Thoughts September 2012

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A Newsletter for Supporters of the South African Federation for Mental Health

FROM THE DIRECTOR'S PEN It is estimated that by the year 2020, depression will be the second leading cause of world disability (WHO,2001) and by 2030 it is expected to be the largest contributor to disease burden (WHO,2008). It is now estimated that 350 million people globally are affected by depression. These alarming statistics pose a wakeup call for government and civil society to address this non-communicable disease. Depression is a significant contributor to the global burden of disease and has no ethnic, racial, age, geographic and/or socio-economic bias. There is a major economic issue related to depression because of loss of the ability to conduct a normal life, such as maintaining a job, attending school, and general activities of daily living. Across the globe, depression imposes a huge economic burden, not only on individuals with the disorder, but also on their families, communities, employers, health care systems and general government budgets. There is also strong evidence from studies in a number of highincome countries that, if untreated, depression in childhood and youth can have profound longstanding social and economic consequences in adulthood. More importantly, depression, if left untreated, can lead to danger to self and others, and potentially, suicide. Mrs Bharti Patel National Director

In its report on the South African Youth Context, the National Youth Development Agency incorporates a very poignant section on the prevalence of suicide. Key points include: •

Global trends suggest that suicide is increasingly being reported amongst younger people (World Health Organisation, 2002).

Suicidal behaviour is a major health concern in countries around the world, both developed and developing.

Many more people, especially the young and middle-aged, attempt suicide.

From all these various studies one thing has become clear: our youth is under threat and we have to do something about it. In August, our biennial conference therefore also centered around the theme “Youth and Mental Health”. We had the privilege to honour champions for mental health for their significant contributions over the past two years to the field of mental health at a cocktail evening held at our National Office (more can be read about this on pages 2 and 3). World Mental Health Day - a signature project of the World Federation for Mental Health - is celebrated on 10 October annually and in 2012 the aim is to encourage governments and civil society around the world to address depression as a widespread illness that affects individuals, their families and peers, and to recognise that it is a treatable condition. The focus here is naturally also on the youth this year. (Continued on Page 2)

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At a mental health summit in April this year, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi reported that not enough emphasis is being placed on mental health. Our service users had a chance to say their piece and the media took notice: “Work beside us and respect our voices as we also have potential and talents.” This was the earnest plea made by a mental health care user to society at a National Mental Health Summit in April this year.

Young people in South Africa face a multitude of factors, which have the potential to affect their personal well-being and mental health in a negative way. Unemployment, substandard education, poor living conditions, low morale, substance abuse, risky sexual behaviours, bullying, violence and inadequate access to health care are but a few examples of challenges that could influence young people's resilience to effectively coping with mental well-being.

Dick Shingange, who suffers from psycho-social disability, said that people with mental illness are always considered as “useless”. However, times have changed, thanks to technology, and they should no longer be bystanders to their personal journey and allow other people to speak on their behalf.

The recent SAFMH Biennial Conference, hosted by the National Office at Emperors Palace, Gauteng, was aimed at exploring a number of these challenges in more detail, along with sharing information about strategies, projects and programmes that are being run by Government and Civil Society in an attempt to address these. Structured workshops, focused around some of the key issues identified and facilitated by a group of experts, provided delegates with the opportunity to work together to further explore these challenges in the South African context, along with working on some proposed interventions to address these challenges in the future.

“We have potential and can make a great contribution to the world, we believe in Africa, where all people are treated with dignity. We want to be listened to and fully participate in decisions concerning our lives… No one can speak for us,” said Shingange. Despite all the above, it remains a fact that we have a long way to go in this country and globally, to truly ensure that mental health receives the attention it deserves. However, if you undertake to continue to stand beside us, cheer us on and support us along the way, it will help make the seemingly impossible, possible.

Some of our excellent speakers included: Mr Bongani Magongo, National Youth Development Agency; Dr Shegs James, Medical Research Council; Ms Arina Smit, NICRO; Prof Lourens Schlebusch, University of KwaZulu-Natal, and many more.

I thank you most sincerely for your ongoing support. It is invaluable to the Federation and its mission.

Some of the key issues raised during the Conference were:

In celebration of World Mental Health day 2012, SAFMH is hosting a champagne breakfast and fashion show fundraiser with Rachel Tambo, Patron of the organisation on Wednesday 10 October 2012 at the beautiful Shepstone Gardens in Houghton. For more information and to book your ticket to this glamourous event, visit

Yours in mental health

Mrs Bharti Patel National Director


SA currently has a young population, which justifies the need for more focused youth interventions. The fact that South African youth also has a very high mortality rate further emphasises this.

The media plays an important role in terms of shaping the behaviour of young people, specifically in terms of music, TV and film, and should recognise its accountability in terms of shaping young lives.

The role of the family and parents is vital as they need to be positive role models for young people and foster healthy relationships in the home and family environment to teach good morals, values and offer support to young minds trying to cope with the wide array of issues which have the potential to impact on their Mental Health. Issues such as intergenerational unemployment, violence and substance abuse also illustrate how the challenges are sometimes cultivated and maintained within families.

Some of the needs identified during the Conference were:

Technology, such as smart phones, access to social media etc plays an important role in the lives of young people. However, an important argument that was put forward during the conference is that these aspects could be “blunting” the emotions of young people, as it could bring about a diminished capacity for interacting and relating to other people face to face.

The need for more coordinated and collaborative working to reduce duplication and increase opportunities for more effective partnerships.

More effective interaction with Government.

There is a great need for more rural services.

Funding and resources remain a great need.

Legislation is necessary and in many respects in place in SA; however, the challenge is in the implementation and monitoring of these. A key point made was that Mental Health forms the foundation for the protection and promotion of all people's rights. This is, however, often overlooked.

The role of the community should not be overlooked, as it is able to convey its values to young people and have a large impact on their development.

Another related aspect is that youth in SA are not just perpetrators of violence, but also show a high level of victimisation, which is very alarming.

A large portion of those who commit suicide in SA are in the age bracket 6 to 10, which is extremely alarming.

Our big challenge now is to take these needs that were identified forward and seek solutions for them and source the means to implement said solutions. We need your help to do so! Get involved today and make a difference in the lives of South African youth. Phone us on 011 781 1852 or visit

CHAMPIONS FOR MENTAL HEALTH AWARDED On Wednesday 29 August 2012, it was time to officially honour a group of heroes for their significant contributions to the field of Mental Health. In our eyes, and the eyes of the communities they have touched, they are heroes - true champions for mental health. These individuals, groups, associations, corporates and volunteers all went beyond the call of duty and gave even more than what was asked of them. With their continued, loyal support and the help of many others, the S.A Federation for Mental Health and the Mental Health Movement can keep moving forward, always striving to help more individuals across our country, slowly but surely making a meaningful impact and bring about change. The categories for nominations were: 1. Outstanding Individual In The Field Of Mental Health: PJ Powers, Shona Sturgeon, Ingrid Daniels 2. Outstanding Person In The Field Of Intellectual Disability: Mrs Ntombana Eunice Gatebe, Mrs Jill Gardner 3. Outstanding Person In The Field Of Psychiatric Disability: Mrs Marj Farr 4. Innovative Programme In The Field Of Intellectual Disability: Enabling through Art Shona Sturgeon with Lage Vitus

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5. Innovative Programme In The Field Of Psychiatric Disability: Fountain House, Charlene Sunkel Theatre Production

Persons with disability have the highest unemployment rates and constitute the largest percentage of people living in poverty of any group in society.

6. Special Achievements By Mental Health Care Users In The Field Of Intellectual Disability: Cindy Mkhize, Smangele Mpongose

The reluctance of employers to employ people with intellectual disability stems partly from discrimination and ignorance.

7. Special Achievents By Mental Health Care Users In The Field Of Psychiatric Disability: Russel Jones, Morne Grove

The following are advantages of employing persons with an intellectual disadvantage:

8. Workplace Award: Mr R G Martin, Rogue Steel 9. Volunteer Award: Dr Berthold Lind, Lage Vitus, Mr Narainsamy Mudaly

By working, the person gains respect, confidence and economic independence.

10. Media Award: DSTV, On Course Communication

Earning a salary increases the standard of living of persons with intellectual disability.

The employer can gain from having a lower employer mobility rate and a more stable work force. A person with intellectual disability usually has a high frustration tolerance and enjoys doing work of a repetitive nature - the kind of work that often frustrates other workers.

Fewer people are dependent on disability benefits as their primary source of income drops. The Government therefore saves on the costs of grants as well as administration.

Employers can benefit from financial incentives. The Department of Labour offers a wage subsidy for the employment of persons with disability. Persons with intellectual disability seldom require assistive devices and special architectural considerations.

Work performed by all workers adds to the gross national product. The employment of persons with intellectual disability in the open labour market adds to the national economic growth. Income spent contributes towards the economy of the country.

11. Special Service Award - Individual (Stephanie Redelinghuys Award): Mrs E Burger; Mr John Swart Postnet/Orange Ring; Capital Caterers; Tshikululu Social Investments; Momentum Fund; Murray & Roberts (Letsema Sizwe) As always this was a wonderful occasion where the difference that one individual or a group of determined people can make, was celebrated together with likeminded individuals. For a more detailed description of the Awards evening and the winners of each category, visit our website at

CASUAL DAY Friday 7 September 2012 was Casual Day yet again! Enthusiastic supporters dressed differently in keeping with the current theme, and wore the Casual Day sticker to show their support for persons with disabilities. The South African Federation for Mental Health is one of the main beneficiaries of Casual Day. This years' theme was 'Get on Board' and had a nautical look and feel to it. This national fundraising initiative is always fun to be a part of!

That is certainly some food for thought!

ANNUAL REPORT The South African Federation for Mental Health had its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 29 August 2012. This most recent report can be viewed on or downloaded from our website at

Make a note in your diary to support the South African Federation for Mental Health on Casual Day next year, by ordering your Casual Day stickers directly from us! The Federation receives a percentage of the total number of stickers our organisation sells.

Be Connected Join us on Facebook! 'Like' our page and participate in interesting discussions and debates on all matters concerning mental health. This is a great platform from which to interact with others and where important issues can be raised and addressed.



Postal Address: Private Bag X3053, Randburg 2125 Enquiries: Telephone: +27 (0) 11 781 1852 Facsimile: +27 (0) 11 326 0625 General Enquiries:

S.A. Federation for Mental Health


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