Little eden annual report 2013

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Contact person for queries relating to this report: Marketing and Communications Officer – Mrs Nichollette Muthige Tel: 011 609 7246 email:


“LET US CONTINUE THE LEGACY OF LOVE LEFT TO US BY DOMITILLA!” OUR MISSION To care for, develop and enhance the quality of life, with love and understanding from a dedicated staff, persons with intellectual disability of all races and creeds entrusted to us, by providing with trust in Divine Providence and in co-operation with the parents, the community and the State the necessary spiritual, nursing, therapy and stimulation services in as an efficient and economic manner as possible.

CORE VALUES “Let us continue the legacy of love left to us by Domitilla!” These are the words that ended the Chief Executive Officer’s Report last year. The solid principles and beliefs by which LITTLE EDEN has operated since 1967 has ensured that each child and adult with intellectual disability who has passed through its doors has been treated with the love, care, dignity and respect to which they are entitled. The symbols of LITTLE EDEN Values of Respect, Sanctity of Life and Love & Care remind us of Domitilla’s legacy: to treat our residents, staff, donors, visitors and



environment with proper and due regard to ensure a safe and nurtured environment.

Michael Rea, Lauren Stirling and all at Integrated Reporting and Assurance Services (IRAS) for all their help and guidance and for providing the Assurance process free of charge.

Each child and adult with intellectual disability is made in the image of God and we

Mandy Smith and her team at Studio 5 for designing the Report free of charge.

at LITTLE EDEN value each individual resident. We firmly believe in the right to the

Mortimer Offset Pty (Ltd) for printing the report for free.

best possible quality of life for our special angels and it is a team of many that makes

Radco Specialised Folding & Finishing (Pty) Ltd for binding the report for free.

it possible for them to be helped to reach their full potential.

Without your help this report would not have been possible.



Tel: +27 11 609 7246 Fax: +27 11 452 4560 Email:

Bank: First National Bank Account no: 5468 0928 009 Account name: Little Eden Society Account type: Cheque Branch: Karaglen Branch code: 25-24-42 Internet code: 250-655

001-827 NPO PBO 930/0000/03 Cnr Harris Ave & Wagenaar Rd Edenglen, Edenvale South Africa


PO Box 121 Edenvale 1610 South Africa


TRIBUTE D a n ie l G e o rge H ya m s h u sband o f the late D o mitilla and f o u nder o f L I T T L E E D E N died o n Friday 2 8 D ecember 2 0 1 2 . M ay his dear s o u l rest in peace

A man of high moral values with integrity, few words, a wonderful sense of humour, humble, wise, a leader with strength and determination in his quietness: these are but a few words and phrases that could start to describe the respected and beloved Danny Hyams. He never sought to be in the limelight nor wanted any personal recognition. His humility and humanity have been a shining example to those with whom he came into contact. A successful Chartered Accountant in the corporate world, Danny was always active in the local community. He was very involved in the parish of St Thérèse, Edenvale, served on the local Community Chest and the Board of Trustees of the Holy Rosary School. Danny was the honorary Treasurer of the South African National Council for Mental Health from 1969 for more than 25 years and served the Council as President from 1980 to 1982. After his retirement from the corporate world he worked as the Accountant for the Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference (SACBC) for 16 years. Danny was Chairman of the Board of Governors of the LITTLE EDEN Society from 1967 to 1974 and served on the Board from its initiation until 8 January 2009. Sadly, due to failing health in his later years, he had to relinquish his active participation. Nonetheless, up until his death Danny continued to pray for the needs of LITTLE EDEN. In 2003 Danny was presented with the Benemerenti Medal for his years of service to the SACBC. This is one of the highest papal awards which can be bestowed on a lay person in recognition of a parishioner’s dedication, service and work for the Church and the community. The Salus Award, from the Minister of National Health and Population Development, was presented to the Hyams family in 1987 for their devotion to the work at LITTLE EDEN.

Danny, a special companion, was a loving and devoted husband to the late Domitilla for 63 years; a beloved father to his six children: Mary, Elizabeth, Veronica, Lucy, Agnes, and Tarcisius (Tots); a special father-in-law to Domenico, Peter, Luigi and Peter; a proud grandfather to Roberto and Natalie, Jason, Danielle and Garnet, Dina, Michael and Xelda, Giovanni and Donné, Elvira, Douglas, Marco and Juliette, Paolo, Davide, Carl and Lyn, Louise, Nicholas and Anna-Marie; and darling great-grandfather to Alessandro, Vincenzo, Michele, Giovanni Paolo, Luca, Angelo, Aaron and Rebecca. Danny lived his life according to a set of principles firmly rooted in his faith. Together with his beloved Domitilla they offered their prayers daily, giving their lives to God: with the passing of these two exceptional people, closed a very important chapter in the life of LITTLE EDEN. Now we can only move forward, honouring their goal, guidance and advice and try to live up to the extraordinary example they set.

“Now, with hindsight, I realise that I was predestined to be her companion, her protector… enabling her to express this missionary vision as recorded in her diary on 25 February 1971: LITTLE EDEN is growing and is blessed as desired by the most beautiful Madonna who appeared to me in June 1967, filling my heart with joy and hope, but also with cares and anxieties. I have dedicated myself to my Jesus and to His most holy Mother.” Quote from Danny’s ‘A Pair of Pyjamas’


Table of contents





How You can Help LITTLE EDEN


Relationship of LITTLE EDEN Entities




Scope of the Report


Material Issues


Chairman’s Report


Chief Executive Officer’s Report


Treasurer’s Report


Organisational Profile




Services and Beneficiaries




Stakeholder Engagement




Monitoring and Evaluation


Management and Corporate Governance


LITTLE EDEN Society Organogram


Product Responsibility – Social Service


Care and Stimulation Programme


Case Studies




Fundraising Objectives


Funding of Operational Costs


Top Five Donors




Human Resources


NPO Salary Survey






Risk Management






Independent Assurance Statement


Sponsors’ Adverts




Contact Details


Bank Details



My Village Card ¢¢ Giving is not just about donating funds straight from your own pocket or giving goods in kind to an organisation in need. ¢¢ You can also help support the children of LITTLE EDEN without spending a cent extra – simply by applying for a MyVillage Card naming us as the beneficiary, and swiping it every time you shop at Woolworths, Engen, Wimpy, Spur, ToysRUs and other participating retailers. ¢¢ The MyVillage Card is not a debit or credit card; it simply tracks transactions made at the till and allocates a proportion of the sale to the nominated charity. More than R1.5 million is disbursed to various schools and charitable organisations through the system every month.


¢¢ Visit and click on the tab WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP? Download and complete the form and start swiping your card as soon as you receive it. You can also apply online at ¢¢ You will find a full list of participating stores on the website. ¢¢ Not only can you enjoy your shopping experience but you can also be proud to know you’re making a difference while doing so – happy shopping!

phone. per month by ¢¢ Donate R10 n’t have the do t bu involved ¢¢ Want to get ce-off donation m making a on time? Apart fro why not , secure website via EFT or our of R10? ft gi ly all month commit to a sm t-in for your op to 31239 @ 50c to EN ED s Sm ¢¢ ribution of R10. MONTHLY cont Stop EDEN to opt-out sms Should you wish to 31239 @ 50c. conveniently donation will be ¢¢ The monthly each month. ll cell phone bi added to your dness can go small act of kin ¢¢ A seemingly lives of our e th proving a long way in im children.



¢¢ Everyo ne loves sh opping at now there Makro an is another d reason fo to enjoy yo r you ur trip to this partic establishm ular ent: Makr o is comm to providin itted g rebates to LITTLE on a regu EDEN lar basis. ¢¢ When shopping at Makro, (link) your register card to LIT TLE EDEN the Socie and ty will rece ive a reba Makro ba te from sed on a percentag sales reco e of rded. ¢¢ Please consider re gistering as your pre LITTLE ED ferred be EN neficiary o when you f choice get your M a kro card o have an e r, if you xisting ca rd, by ask to registe ing them r LE on yo ur card no haven’t d w if you one so alr eady.


Authority for LITTLE EDEN Society to deduct funds directly from my account. Telephone: 011 609 7246 - P O Box 121, Edenvale 1610

Donor Details

Office use only: donor code:

Full Name (Mr/Mrs/Ms) ………………………………………………………………………………………….……………….. Postal Address ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Physical Address …………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………… Tel (H) (

) …………………………………………… (W) (

) ………………………………………………….

Cell …………………………………………………. E-mail Address ……………………………………………………………… Authority is hereby granted to LITTLE EDEN Society to make a withdrawal from my account as detailed below I/We acknowledge that the party hereby authorised to effect the drawing(s) against my/our account may not cede or assign any of its rights to any third party without my/our prior written consent and that I/we may not delegate any of my/our obligations in terms of this contract/authority to any third party without prior written consent of the authorised party. Thank you for your cooperation.

An amount of R___________ once off or and each month thereafter, until cancelled by me. 1. Debit Order: Type of account

By Debit Order Current


on the first day of_____________ 20.....


Bank Name ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Branch Name ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Account No. ………………………………………………………………………… Branch Code ………………….……………. Name of Account Holder ………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………. Date ………………………………… 2. Credit Card



By deduction from my credit card account

Master card

Visa card

Name of Account Holder: Card No. Expiry Date Date ………………………………… NB

ccv number Signature

(last 3 digits on back of card)




Domitilla Rota Hyams Onlus



Associazione a sostegan delle attivitá di Little Eden

LITTLE EDEN Foundation – a legal entity by nature of a signed Constitution by its members. Established in RSA.

LITTLE EDEN Society for the Care of Persons with Mental Handicap – a legal entity by nature of a signed Constitution by its members. Established in RSA.

Board of Management(1)

Board of Governors(1)

Foundation Board(1)

Management Team

Executive Committee


Administrative services are offered through LITTLE EDEN Society


Common Objective

Registered Status

Supercare Outsourced Services including certain personnel

To safeguard, manage and maintain the immovable and investment assets

Associazione Domitilla Rota Hyams Onlus – a legal entity by nature of a signed Constitution by its members. Established in EU (Italy).

LITTLE EDEN employees

To promote the interests of LITTLE EDEN Society by raising public awareness, promoting volunteer programmes and fundraising

To carry out residential, 24-hour care and stimulation for the 300 residents

With differing responsibilities, to ensure the appropriate care of the residents of LITTLE EDEN Society


Yes (100-006 NPO)

Yes (001-827 NPO)


Yes (930 034 635)

Yes (930/0000/03)

Section 18A status



P. IVA-C.F. 03805930165

Part funded by Govt




Non-remunerated position(s)

Remunerated position(s)

NOTE: (1) Boards are independent of each other

Relationship between LITTLE EDEN Foundation (LEF) LITTLE EDEN Society (LES) Associazione Domitilla Rota Hyams Onlus (Onlus)



Scope of the report

Established in 1967 by the late Domitilla and Danny Hyams, LITTLE EDEN Society is a registered Non-Profit Organisation (001-827 NPO), is licensed to operate under the Department of Health Gauteng Provincial Government and is an approved Public Benefit Organisation in terms of Section 30 of the Income Tax Act (PBO 930/0000/03). Our Section 18A status allows for donations made to the Society to be deductible in terms of Section 18A of the Income Tax Act, dependent upon the amount of the taxpayer’s tax liability.

This report covers the most material issues related to LITTLE EDEN Society outlined below. There were no limitations or changes in terms of scope or boundary and the report covers all the operations of Domitilla and Danny Hyams Home, Edenvale and Elvira Rota Village, Bapsfontein, as well as the second-hand shop operations. This report does not report on the operations of LITTLE EDEN Foundation or Associazione Domitilla Rota Hyams Onlus as they are independent entities (see page 5). This is the second year that LITTLE EDEN is using the GRI G3 guidelines with the aim of continuously improving on previous reports. The last Annual Report was released in July 2012. The GRI compliance table may be referenced on the website to clarify queries or to locate specific information.

This report was compiled in accordance with the recommendations of the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines (GRI G3 NGO sector supplement) with the express purpose of being an instrument through which LITTLE EDEN is able to demonstrate to all stakeholders its commitment to public accountability, transparency, recording efficiency and sustainable fundraising. GRI Level: B+

Material issues explained Our materiality issues were reassessed during a workshop facilitated as part of the assurance process employed by Integrated Reporting & Assurance Services (IRAS). During this workshop (March 2013) we scrutinised all of the issues identified during last year’s reporting process, and debated why certain issues were, or were not included in our Report. We then rehashed some of the issues. After much debate, the order of the materiality issues was then decided. We once again maintained the all-embracing spheres of Trust in Divine Providence and Proper Care of Residents as these are the driving forces behind the starting and running of the Society. Financial stability is once again at the top because without funds our proper care would start to diminish. Living and believing the Values has also not moved because we believe that a true gift is required to look after our special angels. IT dependency shot onto the list for two reasons: firstly the Risk Assessment identified it as a low priority; secondly we experienced multiple component failures over a weekend that left us without a server and emails for a long period, and we continue to experience issues. Even though Proper Care of Residents was not affected, communication with stakeholders became difficult. Fundraising moved up the list as it was identified as a very important measure of our sustainability and independence from Government. For similar reasons Donor relationships has also moved up the list. The importance of Competent personnel remains. We are always looking for staff: who are skilled; have



the correct attitude for our special environment; are committed to our Values; and we make every effort to retain them through trainings, workshops and internal advertising for posts. The rise in Management and board demographics indicates the need for diversity and our commitment to this need. Succession planning, even though linked with the issue of demographics, has moved down the list as Management has addressed this issue and identified potential candidates. The Department of Health and Government Subsidies were consolidated from two issues into one – Government deliverables: medical supplies and subsidies. We felt that even though they are different branches, our dealings with them remain critical. The supply of medicines is as important as the payment of subsidies. Public perception and public accountability were seen as similar and have been treated as the same issue. It has moved down the list because we felt we have good systems in place to deal with perception. Communication of the brand, Long-term planning – vision of the future, Safety and security of the residents and staff and Continuity of utilities (water and electricity) haven’t changed much as we see them as material, but under control.


Material issues

VINE PROVID IN DI EN T S CE U R T RE OF RESID A C EN ER TS OP R P 01   Financial stability 02   Living and believing the Values 03   IT dependency 04  Fundraising 05   Donor relationships 06   Competent personnel 07   Management and board demographics 08   Government deliverables: medical supplies and subsidies 09   Public perception 10   Communication of the brand 11   Long-term planning – vision for the future 12   Succession planning 13   Safety and security of residents and staff 14   Continuity of utilities

(water and electricity)



“Notwithstanding their inability to communicate as we do, my experience tells me that the souls of these children possess the same desire of the infinite as we do. Even with a reduced mind and understanding the soul is complete. These children, with a far-away look, have souls more beautiful than the sun. They are angels. They are like lightning conductors on whom we should gaze with veneration. God could have created them normal, but they are as they are. There must be a reason for it which we cannot fathom. So we accept their creation as God’s design and accept them as a sign of His predilection.”

Mary spending time with residents from Green Wing


Chairman’s Report I am delighted to present the 45th Annual Report of the LITTLE EDEN Society for the Care of Persons with Mental Handicap for the year ended 31 March 2013. The theme for this year’s Annual Report is appropriately a work of service. Let us all be encouraged by the words of our Founder, Domitilla Rota Hyams when explaining why she felt the calling to establish a home to care for and look after handicapped children: “Notwithstanding their inability to communicate as we do, my experience tells me that the souls of these children possess the same desire of the infinite as we do. Even with a reduced mind and understanding the soul is complete. These children, with a far-away look, have souls more beautiful than the sun. They are angels. They are like lightning conductors on whom we should gaze with veneration. God could have created them normal, but they are as they are. There must be a reason for it which we cannot fathom. So we accept their creation as God’s design and accept them as a sign of His predilection.“ On 28 December 2012, we sadly lost Danny, at the age of 91. Danny was the invisible but significant partner in the establishment of LITTLE EDEN and worked tirelessly alongside Domitilla. He made the first contribution of a donation of R10 to Domitilla in 1967. He will be missed by all, but we know that he is at the right place with his Domitilla. During WWII Domitilla Rota and her family helped the escaped prisoners of war in the mountains of the pre-Alps. Little did she know that destiny was at play and that the help she provided would lead to her marrying Danny Hyams and to her destiny of living in the Republic of South Africa, establishing God’s mission through LITTLE EDEN. We also experienced the sad loss of a former parent, board member and chairman of LITTLE EDEN, Leslie (Les) Middleton. Les was a member of the board from 1970 to 2004 and served as Chairman from 1998 to 2002. His wife Gisela is currently serving on the board. May his soul rest in peace. The residents experienced a sad loss in the passing away of Vanneau, the physiotherapist from the DRC. Vanneau was instrumental in aiding children, who, on his arrival at LITTLE EDEN could barely walk, by giving them the joy of gaining the ability to walk through his commitment in developing them. In South Africa there are 2.5 million people with intellectual disability and of that number 200 000 are profoundly intellectually disabled. As happened many years ago, families still hide their disabled children from society with little respect and few civil rights as they are seen to be shamed or have a dreadful disease. Although over the years the country has come a long way in recognising the rights of people with disabilities, the public’s attitude and misunderstanding remains a barrier to implementing social benefits and policies.

This year marked a number of positive strides towards the long-term sustainability of LITTLE EDEN Society. We celebrated the naming of the Edenvale Home to Domitilla and Danny Hyams Home. LITTLE EDEN Foundation acquired property that has enabled the Society to accommodate long-term volunteers. The Associazione Domitilla Rota Hyams Onlus has been granted tax benefit status in Italy. The British High Commissioner Mr Andrew Henderson and his wife Julia, hosted a successful cocktail party to increase awareness of LITTLE EDEN’s profile to prominent South African business leaders with the guest speaker a former Miss South Africa, Peggy-Sue Khumalo. Also in attendance was the British Government’s Minister for Africa, Mr Henry Bellingham. At the heart of our achievement of our mission, vision and purpose, are the valuable stakeholders, donors, volunteers and community members such as: ¢¢ the Department of Health, which continues to support LITTLE EDEN with grants; ¢¢ various donors (both corporate and individuals); ¢¢ members of various organisations who volunteer their time and resources; ¢¢ volunteers who are so generous with their time; ¢¢ members of the public who donate clothing, bric-a-brac and household goods which are sold to raise funds for the Society. Without your contributions and partnerships, we would not have been able to achieve our mission and goals. Your help goes a long way in augmenting the resources needed to make the lives of our children pleasant. We thank you for the support and express our heartfelt, sincere appreciation of your generous giving. A big thank you goes to the staff and management of LITTLE EDEN. The CEO, Lucy Slaviero and her team has shown an unchallenged commitment to making sure that LITTLE EDEN is run as an organisation with transparent, sound governance and ethics and ethos of its core Values Respect, Sanctity of Life and Love & Care. A big thank you goes to the administration staff, the health professionals (doctors, nursing staff and therapists), the Sisters from India, and the caregivers. We have also noted the unlevelled sacrifice of some of the staff members in going the extra mile in their duties, such as working overnight in the laundry when there was a power failure. Thank you to my colleagues on the LITTLE EDEN Board of Governors. May the spirit of commitment help us continue to build the legacy left by Danny and Domitilla Hyams.

Mrs Rosetta Ntambose Xaba Chairman


“The daily work of service, including spiritual, medical, nursing and therapy care, together with the life-skills programme, to our 300 residents ensures that each resident is given the opportunity to reach his or her full potential. The care, dignity, love, health and well-being of LITTLE EDEN’s residents are of primary concern to the Board of Governors, Management and staff as well as the greater community.”

Tinyeko being prepared for her First Holy Communion


Chief Executive officer’s report It is with a sense of sadness that I write this report for the milestone of the 45th Annual General Meeting. The death of our co-founder Danny Hyams has ended an era of incredible support, advice and stability on which I could rely. I know that I have the full support of the Board of Governors and my Management team, but not having Danny to turn to has left a void that no one else can fill. May his dear soul rest in peace. On 7 September 2012 the Edenvale Home was officially named Domitilla and Danny Hyams Home (DDHH) to honour their love, enthusiastic work of service and dedication with purpose to people with intellectual disabilities. The plaque was unveiled by Maurizio Galimberti Vice-Chairman and the late Danny Hyams; and Father Joe Leathem OMI blessed the plaque. International and local initiatives aimed at increasing transparency, responsible corporate governance and meaningful report-back to stakeholders and society in general are supported and endorsed by the LITTLE EDEN Society. We believe that NGOs must be proactive with such initiatives, with LITTLE EDEN continuing as the benchmark for other NGOs in South Africa. The challenges and risks that the Society faces are significant, specifically with regard to funding. The Associazione Domitilla Rota Hyams Onlus (Onlus) is an independent NGO with its own constitution and presiding officers. It was officially registered this year in Italy for tax relief. It is also one of the prime intentions of the Onlus to make known to the wider European audience the activities and functions of LITTLE EDEN with a view to encouraging a greater volunteer involvement and interaction with places of higher learning. The Onlus participated in the annual municipal spring fair held at Almenno San Bartolomeo to further publicise its activities. Not only must LITTLE EDEN be sustainable, but we have to be proactive in educating our donors on the relevance of being sustainable. That is the key to the future care of our precious angels. Our beneficiaries will neither be self-reliant and contributing members of society, nor will the next of kin be able to take responsibility for fees, as the majority are from an indigent background. We conduct our day-to-day operations in ways that help maximise our high standard of service to our target beneficiaries in a cost-effective and sustainable manner. We ensure that the Society more than meets the minimum basic required standard of operation as set out in the Agreement with the Department of Health Gauteng Provincial Government (DoHGPG) that grants the licence to operate but does not guarantee the payment of subsidies. Government not meeting their duty and responsibility of caring for the disadvantaged citizens will also have an effect on the staff who would become unemployed, the family of the staff who would not be fed, clothed or educated; and so the cycle of disillusion and poverty would continue.

The long-term goal of the Society becoming independent of Government funding means that we need to be able to have sufficient funds to pay for operational costs; we urgently need to source reserve funding. Medical supplies from Government have decreased to the extent that LITTLE EDEN has to buy stock from a pharmacy; and often when medicine is supplied by Government, it is not correctly dispensed. The meetings that took place this year with DoHGPG were more constructive than previous years and provided a base for better relationship development. I wish to acknowledge with thanks the support received from the Department. The daily work of service, including spiritual, medical, nursing and therapy care to our 300 residents ensures that each resident is given the opportunity to reach his or her full potential. The care, dignity, love, health and well-being of LITTLE EDEN’s residents are of primary concern to the Board of Governors, Management and staff as well as the greater community. Inevitably some of our residents passed away during the year allowing their beds to be filled with new residents who now benefit from the Care and Stimulation Programme, receiving love and care from our dedicated staff. Some twenty-odd years ago a previous resident was admitted to LITTLE EDEN and was placed in Green Wing. He has cerebral palsy and he benefitted enormously from the Care and Stimulation Programme, so much so that after 18 months the therapists realised that mentally he was too bright to remain at LITTLE EDEN so he was relocated to a school for people with physical disabilities. Last year he contacted Mary Hyams to tell her how proud he was to have graduated from university! Management ensures that the core Values of Respect, Sanctity of Life and Love & Care are lived daily through caring for, communication with, training of and the recruitment of suitable and skilled staff. This in turn meets the Society’s goal of sustained provision of service excellence. LITTLE EDEN Annual Report 2012 was entered into the ACCA South Africa Awards for Sustainability Reporting and we were very proud and honoured to receive the Best Newcomer sustainability report and Runner-up in the NGO/SME category. LITTLE EDEN was also awarded the ‘Leaders and Achievers’ Gold Award at the PMR/Ekurhuleni Metro Survey Awards. The award is given to an institution doing the most to enhance the interest of people with special needs and therefore for contributing to the economic growth and development of Ekurhuleni. Supercare Services Group (Pty) Ltd participated in the cleaning industry awards, at which Site Manager Mrs Esther van Niekerk won the Site Manager Award, and DDHH won the Golden Services Award. The one major incident with regard to Health and Safety was not due to negligence, but resulted in a vehicle being written off. The crash of our server and other information technology problems caused a short-term crisis in that part of the issue was being unable to access information and as a result the five-year IT development plan, which was being drawn up, was immediately implemented. Further information is detailed under Risk Management section.


A young female who referred to herself as an official ambassador of the Society on her website, made a remark that could be construed as racist on her Twitter profile. With the input of our Legal Advisor LITTLE EDEN immediately issued a statement to the press and to the individual concerned. The incident was an unfortunate one and LITTLE EDEN learnt some valuable lessons from the experience. Structures have been put in place to minimise serious damage to the Society’s public image. Further information is detailed under the Risk Management section. The structural organogram changes came about as a result of assessing the importance and impact of Marketing and Communication as well as Safety, Health, Environment and Sustainability as critical issues that affect all stakeholders. The re-establishment of the Manager: Administration position follows due to the growth of the Society. LITTLE EDEN believes in assisting emerging NGOs by sharing our knowledge, experiences and resources; thus we are contributing towards and positively making a difference in the lives of South African citizens. LITTLE EDEN submitted an ‘Applications in Partnership’ to the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund Charities Sector as a First Time Partner for the Imbizo Yethu Foundation. LITTLE EDEN continues to offer assistance to other similar NGOs referred by the Department of Health. The effects of rising inflation and growing operational costs translate into LITTLE EDEN needing to source more funds. Donors have changed their funding focus to meet the priorities of the South African Government National Development Plan on job creation, skills development and enterprise development. This effectively marginalises organisations like LITTLE EDEN that will not be able to meet these expectations and this effectively places us outside the mainstream funding arena. A benefit cocktail party at the UK Trade Commission was hosted by Mr Andrew Henderson and his wife Julia, to engage with a select group of prominent business leaders in the South African community in order to profile the work of LITTLE EDEN Society. The focus was to strengthen existing ties with current donors and encourage new relationships with potential stakeholders. Besides the successful event, as a direct impact from the evening, amongst others, BT Global Services SA (Pty) Ltd, Jaguar Land Rover SA (Pty) Ltd and Standard Chartered Bank have become donors. I wish to acknowledge with sincere gratitude the invaluable support of Andrew and Julia Henderson.

At the end of February 2013, LITTLE EDEN reassessed the second-hand shop operation and found that the Primrose shop was no longer viable and thus the decision was made to close the shop. At the same time an adjacent empty shop at the Edenvale operation was taken over, refurbished and a larger shop was opened. Local and overseas volunteers are of great assistance to our staff, giving extra special attention to residents with all benefitting from the interaction. Thank you for giving of yourself, your time and talents. Property was recently acquired by LITTLE EDEN Foundation and the Society looks forward to making use of it for volunteer accommodation. A successful application for a volunteer to join us was submitted to Fidesco, which is an international organisation approved by the French government to send volunteers of international solidarity. We welcomed this volunteer in May 2013. To provide additional comfort and space for our residents, this coming year we look forward to the completion of new day rooms at ERV, sponsored by the Japanese Embassy. A sponsor is to be sourced for the generator at DDHH which needs replacement. During one of the power outages recently experienced at DDHH the laundry staff could not complete the washing during their shift. Once the electricity was reconnected Maria Abreu came from her home at 23:00 to finish off the washing which took until 03:00. She did not want the next shift to have to do ‘her’ extra washing. That is true dedication and a work of service. What a perfect example of a staff member living our Values with enthusiasm! Thank you to each resident of LITTLE EDEN for your joyful love; thank you to the members of the Board of Governors and the LITTLE EDEN Foundation for your help; thank you to my fellow colleagues on the Management team for your support; and thank you to all staff for your dedication and work of service to the precious people in our care! Let us, the people of South Africa, recapture our enthusiasm and purpose!

Lucy Slaviero Chief Executive Officer

Financial donations towards operational costs are vital but so too are donations for our shop operation, clothing, linen and non-perishable goods for our residents. Support for our concerts, sponsored Christmas and birthday parties and fundraising events bring much joy and excitement to our residents when they get to meet and interact with our donors especially Emperors Palace Hotel Casino Convention Resort and Mamba Charity Drive. Thank you to the parents, schools, local community, all our donors and the media for your generosity. It is much appreciated. Thank you to Rand Water Foundation which donated and installed three ten thousand-litre water tanks and a pump which effectively doubled our water storage capacity at Elvira Rota Village.

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“Thank you to each resident of LITTLE EDEN for your joyful love; the members of the Board of Governors and the LITTLE EDEN FOUNDATION for your help; my fellow colleagues on the Management team for your support; and all staff for your dedication and work of service to the precious people in our care. Let us, the people of South Africa, recapture our enthusiasm and purpose.”

A praying moment for Candy


TREASURER’s report This is the second year of operating Domitilla and Danny Hyams Home in Edenvale and Elvira Rota Village in Bapsfontein as separate entities after the transfer of the ownership of the properties and investments to the LITTLE EDEN FOUNDATION. The gross revenue for 2013 was R28 173 495 (2012: R24 015 268) showing an increase of 17% from the previous year. Total operating and fundraising costs for 2013 was R29 702 939 (2012: R27 334 180) showing an increase of less than 9% from the previous year. The positive increase in gross revenue and the careful controlling of costs resulted in a total comprehensive surplus of R62 598 in 2013 (2012: deficit of R1 125 956). The small surplus in 2013 is a positive sign in light of the deficits in 2012 and 2011 and compares favourably with the performance of similar charitable organisations. LITTLE EDEN continues to budget each year for a break-even position. The Society is reliant on subsidies from the Gauteng Provincial Government, a distribution from the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund, donations from major donors, its own fundraising efforts and increasingly on the generosity of the general public. The financial position at the end of the year reflects total current assets of R4 918 464 which equates to two months’ running expenses for the two homes. After year-end this has been shown not to be sufficient in case the monthly subsidies are not paid timeously. The financial position of LITTLE EDEN is on a sound footing.

Doug Boake Chartered Accountant CA (SA) Treasurer

raying essa p T r e t Sis

ulie with J

A grea t big s mile fr om Go nts


Tshiya enjoying the ride from Chris


ORGANISATIONAL PROFILE INTRODUCTION Our aim at LITTLE EDEN is: to develop children and adults with intellectual disabilities to their full potential; to recognise that each such person, however disabled, is a whole, complete person created by God with a body, a mind, a spirit and a soul and therefore entitled to dignity; to educate the community that each such person is worthy of respect; to ensure that our work of service will continue to be sustainable and always based on solid core Values.


TO ENSURE HUMAN DIGNITY THROUGH THE TRANSFER OF THE ETHOS AND VALUES OF LITTLE EDEN LITTLE EDEN provides 24-hour care to 300 children and adults with intellectual disabilities. Some are HIV-positive or live with Aids but as in any family, part of the work of the Society is also caring for the terminally ill and dying. Some residents have been with us for more than 40 years and will remain in our loving care until they pass away. The Department of Health limits our licence to care for children older than three years but permission may be granted in special cases for the admission of younger children. Our oldest resident is 63 and our youngest is three, but the average functioning mental age is that of a one-year-old or younger. The residents are grouped according to their abilities and age and each wing has its own play area so the group functions as a ‘family’. Of our 300 intellectually disabled residents, 203 also have physical disabilities and 96 have dual diagnosis – that is they have mental illness with their intellectual disabilities and live in a separate wing that provides for their specialist needs. The care that LITTLE EDEN provides is a daily work of service – the kitchen and laundry operate 365 days a year; all residents are encouraged through the medical, care and stimulation programme to develop to their full potential; love and care ensure that each resident feels safe, secure and content.


management’s approach to Human Rights A fundamental respect of the individual is core to the establishment and continued existence of LITTLE EDEN. The Society therefore fully supports initiatives designed to promote universal Human Rights, including those of the marginalised members of society defined as intellectually is nd Lou a n disadvantaged, to combat corruption and a Ria to uphold the rule of law. Our core Values of Respect, Sanctity of Life and Love & Care encapsulates our views, outlook and commitment to Human Rights. All our actions and programmes are designed to promote such Values not only in the ambit of the LITTLE EDEN employment and environment, but all staff are also encouraged to transpose such Values into their daily living.

Domitilla and Danny Hyams Home On Friday 7 September 2012 the Edenvale Home was officially named Domitilla and Danny Hyams Home to honour their love, service and dedication to people with intellectual disabilities and for the positive impact that they had on so many lives. Danny and the Vice-Chairman, Maurizio Galimberti, unveiled the plaque. Danny was honoured to have his five daughters with him on this auspicious occasion. Most of the 180 residents at Domitilla and Danny Hyams Home require a level of frail care and benefit from the comprehensive Care and Stimulation Programme. The medical staff, therapists, group leaders, assistants, house mothers and care givers work together to ensure that each special angel is given the opportunity to develop to his or her full potential. There is great celebration when a child smiles for the first time, or makes a sound in answer to words! Situated at the entrance to the Home, Our Lady of the Angels chapel is an integral part of the spiritual development of residents, staff and visitors. Daily recitation of prayer and the Rosary as well as monthly Adoration and Holy Mass takes place. We encourage staff and the community to participate in these times of worship.

Elvira Rota Village The 120 residents have a different life on the farm. Some are mobile and more physically capable and are therefore able to take part in daily living activities with a limited level of independence. Their comprehensive Care and Stimulation Programme is formed around their abilities so that they are voluntarily able to assist with laundry,

kitchen or farm duties, contract work (such as the filling of soap containers) and processing farm produce. They derive great pleasure from and are extremely proud of their contributions! At the head of the Home stands the Holy Family chapel which firmly entrenches the ethos and Values of LITTLE EDEN as the staff and residents prayerfully use it on a daily basis. The long-term volunteer Sisters of the Imitation of Christ (SIC) from India have indeed played a significant part in this spiritual development together with His Grace, The Most Reverend Archbishop Emeritus George Daniel and Reverend Father Richard Kugbeh-Kasin. Experiences of music therapy, rehabilitated wetlands, sensory garden, labyrinth, bird watching, waterfall, open air and large size chimes all add to the therapies and leisure activities that enhance the quality of life of our special people. These activities are carried out by the therapists, assisting staff and volunteers.

Services and Beneficiaries The social impact of an organisation such as LITTLE EDEN goes much deeper than simply the care of the residents. We care for the poorest of the poor. Often the parents of a child with intellectual disability cannot find employment or retain employment as they have to stay at home to look after their disabled child. When the child is placed at LITTLE EDEN, the parents are free to find employment or go back to their jobs knowing that their child is receiving excellent care, including a variety of therapies, which assists in their development and growth; and the siblings have a better chance of an education and future employment.

A letter received from a parent :

“I’m th e m ot he r of th re e m y an ge ls. T he y ha ve beautif ul boys, Ce re bral Pa ls y. My boys m ea n everyt hi ng to th em so m uch. It’s not m e an d I lo ve ea ki d s un em ploy ed es pe ci sy ra is in g th re e al di sa bility. Bet wee n doct ly if th ey ha ve a or an d th e st re ss es of life s’ appointm ents I ju st fe lt overw he lm ed an d I ne ed re ce ived a lot of su ppor ed he lp. I t fr fa m ily an d frie nd s to m om th ei r fath er, ak diff icult d ecis io n fo r th in g a ve ry ei r well- be in g. W he n th ey ha d to go th re to st ay at L IT T LE ED e years ag o EN it fe lt w ro ng. Pleas e be lie ve m e w he nI fe el th at way an ym ore. sa y I do n’t L is on e of th e be st thin g IT T LE ED EN to ever ha ppen fo r th em. T he st af f of L IT T LE ED EN is God-s ent.”


The period under review saw most of our residents experience good health. The staff mourned the loss of those residents who passed away as they were part of the LITTLE EDEN family. However those beds were soon filled with new children who also needed our specialised care and love and they too were soon part of our family. Each year residents are invited to our Annual General Meeting. They sit quietly and observe even though they don’t have a real understanding of what is being discussed. For them it is an outing, a few hours out of their usual routine where they get to interact with the members of the Board and meet some new people. What is striking though is that every year without fail, some of the residents put up their hands, asking permission to say a few words. They thank Lucy and all the people (members of the Board) and everyone present for what they do for LITTLE EDEN, for giving them food, for loving them and caring for them and they thank the staff for looking after them. They say thank you for praying with them and that they will pray for us. These simple messages come straight from the hearts of those who deliver them. They do not have the ability to understand financial statements and pie charts, but the bottom line for them is that they are loved, cherished and safe at LITTLE EDEN their home, their family. We remain committed to assisting other non-profit organisations that are starting out and are seeking guidance and advice from a benchmark organisation in South Africa. LITTLE EDEN submitted an ‘Applications in Partnership’ to the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund, Charities Sector, as a first time partner with the Imbizo Yethu Foundation. This NGO looks after orphans and children in need of care from two to eighteen years of age.

“I wou ld li k e to ta k m y u n co n dit io n a e th e ti m e to ex p re ss lg d o n atio n s o f bea ratitu d e fo r th e uti food st uff s g ive n to fu l bla n k et s a n d M a n y o f th e re ci Bet h a ba ra . p cri ed u po n re ce iv in ie nt s h a ve a ct u a lly g d e e p g ratitu d e fo th e m ex p re ss in g r th e m.” – extrac

t from a letter from Mrs MJ and main m Shield coordi ember of Bet nator habara.

LITTLE EDEN supports a small entrepreneur in Edenvale LITTLE EDEN met Christopher Mutukura during the search of a suitable but reasonably priced thank you token for our monthly child sponsors under the Adopt an Angel programme. Christopher is the owner of the Chris Beads and Wire Arts in Edenvale. He has been creating beautiful beaded items along the road for the past 13 years! Christopher explained that bead work is his only source of income and through his work he is able to pay his workers and feed his family. “I am truly grateful for the occasional support I receive from LITTLE EDEN” he said.

We continue to donate excess medical supplies, clothes, wheelchairs and blankets to other needy organisations.

en to in div id u a ls iv g re a s m e it se e h “T t work or m ea n s ou h it w lly ta to re a o wh liv in g on th e st re et re a y n a M t. or pp of su a re Africa n s ll a e, ut it st e d lly ta a n d to fro m Hillb row s e h tc re st ch ea tr ou a n d ou r u lu N ata l (we pa ss aZ w K to po po im L to g a n is ation s or d n a s or st pa to th e g ood s on n it ie s) a n d re ce ive u m m co se e th e rv wh o se n g ba si s. Y ou r oi g on n a on s k n a ve rba l th tru ly life sa vi n g.” can, is t or pp su s ou er en g raham Dun m Reverend G a letter fro n Church – extract from ity Presbyteria un m om C d el Minister, Highv

utukura Christopher M

MANAGEMENT’S approach TO our relationship with society The long-term vision of LITTLE EDEN, Our Mission, the three core Values and the documented Policies guide the way the Society conducts its day-to-day activities. As part of our commitment to good corporate citizenship, we participate in similar NGO sector related initiatives that bring together business, government and civil society to promote universal Human Rights specifically for people with intellectual disabilities, protect the environment and encourage financial sustainability and transparency. We endorse and support the United Nations Global Compact, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.


The Society has a strict anti-corruption policy which, if not followed, will result in disciplinary action against its violator and any accomplices. The Organisation endorses the UN Global Compact and thus pledges to work against corruption and discrimination in all its forms. Our management strategies and systems are designed to identify, assess, prioritise and manage business risk and opportunities. Internal reviews and audits as well as third party assurance engagements are conducted to ensure conformance with internal requirements, compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and disclosure of reliable and verifiable information to the Organisation’s stakeholders, regulators and other interested parties. The daily care and nurturing of our residents forms the core work of LITTLE EDEN. In this regard LITTLE EDEN has established a number of ongoing care programmes including:

Medical Care ¢¢ ¢¢

¢¢ ¢¢


A nursing sister is on duty 24 hours a day Medical care by voluntary doctors, dentists and psychiatrists Daily medications for 210 residents Daily chest therapy which is critical to many of the residents Emergency interventions as required

Beneficiary breakdown by gender BENEFICIARY BREAKDOWN

 Male ERV 68%  Male DDHH 102%  Female ERV 52%  Female DDHH 78%

Racial RACIALDifferentiation DIFFERENTIATION for both homes FOR BOTH HOMES

individual Personal Care ¢¢

¢¢ ¢¢


Beds and wheelchairs, including customised wheelchairs Feeding (1 500 meals and teatimes per day) Clothing and nappy changes (2 500 nappies are washed daily, and 3 tons of linen and clothing) Personal hygiene support (bathing, hair care and teeth brushing)

Daily Therapies ¢¢


Occupational-, hydro-, physio-, music-, speech-, pet therapy, art, and reflexology Participation in concerts and creative activities throughout the year

SET Daily Routines ¢¢

This makes the residents feel secure with a sense of belonging

Family and Love ¢¢


To the 300 residents, LITTLE EDEN is their family and source of love, critical to them reaching their full potential They also learn how to socialise and interact with staff and one another


130 45 1 4 45 68 0 7

Black White Indian Coloured Black White Indian Coloured




spiritual development and support ¢¢ ¢¢

¢¢ ¢¢



The spiritual development of our residents is vitally important to their completeness as a child of God God has given us these special Angels to learn from them and we are truly blessed to be able to help them reach their full potential Daily prayers are said with the residents Residents, staff and visitors participate in First Friday and other Holy Masses and services at Our Lady of the Angels Chapel at Domitilla and Danny Hyams Home The Chaplains, His Grace, The Most Reverend Archbishop Emeritus George Daniel and Reverend Father Richard Kugbeh-Kasin of Elvira Rota Village celebrate Holy Mass weekly at the Holy Family Chapel for residents, staff and visitors We rely on the daily prayers of supporters, including those of the Harvesters of Jesus, as without their prayers LITTLE EDEN would not survive

Homes Statistics Domitilla and Danny Hyams Home

Elvira Rota Village






Residents who have left the care of LITTLE EDEN






Number of residents who receive medication *Average of two medicines per resident administered twice per day



Number of residents who use a wheelchair





74 (11)

146 (10)





1 499




Number of residents (300)

Number of residents with dual diagnosis Number of hospital days for all residents (# of residents) Specialist visits *(Podiatrist, dermatologist etc.) Number of residents seen by Department Doctor *DDHH includes visits by voluntary doctors Number of residents seen by dentist/dental technician Number of residents seen by psychiatrist



¢¢ ¢¢ ¢¢ ¢¢ ¢¢

¢¢ ¢¢ ¢¢

LITTLE EDEN is nearing its 46th anniversary The Edenvale Home was named Domitilla and Danny Hyams Home Positive and congratulatory feedback on the Annual Report 2012 was received from stakeholders, prospective funders and donors and Professor Mervyn King The Annual Report 2012 won Best Newcomer sustainability report, as well as Runner-up in the NGO/SME category at the ACCA South Africa Sustainability Awards 2011 LITTLE EDEN won the ‘Leaders and Achievers’ Gold Award at the PMR/Ekurhuleni Metro Survey Awards The network server was upgraded with hardware and software Department of Health Annual Audits continue to have positive outcomes The Edenvale shop operation was enlarged on vacating the Primrose premises Feedback from all stakeholder groups shows appreciation and support of and encouragement for our work of service in the community Ongoing positive media coverage Ongoing maintenance, upgrading and refurbishment programmes are in place The general health and well-being of our residents is testimony to the work of service that is being carried out on a daily basis


Stakeholder engagement Key to the success of LITTLE EDEN is the relationships we share with diverse groups of stakeholders who contribute to the work that we do. LITTLE EDEN identifies its stakeholders as those persons or institutions that can affect, or are affected by LITTLE EDEN operations. Regular interaction with stakeholders helps to promote the trust between LITTLE EDEN and those impacted by our operations. It also helps to ensure our responsiveness to the risks that define our responsibilities and influence our reputation. Contact with the various constituents is ensured through: newsletters, email, social media, press releases and radio interviews, progress and/or monitoring and evaluation reports to our donors, the Annual Report and other methods. Of the 300 residents at LITTLE EDEN, 238 were previously abandoned or destitute resulting in the Society not having contact with the majority of the next of kin. LITTLE EDEN receives no support – financial or otherwise – from this group. Means and Regularity of engagement

Mechanisms for resolving issues


Daily verbal communication and personal interaction

Feedback and communication with nursing staff and supervisors

Board of Governors

Progress reports are submitted Meetings every two months, every two months by or ad hoc when required management. Meetings every two months, ad hoc newsletters and emails

1, 2, 7, 9, 11, 12

Corporate donors

Ongoing interactions, funding proposals, tours, meetings, etc.

Emails, written correspondence, personal contact

1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11

Customers of the second-hand shop operations

Ongoing marketing material, personal contact, local newspapers, social media

Ad hoc meetings with Management, email, telephone correspondence

1, 4, 9, 10, 13


Ad hoc workshops, business plans Audits, visits, meetings and meetings, emails as required, monthly reports, annual and ad hoc site visits

Individual donors

Direct mail and e-communication six to seven times per annum, ongoing media coverage, personal visits to the Homes, acknowledgment of donations

Meetings, social media, website, 1, 4, 5, 9, 10 compliments and complaints records are monitored at Management level

Local Community

Regular features in the local media, daily tours, presentations

Personal meetings, visits, emails, 1, 4, 5, 9, 10 compliments and complaints records. Advice and referrals to prospective parents and the community


Press releases, telephone, email, Allowed the opportunity to respond social media, radio interviews, etc. in writing to the Editor to any issues that may arise from the at least monthly public from time to time

4, 9, 10

Multidisciplinary professionals

Reports, assessments, Daily personal contact, weekly feedback on progress of treatment verbal feedback of beneficiaries

1, 3, 6, 13

Next of kin of beneficiaries

Newsletters every two months, ad hoc personal contact via telephone and in person when required

Personal and/or telephonic contact. 1, 10 Referrals to other homes if necessary


Monthly internal newsletters and team meetings every five weeks. General notices as required

Employment Equity Committee, Ethos committees, workshops, weekly meetings, ad hoc meetings as necessary


Emails, telephonic correspondence Written communication as necessary and meetings


Trade associations

Consultation meetings as necessary

Written communication and meetings

6, 9, 13


Ongoing newsletters, notices, personal contact, etc.

Personal contact, feedback from Manager, Group leaders, therapists and care workers

2, 10

Ad hoc meetings, personal telephone calls, emails

1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11


Independent legal Bi-annual meetings, or as and entities of LITTLE EDEN when required, email, newsletters

Affected by which Material issues (page 7) All

1, 7, 8, 10, 11

2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13


Benefit Cocktail Party In celebration of Nelson Mandela International Day, and as his contribution to the 67 minutes of service requested from all citizens every year on this occasion, the UK Trade Commissioner, Mr Andrew Henderson, hosted a cocktail benefit party on the evening of 18 July 2012 in aid of LITTLE EDEN. The purpose of the reception was to engage with a select group of prominent business leaders in the South African community in order to profile the work of LITTLE EDEN Society, to strengthen the existing ties with their current donors and to encourage new relationships with potential stakeholders. We are particularly grateful to Mr Andrew Henderson and his wife, Julia, for arranging the event and for opening their

home to the guests on the evening. We also thank the sponsors for their part in the successful evening: Standard Chartered Bank, Jaguar Land Rover and BT. The British Government’s Minister for Africa, Mr Henry Bellingham MP from the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, also attended the benefit. The Master of Ceremonies was David O’Sullivan from Talk Radio 702 and the guest speaker, former Miss South Africa, Peggy-Sue Khumalo. The Soweto Marimba Band welcomed the guests with some beautiful, festive musical items and further entertainment was provided throughout the evening by the duo Danielle & John Violin & Voice with Trax. Residents from LITTLE EDEN entertained the guests with a display of their musical abilities.

Peggy-Sue Khumalo, Minister for Africa Mr Henry Bellingham, British High Commissioner Dame Nicola Brewer and her husband

Peggy-S ue Khum alo, UK Commis Trade sioner M r Andre Henders w on and his wife Mrs Luc Julia, y Slavie ro

Irish volunteer John and residents of LITTLE EDEN


LITTLE EDEN Fête: Lil’ Bit Country Over the years the LITTLE EDEN annual fête has become a much anticipated community event. Friends and benefactors from all over Gauteng and even further afield joined us on Saturday 2 March 2013 on the bottom acre of Domitilla and Danny Hyams Home which was transformed into a country landscape, true to the theme of the day: Lil’ Bit Country. The public was invited to dress up to suit the occasion with the best-dressed winning exciting prizes to reward their efforts. There was a wide variety of stalls and activities:

r u o o t n o i t a it I nv ay d n u S n o y a Fa m ily Fu n D e r 2013 15 Se pt e m b

delicious food; arts and crafts; face painting; interesting dancing shows; pipe band; and lively country music further added to an event of non-stop, good old fashioned country fun! Every year we receive an overwhelming response from the public in terms of donations in cash and kind. Without the ongoing support from our friends and benefactors, it would be really difficult to put together a successful day like this. Thank you!

These FEET were made for fun Hundreds of pairs of ‘Happy Feet’ brought their owners to participate in our 5km fun walk through the Johannesburg Zoo last November. What a fun day it was for young and old with loads of prizes and therefore many ‘Happy Feet’ walked away winners. Apart from enjoying a fun day out with the family, funds were raised towards the cost of caring for children who can’t walk or talk. A Family Fun Day will be held at Elvira Rota Village on Sunday 15 September 2013. The day will include our annual 5km run/walk and lots of fun activities for the children and musical entertainment! Plan now to spend the Family Fun Day with us and bring along your picnic or braai pack and relax under the trees. Watch our website for more details. Ten-year-old pianist Tyrone Aaron featured by Lead SA, decided to raise funds for LITTLE EDEN when he heard of the non-payment of Government subsidies. World of Yamaha in Sandton assisted him by hosting a Birthday Concert as a fundraiser. Thank you Tyrone! He will also play at the Family Fun Day.


Extract of a Review by Don Arturo Bellini of the book

Vuoti a Rendere Written by Daniela Taiocchi I have read a wonderful book about the life of Domitilla Rota Hyams. Cardinal Napier called her the Angel of Mercy of the children, welcomed into the home of LITTLE EDEN. Domitilla emigrated from Albenza, Almenno San Bartolomeo (Italy), to far-away South Africa, a land wounded by the suffering of apartheid. There she became the ‘Mother Teresa’ of Johannesburg. For more than 40 years, she was the mother to children with professional intellectual disabilities and mental illnesses: gave them a permanent residence, showered them with attention and affection, defended their rights to dignity, care and human respect and opened new channels of communion between the different races and cultures.

Daniela Ta


Vuoti a ren dere

Domitilla died at the age of 92 years (she was born in 1918) and, on December 28 2012, her Daniel also joined her in God’s great paradise. Domitilla was not a nun. She was a wife and a mother. The dream of her life took root in Albenza, “among daisies and forget-me-nots, daffodils and cyclamens” – writes Antonio Carminati, director of the Centro Studi della Valle Imagna – and flourished in South Africa. She was 27 years old when she fell in love with Daniel Hyams, a South African prisoner of war who had escaped from the Grumellina concentration camp near Bergamo. After their marriage, she decided with Daniel to leave Italy for SouthAfrica, where the family took root, with six children and a home, which was, so to speak, open to all. In 1967 Domitilla and Daniel took the decision to open a home for children and adults with profound disabilities. It was a new creative impulse, generated by a heart able to give credit to God that every human being cultivates dreams of tenderness and brotherhood, spanning the globe and history. Daniela Taiocchi, in her second book on the life of Domitilla Rota, takes the reader by the hand, discovering the bright star that lit up the path. She imagined herself, taken by the hand by a child angel entering the home of LITTLE EDEN on the day of the death of Domitilla. Hand-in-hand with this child, Daniela Taiocchi immersed herself in the “little way” that leads to the secret spring that has nourished the lives of Domitilla and Daniel. Along the way, she picked the echo left in the folds of the soul of so many people, from this special woman, gentle and strong at the same time, able to overcome cultural and mental barriers crystallised over centuries. Following the example of St Therese of Lisieux, Domitilla was certain that the mercy of God embraces and regenerates everything and that the joyful and confident relinquishment to the providence of God is the engine that drives to take care of every human being and to discover the precious pearl that each contains. In a society that, from every televised window and often from the pages of newspapers, preaches the right to be healthy and beautiful (if not, to make believe!) children with limitations in body and mind are an accident, a mistake, an obstacle. Not for Domitilla! “People with intellectual disabilities retain a great value. God has donated these to touch our hearts and make us better… We all are the hands of Jesus, when we take care of the next without regard to race, colour or intellectual capacity.“ For Domitilla the attitude of care is cardinal. Through the actions essential to daily life, such as bread, the word, the hugs, confidence, prayer, the simple and common ordinary bonds, the soul learns to read the subtle fragments of the closeness of God. Domitilla knew fully well that the holiness is not fuelled by sensational things and does not like the limelight. Holiness lives in humble gestures, such as those of the furrow that holds the seed to nourish and protect it from frost and voraciousness of birds; such as the lymph which, in a silent and discreet manner ascends from the roots to bring nutrients and life to all branches of the tree. The sanctity of Domitilla is that of ordinary people, who live an ordinary life, who have ordinary problems and who rely on time and trust that love will overcome the rhythm of time. Because it takes time to continue with life. And we need love to give colour and warmth to people. Food, for example, was the light of Domitilla to show that the house was alive, even with a plate of pasta and a bit of love. Not surprisingly, being a caring and sensitive mother, Domitilla was able to discern the real possibilities of each child and knew how to maximise these, according to their communication capabilities. Domitilla understood that the skills are complementary and everyone can be useful to others, helping each other to improve their skills. For this reason, it does not take special skills – only tenacity and patience, such as the farmer with his field. Greed, however, generates indifference, deserts the soul and produces and disseminates the virus of parasitism. Indifference thinks only of itself and does not want to be supportive to anyone. Domitilla struggled against the indifference. She had to ask for help from many people to keep the doors open. Opening the doors to children of all races, in times of apartheid, forced, however, many members of civil society, not to be indifferent, to discuss and understand the prophetic character of this special house, where there is a lifestyle of love as a gift, joy and sacrifice.


s Concern d n a s ue olders Key Iss keh a St e m So cted Raised by edia, conta

the m rs, including r remarks Stakeholde concern ove ss re xp e a N to st made by LITTLE EDE rued as raci st r n co e d b a bass or fo that could to be an am g in im yer a w cl la le lted a young fema iately consu d e m im e N. W correct the LITTLE EDE ps to take to e st ry a ss on the nece ntation. misreprese

Monitoring and Evaluation Core functions are monitored and evaluated on an ongoing basis, in order for LITTLE EDEN to achieve its aims, and live up to Our Mission. This contributes to our work of service. Core functions: ¢¢

The residents’ needs are of primary concern.


The Board of Governors oversees the strategic direction of the Society according to its constitutional guidelines. The Board meets once every two months to evaluate the preceding period of operation and to recommend and advise on future direction.


The Management team meets weekly to ensure that operational matters are addressed timeously and adequately.


To maintain a good working relationship with the Department of Health.


The application of prudent financial policies. Finances are carefully monitored by measuring performance to budget and this information is submitted every two months to the Finance Committee and the Board of Governors.


To fundraise aggressively to source funds for operational requirements in order to meet the monthly shortfall in Department of Health subsidies and to broaden the scope of service provision.


To maintain and build adequate infrastructure and facilities which are required to ensure a holistic approach in the care of the residents.


To source and retain qualified and competent staff members within the organisation.


To provide ongoing staff training and ensure placement according to expertise.


To uphold the Values and ethos in caring for the residents and staff.


To sustain effective and efficient communication with stakeholders.

Communication of the brand The LITTLE EDEN brand has become synonymous with love and care, devotion to its beneficiaries, and determination in living Our Mission. We believe it is our core Values of Respect, Sanctity of Life and Love & Care that set us apart from other organisations and institutions. LITTLE EDEN aims to educate the public on intellectual disability and through the promotion of our core Values we strive to help all individuals recognise the value of our special people. This is mostly accomplished through the guided visits, off-site presentations, the media, the website, social media networks, etc. Special mention must be made of the local Bedfordview and Edenvale News, which continues its loyal support of the Society by publishing regular articles of our work of service. National media exposure occurs less frequently, with the exception of matters of national interest. The publicity in the media and social media about the remark construed as racist was dealt with swiftly by LITTLE EDEN. This reduced the negative impact that the incident could have had.

General news articles centred on the following themes: ¢¢

Raising awareness for the work carried out at LITTLE EDEN


Raising awareness of fundraising events


Public recognition of donations received


Community communication: LITTLE EDEN is a wellknown and respected organisation that forms part of the Edenvale and Bedfordview community

LITTLE EDEN programmes and activities are monitored through the use of statistical data, as well as progress reports submitted monthly to the Management team and every two months to the Board of Governors.

LITTLE EDEN continues to receive pro bono services from Newsclip Media Monitoring as well as Radio Heads, The Radio Specialist – a part of the African Media Entertainment (AME) company.

The reports evaluate progress against project objectives. Regular site visits are conducted by Managers and Supervisors who focus specifically on their target area of speciality, for example health and safety, medical aspects, etc. The relevance and efficiency of programmes are monitored in terms of their relation to the needs of the beneficiaries. Regular discussions with specific stakeholders and an open door policy results in reviews of programmes as and when required.

A negative drawback from the above publicity is the risk of the perception that LITTLE EDEN is a wealthy organisation that does not require substantial financial assistance.

Annual performance appraisals are carried out for all LITTLE EDEN staff. This allows managers to receive feedback from their employees as well as the employee


Funding concerns linked to the Gauteng Department of Health’s late payment of subsidies from the previous financial year


to raise any issues that might have arisen. Goals are set, and in subsequent appraisals progress is monitored and new goals are set or adjusted. This gives direction and growth to both the employee and the manager. This also gives management better insight of the employee towards succession planning. LITTLE EDEN gives organisational management issues, systems and processes, due consideration and ensures that all activities comply with all legislated requirements. For example, the safety and health of residents and staff is a key performance measurement indicator during the annual performance review of all Managers. Regular meetings are held with the fundraiser and Marketing and Communications Officer. Monitoring and evaluation of projects that are on the go and in the planning stages takes place. These meetings allow for potential opportunities and shortfalls to be identified early on in the project, which in turn leads to greater efficiency. Progress reports to funders and sponsors are submitted as per their requirements on their specific projects. Monthly Safety, Health and Environment inspections are carried out and results submitted by the appointed SHE Representatives to the SHE Officer. All issues are looked at: minor issues are dealt with by the Officer, while serious issues are passed onto the manager concerned. The SHE Officer follows up with the manager until the issue is resolved. An external SHE Audit is carried out quarterly by Scott-Safe pro bono in which LITTLE EDEN regularly scores over 95%. SHE Committee Meetings are held every three months to discuss any issues and incidents. Management are ‘Designated Committee Members’ and so most issues are dealt with immediately. If not it is resolved via their weekly meetings. Although LITTLE EDEN has put in place various measures to protect the residents, staff and assets, a formal register has not been in place. We are in the process of drafting a ‘Securities Policy and Procedure’ which will identify all security measures as well as identifying the correct maintenance protocols.


e Yoland

The LITTLE EDEN brand has become synonymous with love and care, devotion to its beneficiaries, and determination in living Our Mission. We believe it is our core Values of Respect, Sanctity of Life and Love & Care that set us apart from other organisations and institutions.

A bonding moment between residents Dorothy and Owami


MAnagement and corporate governance GOVERNANCE The LITTLE EDEN organisational structure comprises three separate legal entities, viz: LITTLE EDEN Society for the Care of Persons with Mental Handicap, LITTLE EDEN Foundation and Associazione Domitilla Rota Hyams Onlus. The LITTLE EDEN Society summarised structural organogram is shown on page 29.

our objective

To ensure good governance through: the involvement of competent, dedicated people; the continued development of the Board, advisory and Management structures to ensure continuity.

and A guiding h

Adrian shares his big heart with Sergio


LITTLE EDEN Society LITTLE EDEN Society is governed at the highest level by the LITTLE EDEN Board of Governors comprising eight independent non-executive members including an elected Chairman with office bearers and Board members. The Chairman, office bearers and members of the Board are not remunerated for their services. The Board of Governors sits six times per annum and is responsible for setting the strategic direction of LITTLE EDEN Society and providing effective oversight of its operations. The non-executive Chairman and the LITTLE EDEN Chief Executive Officer (CEO) have separate roles. This ensures an appropriate balance of control, increased accountability and a greater capacity of the Board of Governors for independent decision-making. The Chairman leads the Board of Governors and is responsible for the management of the Board such as facilitating effective contribution of non-executive Board members and promoting high standards of corporate governance including transparency and encouraging interaction and feedback with all stakeholders. The Chairman also ensures that the Board members receive accurate, timely and clear information, and that there is effective communication with stakeholders. The CEO has full executive responsibilities over the Society directions set by the Board and operational decisions of the Society. The CEO is accountable to the Board of Governors for the conduct and performance of the Society as effected through the Management team structures. The Chairman and the CEO are not related to each other.

LITTLE EDEN Committees In keeping with best practice initiatives, LITTLE EDEN staff are represented on the Employment Equity Committee, which meets every four months; the Ethos Teams, Tirisano and Bambanani, which meet monthly to encourage the living of the LITTLE EDEN Values and to constantly create practical ways that will highlight the Values throughout the year and; the SHE (Safety, Health and Environment) Committee which meets quarterly to discuss any safety concerns that may have arisen in the previous quarter. The Society is aware of the importance of maintaining the racial diversity of its Management team and Board of Governors. The risk of non-compliance with BEE could result in a loss of donors. All committees adhere to the guidelines laid out in the Board of Governors Members’ Manual. This manual clearly lays out the role of the Board and committees, code of conduct of the members, the course of action to be taken should a conflict of interest exist and also profiles each position on the Board. Contact the Secretary of the Society at the office for further details.

Board of Governors: Male












Management: Male












NOTE: 6 LITTLE EDEN Managers NOTE: 6 Supercare Managers

Board of Governors Members of the Board of Governors are nominated and elected for a period of two years at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Society (but are eligible for reelection). LITTLE EDEN strives to ensure that nominations to the Board of Governors represents a mix of expertise, knowledge, experience and representivity. All members should possess a high level of integrity, independent mindset and expert knowledge that meet the needs of the Society and complement the competencies of the existing members on the Board. They should also be able to commit time and effort to carry out their duties and responsibilities effectively. Further, all Board members are expected to subscribe to the ethos and Values as embodied in Our Mission. LITTLE EDEN is fortunate to have members who show these qualities as well as being closely linked with the Society on a personal level: two members have siblings residing with us; one is a parent of a resident who died with us some years back; and one is a son-in-law of the late founders. The current members of the Board of Governors are: Mrs Rosetta Ntambose Xaba (Chairman) CA (SA) Mr Maurizio Galimberti (Vice-Chairman) BSc Reverend Douglas Boake (Treasurer) CA (SA) Mr Alexander Angus NTD, PMD Reverend Antony Bishop FCIS Mrs Gisela Middleton Mr Luigi Slaviero MBL, PrEng Mrs Yvonne Thipe BA Curr LITTLE EDEN has invited local council members and Government representatives to sit on the Board, but they have declined as it is a non-remuneration position. The Board of Governors has established two subcommittees to assist it in its duties, viz. a Finance Committee and a Remuneration Committee.


Finance Committee


The Finance Committee comprising of at least three persons: the Treasurer; the Chairman; and at least one other Board Member, as well as the Manager: Finance and the CEO, meets six times per annum. This Committee fulfils the Board’s oversight responsibility relating to the Organisation’s financial statements, financial reporting practices, systems of internal accounting and financial and disclosure controls, internal audit function, the retention and oversight of independent auditors and oversight of the Society’s ethical business conduct.

Reverend Bishop T Graham Rose (Chairman) DD Mr Alfredo Crabbia (Vice-Chairman) Mr Michael Rohrbeck (Treasurer) CA (SA) Mr Tommaso Altini BSc MAQS Mr Terence Bowman Mr Rajeev Thomas B.Eng Proj.MgtCert CPMM

Current members: Rosetta Xaba; Doug Boake; Tony Bishop; Lucy Slaviero; Peter Mannix.

Remuneration Committee A Remuneration Committee comprising three independent Board members together with the Manager: Finance and Manager: Human Resources meet at least once annually. This Committee provides guidance and recommendations for the remuneration strategy of the Society and fulfils the oversight mechanism to ensure that remuneration levels are consistent, fair and in accordance with similar NGO related market levels as outlined in the annual Averile Ryder report ‘South African Based Independent NGO’s and State Funded Organisations’ Salary Survey’. The Remuneration Committee recommends an overall annual quantum (either percentage or value or both) and also sets the remuneration of the CEO. Current members: Rosetta Xaba; Doug Boake; Tony Bishop; Lucy Slaviero; Peter Mannix; Veronica Mannix

LITTLE EDEN FOUNDATION The purpose of the LITTLE EDEN Foundation (LEF) is to safeguard, grow and ensure the provision of funds, assets, services and other resources to LITTLE EDEN Society. The Foundation may call upon and makes use of professional external advice (remunerated and/or pro bono) when necessary and to objectively evaluate performance. The LEF is a separate Public Benefit Organisation (PBO 930 034 635) operated not for profit and registered under Sections 18A and 30 of the Income Tax Act No 58 of 1962. The Foundation has its own non-executive Chairman and independent Board members comprising of five nominated members and one co-opted member. Membership is only by invitation for duration of three years renewable for two further periods of three years. No members of this Foundation serve in any other LITTLE EDEN related capacity. The LEF meets at minimum twice per annum. The Chairman, office bearers and members of the LEF are not remunerated for their services.

The Patron of LITTLE EDEN FOUNDATION is Mr Jay (Jayaseelen) Naidoo, well-known philanthropist, social activist and champion for justice

Associazione Domitilla Rota Hyams Onlus After mulling over the idea for five years, Domitilla’s great-nephew undertook the momentous task of formalising the Onlus. The entire process came to fruition in under a year and finally on 14 February 2012 the Associazione Domitilla Rota Hyams Onlus (Onlus) was legally registered. Associazione Domitilla Rota Hyams Onlus is a nongovernmental legal entity registered in Italy, the purpose of which is to act as a central European contact office for European donations, with tax benefits, towards the sustainability of LITTLE EDEN Society. Further benefits include the facilitation of volunteers, the exchange of knowledge related to the care of persons with intellectual disabilities, the involvement of pharmaceutical organisations and the transfer of ethos value systems. The Onlus has its own independent non-executive Founding Board Members and Executive Committee who are not remunerated for their services; nor are there any charges levied for the permanent registered office with the necessary equipment and services. The office is manned on a part-time basis by the Executive Committee members. The Associazione Domitilla Rota Hyams Onlus Executive Committee members are: Mr Giuliano Rota-Martir (President) Mr Giovanni Mazzoleni (Vice-President) Mr Giulio Galbiati (Secretary/Treasurer) Reverend Dante Cortinovis Mrs Rossana Locatelli Mr Tarcisio Rota Mr Luciano Rovelli Mr Rocco Todeschini Mr Gianantonio Tagliabue


little eden SOCIETY Organogram Board of Governors

chief executive officer

Manager Finance

Manager Care Centres

Manager HR

Manager Administration

Manager Facilities

Accounts Technicians

Care Staff (Supercare)


Shop Supervisor

ERV Caretaker

Marketing and Communications

Accounts Part-timers

Professional Nursing Staff

Ad Hoc Consultants

Depot Clerk

ERV Kitchen Supervisor


Professional Therapy Staff

Administration Clerks

Facilities Contractors

SHE and Sustainability Officer

Group Leaders and Assistants


Farm Contractors

Co-ordinator Medical and Home

Driver (Supercare)

ERV Programme Co-ordinators


d Aden ay – Xolane an The boys at pl



Elvira Rota Village


Domitilla and Danny Hyams Home

Management’s Approach to Product Responsibility – Social Service LITTLE EDEN’s ‘product’ comprises the holistic care of its residents. To perform our work of service we must have a dedicated staff that spares no effort in ensuring the provision of the best available care and stimulation services for the monetary value expended. It is the stated objective of the Board of Governors and Management that such care must of necessity, be of world-class standard and best-in-class in the local South African environment. We comply with all applicable legislative requirements and share information on resident care programmes and initiatives with other similar NGOs, institutions and other interested parties. LITTLE EDEN, as any other organisation operating in the Republic of South Africa, is bound by various legislative Acts of Parliament. We do our utmost to always comply with the various legislations and make use of external professional inputs to keep on track. No notices of non-compliance with the Acts and their Regulations have been received during the past year either in relation to any service offered by LITTLE EDEN or in relation to any product disposed through the second-hand shop operations. As such, the Society has not been subject to any sanctions or fines in relation to non-compliance with laws and regulations concerning products and services or environmental or other legislative requirements. In this regard it should be noted that LITTLE EDEN will neither accept nor tolerate any form of corruption. However, we have had a limited number of complaints from the public regarding inter-personal issues. These complaints, while deemed non-material, are handled in a timely manner by Human Resources and the manager concerned. All complaints are documented in the complaints register. Additional training was provided for staff whose repetitive interactions were deemed inappropriate. No incidences regarding breaches of customer, resident and staff privacy – to which we respect their right – were recorded in the past year, nor (with reference to this grouping) were there any known losses of data held by the Society. Further we have in place service and satisfaction feedback mechanisms to ensure the rapid response to concerns and complaints. LITTLE EDEN firmly believes that responsible business conduct is based on fairness and integrity embodied in the Values of Respect, Sanctity of Life and Love & Care. In our marketing and fundraising communications, it is an absolute fundamental that we respect our donors’ right to privacy. We do not make unsubstantiated claims in our marketing materials. In the year under review, there were no recorded complaints about possible breaches of codes and laws related to marketing, advertising, promotion and sponsorship.


CARE AND STIMULATION PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE To provide excellent sustainable care to our 300 residents, through trained and committed manpower and appropriate care facilities.

People who are not generally exposed to children and adults with profound intellectual disability fail to comprehend the extent and limitations of our residents’ abilities – not being able to learn how to read or write or attend a ‘normal’ school. However, each individual is unique and has within him/her different abilities. It is our privilege in our work of service to help each of our residents to reach their full potential, regardless of how seemingly limited that may be.

Frans Brigitte pushing


Working at LITTLE EDEN as a Bobath/Neurodevelopmental physiotherapist, with a background in the private sector, has been an interesting and worthwhile experience. I have been based at Domitilla and Danny Hyams Home (DDHH), working with the younger children in Green and Red Wings for six months. So far, the impression I have gained is that the children are well cared for, in terms of clothes, hygiene and food and that the organisation is very professionally run. The management also shows considerable effort towards stimulation and development and we are blessed to have beautiful facilities and toys to work with through donations from the outside community. The main challenge in terms of creating a therapeutic environment at DDHH is that because of the severe degree of physical disability prevalent in this group of children, most require individualised attention and focused rehab to help them to develop further and achieve functional goals. For some children, these goals may be broader like sitting and walking, while for others it may be as simple as being able to lift his head to make eye contact and share a moment with a caregiver. The therapist to child ratio at this organisation will always be very high, and so most of this rehab needs to happen within their own environment, carried out by group leaders, carers and volunteers. This has proved to be difficult in practice due to there being a limited amount of staff, already working hard at a full schedule. Some of our long-term volunteers have been especially valuable, by taking interest in the development of specific children, and carrying out therapeutic activities under the guidance of therapists. Having more therapy facilitators and a therapy-orientated natural environment would help us to make strides towards helping each child reach their maximal potential. Even with these challenges, it has been a great pleasure working in an environment where love and care is as synonymous as it is. – Nabeela Laher, Physiotherapist

The Care and Stimulation Programme is a combination of medical, nursing care and therapies such as physio-, occupational-, hydro-, music-, speech- and pet therapy, art and reflexology designed to help the residents feel as secure as possible and give them confidence to develop to their full potential. Residents with the potential for progressive development are identified and provided with therapy for their specific needs.




…prays for Joseph Music therapist Karen was getting ready for her music session with the Butterfly group at ERV. Daniella walked in and didn’t say much. She took one of Karen’s candles from the shelf and put it in the middle of an already set circle of chairs. They had an empty chair in the circle where Joseph would have sat. She asked Karen to light the candle for Joseph because she and the other residents were very worried about him and that “he was too young to die.” So they spent the whole session singing Joseph’s favourite songs, hoping he could feel them somehow because it must have been very lonely in hospital.

…remembered her beloved Drea Drea also had Down syndrome and was older than Daniella and a ‘mother figure’ to her. Daniella was devastated when Drea died of kidney failure years ago, hence her concern for her friend Joseph.

…gives unconditional love The late Domitilla called these special people her angels as they can do no wrong. Daniella and her friends do not pass judgment on you and give you unconditional love, expecting nothing in return.

…says “we need more prayers” Daniella knows everything that goes on at ERV, especially who is not well or who is sick in bed and said to our media consultant Hanneli: “We need more prayers for sick people here.”


Sisters of the Imitation of Christ implement Individual training at Elvira Rota Village The Sisters of the Imitation of Christ (SIC) arrived to join the LITTLE EDEN Family in 2010 from India. They are academically trained in working with people with mental disability. After a few months of observing the residents at Elvira Rota Village (ERV) they implemented a programme called ‘Individual Training’. The programme is carried out with a specific resident for at least 30 minutes a day. The programme is implemented with residents who have isolative behaviour, aggression, disobedience, repetitive compulsive behaviour etc. After three years they are happy to see that the programme has been received positively and has made positive improvements in the developments and behaviour of many residents at ERV. Some of the activities involved include colour painting, taking walks, being given specific duties to carry out, training on self-dressing and self-feeding. The activities change according to the resident’s response to them and the resident’s interest.

Case studies of the Individual Training at Elvira Rota Village Jan Loots: he is 35 years old this year and he was five years old when he was admitted to LITTLE EDEN. Until recently Jan was a very reserved boy and could not communicate or interact with other residents. Today Jan pages through books and magazines with interesting pictures and shares the pictures with his friends. He often has lots of stories to share with staff about the pictures he sees in his books. He cheerfully greets his friends and house mother every morning and he can now drink his tea on his own using a special mug!

Jan L


Gobsi: he is 11 years old; he was eight years old when he was admitted to LITTLE EDEN. He was always pushed around in his wheelchair as he could not push himself or even attempt to walk. Through various physical activities, Gobsi is now able to move around on his knees and a bit further if assisted by staff. He is a bubbly little boy who loves interacting with his friends even more so now, as he can now follow them if they move positions for different activities.



Bobby: at 63 years old, Bobby is the oldest resident at LITTLE EDEN. He was 34 years old at admission. Bobby has always been known to be strong-willed and an introvert. He would collect magazines and put them in his backpack until it became impossible to carry around but would sleep with one eye open to ensure no one emptied his bag. His favourite hat with feathers that he collects every day never left his head. Gradually the Sisters introduced activities for Bobby which made him more interactive and willing to cooperate.




Candy: 31-year-old Candy was just two years old when she was admitted to LITTLE EDEN. She grew up reserved and quiet. She spent a lot of her time with her best friend Daniella but remained an unhappy girl. Due to her hip problem, she also became less mobile over the years. However, for the past three years, Candy slowly came out of her shell and misery and emerged as a very loving and caring young lady. Some staff members jokingly call her ‘house mother’ as she often looks out for the younger residents, protects them and cares for them. She is often seen with little Xolane on her lap as she is pushed in her wheelchair to attend a church service.


For the past five years I have had the privilege of visiting the residents of LITTLE EDEN with my therapy dogs. During this time I have observed the residents becoming more comfortable, enthusiastic and responsive to our dogs. During a 45 minute visit we interact with approximately 60 residents, ranging from three years to 40 years of age. Many residents show no emotion or visual signs of acknowledgement but once they see the dogs this often changes. On many occasions I have also noticed the calming effect my dog has had on a resident. Our dogs have to be stable, able to deal with noise, walking devices, wheelchairs, confined spaces and unpredictable human behaviour. For the first two years I visited with a Golden Retriever and most of the residents responded well. There were smiles, sounds of joy and hands reaching out to touch the dog. Then I acquired my Border Collie (Heidi), had her assessed, and decided to try her at LITTLE EDEN. My first visit with her was amazing! Joe (not his real name) had never shown any interest in the dogs. He had been a resident of LITTLE EDEN since a young child and was now approximately 30 years of age. On entering the room with Heidi, Joe immediately showed an interest in her. He was walking with a large plastic truck spinning the wheels with his fingers. I spoke to Joe and encouraged him to stroke Heidi’s back; at first he was very apprehensive but then he quickly touched her. What a delightful and overwhelming response I got from Joe, his face ‘shone’ and there was a smile from ear to ear. What a break-through Heidi had made with Joe! At first we thought it may have just been a coincidence but on subsequent visits I watched Joe become more and more confident with all the therapy dogs and his face would light up as soon as we entered the room. Often I instructed him to put his truck down so that he could use both hands to touch the dogs. This he did enthusiastically and his confidence and interaction with the therapy dogs grew. Joe has subsequently been moved to LITTLE EDEN’s farm in Bapsfontein and I must admit I miss him hugely but at the same time feel happy that he has made such wonderful progress. A therapy dog is trained to provide affection and comfort to people in hospitals, retirement homes, nursing homes, schools, hospices, homes for the mentally and physically challenged as well as in stressful/disaster type situations. Therapy dogs come in all sizes and breeds. The most important characteristic of a therapy dog is its temperament. A good therapy dog must be friendly, confident, patient, gentle and able to cope with stress. Therapy dogs should enjoy human contact and be content to be patted and handled, sometimes clumsily. It has been proven that interactions with therapy dogs can increase bonding, happiness, and lower cortisol levels creating a calming effect on patients. Research has proven that Animal Assisted Therapy/Animal Assisted Activity can lower blood pressure and boost the human immune system considerably. In children with low self-esteem and lack of confidence, the dogs have had a positive effect and they have become far more confident over time. On many occasions I have had family members dumbstruck when their loved one has responded to the dogs by talking to or touching the dogs. I quote a phrase LITTLE EDEN made in a previous Annual Report, “We believe these special people are precious in the eyes of God and that they have a right to live and to be helped to reach their full potential despite their limitations. They deserve the best possible care in order to live a happy life whilst being cared for and nurtured in a safe environment”. We wish to thank LITTLE EDEN for allowing us to visit these special people as well as the wonderful assistance and enthusiasm we receive from your staff. If I had to define a therapy dog it would be ‘Touching Hearts, Bringing Joy, Offering Comfort and Enriching Lives’. Sue Marrs – Paws for People® Therapy Dog Handler

Paws for People ® P.O. Box 6356, We stgate 1 Tel 01

1 768 36 734 43 (after Cell 082 hours) 901 8267 Email: le sley.dekle rk@pixie

Paws for people ® is a sectio n Commun 21 – ity Based Business Develop ment Project Re g 2007/028 . No. 181/08


Khotatso adding a finishing touch to her horse



Case studies at Domitilla and danny Hyams home

Lindelwa: at three years old, she is the youngest resident at LITTLE EDEN. Her physiotherapists report that she is developing very well. Lindelwa was recently moved from Red Wing to Green Wing with more active residents. She has become more alert and she will actually look at an object where she couldn’t before. It is an absolute joy to see. She has learnt to smile. Mentally, Lindelwa functions at a level of a three-month-old baby. She still sleeps a lot but being in Green Wing encourages her to stay awake and make contact and interact with other residents. During the class, she is taken out of her wheelchair so as to give her freedom to move around. She has two bright toys that make noise and encourage her to focus on the object and hence her alertness will gradually be improved.



Keketso: when she was admitted in 2009, she was the youngest resident at LITTLE EDEN at the age of just below one year old. She will turn five years old this year! Keketso was also moved from Red Wing to Green Wing to encourage development. She moved from sitting, rolling, dragging herself across the floor and now she has mastered the art of pulling herself up to a table, a friend’s wheelchair etc. With this, her house mother reports that Keketso has now become very active and enjoys throwing a few tantrums when she does not get her way. We hope Keketso will soon learn to walk, if it is within her ability.





Lehlogonolo is a 16-year-old Northern-Sotho girl placed in Blue Wing. She is diagnosed formally with Cerebral Palsy and Hydrocephalus, with an additional preliminary diagnosis of self-mutilation. Characteristically, Lehlogonolo tends to smack her fists against her legs, scratch her arms and face, and additionally throw her head against the back of her wheelchair. Lehlogonolo has attended music therapy sessions for the past two years. During the early stages of the therapy process, her behaviour primarily consisted of distressed crying and screaming, with limited awareness of the onolo g lo music, and of her surroundings. Vocalisation was minimal, as was her engagement with h Le the instruments presented to her. Working with Lehlogonolo’s breathing and moving eye contact formed a predominant part of the therapy process during these early stages. In light of this, I considered the following clinical goals for Lehlogonolo: ¢¢ To provide a sense of being ‘heard’ and acknowledged. ¢¢ To provide a space for containment and opportunity for self-expression. ¢¢ To reduce isolation and offer a sense of belonging and purpose. Over time, trust has been firmly established within the therapeutic relationship. In recent sessions, I have experienced Lehlogonolo as more present, responsive and engaged. This is apparent through her more frequent eye contact, moments of smiling, and steadier, slower breathing. There have been fewer acts of self-mutilation, wherein the music in sessions has acted as a holding container and provided the nurture and care necessary for Lehlogonolo. Her vocal sounds appear to be more intentional and controlled, which we are beginning to explore together during vocal improvisations. In conclusion, I am of the opinion that the medium of music provides Lehlogonolo with the necessary stimulation to focus and hold her attention, steering her away from self-mutilation. I hope that the therapy process will continue to provide her with the necessary container needed to support her emotional discomfort, and elicit the ‘music child’ within her, irrespective of her overwhelming life circumstances. Marie-Victoire Cumming – Music Therapist


ECONOMIC Management’S Approach to Economic Performance Economic sustainability is the cornerstone of any NGO and LITTLE EDEN is no exception. With government subsidies not guaranteed, the Society potentially faces severe problems in ensuring that the doors remain open and therefore a long-term fund development programme is vital in order to carry the Society through periods of delayed department funding. The concept of ethical fundraising takes on increasing importance in order to ensure the long-term good name of the Society. The Society however also recognises the concept of the global village and hence such fundraising cannot be limited to the Republic of South Africa but must of necessity be extended outside our borders. In this respect, Associazione Domitilla Rota Hyams Onlus was established in Italy as a registered NGO to assist with the overseas funding. Communication with donors and donor privacy are recognised as crucial components of fundraising and maintaining long-term donor relationships. In this regard, the Society has developed tried and tested procedures to ensure success.


Fundraising objectives LITTLE EDEN continues to look for options to become less dependent on the government subsidies. Therefore generation of sustainable income sources is imperative. The cost of each resident at LITTLE EDEN is R8 250 per month. The Department of Health Gauteng Provincial Government (DoHGPG) subsidy of R2 858 represents 35% of this cost. The shortfall is met through appeals, the annual fête, the annual walk, second-hand shop operations, generosity of the public, Elvira Rota Village produce sales and other events. LITTLE EDEN also offers various cause related campaigns and projects: Adopt an Angel; the Care and Stimulation Programme; Nursing Care; and Music Therapy, thus giving the donor the opportunity to support a specific cause. A limited number of residents also receive a disability pension of R1 200 per month. The Direct Mailing Campaign outsourced to Downs Murray International is a major contributor in terms of numbers of donations as well as total amount brought in, in addition to new acquisitions. Even though we believe that the retention of current donors is more cost-effective than sourcing new ones it is imperative that we continue to increase our donor data base. LITTLE EDEN strives towards a high level stewardship of our 3 431 current donors. Our donors who have given consecutively for the last three years have dropped by 44% to 768 donors. The reason for this major reduction is being investigated so that it can be rectified.

income by stakeholder category INCOME BY STAKEHOLDER

FUNDING OF OPERATIONAL COST It remains a challenge to generate a sustainable monthly operational income. The effects of rising inflation and growing operational costs has obviously impacted on LITTLE EDEN and hence the need for us to source additional funds. However, donors have changed their funding focus to meet the priorities of the South African Government National Development Plan (SAGNDP) on job creation, skills development and enterprise development. This has the follow-on effect of limiting organisations like LITTLE EDEN who will never be able to meet these expectations and thus places us in the position of not meeting their funding criteria. The financial year saw LITTLE EDEN launch an emergency appeal due to a funding crisis precipitated by non-payment of Government subsidy and reduced allocation from the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund. The heartening responses, to this short-term solution, received from our donors and supporters steered LITTLE EDEN back on track and provided the impetus needed to streamline our sustainability strategy. Disappointing results from the shop operations required a closer look at the operation. One shop has been closed while the other shop has increased its rented space. It is expected that this development will improve performance.




4,0 5,3

Nomfundo loves to sing

10,3 12,7 16,7

50,7 0,3


4,7 9,3 6,5 17,4 11,4 50,4

 Educational institutions  Other  Second-hand shop operations  Trust and foundations  Individuals  Corporates  Government funding


Comparative breakdown of income per category 2011 – 2012 Category

2012 – 2013





Government funding


12 544 884


17 884 121



2 834 574


5 901 480



4 340 112


4 474 973

Trust and foundations


1 620 397


3 642 847

Second-hand shop operations


2 316 171


1 860 644

Educational institutions


68 860


119 149



1 169 509


1 415 950



24 894 507


35 299 164

NOTE: Figures vary from Treasurer’s Report because this table shows all money received for the financial period including receipts for the previous financial year.

Government funding is still our largest stakeholder in terms of income. Included in the 2012/2013 Top Five Do figures are receipts from the previous year. Corporates showed a significant increase in for the nors percentage contributions and the monetary value more than doubled. Individuals showed Year: 1. Anony mous (R a decrease towards overall income percentage but their monetary value actually increased 824 049 2. Natio ) nal L Trust Fu ottery Distributi slightly. Trusts and foundations increased their monetary contribution by more than nd (R694 on 3. MMI F 011) double. We received limited funds from NLDTF. oundati The second-hand shop operations reflect a decrease of 20% in income leading to the Primrose shop being closed. The Other income category showed a slight increase in its monetary contribution, while Educational institutions almost doubled theirs. We acknowledge each and every contribution made to LITTLE EDEN. It is with thanks to the financial, pro bono, in-kind, voluntary contributions that makes LITTLE EDEN the resounding success that it is today.

Fund (R4 on, Momentum 50 000) 4. Haas CNC Africa cc Services South (R270 00 5. Nedb 0) an Charitab k Private Wealth le Found (R250 00 ation 0)

GROSS INCOME GROSS EXPENSES Gross expenses Gross INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 201 FOR YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2013 for theTHE year ended 31 march 2013 for the year ended 31 march 2013

 Rent 0.20%  Direct farm costs 0.44%  Purchase of movable assets 1.89%  Direct fundraising costs 2.32%  Other administrative expenses 2.37%  Direct mail costs 2.40%  Professional and security services 2.51%  Maintenance 3.51%  Municipal services 3.57%  Second-hand shops 3.73%  Other home expenses 3.96%  Food 5.46%  Personnel – administrative 14.89%  Care services 52.75%

Extraordinary income  Dividend, investment earnings & adjustments  Bequests  Interest received  Farm produce  National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund  Donations in kind  Second-hand shops  Fees  Direct mail income  Collections from the public  Department of Health

Our expense model is very stable year-on-year. This allows for accurate budgets to be drawn up and spending during the year to be easily monitored for anomilies.

0.00% 0.04% 0.05% 0.51% 1.49% 2.33% 4.70% 6.26% 10.87% 14.76% 24.67% 34.32%


The Department of Health is still our largest source of income and our goal of sustainability without their funding is still far off. The National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund has decreased its funding over the years resulting in us having to source alternative donors. A copy of our audited Annual Financial Statements is available on request.

Legal Entities LITTLE EDEN FOUNDATION, an independent non-profit organisation in South Africa, safeguards the immoveable and investment assets originally owned by LITTLE EDEN Society. These assets were donated by the Society to the Foundation. Associazione Domitilla Rota Hyams Onlus, a non-profit organisation in Italy, works towards financial support and volunteerism towards the Society. Both these legal entities were established for future sustainability of the Society by soliciting and investing funds (see section on Corporate Governance).

A beautiful splash of colours

Pertunia en joying the feeling of cr ushed egg shells

Mojalefa enjoying a special moment with a clown from Holland


Environment Management’S ApproacH to ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS Environmental policies, procedures and programmes are in place at Elvira Rota Village and Domitilla and Danny Hyams Home. LITTLE EDEN is committed to ensure that the Society operates in compliance with the applicable environmental laws and regulations. Management systems and standards set expectations for managing water use and biodiversity, prevention and control of emissions, spills, discharges and waste and environmental site maintenance. In keeping with the precautionary principles, we screen our operations for environmental, safety and health risks. We collect and maintain environmental performance data for all our assets which we operate. Such performance data is analysed and publicly reported on an annual basis. Underground potable water availability, its quality and available quantity are of paramount importance to Elvira Rota Village where this is the only supply of fresh water. Historically we have successfully managed our water consumption by being extremely conscious of the impact of our operations (and neighbouring commercial farming operations) on the underlying water table. We actively manage the risk of the water supply issue.

LITTLE EDEN is proud to report on the active role that it plays in protecting environmental resources. As an accountable and responsible nonprofit organisation, we are committed to carrying out all tasks with due consideration for the impact it has on the environment.


Electricity consumption needs replacement. The non-working light bulbs are


disposed of at recycling points so as to further decrease




659 420

624 720

597 990

72 680

104 040

93 400

Edenvale shop

8 416

9 360

9 574

Primrose shop

12 531

15 489

12 059

753 047

753 609

713 023

12 hours a day, including washing and drying nappies; the




hot water that is needed for the 180 residents; and the hot

Domitilla and Danny Hyams Home Elvira Rota Village*

Total Tonnes of hard coal*

* In the Annual Report 2012, the 2011 and 2012 figures were calculated incorrectly. The correct figures appear above.

The electricity consumption for Domitilla and Danny Hyams Home was 597 990 KWh, a 4% decrease on last year’s figures. The electricity consumption for Elvira Rota Village decreased by 10% compared with 2012, but is still 29% higher than the 2011 consumption. LITTLE EDEN continues to replace incandescent lighting with low energy lighting as and when the light source

our carbon footprint. Although DDHH has shown a decrease in electricity consumption, the volume is still very high. However, the consumption is not as high as it potentially could be as we make use of a heat pump which heats the water more efficiently than a traditional geyser. The laundry operating

water needed for the kitchen and general cleaning are our main reasons for the high consumption. We continue to look at ways to reduce our usage. It is anticipated that the electricity usage will decrease once the new gas stove is installed to replace the less efficient electrical stove in the DDHH kitchen. Due to the closure of the Primrose shop a decrease in its annual electricity usage was experienced. The Edenvale shop showed a 2% increase in consumption. We continue to monitor the shop’s usage to determine any anomalies.

WATER consumption There is a very real possibility of the boreholes drying up

Domitilla and Danny Hyams Home Kl/m3

without warning as we cannot monitor the underground activity. Short-term disaster plans that would keep us


14 483

running for a short period of time have been implemented.


14 029

During the course of the year Rand Water sponsored and


14 534

Domitilla and Danny Hyams Home draws its water from the municipal line. Its water consumption for the year was 14 534Kl, an increase of 4% on last year’s consumption. This is unexpected as we had fitted low-flow restrictors on all the shower hoses as well as started implementing ‘green’ shower heads. Further investigation will need to be done to determine the cause. A borehole at DDHH is used occasionally to water the grounds when necessary. It also has the potential to be used within the Home should the need arise. The sewage usage for DDHH, 14 534Kl, is linked to the municipal line, which leads to an East Rand Water (ERWAT) treatment centre. ERWAT treats all sewage before releasing it back into the river systems. Since ERV is out in the farmlands, piping water from the municipality would be very costly and we would have to pay the bill. We therefore rely solely on underground water. We have two boreholes to which we have not installed monitoring devices for flow-rate or running time as the cost is not feasible.

installed three water storage tanks that allowed us to double our water storage capacity, and now gives us about three days’ worth of water. All water at ERV is recycled. The sewage runs into a septic tank, which overflows into five maturation ponds, which in turn overflows into a reed bed and wetland system. The water is tested on a regular basis and the wetland water is potable. Most of the grey water is channelled into the wetland system via a system of trenches and gullies. Although currently only a small section on the property is rehabilitated, the long-term goal is to fully rehabilitate the old vlei area by extending the system onto the surrounding farms. The latest count of bird species that have been spotted and identified since the start of the project in 2003 is 86 although the list has not been updated since June 2006. The two second-hand shops both draw water from the municipal line, but as these are rented properties, the water usage is not monitored. By assuming 21.5l per person per day, our six staff consumes 371Kl/annum. This includes cleaning, refreshments and bathroom breaks.


Fuel consumption 2011










6 995.02

16 158.49

3 046.70

7 037.87

2 503.90

5 784.01


7 923.53

21 235.06

12 703.84

34 046.28

11 866.36

31 801.84


2 447.06

3 695.06

4 705.88

7 105.88

1 882.35

2 842.35


41 088.61

48 190.03

40 428.20

NOTES:  2.31 KgCO2 /litre of petrol 2.68 KgCO2 /litre of diesel 1.51 KgCO2 /litre of LPG.

LITTLE EDEN emissions of carbon dioxide for all fuel used showed a decrease of 16% from the previous year and is 1.6% lower than 2011.

Recycling and Environmental Impact

Supercare celebrated their 20 year partnership with LITTLE EDEN by donating two new gas stoves, one for each Home. We believe this is the reason for the decrease by more than 50% on the LPG usage at ERV. It is expected that LPG usage increase in the next year as DDHH will also be using the newly installed gas stove.

Although LITTLE EDEN is not a ‘green’ organisation, we continuously strive to lower our environmental impact. LITTLE EDEN has recycled for many years. Unfortunately our contractor for our in-house recycling moved out of the area. We are struggling to find a replacement company. LITTLE EDEN continues to take recycling through to the Edenvale Solid Waste Landfill where recycling facilities are available, but unfortunately we are not remunerated. Old batteries, light bulbs and printer cartridges are collected and dropped off at local collection points. Used stamps are sent to a local church.

The decrease in diesel usage is more than likely linked to the less interrupted power supply from Eskom resulting in the generators not running for as long. Data capturing on the running of the generators commenced at the beginning of the last financial year. Therefore comparative data will only be available next year when more accurate conclusions can be drawn from the diesel usage. When a vehicle needs replacing, all aspects of the replacement vehicle including price, fuel economy, carbon emissions, etc. are examined before a choice is made. LITTLE EDEN replaced two of the older, high usage petrol vehicles late in 2011. The decrease in petrol usage would thus reflect in this year’s figures.

Our plans for recycling at all our operations have not as yet been fully implemented due to the lack of suitable recycling companies. All donations in kind are sorted into different categories which include: ¢¢ Use in the Homes ¢¢ Saleable items for the shop operation ¢¢ Unusable or non-saleable items such as broken electrical items, which get collected by a certified e-waste recycling operator for which we receive remuneration, as well as paper and glass recycling. All food waste from the kitchens is taken to Elvira Rota Village and used for either pigs’ food or compost. Since 2 500 nappies are used daily, LITTLE EDEN is committed to using towelling nappies and not disposable nappies. Environmentally safe soap is used in an effort to keep our environmental impact down. All clothes and linen that cannot be repaired, or cut up and changed into something else (e.g. bibs) by our full-time seamstress are turned into rags and used for cleaning and dusting in the Homes. The excess rags are given to local organisations and vehicle repair shops. Hazardous and medical waste (sharps, etc.) are disposed of by a registered company and all the correct procedures are followed and signed off.


Human Resources OBjective To ensure commitment from and dedication of our staff through: acknowledging the individual, providing the staff with development opportunities, recognising their contribution, motivating the staff and creating an atmosphere where they have a sense of belonging.

“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” Cultural Anthropologist Margaret Mead

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n to receiv e Holy Co mmunio


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Management’s Approach to Labour Practices

Personnel are required to agree that they accept the LITTLE EDEN Values and are furthermore encouraged to apply the Values in their daily tasks and lives.

LITTLE EDEN is committed to attracting, energising, developing and retaining a highly talented, diverse workforce notwithstanding the challenges of private sector salary levels. We value individuals with outstanding professional and administrative skills who subscribe to the Values of the organisation, work well in a collaborative environment, make an extra effort to ensure success, act with a social and moral conscious and demonstrate empathy with the charges of the Society.

LITTLE EDEN faces challenges in sourcing competent and dedicated staff as we compete against the private sector in terms of salaries. We continue to participate in the NPO salary survey run by Averile Ryder Reward Specialists, covering International and Southern African Region Organisations with offices or operations in South Africa, South African Independent NGOs and State Funded Organisations. The recent results indicate a reduced framework of remuneration due to a change in the sample as there is a wider database of NGOs participating. In the past LITTLE EDEN worked towards the median of this framework per job function; this year we did not, as in some cases the average within the framework dropped by up to 20%.

We recognise and respect our employees’ right of freedom of association and do not employ underage children in the workforce or make use of forced or compulsory labour. We provide equal employment opportunity to all employees and applicants without regard to race, colour, religion, national origin, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation or any other protected status in recruitment, hiring, compensation, promotion, training, assignment of work, performance evaluation, and all other aspects of employment. We benchmark against a national survey of NGOs and calibrate the performance of employees in similar positions to ensure that we provide total pay and benefits that are competitive and fair. We will not tolerate harassment of employees or job applicants by anyone, including managers, supervisors, co-workers, vendors, clients or residents. We encourage the immediate reporting of any suspected abuses. Any case, reported or suspected, is handled confidentially and is promptly and thoroughly investigated. Where harassment is determined to have occurred, we take appropriate disciplinary action, including, if necessary, termination of employment. We implemented systems to make use of the acquired information from exit interviews to better our work of service. Through Connold and Associates, consulting HR specialists, a Qualitative Analysis of Policies and Procedures was completed by LITTLE EDEN staff as part of the requirements of Employment Equity for submission to the Department of Labour. Opinion Survey Questionnaires, supplied and analysed by Connold and Associates, were completed by LITTLE EDEN staff with the results showing that overall the average for the Society was pleasingly high for a survey of this nature. However, a major area of focus and challenge is in improving communication. The LITTLE EDEN Retirement Policy was drawn up as part of the ongoing personnel Policy and Procedure process. Connold and Associates facilitated a workshop where staff involvement was critical for the acceptance of this policy. LITTLE EDEN now has the option of offering those reaching the age of 65 a renewable fixed-term contract. Personnel figures of 265 consist of 46 LITTLE EDEN staff, nine contractors and 210 Supercare staff. This translates to a personnel to resident ratio of 0,88:1 which ensures the best possible care of the residents at all times.

NPO Salary Survey

Supercare Staff The services provided by the contractor Supercare Services Group (Pty) Ltd include labour, cleaning, cleaning consumables and industrial relations support. LITTLE EDEN has requested Supercare to use whatever tools are available to narrow down the selection of candidates in order to employ staff with integrity. In their relationship with us, Supercare is aware that the work requires a special kind of person with empathy, understanding of and devotion to the residents.

Training This year a number of training initiatives took place to which staff (LITTLE EDEN and Supercare) were invited. These training initiatives took the form of: Life Skills Training; Fire Training and Fire Equipment Training and Practice; LITTLE EDEN and SHE Inductions (all staff were invited to a refresher course); Bereavement Counselling, following the death of a staff member; Provident Fund Presentation; Financial Literacy; Staff Counselling, following a number of unfortunate events ERV staff experienced in their personal capacity, and training on seating, feeding and lifting of residents. Further training took place on an individual basis directly related to the job function, such as SHE. Italian lessons, sponsored by the Onlus, were offered as a support structure for the Onlus. Various other workshops and discussions were held. Two staff are attending GIBS courses which were offered to LITTLE EDEN at a substantially reduced rate.

Caring for the Carers The Caring for the Carers programme continues on a weekly basis at both DDHH and ERV where all staff are invited to participate in half an hour of ‘time out’ to recharge. Many of the formal training initiatives mentioned above were specifically arranged for staff as part of Caring for the Carers.


We are very grateful to the management of the Peech Hotel who continue to recognise the valuable work of service carried out by the staff through their monthly offer of a free overnight stay at the hotel. LITTLE EDEN and Supercare staff participate in a monthly draw for a chance to win this prize. Volunteers as well as LITTLE EDEN and Supercare staff each received a gift and refreshments at the end-of-year functions and were thanked, on behalf of the Board of Governors, for their support throughout the year. Following the death of a resident or staff member, the Ethos Teams organise short memorial services to honour the life of the recently departed. These services bring some closure to staff who are experiencing loss and who have known and worked with the resident or staff.

Ethos Teams Report from the Deputy Chair of the DDHH Tirisano Ethos Committee: N Nkosi Tirisano meaning ‘working together’ in Setswana, forms part of a broader Ethos committee alongside Bambanani which is a Zulu word meaning ‘support for one another’. Ethos is a Greek word meaning ‘character’ that is used to describe the guiding beliefs or ideals that characterise a community, nation, or ideology; it is the fundamental values specific to a person, people, culture or movement. Having been a member of Tirisano for the past three years has been an amazing experience. I have seen individuals who were known to be introverted and timid blossom and become voices for change. As a team, we believe in the three core Values of LITTLE EDEN which are Respect, Sanctity of Life and Love & Care. At Tirisano our objectives are to practically live the Values of LITTLE EDEN and to instil pride in our fellow colleagues for the wonderful work that is being done here. Taking care of people with mental and physical disabilities takes a very special person who is loving, gentle, kind, patient and respectful. As humans, these characteristics may sometimes be lacking due to fatigue and personal issues. However we, as Tirisano, believe that we can support each other and help each other to live the Values more consciously as an organisation and to show staff that a simple gesture like a greeting in the morning is practising the value of Respect, the bathing, feeding, lifting and positioning of a resident with Love & Care is simply practising Sanctity of Life. Our aim is also to create practical ways that will highlight the Values throughout the year. Our most recent and successful initiative has been the ‘Spot the Values’ Initiative. The idea was to give incentive to the staff who were spotted living the LITTLE EDEN Values practically with

a simple ‘thank you’ card prepared by our residents. This initiative worked well as we also achieved a more conscious awareness of the Values of LITTLE EDEN teaching each other every day to simply be the change you want to see in the world. Report from the Chairperson of the ERV Bambanani Ethos Committee: K de Kock As I write this we are mourning the passing of Cecilia Rapetsoa or ‘Big Mama’ as she was lovingly known here on the farm. Cecilia was one of the Farm Workers who had worked at ERV for 13 years. I am mentioning this as I write about the effects that Bambanani had on the staff and residents, because one of its biggest achievements was bridging the gap between farm workers and the caring staff in the Home. The Heritage Day Celebrations that Bambanani initiated in 2009 has become an annual event in which everyone on the farm participates; from farm workers to caring, kitchen and laundry staff to residents. Everyone is included and everyone’s contribution and participation is acknowledged. Where the farm workers previously felt isolated due to their physical place of work, now there is great excitement and anticipation as they are included in Heritage Day Celebrations. For weeks prior to the event, outfits, songs and dances are planned by each cultural group; there are set practice times in the hall and each group gets a turn to practise together. The outfits of the residents are also carefully planned and allocated to enable staff to bring traditional clothing from home. There is always great excitement as each group includes their number of residents either because they are from that cultural group e.g. Simangele participating with the Tsongas or Pinky Zulu dancing with the Zulus or, in the case of our higher functioning residents, they can choose where they want to participate. The aim of the day is not only to celebrate diverse cultures, but also, to celebrate our Values of Respect, Sanctity of Life and Love & Care amongst the diversity. This is inclusive and everyone is validated.

Volunteers Cultural Anthropologist Margaret Mead once said: “Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” Volunteers play an important part in supporting our wonderful, dedicated staff – it is not easy to give of oneself day in and day out without being able to measure the result of one’s effort, except for a smile or the obvious contentment of a child. Our volunteers at LITTLE EDEN include professionals (e.g. doctors, dentists, lawyers, accountants, architects, engineers, quantity surveyor, etc.) who give freely of their time and talent through pro bono work; those who read to the children or take them for a walk; students and those who do community service who are available to undertake


a variety of tasks which includes playing with the children which they enjoy; helping at the annual fête; collecting donations in kind; and providing clerical support. During this reporting period volunteers contributed approximately 74 hours per week, excluding community service students. This year we were fortunate to have Jason Wicks from Uvongo, Patrick Cagney and John Lorigan from Ireland and Elena Rota from Italy who spent their time with the residents at Elvira Rota Village. “I want them to remember me having taken the time to listen to them,” Elena said. “They see me as a friend and are happy to share their lives.”

Shop Operation As the second-hand shop in Primrose was no longer viable, Management took the decision to close it at the end of February 2013. A second shop adjacent to the Edenvale shop was rented, refurbished and opened on 12 March 2013. Compliments have been received from a number of customers regarding this new look and layout. An application for a Supply Chain Manager was submitted to Fidesco. It is a federation of associations, approved by the French government, which sends volunteers to work at the service of the Catholic Church throughout the world. LITTLE EDEN has been informed that volunteer, Robertus Dicky Kurniawan is available to assist with the Shop Operation from May 2013 to March 2015. We look forward to welcoming him.

Black Economic Empowerment Empowerdex has issued LITTLE EDEN the current Beneficiary Analysis certificates, which, as of 25 March 2013, stand at 75% black beneficiary base at Domitilla and Danny Hyams Home and 43.33% at Elvira Rota Village. The Level Four B-BBEE Verification Certificate that was previously received was not renewed. We do however anticipate to action this again in the next reporting period.

Gender and race comparison GENDER AND RACE COMPARISON for all staff FOR ALL STAFF 231




 Male  Female  Black  White  Indian  Coloured 41


41 26 2






NOTE: This graph excludes the nine LITTLE EDEN contractors.

Staff numbers dropped by one over the period because restructuring of the Shop operation took place.

The serving hands of Sister Therese


Long service LITTLE EDEN and Supercare staff, who qualified in the period under review, were presented with long service awards. 35 years: Sisters Jenny McConnachie and Elizabeth Toldo 20 years: Sister Linda Meredith 15 years: Mirriam Mofokeng and Leleka Mogano 10 years: Sister Beryl Muller, Maureen Neil and Lilly Ramkissoon Five years: Peggy Khoza, Linah Mafa, Revinah Makamo, Mpho Mogotlane, Moniccah Mogwaneng, Puseletso Mokoena, Salome Molosiwe, Segoptse Mothupi, Mokgaetsi Mpsatsona, Gladys Nakene, Phindile Phakula, Ntombizodwa Sibisi, Makie Simela, Mampho Stuurman and Thembelihle Xulu.

35 Years Service: Sis ter Jenny McConn achie


th Toldo 35 Years Service: Sister Elizabe

3 2

2 1

5 Years

10 Years

15 Years

20 Years

35 Years

20 Years Service: Sis ter Linda Meredith

15 Years Service: Leleka Mogano keng riam Mofo ervice: Mir 15 Years S 10 Years Service: Sis ter Beryl Muller

10 Years Service: Lilly Ramkissoon

10 Ye


vice: rs Ser


en Ne


Five Years Service: Pe ggy Khoza


Mafa rvice: Linah Five Years Se

Five Years Service: Re vinah Makamo

Five Years Service: Mpho Mogotlane

Five Years Service :

oena Five Years Service: Puseletso Mok

Segoptse Mothu pi

Five Years Service : Salome Molosiw a


N rvice: Gladys Five Years Se

Five Years Service : Makie Simela

Five Years Service: Mampho Stuurman

LITTLE EDEN is proud to acknowledge and thank the dedicated staff members for their work of service. Without their continued commitment, the Society would not be able to provide its residents with the high level of care that they deserve and receive.

Five Years Service :

Thembelihle Xulu


Staff Turnover LITTLE EDEN staff: Male


Under 35 yrs

35 – 55 yrs

Over 55 yrs



Shop operation











Reason for turnover: three temp, seven retired, four resigned, one dismissed, two deceased. The large increase in LITTLE EDEN staff leaving compared to the numbers in the previous reporting period (240%) follows as a result of the seven retirees (one in the previous year) and two deaths. These staff will be sorely missed. Supercare staff: Male


Under 35 yrs

35 – 55 yrs

Over 55 yrs



Shop operation











Reason for turnover: 18 resigned, six dismissed, one deceased, 16 absconded, two removed from contract. Last year’s Report revealed a large gap in Supercare’s exit interview data. Since then, systems have been revamped and better feedback is received from Supercare. The acquired information has been used to better screen potential employees. It is essential that employees have integrity. Unethical behaviour of certain staff, including shop staff contributed to the increase in Supercare staff turnover (26%) compared to the figures in the previous reporting period. Most of the Supercare staff fall in the lower Paterson Grades. This historically links to a higher staff turnover.

Little eden contractors Of the nine contractors, seven perform core functions within the Society: activity coordinators, fundraiser, speech therapist and wardrobe mistress. To ensure the smooth running of the Homes and programmes these positions would need to be filled if the contractors moved on. The Sisters of the Imitation of Christ continue to offer valuable input and service. Their presence in the workforce enhances the programme for the residents.

Volunteers Male







Shop operation











Volunteers contribute a total of 74 hours per week. NOTE: Includes volunteer doctors and hours (six doctors, time amounting to 23.5 hrs).

Safety, Health and Environment All staff undergo SHE and Induction training when they join the workforce. SHE Representatives undergo First Aid training as well as Representative training every three years. The SHE Committee is made up of six LITTLE EDEN staff and two SIC nuns as well as six co-opted Supercare staff. This means that 5,3% of the total workforce is represented on the SHE committee.


Risk management Identifying and managing risk is an inherent element in the conduct and daily operations of LITTLE EDEN. Typically, risks arise in both the internal and external environment, for example: delays in subsidy payments, people and employees, operational, reputational and regulatory risks. Such risks need constant attention to ensure no undue surprises. In this respect, LITTLE EDEN has established an annual formal risk review and assessment procedure whereby significant risks are identified timeously and strategies implemented for the mitigation of such risks. Subsequent to this process the CEO issues a letter to the Board of Governors outlining the status of the LITTLE EDEN risk profile.

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Remedial action

Non-payment of Department of Health monthly subsidy

Establish and nurture good working relations with the Department of Health; complete documentation as required. Retain a reserve equal to six months’ Department of Health subsidies. The LITTLE EDEN Foundation has been established for this purpose. Prepare suitable communication to stakeholders.

Non-renewal of operating licence by Department of Health

Establish and nurture good working relations with the Department of Health; complete documentation as required. Ensure that all compliance levels are met as the Department has the authority to close down LITTLE EDEN on a technicality.

Senior level succession plan

Continue long-term recruitment plan and review existing structure.

Termination or disruption of medicine supply by Department of Health

Contact the Department of Health at a higher level and then if not resolved source out of own funds. Categorise classes of needs. Operate a buffer stock.

Potential unauthorised removal of a resident

Access control and security at both sites have been reviewed and improved.

Fire risk Elvira Rota Village/Domitilla and Danny Hyams Home

Fire fighting training and evacuation procedures are undertaken annually.

Water contamination

Maintain regular contact with Rand Water; have water tested regularly (due to mines closing, there may be rising water levels of contaminated water).

Transmission of contagious diseases between residents and staff and vice versa

Universal precautions regime in place; training in place; appropriate signage in place. Develop a procedure based on the Department of Health personnel circular No 17 of 2004. Presentations from external sources every six months on site.

Failure of internal controls

Continue to develop and improve control procedures. Regular reporting is essential. Review procedures regularly. Spot checks to be carried out.

NETWORK SERVER/IT Towards the end of the last reporting period we were experiencing problems in the IT department. On the weekend of 28 and 29 April 2012 the server crashed when multiple disc drives failed and at the same time the card that controls that part of the process also failed; hence there was no warning of this impending crisis. At the end of the previous reporting year we were already in the process of creating a five-year plan for the IT department. It was decided to take immediate steps to rectify the problem and develop the plan. That plan included both hardware and software upgrades and to some extent the hardware infrastructure was raised to a higher level. At the time of the server failure certain hardware components were not available in the country and were in short supply globally. Over an Anthony and extended period of time our network computer users experienced much Chris frustration while during this same period our donor data system was being changed from an in-house system to a commercially available system. This led to employees being hampered in learning the new system and more frustration. In retrospect the IT service provider may not have had the necessary experience for this. However as we approached the end of this financial reporting year the IT infrastructure was on a more sound basis. In order to create a stable IT environment it was decided to employ on a short-term basis the services of an additional IT provider. Each has specific roles and they are required to work closely together. The system is not completely finished and by the end of the reporting period continued to exhibit some minor issues.


Social media On the morning of 4 May 2012, LITTLE EDEN’s PR consultant received a phone call from the editor of the local newspaper, Bedfordview and Edenvale News, with whom the Society has a longstanding relationship. She was asked if the Society was aware of the social media storm that had broken out over a construed racist remark on a young female’s Twitter profile. Over the next few hours, phone calls and messages on the Society’s Facebook page were received from concerned citizens questioning LITTLE EDEN’s involvement with the female, who referred to herself as Official Ambassador of the Society on her website. LITTLE EDEN immediately issued a statement to the press, disassociating the Society from the female and addressed the public perception that she was an Official Ambassador for LITTLE EDEN, which was incorrect. The statement was also posted on the Society’s social media pages. Talk Radio 702’s Mandy Wiener interviewed CEO Lucy Slaviero on the one o’clock news to clarify the organisation’s involvement and association with her. LITTLE EDEN immediately instructed the woman to remove any links to the Society from her website, as well as the incorrect information of self-assumed title of Ambassador. The Society had their legal aid deliver a letter to her which firmly stated that should the above not be actioned, legal action would be taken against her. From this unfortunate incident LITTLE EDEN learnt some valuable lessons and structures have been put in place regarding the screening of individuals who wish to get involved with LITTLE EDEN, as the Society’s public image stands to sustain serious damage.

Praying hands during Mass


Independent Third Party Assurance Statement To the Board and stakeholders of Little Eden: Integrated Reporting and Assurance Services (IRAS) was commissioned on a pro bono basis by LITTLE EDEN to provide Independent Third Party Assurance (ITPA) over the sustainability content within their 2013 Annual Report (‘the Report’), covering the period 01 April 2012 to 31 March 2013. The assurance team consisted of Lauren Stirling and Michael H Rea, our Lead Certified Sustainability Assurance Practitioner, with 14 years’ experience in environmental and social performance measurement, including sustainability reporting and assurance. AccountAbility AA1000S (revised, 2008) To the best of our ability and significant experience in sustainability report assurance, this engagement has been managed in accordance with AccountAbility’s AA1000AS (2008) assurance standard, where the format of the engagement was structured to meet the AA1000AS Type I (Moderate) requirements. Independence IRAS has not been responsible for the preparation of any part of the Report, nor has IRAS undertaken any commissions for LITTLE EDEN that would conflict with our independence. Responsibility for producing this report was the responsibility of LITTLE EDEN. Thus IRAS is, and remains, an independent assurer over the content and processes pertaining to this Report. Assurance Objectives The objectives of the assurance process were to provide LITTLE EDEN’s stakeholders an independent moderate level assurance opinion on whether: ¢¢ The sustainability content within the Report meets reasonable expectations for transparency and accountability, in the context of LITTLE EDEN’s NGO status, adheres to the AA1000AS (2008) principles of Inclusivity, Materiality and Responsiveness; and, ¢¢ The sustainability content within the Report meets the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G3 guidelines Application Level B reporting requirements. Assurance Approach and Limitations The process used in arriving at this assurance statement is based on AccountAbility’s AA1000AS (2008) guidance, the GRI’s G3 Application Level requirements, as well as other best practices in sustainability reporting assurance. Our approach to assurance included the following: ¢¢ A review of sustainability measurement and reporting procedures at LITTLE EDEN’s offices to determine the context and content of sustainability management by the organisation;

¢¢ A review of LITTLE EDEN’s information collation and reporting procedures to define the content of the Report by looking at the materiality of issues included in the Report, stakeholder engagement responses to issues identified, determination of sustainability context and coverage of material issues, ultimately leading to adherence to the AA1000AS principles of Inclusivity, Materiality and Responsiveness; ¢¢ Reviews of drafts of the Report for any significant errors, anomalies and/or insupportable assertions; and, ¢¢ Reviews of drafts of the Report to confirm that the requisite number of GRI G3 indicators had been covered in the Report in order to meet the GRI’s G3 Application Level B requirements. The process was limited to the content and assertions made within the Report for the period under review, and did not extend to a comprehensive analysis of the accuracy, reliability, completeness and/or consistency of the data presented by LITTLE EDEN. Rather, sustainability data presented within the Report was subjected to reasonability tests during proof editing. The process was further limited to reviewing policies and procedures for ethics, governance and stakeholder engagements, and did not extend to the physical engagement of any stakeholders to arrive at our assurance opinion. Findings Based on our review of the Report, as well as the processes employed to collect and collate information reported herein, it is our assertion that: ¢¢ In the context of their status as a non-profit organisation, LITTLE EDEN reasonably adheres to the Accountability AA1000APS principles of Inclusivity, Materiality and Responsiveness. ¢¢ The Report adequately meets the GRI G3’s requirements for Application Level B. However, it was found that the reporting of performance against a few indicators continues to require data quality improvements and/or further detail in disclosure. ¢¢ Improvements can be made with respect to the collection, collation and reporting of data for key sustainability performance indicators. Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the information reviewed via desk research and management interviews, IRAS is confident that this report provides a balanced account of LITTLE EDEN’s performance for the period under review. The information presented is based on systematic processes and we are satisfied that the reported sustainability information reasonably represents LITTLE EDEN’s ability to report on its performance, while meeting the AA1000AS (2008) principles of Inclusivity, Materiality and Responsiveness.


Moreover, and although the quality of data of some GRI G3 indicators can be improved, this Report appears to meet the GRI G3’s requirements for Application Level B (B+ with this assurance engagement). However, the following recommendations have been identified: ¢¢ With respect to adherence to AccountAbility’s AA1000APS principle of Inclusivity, LITTLE EDEN should continue to ensure that stakeholder engagement is formalised to ensure that stakeholder concerns are duly recorded and, where necessary, escalated for Board consideration. ¢¢ With respect to adherence to AccountAbility’s AA1000APS principle of Responsiveness, LITTLE EDEN should continue to ensure that feedback to stakeholders on sustainability matters occurs in line with King III’s recommendations for ‘Integrated Reporting’, such that reporting occurs within the overall context of keeping stakeholders well informed of the organisation’s progress throughout the year, not just via the Annual Report. ¢¢ LITTLE EDEN should continue to improve the extent to which explanations are offered relative to how the company manages key sustainability elements, as per

the GRI’s guidance around Disclosures on Management Approach. At bare minimum, LITTLE EDEN should clearly explain what is measured, how often, and via what measurement techniques. ¢¢ Having successfully addressed the requirements of GRI G3 Application Level B, LITTLE EDEN should continue to ensure that sustainability reporting processes and controls continue to be improved to maintain this level, while providing more robust data in subsequent reporting periods, and being mindful of the need to report only on those matters deemed ‘most material’, rather than attempting to ‘tick boxes’. For more information about the assurance process employed to assess LITTLE EDEN’s 2013 Annual Report, email

Michael H Rea, Partner Integrated Reporting & Assurance Services 10 July 2013 Johannesburg

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Proud supporters of little


Integrated Reporting & Assurance Services (IRAS) is small consultancy with a big heart, and a proud heritage in the sustainability reporting and assurance arena. With clients in the Metals & Mining, Food & Agriculture, Hotel & Leisure and Electronics industries, we offer the following core services:

• Provision of independent • Provision of report • Annual authorship of a • Provision of monitoring & • Provision of training third party assurance – authorship and advisory review of every JSE-listed evaluation (M&E) audits of on sustainability and aligned to AccountAbility’s services to companies company’s adherence development projects funded integrated annual reporting AA1000AS Assurance seeking to improve the to the GRI Guidelines for by companies through their matters, including South Standard – over sustainability policies, procedures, sustainability reporting, Corporate Social Investment Africa’s only internationally reports or the sustainability systems and/or controls culminating in a ‘free to all (CSI), or Socio-Economic recognised Certified sections within integrated leading to effective users’ publication Development (SED) budgets. Sustainability Assurance King III and GRI+14: annual reports. integrated annual reporting. Practitioner (CSAP) course. A 2013 review of sustainability reporting in South Africa

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Integrated Report for the year ended 31 March 2013


Integrated Annual Report For the year ended 31 December 2 012

With an annual turnover of much less than R5 million, IRAS is deemed a Level 4 contributor as per the dti’s B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice, and exempt from adhering to “the Codes”. However, we believe that anyone seeking to advise companies on what they ought to do must first ‘walk their talk’. As such, 18% of our 2012 total revenues (24% in 2011) has been invested in the developing our own charity: the Soweto Marimba Youth League (or ‘SMYLe’). We also produce our own GRI-based sustainability report, neutralise our carbon through the planting of trees, and invest heavily in the training and development of our team.

Assuring this report for Little Eden, on a pro bono basis, was a no-brainer for us, given our belief in the following adage: To whom much is given, much is expected! IRAS has been given “much”, and it is an honour to share this with the amazing family of caregivers at Little Eden. Michael H. Rea, Partner Integrated Reporting & Assurance Services

“LET US CONTINUE THE LEGACY OF LOVE LEFT TO US BY DOMITILLA!” OUR MISSION To care for, develop and enhance the quality of life, with love and understanding from a dedicated staff, persons with intellectual disability of all races and creeds entrusted to us, by providing with trust in Divine Providence and in co-operation with the parents, the community and the State the necessary spiritual, nursing, therapy and stimulation services in as an efficient and economic manner as possible.

CORE VALUES “Let us continue the legacy of love left to us by Domitilla!” These are the words that ended the Chief Executive Officer’s Report last year. The solid principles and beliefs by which LITTLE EDEN has operated since 1967 has ensured that each child and adult with intellectual disability who has passed through its doors has been treated with the love, care, dignity and respect to which they are entitled. The symbols of LITTLE EDEN Values of Respect, Sanctity of Life and Love & Care remind us of Domitilla’s legacy: to treat our residents, staff, donors, visitors and



environment with proper and due regard to ensure a safe and nurtured environment.

Michael Rea, Lauren Stirling and all at Integrated Reporting and Assurance Services (IRAS) for all their help and guidance and for providing the Assurance process free of charge.

Each child and adult with intellectual disability is made in the image of God and we

Mandy Smith and her team at Studio 5 for designing the Report free of charge.

at LITTLE EDEN value each individual resident. We firmly believe in the right to the

Mortimer Offset Pty (Ltd) for printing the report for free.

best possible quality of life for our special angels and it is a team of many that makes

Radco Specialised Folding & Finishing (Pty) Ltd for binding the report for free.

it possible for them to be helped to reach their full potential.

Without your help this report would not have been possible.



Tel: +27 11 609 7246 Fax: +27 11 452 4560 Email:

Bank: First National Bank Account no: 5468 0928 009 Account name: Little Eden Society Account type: Cheque Branch: Karaglen Branch code: 25-24-42 Internet code: 250-655

001-827 NPO PBO 930/0000/03 Cnr Harris Ave & Wagenaar Rd Edenglen, Edenvale South Africa


PO Box 121 Edenvale 1610 South Africa


Contact person for queries relating to this report: Marketing and Communications Officer – Mrs Nichollette Muthige Tel: 011 609 7246 email:


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