint Michael’s children contributed to sharing Christmas too, picking out their favorite dolls, Lego blocks, and other small joys for the first annual and successful Foster Toy Drive. By shopping for tinkers and toys to donate to Foster and cool cozy coats to give to St. Philip’s Coat Closet, students and families at Saint Michael Episcopal School and Saint Michael and All Angels learned the incredible value of sharing during the most wonderful time of year.
In continuing a beautiful Christmas tradition, Saint Michael gifted the Christmas Plate Offering to North Dallas Shared Ministries, the Visiting Nurse Association, and The Senior Source Ombudsman Program to help them in providing spiritual, medical and meal support to seniors. The gift was a wonderful way to celebrate our Savior who came to meet our every need at Christmas in a manger. With the Christmas spirit growing like a snowball down a hill, the members of Saint Michael felt compelled to keep on going. They could not have Christmas without the classic cards, so parishioners of all ages helped to make bright, glittery cards to share with veterans who woke up in the hospital Christmas morning. The cards contained season's greetings, merry wishes, jingle bells, sequins, stickers ... and occasionally too much glue. For those wanting to share Christmas cards without the extra Elmer’s, Heart of Giving cards were sold by the Misssion and Outreach Committee to share Saint Michael love. Recepients opened Christmas cards highlighting works of the Lord, and mission partners received the sales proceeds which they so delightfully treasured. With contributions gathered for friends both locally and abroad, Saint Michael’s 12 shares of Christmas brought TREE-mendous service to children and seniors this past Noel season. Parishioners gave time, resources, and energy, all without ceasing. We could not have done all of this without you!
I Believe In Angels:
Thanksgiving meals complete with homemade pumpkin and gingerbread loaves
Foster Toy Drive:
kids received beautifully wrapped Christmas gifts
$25 gift cards to help families create Christmas magic
St. Philip’s Coat Drive:
gift bags of essential household goodies to seniors at Jubilee Park
NDSM Advent Calendar Food Drive:
toys for Stephen C. Foster Elementary School students
coats to stay cozy in the chilly winter season
canned goods and cleanliness items for families in need
Christmas Offering Plate:
Christmas Card Crafts:
Heart of Giving:
dollars raised in support of seniors
139 Merry wishes to the Dallas VA Medical Center
Over $11,000 to longtime ministry partners in Tela, Honduras
Saint Michael:
children and seniors experienced Christmas joy because of the generosity of Saint Michael’s parishioners
Over $11,000 to girls and boys growing up at Villa Amistad in Bolivia SPRING 2024
Jesus is Alive! This story begins on that hillside called “the face” or Golgotha, that place that looked like a skull. Jesus died there and was buried in that tomb where the flowers made it beautiful. In that tomb, they wrapped him in a cloth, tied it together, and covered his head with another cloth so he couldn’t be seen. It was a normal burial in those days. In that tomb, Jesus laid. Finally, they closed it up; he was dead. Now, there were two women, Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary. They spied how Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus put Jesus’ body in there and how they made that huge, heavy stone roll and stop in front of the opening. But, it was time for Passover and evening prayer, so they left, too. Early the next morning, the two Marys went to the tomb to put spices around Jesus’ body as a sign of respect. When they got there, they said to themselves, “How are we going to roll away that huge stone? We can’t do it. It’s early in the morning, and nobody is around, but let’s still go check it out.” They walked over, and holy mackerel! They couldn’t believe it, the stone was rolled away! They crept closer with the spices to put inside that tomb, but as they got inside, they found there was no
Jesus! The burial cloth was lying there with the other cloth that went over his head. They said the first thing that came to their mind: “Who stole Jesus’ body? Where did they place him? We saw him placed in there—he was dead—so where is he?!” All of a sudden, an angel appeared and asked, “Women, who are you looking for?” They said, “We’re looking for whoever put Jesus somewhere!” The angel said, “Jesus is not here; he’s alive! He has risen from the dead! Go tell the apostles that he will see all of you on the shore of Galilee.” So, they went and ran as fast as they could to the upper room where the men were hiding and afraid, because they thought they would be crucified next— but the women had the strength to go. They told these men, “The Lord is risen, indeed! Alleluia!” When the men didn’t believe them, the women were furious, so Peter said, “Let’s go to the tomb, and we’ll show you.” They ran to the tomb, and sure enough, the stone was pushed aside! The body wasn’t there. He was risen, so they all planned to see him again in Galilee, as the angel promised. Alleluia! Christ is risen!
Amen. May God bless you.
This story comes from our book, Stories From The Bible: From Creation To Pentecost, a collection of stories told by Father Michael Harmuth at Saint Michael in Joy: A Children’s Service. Illustrated by Travis Harvey. It is available for sale in the SMAA Book Shop.
WINTER SPRING 2023–2024 2024
May the souls of these faithful departed rest in peace Nancy Reed Chickering May 3, Julie Albert (daughter) and Isabella (granddaughter) Lois Elizabeth Gossett July 28, Lolly Gossett (daughter)
Kristi Warren Chickering November 7, Julie Albert (sister-in-law) and Isabella (niece) Edward Griffin Sheppard, Jr. November 7, Kathleen Wallace (daughter), Jay (son-in-law), Regan and Marshall (grandchildren)
Ann McFarland Wales September 20, Sheryl Wylie (sister-in-law) and Phil (brother-in-law)
Hanna Farah Sahliyeh November 8, Lisa Gladnick (daughter), Brian (son-in-law), Grayson, Henry, and Teddy (grandsons)
Sharon Jordan Richards September 24, Dr. James “Jim” Richards (husband)
Bradley Richard "Brad" Watson November 9, Robbie Raphael (mother)
Michael Stedman "Mike" Wyatt September 24, Piper Wyatt (wife) and Dixey Thornton (motherin-law)
Dorothy Manes Pierce November 24, Katie Whiteman (daughter), Jack (son-in-law), Pierce and Jax (grandchildren), Alan Pierce (son), Kacy (daughterin-law), Jayne and Anne (granddaughters)
Emily Whiting McKnight Tafel September 25, Andrew McKnight (brother), Amy (sister-in-law), Beau (niece) and Wayte (nephew) Charles McComber "Chuck" Best II October 5, Gertrude Best (wife), Betsy Cullum (daughter), Bennett (son-in-law), Sissy Cullum (daughter), Allen (son-inlaw), Liz Helfrich (granddaughter), Jeff (grandson-in-law) Anne Marie and Katie (great-granddaughters), B.A. Cullum (grandson), Victoria (granddaughter-in-law), Montgomery and Jane (great-grandchildren) Charlie Cullum (grandson), Hillary (granddaughter-in-law), and Adeline (great-granddaughter) James Austin "Jim" Murphy II October 5, Elise and Marynell Murphy (sisters) Jerry Lee Holmes October 11 Jay William "Bill" Wesson October 11, Leslie Benoit-Wesson (wife) Jay Michael DiNucci October 16, Ron and Betsy Pedersen (parents-in-law) Edward Cornelius "Eddie" Nash, Jr. October 17, Cindy Hughes (daughter), Tom (son-in-law), Nash and Eleanor (grandchildren) Linda Ann Olbrych October 18, Debra Decker (cousin) and Michael (cousin-in-law) Sonya "Sharon" Chitwood Cosper October 24, Cindy Sparrow (daughter), Ted (son-in-law), Ali and Teddy (grandchildren) Patricia Delaney "Pat" Snider October 28, Annie Reece (daughter), Wade (son-in-law), Caroline and Allison (granddaughters) Lewis William Kreps November 2, Ford Kreps (son)
Michael Jay Lichty November 27, Jason Lichty (son), Jenny (daughter-in-law), Emily and Cara (granddaughters) Katherine Lynn "Kathy" Basel November 29, the Rev. Christian Basel (son) Ann Richmond Jennings November 30, Gwendolyn Chestnut (daughter), Bobby (son-inlaw), Croft and Will (grandsons) Virginia Elizabeth Vaughan Wiley December 3, Jim Wiley (son), Karen (daughter-in-law), Chris Wiley (grandson), Robyn (granddaughter-in-law), Luke and Caroline (great-grandchildren) Thomas O'Brien "Tom" Harbison December 4, Marilyn Harbison (wife), Dan Harbison (son), Laura (daughter-in-law), Thomas and Woods (grandsons) John C. "Jack" Candon December 5, Anne Leary (sister-in-law), Anne Blanshard (niece) and Robert (nephew-in-law) Larry Wayne Smegner December 6, Anne Crawford (sister) and Brent (brother-in-law) James Alan Alexander December 7, Haley Dettra (daughter), Scott (son-in-law), and Kate (granddaughter) Dean Flagg Magee December 7, Sally and Bill Magee (parents) Michael Knowlton December 10, Dr. Joan Faubion (cousin) Karen Kay Johnson Pardoe December 12, Bill Pardoe (husband) Brian Eugene Little December 15, Judge James Kerr, Jr. (cousin)
Jere William Thompson December 19, David Thompson (son), Lee (daughter-in-law), Elizabeth, Margaret, and Catherine (granddaughters) Katherine Almond Maddox Keeling December 23 Gayle M. Monsour December 23, Garland Cohlmia (sister) and Dr. Mike (brotherin-law) Patricia Cohlmia "Pat" Gabriel December 28,. Dr. Mike Cohlmia (brother) and Garland (sisterin-law) Margaret Anne Wynne Chilton "Cookie" Owen December 28, Dan Owen (husband), Anne Oden (daughter), Blair (son-in-law), Margaret, Caroline, and Blair, Jr. (grandchildren) Martin Frank "Bubba" Wood January 5, Patricia Wood (wife) John Lewis "Jack" Wheatley, Jr. January 8, Allison Bovard (daughter), Chris (son-in-law), Charlie, Sam, and Jack (grandsons)
Saint Michael Presents gratefully acknowledges and thanks our generous donors!
SFORZANDO Mary and Jerry Andrlik Marla and Tony Briggle Kelly Compton and DeWitt McCarter Mary Louise and David Hopson Judge James W. Kerr Jr. Bob and Marti Korver
Suzanne and Jay Lipscomb Darrel and Jeff Rice Wyatt and Carolyn Rousseau Randy and Anne Slaughter Dr. Sharon Spalding John and Kathy Yeaman
CRESCENDO The Arkay Foundation Shannon Wilson Callewart Craig and Caren Clemmer Nicole and Chris Girata Zoe and Todd Hart
Deborah McMurray & Glen Davison Christian Moncrief Allan and Dawn Morrill Dr. and Mrs. Leslie H. Secrest Byrd F. Teague
BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Celebrating the arrivals of our newest family
Pam Barbera Terese Finitzo Louise and Guy Griffeth Libby Norwood Johnson Betty Lipscomb
Evelyn Marie Lawson Friday, October 6, 2023 John & Alicia Lawson (Parents) Robert & Carrie Nicoud (Grandparents) Caroline Elaine Massad Monday, November 27, 2023 Michael & Taylor Massad (Parents) Mike & Sissy Massad (Grandparents)
Gigi and Jerry Poglitsch Ricki and Gabe Shapiro Tricia and Tom Stewart Ann Peak and Nino Torres Mary and Matt Waller
ARPEGGIO Adele Broughton Rosamond Brown Julie and Chuck Butterworth Fred and Sandi Ciarochi John Ellerman Mary Jo and Bart Forbes Jessica Whitt Garner Jane and Greg Greene
Benjamin Ballard Kardell Monday, December 4, 2023 Ben & Katie Kardell (Parents) Steve & Mary Kardell (Grandparents) Mary Elizabeth Schleier Thursday, December 14, 2023 Grady & Mary Elizabeth Schleier (Grandparents)
Dr. David and Mrs. Corinne Karp Elizabeth and John Lang Ruth and Fred Mason Sue and Bob Patton Helen Reynolds Charles Sartain Tig Thompson Kathleen and Jay Wallace
DOLCE Rachel and Ken Brannon Margaret E. Cervin Sally and Mark Cullum Kendall and Deanna Goodman Sandra Hughes
Barbara Kandel Pat and Don Moore Leonard Shockey Paige Wilbur As of: 1/3/2024
To donate to Saint Michael Presents, please scan the QR code. *As of: 1/8/2024 SPRING 2024 55
the The liturgically seasonal publication of Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church 8011 Douglas Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75225- 0385
the the
The Easter Season at Saint Michael
March 31 – May 18, 2024 Once you've been transformed by God's love, you can't help but want to share it with others. This Easter season, let's learn how to share that grace and love with our friends and neighbors.