Cape of Good Hope
137th Annual Report 2015 We speak for, protect and care for animals
Cape of Good Hope
Enhancing Our Own Capacity
At the Cape of Good Hope SPCA, we strive to secure income through our own efforts thereby reducing our dependency on our donor community and relieving the pressures placed on them. In a difficult funding climate where grant applications can be unsuccessful, purely based on the fact that animal welfare is not aligned to the National Development Plan, it has become necessary to diversify our sources of funding. We are proud to be an NGO that generates part of its own income through commercial activity. Our income generating activities include:
The SPCA Charity Shop, a socially innovative project that enables us to generate income from donated second hand items. This shop not only assists us in providing for all the animals in our care but serves a disadvantaged community, enabling them to buy necessities at a fraction of the normal price.
Two SPCA Vet shops that stock a wide range of tick and flea treatments and de-worming products, a selection of premium dog and cat food sold at the recommended retail price, homeopathic medication by PetAlive, a wide selection of dog treats and toys, dog and cat sleeping baskets and carriers, a range of shampoos including medicated shampoo for your tick and flea problems and dog and cat feeding bowls, leads and collars.
Our SPCA boarding facilities
In the last financial year, our vet shops generated R1 037 717.00 in Gross Profit and
offer pets a home away from
R397 638.00 in Net Income. Our charity shop grossed R630 622.00 and generated a Net income
home! We give peace of mind to
of R493 082.00. Our boarding facilities, the costs of which are absorbed into operating costs,
owners who are going on holiday
netted R100 230.00.
or travelling on business by
Cumulatively, our income generating efforts resulted in us asking our donors for R990 950.00 less.
providing top quality care to their
The 2015/2016 financial year will see us adding to these efforts with the opening of a second
companion animals at an
charity shop towards the end of 2015.
affordable price.
Chairman Dr Theodore Shippey
Honorary Treasurer Mr Anthony Sedgwick Secretary Mr Henry Fabe Members Dr John Oakley Dr Gininda Msiza
Chairman and CEO’s Report
Together, we make a difference
Breakdown of income and expenditure
Adv Phil Snijman Miss Nocamagu Mbulawa Miss Christabel Geland Patrons
Treasurer’s Report
Auditor’s Report
The Honourable Premier Mrs Helen Zille
Financial Statement
Her Worship The Mayor Ms Patricia de Lille
Extent of services - impact report
Winning hearts and minds
Establishing zero tolerance for cruelty
Helping people and pets
Looking out for horses
Rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing wildlife
Mr Moyo Ndukwana
Standing up for farm animals
Ms Belinda Abraham
Finding loving homes
Mr Rassie Erasmus Ambassadors Horse Care Unit - Philippa Johnson Wildlife Unit - Lewis Pugh Management Team Mr Allan Perrins, CEO
Ms Megan Reid Mrs Catherine Samuels Mrs Margie Ainscow Mr Darryl Burt
Our Vision To see a world where every living creature has intrinsic value and is regarded as a sentient being. Our Mission The prevention of cruelty towards all living creatures.
Chairman and CEO’s Report
Theo Shippey
Allan Perrins
During the period under review, we realised one of our
Our Society continues to lead the way and continues
dreams and “broke ground” on our incredible new
to make a positive difference thanks to the dependable
Adoption Centre, Vet and Charity Shop. These facilities
support and generosity of our growing donor base and
t gives us great pleasure to once again provide an
Animals Matter to Africa parade in an effort to raise
overview of our Society’s activities and achievements
awareness and continued with the very successful Mass
over the past year.
Animal Sterilisation Projects.
based on award-winning precedents will ensure that we are
strategic partnerships with the City of Cape Town, Western
able to cope with an ever-increasing demand for our services
Cape Department of Agriculture and Cape Animal Welfare
for at least the next two decades. We are confident that
Forum affiliates.
these changes will result in more adoptions, larger retail
We look forward to welcoming the first group of
profits and very importantly happier animals and their care-
Compulsory Community Service veterinarians to our Society
givers. An indirect benefit of this capital expansion project
in the very near future. As our Society is one of the largest,
has been the receipt of funding from the City of Cape Town
and most progressive SPCAs in our country, our large staff is
which has committed itself to investing RM4 in the Animal
essential to any success which we achieve. Each year the
Pound over the next three years. This co-payment which is
words “dedicated” and “caring” are used by members of the
long overdue will help ease the financial burden on the
public to describe our inspectors and other staff members.
Animal Care Centre allowing the team to focus its full
The gratitude expressed when animals are rescued from
attention on the welfare and well-being of the animals.
severe cruelty or accidents makes our work very worthwhile.
The unexpected loss of our entire Charity Shop complex
The very fact that we have embarked on a large building
and all its stock due to arson, was devastating but enabled
programme is indicative of the careful and frugal use of
us to fast-track the construction of the new retail complex
donors’ money. We look forward to inviting the public and
which we hope to open before the end of 2015. It also led us
the press to the opening of these new facilities inthe near
to exploring external retail locations and opening a shop in
future. We assure donors that their money will be sensibly
Ottery for which we have ambitious plans.
applied to provide better facilities for the vast numbers of animals needing protection and care.
To celebrate International Animal Month, we premiered
In closing, we would like to acknowledge and thank our
our inspiring adoption DVD “Life’s Better Shared” in all local
remarkable team.
New Metro cinemas. The result was a new adoption record
They make it happen.
for the month of October 2014! We also participated in the
19 599 animals inspected
7 957 cruelty cases investigated
Together, we make a difference
he 2014/15 financial year proved both exciting
gratitude to the many trusts and foundations who believe in
and challenging as our team forged ahead in
our vision, invest heavily in our cause and entrust us with the
spite of a difficult economic climate and in the
responsible use of their funds. Their cumulative donations of
face to two disasters. A fire at our charity shop
R2 546 254.00 contributed significantly towards our ability
saw us lose a regular stream of income and the disastrous
to provide essential services to animals in distress. We give
fires on the Cape Peninsula put pressure on our already
our sincere appreciation in particular to, The VWG Stone Will
strained resources. In both these times of crisis, we received
Trust, The Rolf Stephan Nussbaum Foundation, The Yates
an outpouring of public and corporate support for which we
Charitable Trust, The Dangwen Trust, The Lou Orr Trust, The
remain forever grateful. Because of this support we were
W & J Weise Charitable Trust, The Willmott Trust, The CA
able to help the many animals who were injured or displaced
Mabin Trust, The Lorenzo and Stella Chiappini Trust, The Jack
as a result of the fire and informally re-establish our charity
Silson Trust, The Annamie Herbst Trust, The Douglas Jooste
shop. Our grateful thanks go to Mrs Pamela Isdell and the
Trust and The FG Pay Trust.
Isdell Family Foundation for a contribution of R330 000.00
This year, we celebrate the beginning of a valuable
towards the construction of a brand new charity shop at our
partnership with the City of Cape Town and thank them
premises in Grassy Park. As a result of this generosity, we
sincerely for their contribution towards the costs of caring
look forward to formally opening the doors of this much
for animals at our facility during their prescribed pound
needed income generating facility towards the end of 2015.
period. Additionally, we appreciate their ongoing support of
The corporate sector’s social responsibility remains
our mass animal sterilisation programmes which see
focused on poverty alleviation and maths / science literacy
healthier animals and healthier communities.
and funding from this sector therefore remains slow. We
The world is a poorer place for the loss of members of our
give our heartfelt thanks to the corporates who do believe in
animal loving community and we humbly respect and give
our education programmes and those who understand that
our deepest gratitude to those who chose to leave the Cape
animal welfare is directly connected to community health.
of Good Hope SPCA gifts in their wills. These visionary gifts
The loyal support of Airports Company South Africa, Trencor
totalling R4 794 000.00 allow us to continue acting for
Services (PTY) LTD, Hills Pet Nutrition, NestlĂŠ Purina, Cipla Vet
animals on a daily basis and to plan well into the future.
(PTY) LTD, Bayer (PTY) LTD, My School My Village My Planet
Our diverse and multilateral fundraising efforts offer our
and the Canal Walk Foundation is highly valued and greatly
donors many ways to support us and we value each and
appreciated. We also extend our thanks and
every donation made. To those who contribute so
generously to us on a monthly basis, those who attend
enabling us to mobilise the forces on a daily basis so that we
events, those who answer specific calls to action, those who
can continue to speak for, protect and care for animals. In
put change into collection tins, those who donate second
addition, our sincere appreciation goes to the individuals
hand goods and those who make our Vet Shops their pet
and corporates who donate food, offer pro bono services
product supplier of choice - we salute you! Thank you for
and volunteer of their time so readily.
Our highlights of the year include: The proud hosting of our 21st Wiggle Waggle in
in crisis. We thank each and every one of them for the
conjunction with the sponsorship of My School My Village
ongoing support and their contribution to the fight for a
My Planet. This event saw over 2000 participants and
cruelty free future for all animals.
generated income to the value of R136 000.00. With
Small change indeed drives big change! The kind
grateful thanks to NestlĂŠ Purina, our Woefie Wandel
contributions of donors and the dedication of our tin
event generated similar results contributing R127 146.75
controllers and counters resulted in an income growth of
to our cause.
14 % and R629 489.80 being added to our coffers.
On a sporting note, our Team SPCA once again pedalled
Our income generating activities are producing
and ran their hearts out to generate over R500 000.00 in
favourable results, achieving target and reflecting on aver-
the Cape Town Cycle Tour and R216 616.70 in the Old
age a growth of 25% against the same period last year.
Mutual Two Oceans Marathon. Our thanks go to each and
The fundraising and communications team remain
every team member as well as our corporate sponsors,
committed to the sustainability of the Cape of Good Hope
Ultra Dog, Bayer and William Simpson. We look forward
SPCA and in the year ahead, will continue to maintain and
to growing Team SPCA and introducing new events to
pursue ethical partnerships, employ creative method-
challenge fundraising in the new financial year.
ologies, offer transparency to our donors and contain
The loyal support of our individual givers to
fundraising costs. This passionate team of animal lovers
whom we give our heartfelt thanks, saw a fantastic
will ensure that we remain at the forefront of fighting
R3 034 676.00 in contributions. Even as consumers
animal cruelty by serving with credibility and honour so
tighten their belts, our supporters continue to dig deeply
that you, our loyal donors, will be proud to be associated
into their pockets in support of animals and communities
with us.
Your donations at work Trusts 8%
Bequests 13% Education 1%
Vetshop 15%
Boarding and Adoptions 5% National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund 0%
Investments 8%
Income 2014 / 2015
Inspectorate 2% Hospital 12% Horse Care Unit 1%
Mobile Clinics 4% Maintenance 1%
Communications and Resource Development 35%
Administration costs include depreciation, bank fees, insurance and IT costs, which for accounting purposes are not reallocated to underlying departments.
Vetshop 14%
Wildlife 2%
Inspectorate 14%
Administration 8% Depreciation and Insurance 3%
Hospital 23%
Expenses 2014 / 2015
Boarding and Adoptions 10%
Horse Care Unit 2% Communications and Resource Development 17% 8
Education 2%
How our funds were utilised 77.4% of all donations received went directly to our service beneficiaries. Our Face Ratio is 22.6% This is the ratio of fundraising and administrations costs as a percentage of our total costs. It is a widely adopted benchmark, used to judge the performance of an organisation’s fundraising efficiency. Cost containment ensures that our fundraising and administration costs, run well below the prescribed 30% limit.
887 2331 3781 28934
3309 4263
5000 5989
Income and utilisation
Surplus Invested
Animal Care
Treasurer’s Report
t has been an exciting year with encouraging progress
Hospital (veterinary costs escalate at a higher rate than
made across a number of fronts by the organisation,
normal inflation) and Inspectorate as we add 2 additional
but we still have challenges to overcome.
Inspectors to our team this year.
Notable successes include the following: l
Our ambitions are however determinedly set on the
We have finally managed to secure partial payment from
achievement of the following short and medium term goals:
the City of Cape Town towards the costs of caring for the
animals admitted to our facilities during their prescribed
adoption centre within budget and on time.
pound period. We have worked tirelessly on achieving this
reserves, to continue to make progress towards achieving
in place which allows us to secure a contribution towards
operational break even. l
service. We hope we are able to maintain this
The development of new and the expansion of several existing fundraising projects and programmes as the
arrangement which is a very positive and cost-effective
Despite the short term pressures this will place on our
outcome despite opposition and finally have something our costs, to deliver what should be a State provided
The delivery of the substantially expanded and upgraded
primary tool to achieve the second point above.
outcome for the City but more importantly the thousands
As always we will need to call on our army of loyal supporters
of animals in need.
and donors to assist us in achieving these goals. It is
Various fundraising initiatives accelerating their
comforting to know that in our 143rd year, our Society can
contributions to the Society.
continue to count on that support for its survival.
A substantial increase in our investment income buoyed by our growing Reserves.
As we enter our 2016 financial year, the notable financial challenges that confront the Society are as follows: l
The imminent reduction in our investment income and reserve base as we draw down on these assets to make
payment for the new Adoption Centre which is currently
Anthony Sedgwick
being built.
The increasing funding requirement of operating our
May 2015
Auditor’s Report
Financial Statement Analysis of net assets for the year ending 31 March 2015
Analysis of Income and Expenditure INCOME
2014/15 2013/14 R’000 R’000 Fixed assets
Total Fixed Assets
Accounts receivable
Stock on hand
Cash in bank and in hand Cash on call Total Current Assets Creditors Overdraft utilised Net Current Assets Total Assets
Education Boarding and Adoptions National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund Comms & Resource Dev Horse Care Unit Hospital Inspectorate Investments Vetshop Trusts
Analysis of funds Retained income Revaluation reserve Accumulated funds
2014/15 2013/14 R’000 R’000 331 1 409 -
283 1 146 746
9 772 308 3 173 604 2 287 4 016 2 240 24 140
7 974 367 3 078 408 2 317 3 615 2 715 22 649
4 794
3 547
EXPENSES Administration Depreciation and Insurance Boarding and Adoptions Education Comms & Resource Dev Horse Care Unit Hospital Inspectorate Maintenance Mobile Clinics Vetshop Wildlife
2014/15 2013/14 2 053 2 228 887 597 2 770 2 583 563 475 4 378 4 092 538 1 020 5 989 5 436 3 594 3 205 275 230 1 070 1 048 3 617 3 297 670 803 26 404
25 014
Extent of Services Rendered 2014/15 The Inspectorate
The Farmyard
Cruelty Investigations
Warnings Issued
Animals Inspected
The Horse Care Unit
Animals Collected
Equines Treated
The Animal Care Centre Admissions
Stray Animals
Surrendered Animals
Learners Reached
Schools Visited
Lost Animals Re-united With Owners
Animals Sterilised
The Animal Hospital Animal Treatments Done At Our Hospital
Animals Treated At Our Mobile Clinics
Animals Sterilised
Mass Animal Sterilisation Projects (in conjunction with CAWF)* Households Reached
Animals Sterilised Khayelitsha & Wesbank
The Wildlife Unit Wild Animals Admitted Wildlife Cruelty Cases Wildlife Rescues Facilities Monitored
1,551 707 1,525 15
*Cape Animal Welfare Forum
Winning Hearts & Minds
ecades of research proves that children trained
compassion for all living creatures. In so doing, we look
to extend justice, kindness and mercy to
forward to combating not only the very real issue of animal
animals become more just, kind, and
cruelty in Cape Town but also the very real issue of violent
considerate in their relations to each other.
Character training along these lines will result in men and
This past year our education team took our interactive
women of broader sympathies; more humane, more law-
Ani-Pal puppet show to 117 schools and participated in the City’s Youth Environmental Programme during Biodiversity
abiding and in every respect more valuable citizens. To this end, our education team strives to impact
Week. We collectively reached 10 450 impressionable young
positively on the attitudes of our youth and instill in them
minds in communities such as Site C Khayelitsha, Gugulethu,
Delft, Delft South, Rocklands Mitchell’s Plain, Westridge
grooming and walking that they will receive. We look
Mitchell’s Plain and Bishop Lavis where the presence of our
forward to conducting animal related educational
SPCA Xhosa-speaking educator has proven to be an
presentations and activities at children's homes on a weekly
invaluable bonus.
basis as well.
Nine Schools within low income communities benefited from the extended mobile clinic component of our Ani-Pal Programme. This mobile clinic element aims to use the lessons learnt through the Ani-Pal puppet show to encourage learners to take advantage of a free pet sterilisation service. 242 pets benefited from this service and a further 311 sterilisations resulted from our involvement in
We remain sincerely grateful to the many
“When educating the minds of our youth we must not forget to educate their hearts” The Dalai Lama
holiday and out-reach programmes. Pet population control is vital to community health and animal welfare and the impressive total of 553 sterilisations will have a positive impact in both of these areas. In the year ahead, we look forward to hosting troubled children from orphanages and places of safety at our facility where they will groom, walk, and interact with dogs from the SPCA. The objectives of this programme are twofold: Firstly to give these children a chance to interact with animals in a safe and controlled space and allow the children to experience the unconditional love which animals freely give while they learn respect, boundaries and correct behavior around animals. Secondly the programme will give the animals in our care the opportunity to socialize with children and we know they will enjoy the additional
schools, learners and parents who have chosen the Cape of Good Hope SPCA as their preferred charity by participating in the many fundraising initiatives over the years. A special thanks goes to Airports Company South Africa who have invested in and supported our educational efforts for the past three years.
10 595 young minds educated
117 schools visited
553 free sterilisations done
Establishing Zero Tolerance for Cruelty
e were shocked and saddened to receive
At the heart of each of our 21 inspectors is the desire to
video footage via an anonymous source of
selflessly serve animals. Faced with the task of covering
a German Shepherd being tied up and
11 000 square kilometres and responding to a wide variety
beaten relentlessly with a garden rake.
of approximately 150 alerts per day, this team goes beyond
Our Inspectors left no stone unturned in their search for
the call of duty in order to rescue any animal in distress and
Sheba and by the end of the same day, she had been found,
investigate all reports of animal cruelty, all year round, 24
confiscated and brought to safe refuge at the Cape of Good
hours a day.
Hope SPCA. Our work was not yet done because then began
With an increasing population that is struggling
the pursuit of justice for Sheba who had been left physically
economically, the issue of animal welfare takes centre
and emotionally scarred by the
priority at the Inspectorate who
incident. Our Inspector compiled her
witness untold suffering that animals
evidence expertly and within days of
endure at the hands of owners who
the case being handed to the State
lack the resources, knowledge or
Prosecutor, the owner entered into a
empathy to treat their animals with
Plea Bargain and admitted guilt.
the respect that they, as sentient
Sentence was handed down and the
beings, deserve.
owner was fined and denied owner-
Undeterred, we move forward in
ship of any kind of animal in the future.
our mission to create a cruelty-free
We left the court victorious and secure
society with fire in our blood, steel in
in the knowledge that we had not only
our veins, determination in our hearts
received justice for Sheba but
and armed with these tools to help us
protected many other animals from
achieve this mission:
suffering at the hands of the accused.
Sheba’s case was only one of the
Inspections aimed at preventing cruelty to animals through edu-
152 cases reported that day and our
cation and expertise,
inspectors investigate each case with
Embarking on mass sterilisation
the same passion and dedication
campaigns to prevent unwanted
shown to Sheba.
litters of puppies and kittens and
the associated suffering from uncontrolled breeding.
campaigns. They go where others fear to tread, knock on
Providing the public with sufficient assistance and
doors, educate pet owners, advocate for sterilisation and
knowledge to ensure that animals are treated humanely
ensure the safe transit of animals to and from the Cape of
and with compassion and that their basic five freedoms
Good Hope SPCA. As a result of their commitment, over
are applied at all times.
4 000 animals in the indigent communities of Khayelitsha,
Prosecuting cases of deliberate or negligent cruelty where
Wesbank, Atlantis, Westlake, Kalbaskraal, Macassar and
advice and follow-up visits are ignored.
various small informal settlements, have benefitted from
To act at all times in the best interests of all animals.
these campaigns since their inception. Our victories are many and while we can’t share them all
Humane pet population control remains one of the most
here we would like to boast just a little about some areas
effective tools in curbing animal cruelty and for this reason
where we have made great inroads into building relation-
the Inspectorate offers their full support to mass sterilisation
ships with other role players for the benefit of all animals, be they production, wild or domestic animals: l
As a result of hard work, Animal Health Technicians (AHTs) from the Department of Agriculture alerted us to a distressing situation in Atlantis where emaciated pigs, living in filthy conditions and covered with sores had been left to starve. Sadly one of the pigs was
in such a poor condition that the only humane thing to do
confiscated the puppy. This post received unsurpassed
was to put him out of his misery. This is the type of case
attention on social media platforms and the public
that both haunts us and keeps us motivated in our fight
applauded as charges of cruelty to animals in terms of
against cruelty. We are thankful for those who cared
the Animals Protection Act 71/1962 were laid against
enough to report this to the SPCA and urge the people of
the owner.
Cape Town to remain vigilant and help the SPCA put an
We continue to sit on the Disaster and Risk Management
end to the neglect, abuse and abandonment of all animals. Charges of cruelty to animals were laid against the owner of the pigs in terms of the Animals Protection Act 71/1962. l
Increased public awareness resulted in a call for assistance, on a wet and cold afternoon, when a member of the public had seen a dog stuck in a storm water pipe draining into the canal alongside the N1. A
Committees of the City of Cape Town and the
At the heart of each of our 21 inspectors is the desire to selflessly serve animals.
Great Dane had escaped from his property
Koeberg Nuclear Power Station. As a result of this relationship, we proudly held a leading role in coordinating rescue efforts for the animals that were caught in the Peninsula Fires early in the year. The public commended the work of the SPCA towards animals in distress and the dedication of the Inspectors who always go the extra mile to assist animals. l
.We have made significant inroads into the Muslim community in order to ensure that the
and was so scared that he had squeezed himself into the
slaughtering and handling of animals is done humanely
tiny pipe and got stuck. The pipe was rapidly filling with
during their Qurbani festival. We are called upon by all the
water and the dog was blocking the flow. The dog was
leading Muslim radio stations to conduct interviews and air
safely rescued and brought back to the SPCA. He was
our concerns and recommendations - which were greatly
successfully reunited with his owners and they were
accepted by the Muslim Community. Our vision is to lobby
grateful to the SPCA for helping to save their dog and
for all the Qurbani establishments to be regulated under
make for a happy reunion.
abattoir standards in order to ensure proper facilities for
We received a message via Facebook of a puppy that had
the handling and slaughter of animals in a humane
been left in the car on a very hot day. We managed to trace
manner. We anticipate building on this momentum in the
the ownership status of the vehicle and after obtaining
coming years in order to ensure that animals are treated
two Court Orders we proceeded to the property and
humanely during this religious rite.
Helping People & Pets
atches was knocked over and left broken and bleeding in the road by the driver of a car. Her owner, an elderly, disabled lady from Woodstock called
on the Cape of Good Hope SPCA in her distress. Our Inspector Damon responded and immediately brought the hurt animal to the Cape of Good Hope SPCA where our vet was able to assess her fractured leg and perform a successful surgery. A few days later we happily witnessed the touching reunion between owner and companion and left knowing that we had healed not only Patches’ broken leg but her owner’s broken heart too. It’s stories like these that keep our dedicated team of three SAVC qualified vets, one authorised vet,
The past year saw 15 721 animals being brought into our
twelve animal welfare assistants and ten orderlies going.
clinic by their owners and 78 401 animals being admitted to
Their job is not easy and they are faced with terrible cases of
our hospital.
cruelty and neglect on a daily basis. Our animal hospital
The Cape of Good Hope SPCA is passionate about the
remains our biggest expense; it costs us almost R6 million to
upskilling of individuals who have an interest in the animal
operate annually and the need for our services continues to
welfare sector. To this end, we provide on-the-job practical
grow in the face of rising unemployment and ongoing
and theoretical training to those entering the field and assist
poverty within the indigent communities we serve. In addition, there is a direct link between animal welfare and community health and our clinics and animal hospital, by providing essential primary veterinary care, help to prevent the transmission of zoonotic diseases such as rabies, worms and scabies.
them to qualify as Animal Welfare Assistants
There is a direct link between animal welfare and community health 20
who are authorised to perform a number of primary treatments, helping to ease the burden placed on our veterinary staff. In the last year, four of our trainees qualified and we are now operating a fully staffed hospital. Further to this, 2016 will see the dawn of an exciting
programme centrally funded by the Department of
to keeping their companion animals. Another Mass Animal
Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries (DAFF). This programme
Sterilisation Project, this time in the Wesbank area of Delft,
involves the deployment of newly qualified veterinarians to
was taken on with generous funding from the City of Cape
veterinary community outreach service providers such as our-
Town and in association with the Cape Animal Welfare Forum.
selves, in order to complete compulsory community services
The project began in March 2015 and will see in excess of
(CCS). With thanks to DAFF, we look forward to assisting with
70% of the pet population in the area being sterilised.
the practical implementation of this programme by
Our upcoming year will continue to focus on streamlining
accommodating CSS veterinarians and sharing our extensive
and optimising internal systems and skills development to
knowledge for the benefit of animals everywhere.
increase the number of animals assisted and to give needy
We are trying hard to end the euthanasia of healthy or
owners an improved experience when using our hospital
treatable pets by augmenting spay/neuter and treatment
and Mobile Clinics. A big thanks to all our donors without
programmes thereby helping pet owners overcome barriers
whom none of this would be possible.
Life is hard in the township ... for people and dogs. Yet the bond between many pet owners and their animals is very real. Even
The Mobile Clinics
those with very little, share what they have
performed 29 443
with their ‘best friend’. When you live in an
treatments during
informal settlement and can’t find a job, a
the last financial
faithful furry companion, might be the only
year alone, over
thing that keeps you going.
5000 more than
It is for this reason that we do our best to
previous years and
cater to the many disadvantaged pet owners
the demand for our
who need our services. Some pet owners are
Hungry ... riddled with worms ...
faced with logistical difficulties which is why
covered in fleas and at risk of
we deliver veterinary services to their door-
disease - believe us when
steps via our Mobile Clinics.
we tell you this dog is loved!
services continues to grow.
80 182 treatments done at our hospital
3 727 animals sterilised
29 443 animals treated at our mobile clinics
Looking out for Horses
worried old man arrived at our SPCA last
worst cases of abuse imaginable. They are pushed to their
October, leading a very thin and broken down
limits to ensure that household income is maintained in
black pony. He’d found the horse in Manenberg
areas where poverty is rife or are simply abandoned when
tied up and unable to stand. We’re not quite
they are no longer able to work anymore. As a result of
sure how he got the horse up and coaxed it to walk almost
this,19 equines were beyond help and had to be euthanized
11km to the Cape of Good Hope SPCA in Grassy Park. We do
this year. We strive to prevent abuse and neglect of equines
know that every step must have been agony for the pony,
by educating owners on proper equine husbandry and
which was suffering from protracted colic, was extremely
working with the indigent communities within our 11 000
thin and weak and had huge infected harness sores all over
km2 of operation.
his body. Our horse care unit staff are dedicated indeed and once the pain medication took effect, they spent hours walking Prince (as we named him) to ease the colic, encouraging him with gentle words and much petting and affection. Prince recovered as a
Prince recovered as a result of the care he received which included plenty of food, a warm stable, veterinary treatment and lots of love.
Equines are expensive to feed and maintain and our unit faces many challenges in a tough economic climate. Feed and primary veterinary care remain our largest expense as
we strive towards a
cruelty free environment for equines.
We give our grateful
result of the care he received which included plenty of food,
thanks to the Thoroughbred Breeders Association for their
a warm stable, veterinary treatment and lots of love. Once
ongoing support of our unit and recognise the personal
he was healthy and looking as majestic as his name
sacrifice of our team of dedicated volunteers who ensure
suggests, a loving family opened their home and their
that our horses receive grooming and exercise whilst they
hearts to Prince and with an enormous sense of accom-
await their new homes.
plishment and pride and a tear or two, we saw Prince off to
In the year ahead, our tenacious team will keep their eyes
his happy home.
firmly on their goals as they strive to do more than their best
Prince was just one of 47 stray and 7 impounded equines
to protect and
that crossed our path in the last year and while there were
care for equines.
30 other happy adoptions, not all the stories ended as well as his. Equines, regarded as working animals, suffer the
Rescuing, Rehabilitating and Releasing Wildlife
n March this year, while raging fires ravaged the
It’s outcomes like this and true dedication to the rescue,
beautiful Cape Town mountainside, our Wildlife Unit
rehabilitation and release of wildlife that keep our unit
were on the ground, scouring the burn sites for any
dedicated to the protection of wild animals. Our wild
signs of life. Even after the fires had been extinguished,
animals need us more than ever as urban sprawl, natural
the heat generated from the scorched earth melted the soles
disasters, cruel trapping methods and cultural beliefs leave
of their boots as they searched. It was a truly traumatic time
wildlife vulnerable and at risk of harm.
for our dedicated unit as many animals had fallen victim to
The past year proved a difficult and busy one for our
the flames, but still they searched on 24/7, undeterred and
Wildlife unit with 1 551 wild animals being admitted into
loyal to their mission. There were many animals with varying
our Short Term Care Facility.
degrees of injuries that we were able to assist, a little
The Cape of Good Hope SPCA does not support the
porcupine that we fondly called Pee-pee was amongst
keeping of any wild animals as pets as they require special
them. He had sustained severe burns to his feet and body
care and diets, which they can only truly get, in their natural
and needed immediate medical assistance. He was brought
habitat. We continue to see a great number of exotic animals
back to the Cape of Good Hope SPCA where his wounds
and pets coming into the unit and for this reason, education
were treated and his pain managed. He stayed with us, at
remains one of our biggest focuses in the year ahead. Despite some of the difficulties of the year we also had
our Wildlife unit for more than 2 months, resting on a clean bed of straw, being sheltered, fed and cared for until he was
many memorable moments. These include;
no longer in danger and his wounds had healed. We
Taking part in a prescribed burn at the Diemersfontein
cried tears of joy as we released
Wine estate in October. The burn took place in order to
Pee-Pee back into his natural
rehabilitate the precious Renosterveld and make way for a
environment because
wildlife preserve into which various animals that are
there is no better feeling
admitted to our facility can be released once they have
in the world than
recovered. We remain forever grateful to the Sonnenbergs
watching a wild animal
and all involved at Diemersfontein for giving our animals the opportunity to be free again.
return to the wild. l
The rescue and recovery of Stanford, a Rhesus Macaque Monkey who was discovered in Mfuleni where he was being kept in a 1.5m x 1.5m circular enclosure. Stanford,
We value and continue to nurture the relationships we have built with various authorities involved in Nature Conservation as well as the City of Cape Town’s Disaster Management Committee where we are honored to be able to give our input at meetings and take part in numerous exercises which will ultimately benefit all wildlife. In the year ahead, our Wildlife unit will continue with their immediate response to all wildlife in crisis, increase their education efforts and continue to be a voice for all wild having never been able to see the sky in his previous
animals living in captivity. They also remain focused on
enclosure where he had been for 10 years, spent his first
maintaining relationships with wildlife
night at the Cape of Good Hope SPCA staring with
authorities and providing the best
fascination at the stars. On the instruction of Cape
possible care for all wildlife in their
Nature, Stanford was confiscated and has now
short term care.
been taken to a sanctuary where he spends his days with others of his kind. l
A mass rescue of almost 100 seal pups along the False Bay coastline took place on the 26th of December 2014. With the very kind assistance of Point Runner Charters, we were fortunate enough to release 82 of the pups back to seal island on New Years day. A further 119 seal pups were rescued and released a week later with the kind assistance of volunteers from NSRI station 18, SANCCOB, and Koeberg Nature Reserve.
Standing Up for Farm Animals
hen we found Bibs, chained to a heavy tractor and confined to a 2 metre grazing radius, she was so thin and weak that she could hardly stand. The chain around her
neck had become embedded into her flesh and it was grossly infected. Our inspector, determined to save her life
Our Farmyard provided safe refuge for many farm animals this year, including ducks, goats, cattle, sheep, pigs and chickens.
transported her back to the Cape of Good Hope SPCA’s Farmyard unit. Here, the chain was surgically removed, her wounds were treated and her journey to healing began. With warm, dry shelter, medical treatment and plenty of nourishment, Bibs made a full recovery and is now living out her days in the comfort she deserves at Diemersfontein, the most beautiful wine estate in the Boland. Our Farmyard provided safe refuge for many farm animals this year, including ducks, goats, cattle, sheep, pigs, and chickens. Many of these animals were surrendered to us after being brought up as pets, many owners turn to us when they finally realise that the animal has grown too big for the house. On the opposite end of the scale, it saddens us, that farm animals are often merely seen as a source of food and income and therefore suffer the worst fates imaginable. They are often found living in terrible
conditions, where their primary needs are not met; they are transported in cramped conditions in vehicles that do not have non-slip floors, proper ventilation, drainage or protection from the elements; they live in parasitic conditions; are underfed; and they are often inhumanely slaughtered. In this regard, the Farm Animal Unit, continues to confiscate animals who are not being adequately cared for and will only return the animals to the farmers when the necessary improvements have been made. We acknowledge that setting up farms as a form of economic empowerment may help an emerging farmer to a small extent, but unless projects establish a sustainable agricultural business practice that includes a view towards animal welfare, the aim of creating self-sufficient communities will not be achieved. Emerging Farmer projects therefore remain an area of focus and we use every opportunity to build constructive relationships with our local farmers by educating them about farm animal best practises, humane slaughter and the minimum requirements for living conditions, transport and care. In addition to this, we work closely with the Animal Control Unit of Law Enforcement by offering a safe haven and veterinary treatment to impounded animals. We also serve on the City of Cape Town’s Disaster Management Committee and are proud to work with them on joint rescue efforts when rural areas experience floods or other natural disasters.
Finding Loving Homes
udge was cold and lonely and had been living on
Fudge was only one of 17,287 unwanted, abandoned or
the streets before she came into the Cape of Good
stray cats and dogs that were admitted to our Animal Care
Hope SPCA as a stray. She was extremely dirty with
Centre last year. These figures are a direct result of owners
a matted coat and was infested
with ticks and fleas. In addition to this, she was timid and scared as a result of being chased away from all the places she had been, in her relentless search for food and refuge. The loving arms of our passionate team of staff at our Animal Care Centre were ready to receive her and in our care she received more love than she had probably ever known. She was bathed, her coat was cut and brushed, she received
who simply abandon their pets, high
We never turn an animal away and this results in us having between 250 and 300 mouths to feed on a daily basis.
medical treatment, was given a warm place
unemployment rates that render pet owners unable to care for their pets, and a reluctance on the part of pet owners to sterilise and microchip or collar and name their pets. Unsterilised pets are prone to roaming and in the absence of a means of identification, tracing the owners becomes nearly impossible. Despite these odds, our Lost and Found Department were proud to reunite 589 pets with their relieved owners during the last year.
to sleep and more than enough to eat. With plenty of
Our adoption rates increased by 8.3 % and there were 814
patience and the dedication of our staff and volunteers,
other happy stories like Fudge’s. This was only made possible
Fudge soon regained her trust in the human race and this
through the true grit and dedication of our team of staff and
gentle little soul became eligible for adoption. After being
volunteers and of course the members of the public who
spayed, vaccinated and micro chipped, Fudge went home to
opened their hearts and homes and adopted companion
a loving family where she will never again experience the
animals from us. Our heartfelt thanks go to all these families
loneliness, cold and hunger she once knew.
who, by choosing to adopt, not only give a shelter dog a second chance at life but also choose not to support unscrupulous breeders to whom animals are only commodities of trade and where abuse and neglect are often rife. We never turn an animal away and this results in us having between 250 and 300 mouths to feed on a daily basis. We
are extremely grateful to the various pet food companies
than ever before, our new adoption centre has been
and all our donors who donate so generously and in so
designed to cater for the physical and psychological needs of
doing, ease the burden on our already strained resources.
shelter animals, thereby reducing stress that they often
Our kennels are always full and we excitedly await the
experience as a result of confinement. In addition, this centre
completion of the construction of a brand new Animal Care
will boast the best bio-security system possible in order to
Centre which will see us being able to more than double our
contain the spread of contagious diseases, will make use of
holding capacity. The first phase of the project, which will be
natural light wherever possible and feature a water
completed toward the end of 2015 will see the construction
polishing moat to ensure that contaminated water is
of 80 quarantine kennels, 40 adoption kennels, 40 boarding
not returned to the environment. We are confident that our
kennels, a cattery and an adoption centre.
new Animal Care Centre will result in an increase in
Aside from enabling us to accommodate more animals
adoption rates and a greatly improved adoption experience for our customers. Our kennel staff are committed to continue caring for the thousands of stray and abandoned cats and dogs that will come through our doors in the coming year, reuniting pets with their owners wherever possible and finding loving homes for as many of these animals as possible. We are extremely proud of all our staff and volunteers and thank them for their love, dedication and support in an environment where day to day experiences can be difficult to cope with.
17 281 cats and dogs provided with safe sanctuary
United against animal cruelty Bequests and Trusts provide a much needed source of income for major projects, as well as financial security for the future of our Society. Therefore, although we are sincerely grateful for all the donations we receive, we do wish to acknowledge in particular, the gifts received from the following Bequest Donors, Trusts and Foundations.
General Information
Registration number
C F Shear
C Holtman
(Incorporated Association Not for Gain)
C Martin
Fundraising number 003-244 NPO Public Benefit Organisation number 930004317
D A Thomas D D Randall D T Muller E A Wigmostad E F O Forster
J Stewart Walker
E R Tonnesen Will Trust
The D King Will Trust
J T Atwell
E V M Dyer Will Trust
L A Gordon
F G Pay Trust
The David Graaff Foundation Trust
L Baumann M L Floyd
Fairheads International Trust The Diane Kaplan Charity Trust Company Ltd (SA) The Din Din Trust G M Pilcher Will Trust
M M Levy
H S Forrest Charitable Trust
The Douglas Jooste Trust
M Traub
H Wisdom Trust
N Isaacson
Hendrina Joyce Trust Fund
The Edward Daniels Charitable Trust
N R du Bois
I D du Plessis - Author Royalties
M A Tilbury
P E Mudge
I R Burrows Charitable Trust
R M A Willemse
J B & J W Findlay Trust
S A Allen
Jack Silson Trust
S G Kossick
Joan Walton Charitable Trust
S H Franck S V Cowley
Loewenstein Trust
V A Butters
Lorenzo & Stella Chiappini Trust
Contact Information
E G Mitchell
Address: Cnr 1st Avenue & First Road, Grassy Park, Cape Town
E H Connellan
Trusts and Foundations
F C Keeble
The Dangwen Trust
M J Stern Charitable Trust
A W E Larpent Charitable Trust
M L Flarry Trust
Annamie Herbst Trust
P S Policansky Testamentary Trust
Tel: 0217004140 Fax:0217052127 Web: Email:
F M Hemphill G A Birch G E Becker H M Ginsberg I Z Willis
Lou Orr Trust M C Davis Trust
Azriel and Moyra Fine Foundation
Marjorie Cook Will Trust
The Good Faith Foundation The Harry Crossley Foundation The Hyman Goldberg Foundation The Isdell Family Foundation The Lily Ashton Charitable Trust The Lynette Croudace Fund The Mauerberger Foundation Fund The Pamela Barlow Charitable Trust The Susman Charitable Foundation The Yates Charitable Trust
R S Nussbaum Foundation
V W G Stone Will Trust W A Currey Trust
J B B Harris
C & D Robertson & M Howie Trust
Sheila Dakin Charitable Trust
Author: Belinda Abraham
J D Lander
C A Jones Will Trust
Stavro Tsatsos Trust
Photography: Africa Tamed
J E Vigus
C A Mabin Trust
Susan Raath Charity
Design: Joan Sutton
J G Woodburn
Printing: Ascot Press
J H Munro
C S Boulton Trust - DDD Fund
The Bob Langham-Carter Memorial Trust
J M Snyders
The Eva Tonn Charitable Trust
Vera Glegg Charity Trust W and J Weise Charitable Trust W M H Tichy Trust Willmott Trust
Dr Sunshine Charitable Trust The Brian & Mira Robinson Charitable Trust
Cape of Good Hope
Let your love for animals live on Leaving a legacy in your Will ensures that we are always there for animals - speaking for and protecting them. .
Make a lasting impact by remembering the Cape of Good Hope SPCA in your Will, and help create a better future for animals. .
To find out more about leaving a gift in your Will, please contact Joette Emerton on 021 700 4150 or email You can also visit our website at
How You Can Help l
Leave a legacy in your will
Make a regular donation via debit order or EFT
Make a once off donation
Adopt an animal from us
Shop at our Vet Shops and Charity Store
Become a volunteer
Make a donation of pet food / products
Donate your unwanted goods
Join Team SPCA and cycle or run for the love of animals Sponsor our fundraising activities Swipe your My School My Village My Planet card at participating outlets and make the Cape of Good Hope SPCA your beneficiary
Cape of Good Hope
For further details on how you can help, please call us on 021 700 4141 or email or visit We would love to hear from you! To report an animal in distress or get advice on animal welfare issues contact 021 700 4158/9 during office hours or 083 326 1604 after hours.