Newsletter 53 august 2015

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In this issue of your newsletter

Changing Perceptions 52nd Edition

 Make over time for CREST  Diary of a Cerebral Palsied twenty something

 Gratitude  Movie time  News from the office  Important dates

August 2015

We are so grateful to Thierry and Steven for running the 90th edition of the Comrades Marathon in aide of our Association. “The Comrades marathon is already such a special event but running it in the aid of a charity and in honour of a special organisation like the KZN Cerebral Palsy Association adds just a little bit more to the day” said Steven and Thierry

Congrats to Thierry for receiving your back to back medal and to Steven for completing your first Comrades. We are incredibly

proud of you!

P O Box 10213 Ashwood 3605 Telephone: +27 (0)31 700 3956 Facsimile: +27 (0)866 153 913 Email: Website: Our Association is a registered Non-Profit (002-154 NPO) and Public Benefit Organisation (PBO 930000042) with Section 18A Tax Exemption status.

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CREST had a weekend extreme make-over, initiated by one of our newest volunteers and his family. A joint venture by the Doobie Brothers Durban Motorcycle Club and the Postal Cultural Society, they spent an entire weekend scrapping, repairing and painting CREST.

Thank you Cohen, Charl and all who helped make CREST a better place for our CREST Members

Keegan 28.02.2000 - 04.06.2015

Our thoughts and prayers are with Matthew and Tracy as we all mourn the loss of our beloved Keegs! Our condolences also go out to the Hollingsworth family with Paddy’s passing, as well as to Arlene with her loss of Malcolm

“Gone in an instant…. Loved for a lifetime”

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Diary of a Cerebral Palsied Twenty-something Diary no. 50 by Penny de Vries

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Julia’s move into the house has been a tragi-comedy of errors and setbacks interspersed with great joy. One thing any parent of a person with cerebral palsy probably knows is that change is particularly difficult. Everyone struggles with change but this struggle is far more challenging for those with cerebral palsy. According to research these are a few of the common reasons for change that apply to everyone but are greatly intensified in many people with cerebral palsy. 

It’s unknown - One of life’s greatest fears is the unknown. It causes us to resist those things for which we cannot predict an outcome.

It’s challenging - Change stretches us out of our comfort zone. Some of us cope with being stretched less than others.

It’s uncertain - When we change, we are often introducing untested waters. We prefer certainty.

It is obvious to me that because Julia does not have control over her environment, she feels more vulnerable and is invested in controlling the things she can control. A mobile person can more easily adapt to an unfamiliar environment. A mobile person does not need to rely as heavily on routine. A mobile person has more experience of engaging with the world physically. Furthermore, Julia does not like to be reminded of her disability. That might seem odd to some but, in truth, we are all so used to Julia, we do forget about her disability. Her world is constructed around her to enable and empower her as much as possible. When she cannot do things, it reminds her of her limitations. Moving to a new house is known as one of the biggest stressors in life; packing up, arranging a removal company, worrying that your treasured possessions will survive, ensuring electricity and

water supplies are connected, deciding where all the furniture should go; the list goes on. Of course, there are also joys and benefits. The house is fairly spacious so she can move around in her electric wheelchair at home. This is very empowering; instead of asking people to take things to her, she can fetch them herself. We built a ramp so that she has ease of access and she was delighted on the day it was completed. She could drive her wheelchair from inside the house, out the front door, down the ramp, round the side of the house and go inside via the back door into the house. She was so delighted at this that she did it over and over again. The problem came with the renovation of the bathroom; this required complete re-design and would take up to 8 weeks; it is only now nearing completion. At the same time, she injured her working hand by tearing a tendon in the wrist. This was very difficult as not only was she in pain but she could barely do anything for herself. On top of this, the noise of drilling at home meant she could not even watch her beloved tennis in peace. Both of us were beginning to wonder if we had done the right thing in moving. In hindsight, I think we should have completed all the alterations before she moved in, though this was also complicated as the person who bought her flat needed to take occupation. Fortunately, this is all coming to an end and she is beginning to enjoy her new home after 3 months of stress. We all enjoyed watching the Wimbledon tennis final and having a braai at her house. P.S. Next instalment, I will write about her wrist and how it healed.

DON’T FORGET Pevensey Place Fete 3 October 2015

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Romaine, Lindelani and Nokie enjoyed a surprise outing to Suncoast Casino to watch a movie.

A brand new doll was sponsored by Mr Marco Araujo from Araujo Attorneys. Please support her at PnP The Crescent in Umhlanga and help us to help ourselves!

Armed with popcorn and coldrink, they settled down to watch the movie, Pitch Perfect 2. Lots of giggles were heard throughout the movie . After the movies there was a quick stop on the Promenade so that Nokie could see the

beach for the very first time.

WE NEED YOUR EXPERTISE We have a couple of positions available on our Executive Committee. Should you be interested, kindly contact Ina on 031-7003956 or

Don’t forget the Browns’ School fete is on the 5th September 2015

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 18 August 2015 Time: Place:

17h00 - 18h00 17 Mariannridge Drive, Mariannhill Park, Pinetown

Please confirm your attendance no later than 11.08.2015 to Adéle on 031-7003956 or

We are pleased to welcome Mpume and Candice to our family. Candice has been appointed as General Office Assistant and Mpume as our Domestic Worker. A further big congratulations goes to Mathombi and Cedric on their wedding.

Dear Friends, We ask you to open your hearts for this little girl. Ayoh was born a healthy little girl with no complications. However, when she was just seven months old, she had a terrible seizure where she hit her head during the ordeal, which caused a severe brain bleed. Unfortunately, Ayoh was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy shortly thereafter.

Today, Ayoh is 4 years old and has spastic quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy and is also cortically blind. She cannot sit on her own without some form of support. Ayoh is desperately in need of a specialized wheelchair that would give her sufficient postural support.

Standard wheelchairs do not give the necessary support unless you are able to keep yourself up right, which Ayoh cannot do. At the moment, we are using towels and pillows to try and assist Ayoh to sit in the right position until such time we can get her the support that she requires. It is

really important that she gets the right wheelchair from a young age as it will help prevent curvature of the spine as she gets older. A donation of R10,200.00 will see Ayoh receive a brand new, specially fitted wheelchair that will give her the necessary support.

P O Box 10213 • Ashwood • 3605 Telephone: +27 (0) 31700 3956 • Facsimile: +27 (0)866 153 913 Email: • Website: Our Association is a registered Non-Profit (002-154 NPO) and Public Benefit Organisation (PBO 930000042) with Section 18A Tax Exemption status.

We rely on your support to continue our valuable work

Y (Please tick appropriate blocks) Family Membership

es, I would love to contribute to the work undertaken by your Association and will support you in the following way:

By joining as a member you will be supporting our valuable work. You will also receive regular Newsletters and enjoy voting rights at our AGM.

R 100 per annum

(Parents & Children)

Corporate Membership

R 1 000 Life Membership

R 50 Senior Citizen per annum

R 5 000 New Corporate Membership

R 2 000 Renewal Membership per annum

R 10 000 Corporate Life Membership

A single donation of R _______________ A monthly donation of R _____________

A donation of R ______________________ for a specialised wheelchair for Ayoh Business

(Please print) SURNAME (Mr/Mrs/Ms) ________________________________________________

Residence FIRST NAME __________________________________________________________  Cellular ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________

 E-mail

____________________________________________________________ Identity Number ___________________________________ POSTAL CODE __________


Remember: You can now donate online at

Account Name:



FNB [Current Account]

Account Number: 508 11 33 0451 Branch:

22-16-26 [Pinetown]

P O Box 10213 Ashwood 3605 Telephone: +27 (0)31 700 3956 Facsimile: +27 (0)866 153 913 Email: Website: Our Association is a registered Non-Profit (002-154 NPO) and Public Benefit Organisation (PBO 930000042) with Section

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