MARCH 2014
A Newsletter for Supporters of the South African Federation for Mental Health
FROM THE DIRECTOR'S PEN As always when we come to the end of another financial year, we take some time to reflect on the goals we've achieved and challenges we've faced during the past year - all to ensure the improvement of the lives of persons living with Intellectual Disability and Mental Illness. We have also done a great deal to promote Mental Wellness amongst companies and individuals. The World Health Organisation put it so well: “There is no Health without Mental Health.� Yet, it seems that Mental Health is, for many people, a much sought-after sentiment to various degrees. Mounting pressures in every day life cause people to act in direct conflict with who they really are. It manifests itself in incidents of road rage, burnout, anxiety, substance abuse, domestic violence and much more. Those living with severe or profound Intellectual Disability often find themselves without sufficient care and intervention. The demand is great but the supply lacking, despite ongoing advocacy and lobbying on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves. Mrs Bharti Patel National Director
The National Mental Health Policy Framework and Strategic Plan 2013-2020 which was developed by the Department of Health, fills a critical gap in the national policy framework. This adds to the Mental Health Care Act (Act 17) of 2002 which lays out the legal framework for a primary Mental Health care system that is based on Human Rights.
Modern Mental Health policy places the integration of Mental Health Care into general health services and the development of community-based care at the core of intervention programmes. However, despite the above-mentioned strategies being put into place, South Africa being a co-signatory to the U.N Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as well as the existence and implementation of the South African Bill of Rights and Mental Health Care Act, we are not yet seeing any real difference on the ground. It is obvious that there is a serious need to establish parity for Mental Health services across South Africa by using existing human and infrastructure resources as efficiently as possible, but it is vital that additional resources be allocated to prevent further Human Rights violations. Furthermore, there is a need for communities to get involved on grassroots level and to challenge government at district, provincial and national level to ensure that the needs of persons with Mental Disabilities are met. The South African Federation for Mental Health is committed to continue advocating for the up-scaling of services for persons with Intellectual Disability and Mental Illness. In July 2013 SAFMH launched a 3-year Campaign around this topic by creating public awareness around the lack of beds for Psychiatric patients in South Africa. The Federation will be rolling the campaign out over the next couple of years with the aim of seeing noticeable progress at the end thereof. We as a National Office strive to strengthen and develop relationships with all organisations that render services in the Mental Health field. We will reach out to as many organisations as possible in the coming year to assess and understand their specific needs and to establish what SAFMH can do for them on a national basis. Together as a country we can ensure that Mental Health becomes a priority.
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S.A. Federation for Mental Health
We look forward to a vigilant and determined approach from Government and participation from communities across South Africa in the coming year. It is, however, only possible with your ongoing support. On behalf of the Board of Management, the various Mental Health Societies across the country, and our Mental Health Care Users, I thank you for your generosity and assistance in improving the lives of persons with Mental Disabilities. We trust that we can again count on your support throughout this year! Yours in Mental Health
Mrs Bharti Patel National Director
The task of transforming Mental Health can sometimes be perceived as a lonely one, considering the worldwide neglect thereof. Fortunately, we have connections all over the world, who stand beside us and fight for the same cause. Mrs Shona Sturgeon (Board member, Past President and now VicePresident of SAFMH as well as Past President of WFMH) shares with us some recent developments in the field.
The fact that the South African Federation for Mental Health, in 1948, was a founding member of the World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) is one that makes us proud. Over the years WFMH has endeavoured to improve services for people with Mental Disabilities, to address stigma and to empower Mental Health Care Users. The mission of WFMH is to promote the advancement of Mental Health awareness, prevention of Mental Disorders, advocacy, and best practice recovery focused interventions worldwide - addressing the same issues worldwide that SAFMH addresses in our own country. Members include Mental Health service providers, Mental Health Care Users and anyone interested in Mental Health issues - an exciting diverse membership. Associations can join, as can individuals. Visit for more information. The World Federation has close ties with the World Health Organisation (WHO), and works hard to continually encourage WHO to place Mental Health issues higher on the agenda within the Departments of Health of all countries. The very exciting WHO Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020 is one example of this. It can be accessed through the WFMH website.
In October 2013, I was re-elected to the Board of WFMH, and would like to keep readers informed regarding current developments. The work of WFMH is being addressed through Board committees that communicate through Skype meetings and I serve on four of these committees. We have worked hard on the new website that went 'live' in February: It contains comprehensive and valuable information on Mental Health, WFMH activities, membership information and links to important WHO documents, including the aforementioned Action Plan. We are also revisiting the WFMH By-Laws with the aim of ensuring that the different constituencies and geographical areas are better represented on the Board and that WFMH members are more engaged in the life and governance of the Board. WFMH is empowered to advocate globally for Mental Health at the United Nations, WHO and similar organisations through the diversity and numbers of its members, and therefore efforts are being made to increase membership. The next board meeting of WFMH will be held in Athens from 9-11 October 2014 in conjunction with a Conference “Living with Schizophrenia�, the same theme for 2014 World Mental Health Day.
The March campaign forms part of a three-year Drive initiated by SAFMH to advocate for adequate service delivery for persons with Intellectual Disability and Mental Illness. South Africa is by no means the only country characterised by inadequate services for persons with Intellectual Disability. However, South Africa is a nation that has publically declared its commitment to upholding the rights of the mentally ill and disabled by becoming a signatory to the United Nations Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. We therefore have a responsibility to take action and protect the rights of persons with Intellectual Disability by ensuring that service delivery is on par with policies and legislation.
This March (Intellectual Disability Awareness Month) the South African Federation for Mental Health (SAFMH) is campaigning for the up-scaling of services for persons with Intellectual Disabilities. Says Mrs Bharti Patel, National Director of SAFMH: “The S.A Federation for Mental Health is passionate about reaching out to persons with Mental Disabilities - especially those in rural areas, who do not have access to the support and care that they need and so deserve. Many people still do not even know that there is help and support out there, let alone where to find it. We rely heavily on funding from Government and donors to continue spreading awareness in communities across South Africa.�
The Economic Empowerment and Integration of persons with Mental Disability through Skills Development Programmes is entrenched within Durban and Coastal Mental Health's model for upskilling service users through the continuum of Lifeskills, Workskills, Training Academy, Supported Integration and Integration. This model is also in line with the National Skills Development Strategy.
Persons (children and adults) with Intellectual Disability in South Africa are found to be amongst the poorest, most vulnerable and marginalised in our country. Education, therapy and stimulation for children with Intellectual Disability are critical to their hopes of achieving greater independence and community participation. However, in Africa less than 10% of children with disabilities attend school.
The achievements of the Service Users from Durban and Coastal Mental Health were once again acknowledged on 5 December 2013, when Challenge Training Academy held its second Graduation. Thirty (30) adults with Mental Disability who had completed their Skills Development Programmes in Blockmaking and Cleaning and Hygiene were the proud recipients of a Certificate and Medal from the Academy. During this graduation, the first two female trainees to undergo the Blockmaking Training Programme were also acknowledged and applauded.
The health conditions and support needs of persons with Intellectual Disability - especially in their adult years - is a neglected topic, despite international evidence that these individuals are at greater risk of poor Physical and Mental Health than the general population. Stigma, isolation and limited access to services, contribute to poor health and wellbeing in general.
The Executive Director, Ms Gita Harie, thanked all the trainees for their commitment to the Training Programmes and to implementing the Skills they had acquired in the various projects of the organisation and in their personal lives. The Graduation was a true celebration of their achievements and the positive impact that the training will have on their futures.
In spite of commendable progress in policy and legislation development and numerous governmental and nongovernmental good practises, failures in policy implementation and service delivery continue to result in unmet social, health and educational needs. This is a serious cause for concern and a call for action to government and civil society. SAFMH will be conducting research in order to gain a better understanding of some of the micro issues on grass roots level as well as the holistic picture. This will lead to the formulation of a comprehensive advocacy document on the upscaling of services for persons with Intellectual Disability and Mental Illness. Service Users from Durban and Coastal Mental Health with Executive Director Ms Gita Harie at the ceremony
SAFMH regularly engages with companies on the Mental Wellbeing of their employees and management as this has proven to have a huge impact on productivity, insurance, etc. If you are interested in a Corporate Wellness session, contact Leon de Beer on 011 781 1852.
We are happy to introduce the two most recent additions to our office family to you:
A psychologically healthy workplace fosters employee health and wellbeing, while enhancing organisational performance and productivity.
Stefanie Poô (Business Development Officer)
Communication also plays a key role in the success of any workplace programme or policy and serves as the foundation for psychologically healthy workplace practices. In today's instant 24/7 society, workplace pressures continue to mount. Productivity demands, information overload and increasing pressure to balance work and home lives can take a toll on employees' health, wellbeing and job satisfaction.
Stefanie has worked in the NGO sector since 2002. She has been actively focusing on Business Development since 2011. Her educational background in Social Work and Communication Science has equipped her with a vast and rich experience which she applies in her work on a daily basis. Stefanie is passionate about the work of the Federation and looks forward to making a difference in the Mental Health Sector.
According to a national public opinion poll conducted by the American Psychological Association, two-thirds of both men and women say work has a significant impact on their stress level, and one in four has called in sick or taken a “mental health day” as a result of work stress. Also a significant concern for employers, job stress is estimated to cost the U.S. industry $300 billion a year in absenteeism, diminished productivity, employee turnover and direct medical, legal and insurance fees.
Fatima Seedat (Personal Assistant to the National Director)
Faced with skyrocketing healthcare costs, global competition and economic uncertainty, employers are concerned about attracting and retaining high-quality employees and keeping up morale. Minimising workplace stress plays a significant role in the employee retention equation as organisations look to optimise their human capital.
Fatima has been working in the Mental Health field from 2007. She is a registered psychological counselor and is passionate about Mental Health and Wellbeing. Fatima is looking forward to her new chapter at SAFMH and hopes to contribute to making more people aware of their own Mental Wellbeing and the improvement and accessibility of services to all fellow citizens.
Some companies have responded to these business challenges by taking care of their employees. These employers are creating workplaces that do more than just improve productivity - they build a strong, vibrant organisational culture that supports the company itself. In short, they build a psychologically healthy workplace.
The National Office is excited to have these dynamic women join the team and wish them both a happy and long journey as part of the SAFMH team!
Source: creatingahealthyworkplace/ (APA Centre for Organisational Excellence)
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CONTACT US Postal Address: Private Bag X3053, Randburg 2125 Enquiries: Telephone: +27 (0) 11 781 1852 Facsimile: +27 (0) 11 326 0625 General Enquiries: S.A. Federation for Mental Health
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