SSVP Newsletter V O L U M E
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Editorial: Development Plan Review
Members Intentions
Twinning Update
President’s Corner
Vincentian Reflection
Vincentian visiting
September Awareness
Vincentian Women
At the March National Council meeting the South African SVDP Development Plan was thoroughly discussed, approved and launched. Each Central Council President was provided with a Flash Disk containing an Implementation Resource Kit with all the information and aids needed to support the cascading of the Development Plan to all Conferences in their allocated geographic area. There will be a Progress Review at the National Council meeting in October and we are really looking forward to very positive feedback on implementation progress. Taking a step back, let us remind ourselves of the overpowering reasons why the NC decided to adopt this plan. Social and Economic Conditions Little needs to be said about this as all South Africans know only too well the suffering of many millions of our people through urbanization, poor health and education, lack of adequate shelter and hunger, exacerbated by the current increasing unemployment. The mission of our Society to alleviate suffering has never been greater than now. Lack of Resources Our members have strived mightily over the years to do all they can for the people in need, but it seems that under these circumstances, we have a responsibility to renew our efforts
to reach as many as possible. Given that we are already stretched, this can only be done through making every effort to increase our resources; spiritual, human and financial.
exclusion or adversity. Members show their commitment through person to person contact. Vincentians serve in hope.
For this to be done, it is vital that we address the need for a National Development Plan. To put it plainly, the needs have increased enormously, and the people and financial resources have remained the same, indeed sadly in some areas resources have diminished
Faithful to the spirit of its founders, the society constantly strives for renewal, adapting to world conditions. It seeks to be ever aware of the changes that occur in human society and the new types of poverty that may be identified or anticipated. It gives priority to the poorest of the poor and to those who are most rejected by society.
3. The Vincentian Vocation The vocation of the Society’s members, who are called Vincentians, is to follow Christ through Service to those in need and so bear witness to his compassionate and liberating love. Vincentians strive to seek out and find those in need, the forgotten, and the victims of
4. Adaptation to a changing world
Each year, through our Prayer of Dedication, we renew our personal commitment to the Society’s noble purpose which is best expressed in our founders words “Let us do what Jesus did… Let us go to the Poor” Contributed by; Rex Glanville
Member’s Intentions •
We pray for Brother George Newman, that he continues his recovery and feels the strength of those who love him both near and far.
We pray for those who are suffering in Somalia. Lord, watch over the children who are hungry and bring peace to this troubled country.
During the month in which we celebrate National Women’s Day, we remember the women of this country who fought for freedom and equality. We also are reminded of those who today experience hardship and abuse.
We pray for Sister Emily and Brother Brian in Johannesburg as they encounter illness. May they know that they are loved and cherished.
We pray for our Vincentian brothers and sisters around the world who are going through changes in leadership. May the Society’s new leaders enter their roles with humility, strength and integrity as they continue to serve the poor. May our organisation embrace change and always move forward.
If you have an intention you would like to share, particularly if it relates to the
Twinning Update Twinning involves the strengthening of international friendships and understanding, resource sharing, prayer and solidarity.
It is with great excitement that we announce the formation of a National Twinning Committee, as required by the International Twinning Manual. Chaired by our National Twinning Officer, Claude Philander, this committee will have representatives in all Central Councils to assist with record keeping, reporting and communication for our 144 twinned Conferences. It is our hope that this measure will continue to strengthen our relationship with our twins in Scotland and meet the aims of twinning; to strengthen international friendships, resource sharing, prayer and solidarity. Our new Central Council Twinning Officers (CCTOs) are; Bernice Cossavella (Bloemfontein), Cheryl Forsyth (Cape Town), Dave Macneal (East London), Tony O’Donnell (Gauteng North), Roy Hawkins (Gauteng South), Joyce Makhele (Kimberley), Tessa Johanneson (Okiep), Joicelyn Leslie Smith (Pietermaritzburg), Tommy Engelbrecht (Port Elizabeth) and Celeste Allies (Upington). We are still awaiting nominations from Durban and Gauteng East Central Councils. They will be joined on the national committee by our new Assist A Student Officer, Deon Oerson and the Chair, Claude Philander. In addition to encouraging Conferences to communicate regularly with their twins, the first two big tasks for these CCTOs are; 1.
To update the local twin registers with contact details and identify Conferences who are having trouble communicating with their twin in Scotland
To submit a brief annual report covering twinning activity over the past 12 months. These will be used to compile a National Twinning Report for South Africa. While these are required under the International Twinning Manual, the ICG is currently implementing this requirement and it looks like South Africa will be one of the first countries in the world to submit a formal National Twinning Report, thanks to our new CCTOs!
What can you do to strengthen twinning? • • • • •
Check if your Conference has a twin. Write regularly to your twin, open lines of communication. Send and share photos, information and updates on the work your conference is doing. Ask about what your twin Conference is doing? What can we learn from/about them? Share information on South Africa and your region.
Remember, twins are required to communicate AT LEAST 3 times per year, or are at risk of being cancelled
For more information or if you have any questions, please contact your local CCTO and/or SSVP
Clem’s Corner In this news letter I want look at the importance of visitation and festival meetings. Frederic Ozanam set the example by visiting an old man and simply delivering a bundle of fire wood, in this way real contact was made with those who have not. Visitation is the fundamental work of the Society meeting the poor families personally, seeking to know them as our masters and finding our Lord in their persons. This contact should never be taken lightly. By meeting the poor directly we as members enhance our spiritual life. This is one way of meeting
Christ. We must therefore not treat this function as a matter of obligation but rather as a privilege. Two new conferences were formed on the East Rand; in Nigel and Alra Park with very enthusiastic members. It always calls for a celebration when our family grows and therefore we have more contact with the poor. On Sunday the 3rd July I went to visit the poor on the East Rand with brother Philippe Castel. We met families that were in a very bad way. The really sad thing is the many little children who are really suffering. We handed out blankets and baby nappies. Again I saw the value of
visiting the poor in their homes. In one house there were 12 people living with two bedrooms a sitting room and a kitchen, they were sleeping on the floor without beds. I must add without sounding racial, the families were white. Poverty knows no boundaries. I have seen white squatter camps on TV but never in real life. Since I have moved to the West Rand I have been involved with the work of Roodepoort Conference in their two projects namely Tshepisong and the Davidsonville. These Projects involve running soup kitchens and supplying food parcels to Continued on back page...
A Vincentian Reflection Blessed Frederic Ozanam was a member of the Third Order of St Francis, that is, he made vows as a lay Franciscan. The following prayer is known as the Franciscan Benediction and shows the clear links between our Vincentian calling and that of the Franciscans whom Frederic loved so dearly. May God bless us with discomfort at easy answers, half-truths, and superficial relationships so that we may live deep within our hearts. May God bless us with anger at injustice, oppression and exploitation of people so that we may work for justice, freedom and peace. May God bless us with tears to shed for those who suffer from pain, rejection, starvation and war, so that we may reach out our hands to comfort them and turn their pain into joy. May God bless us with enough foolishness to believe that we can make a difference in this world so that we can do what others claim cannot be done. Reflection: How do we turn this discomfort, anger, tears and foolishness into positive and effective action in our Conference / Council / community / family / parish / workplace / country?
Vincentian Visiting...
Contributed by Len Pothier
Let’s first of all decide why you are standing on some poor person’s doorstep seeking admission.
“You are there in response to Christ’s command that we should love our neighbor…”
You are there in response to Christ’s command that we should love our neighbour. This despite the fact that our neighbour might be neither lovable, nor deserving, but then neither are we in our sinfulness. Yet God loves us notwithstanding. This fact is beyond reasonable explanation, so go ahead and knock on the door. Let’s also assume, before anyone inside comes to the door, that you are visiting in pairs. This rule is non-negotiable in the interests of forestalling scandal. Imagine the wagging tongues if a single Vincentian were to visit a single mother, however innocent the intention of that visit might be. Now explain who you are and who asked you to come. This will usually be the Parish Priest, or a social worker, or some such. Say why you are there --- primarily to listen to their problems, to offer one’s services or other help as may be needed, and enquire whether the “case” or “client” wants this discussion to go any further. If you are made welcome, accept whatever chair may be offered, even if this is a dirty soap box. Then listen and observe. Give feedback to show that the person is being heard, heeded and understood. Make sure that some degree of privacy is achieved by politely asking that inquisitive children and neighbours be gently removed. Recognise the problem that is being discussed without passing judgement as to whether it is deserving, or undeserving. You may easily make a mistake and should always give the person the benefit of the doubt. You and your visiting partner can compare notes later, and it is ultimately the combined wisdom of the Conference that should decide the issue. Deal with the realities that are presented to you without resorting to false reassurances, polite evasions, or “pie in the sky”. You should not, for example, assure a woman that she ought to be able to get support from an absent husband and do nothing about the fact that she has nothing in the house with which to feed her children. An unemployed person may have descended into a state of apathy and would need encouragement and direction to seek work training programmes, or to discover job openings. It is important to understand our own prejudices. We all have them. Some people are tolerant of alcoholics, but become very intolerant of people who do not keep their houses clean. It is easy to like and agree with the person who is similar to us and lives as we do. It is much harder to understand the person who might not do things as we do. Sometimes you may be angry with the person whom you are trying to help, but he does not co-operate, or does not seem to want your help. Try to understand your own feelings about the client. Your feelings of anger or dislike may be coming across. Some clients are difficult to work with and you may be tempted to give up on them, or think of them as not being appreciative of your help. Try not to feel superior to people who may need your help. Try to understand why the person behaves the way he does, why she or he has problems. This will help you to provide better service to him.
September Awareness Month September is a special month for the Society world wide, as it hosts the feast days of both our Patron and Founder.
Blessed Frederic Ozanam’s Feast Day - 9th September Saint Vincent de Paul’s Feast Day - 27th September These celebrations offer us the opportunity to raise the level of awareness at our local parishes, of the Society’s work to address the needs in their local communities.
Put up your St Vincent de Paul posters on notice boards and in the foyer of the Church Set up an awareness table with information on the Society, using our brochures and other materials. Have members available to answer questions and take details of parishioners who are interested in supporting our work.
Here are some hints and tips that will help you celebrate September Awareness Month: • Discuss the importance of this month with your Parish Priest and seek his support. • Consider providing an SVP newsletter and financial update to your parish • Perhaps some of your Conference members and volunteers might be comfortable speaking at Masses about the work of the Society locally. • Organise a rededication ceremony for your members during a Mass in September
National Women’s Day: Celebrating women in SVP We want to take a moment to reflect on the role of women in our organization. Of course our founders, Blessed Frederic Ozanam and his friends were all young , male varsity students at the Sorbonne University in Paris during the French Revolution. They felt a duty as Catholics to put their faith into action and serve the poor and marginalised. They were mentored, supported and advised from their first day by Blessed Rosalie Rendu, a Daughter of Charity who described the streets as her cloister. Blessed Rosalie was a strong, compassionate, warm, generous, organised and inspiring woman and today we remember her and how much of her personal spirit is still present in SVP. For more information on Blessed Rosalie Rendu, see the following link: blessed-rosalie-filled-with-soul-fire/ SSVP
SSVP Mission: To deepen the faith of its members – to go out into our nation to heighten the awareness of Jesus Christ. We do this by sharing ourselves (who we are and what we have) with the poor on a person-to-person basis. Society of St Vincent de Paul
National Council of South Africa Registered Public Benefit Organisation 003-193 NPO
We seek to co-operate in shaping a more just and compassionate South African community, Our preferred option in this mission of service is to work with the poor in development, by respecting their dignity, sharing our hope, and encouraging them to take control of their destiny. SSVP Vocation: The vocation of the Society’s members, who are called Vincentians is; to follow Christ through service to those in need and so bear witness to His compassionate and liberating love. Members show their commitment through person to person contact.
Clem’s Corner (continued) Families. They also give financial assistance for school expenses (i.e. transport, school clothes etc.). They pay for transport to enable the chronic cases of HIV/Aids , who are receiving ARV's., to be monitored regularly at Helen Joseph hospital, and assisting HIV/Aids orphaned families. Approximately 300 families, which relates to about 1500 people are assisted on a weekly basis. There are over 200 HIV positive members in the community, of which 35 are chronic. The Conference concentrates their efforts on babies, small children and the elderly. Work in providing for these two projects is a five day a week job collecting food from various supermarkets to make sure that all receive some morsel of food. So please I appeal to you lets make the plight of the poor a little easier it does not matter who they are. Treat them with respect and love. We might be the only ones that treat them with some dignity. On Tuesday the 9th of August I spent the day with the members of the Kimberly Central Council discussing the Development plan. It was a great success the members said that they now understood the full meaning of the plan and would support it fully. One remarkable thing I must mention was the number of Youth who attended AND the oldest member a Sister of 92 and Brother Keith Kayton, who is 82 years of age. Both these members are still very active in the work of the Society. Holy Mother Church celebrates many traditions, feasts and festivals. Some of the most important ones are Easter, Christmas and feasts attached to these special days. There are many important days, and we as Catholics observe them devotedly. As members of the Society of St Vincent de Paul we too have feasts and festivals, namely the feast of St Vincent de Paul on the 27th of September and Frederic Ozanam on the 9th September Traditionally in South Africa, the Society celebrates four other special feasts, the 19th of March, the Feast of St Joseph; 29th of June the feast of Sts Peter and Paul, and to end the year, on the 8th of December, the feast of the Immaculate Conception. What is a Festival? My understanding is, that it is a special get together, to celebrate the occasion of being together and sharing our experiences. Festivals are times for members to meet and discuss common matters, have a cup of tea and a chat. We have neglected these important times. Family is important at home and in our Vincentian family, its important we spend some time once a quarter with each other. Let’s get out there and celebrate.