WORDPRESS ULTIMATE CSV [Product IMPORTERName] PRO [Version3.6.0 X.X] Version [Platform and Minimum Version Details] Platform: Wordpress 3.9
WP Ultimate CSV Importer is used to import post types such as pages, posts, etc and third party plugins includes marketpress, wpecommerce, woocommerce products etc. This document consist of description, feature, installation procedure Page 1 and change log of our plugin.
Plugin Details **************** Author Author URL version
Description WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro is powerful multi purpose importer plugin for Wordpress. You can import any local data into Wordpress as content. You can import posts, pages, custom post types, users with their roles, comments, categories, nested categories, tags, custom taxonomies, wp members, wp commerce, woocommerce, eshop products, marketpress and customer reviews. More Information
: Smackcoders : Smackcoders Site : 3.6.0 Description
Product URL WP Ultimate CSV importer pro Wiki Page Link Wp ultimate csv importer - wiki page Demo Link
WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro Plugin is a simple all in one but powerful importer plugin to meet all your needs. There are currently 12 modules that help to import any thing in bulk to your Wordpress site. You can import posts, pages, custom post types, users with their roles, categories, nested categories, tags, custom taxonomies, wp commerce, eshop products, customer reviews and marketpress. Importing in ultimate CSV pro is very simple and easy by mapping your CSV headers to relevant WP fields. That’s it, the importer will import all your data under CSV headers to relevant fields one after other. Just a little work to format or alter your CSV file as prescribed in the guide. Also the pro importer supports many advanced features like nested categories etc. Apart from free versions the pro version has a powerful Dashboard, file manager, manage your CSV files, update old records again and again, trash/delete old records, old CSV file of any version from file manager etc.
Wp csv importer pro demo
First Time Fresh Install (To upgrade read below)
* Third Party Plugin Support * WP Member * Customer Reviews * Market Press * Types
Imp. Note: To Upgrade your plugin from older version, please follow upgrading steps
Username : demoadmin Password : demo123 Blog Link Advanced and easy to import csv Simple step tutorial Video Link Introduction to wp csv importer pro How to format csv to import CHANGE LOG
Wp Ultimate CSV Importer is very easy to install like any other wordpress plugin. No need to edit or modify anything here. Users can install the plugin in 3 ways, choose one that suites you from below
* Import • • •
I. For simple general way to install
* Advanced File Manager with pagination, filter.
1. Download the plugin (.zip file) on the right side above menu 2. Click the Red Download Button ( Download Version X.X.X)
CSV from FTP/SFTP URL Previously Uploaded File
* Added export features for Users, Category, Tags, Custom Taxonomy, Market Press and Customer Reviews.
3. Login to your Wordpress Admin (e.g. yourdomain.com/wp-admin/)
* All in one seo latest version support added.
4. Go to Plugins >> Add New
* Post_format & page_template feature added for post & page module * Scheduler Improvements * Import particular records from CSV 3.5.0 Improved code standard to avoid the timeout issues. Much improved UI. Friendly features added like,
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* Template options to reduce the import time. * Easy scheduling feature.
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UPGRADE NOTICE 3.6.0 – This is major release with advanced additional features and improved UI and supports additional third party plugins. For any upgrade news please check our site. 3.5.0 – This is major release of product with much improved UI with addition of friendly features.For any upgrade news please check our site. 3.2.1 – This is major release of product with additional features. For any upgrade news please check our site.
Select the tab "Upload"
Browse and Upload the downloaded zip file
Activate the plugin after install
You can see a new menu WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro in your Admin now
II. For familiar FTP users 1. Download the plugin (.zip file) on the right side above menu
3.0.0 – This is stable release of product with much improved UI. For any upgrade news please check our site.
2. Click the Red Download Button ( Download Version X.X.X)
1.0.0 – This is initial version of product. For any upgrade news please check our site.
4. Upload wp-ultimate-csv-importer folder to /wp-content/plugins/
3. Extract the plugin zip
5. Go to Plugins >> Installed Plugins >> Inactive 6. Click Activate to activate the plugin
Our Premium Products *********************** WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro Vtigercrm 6 Quickbooks Integration
7. You can see a new menu WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro in your Admin now III. Straight from Wordpress Admin
Xero vtigercrm 6 Integration
1. Login to your Wordpress Admin (e.g. yourdomain.com/wp-admin/)
Vtigercrm 6 Magento Bidirectional Connector
2. Go to Plugins >> Add New
Vtiger 6 Google Calendar Sync
3. Search for WP Ultimate CSV Importer
HR Payroll Management System
4. Click Install Now to install
Smart Vtiger Duplicate Merging Module
5. Activate the plugin after install
Our Free Products *******************
6. You can see a new menu WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro in your Admin now
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Minimum Requirements 1. Check your phpinfo.php. Ensure that auto_prepend_file and auto_append_file options are disabled. If not you can disable it in php.ini settings file yourself. You can also do it by a .htaccess file htaccess file Create an .htaccess file in root and set the following values. • php_value auto_prepend_file none • php_value auto_append_file none 2. PDO is esstential and should be enabled.
Get support from hosting if you dont have sufficient permission.
Features and UI explanation Added User Experience and UI Settings Features I. Modules 1) In Version 3.6 users need to configure the settings tab first. To add flexibility and for much more simple user experience users can enable frequently used modules like posts, custom posts etc. Leaving other modules disabled and enable other available modules only when needed. This will give much room and easy to access for most used tabs.
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II. Third Party Plugin Under Supported third Party plugins users can enable import support for available plugins. Note that enabled plugins should be already installed and activated to make it work as expected before import. Our new release 3.6 supports additional third party plugin such as WP members, MarketPress, Customer Reviews and Types.
III. Features For extended features like Auto UTF-8 handling and auto mapping, enable it under Features accordion. It also provide option to send “Schedule Logs� through email. If user need the schedule logs in mail, they can enable it. User can also select the export delimiter for csv file. It may be ,(comma) or ;(semicolon).
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IV. Security This feature is available in new version of csv importer. It provides an option to allow multiple authors to import. If the user wants to provide privileges to multiple authors, enable this option.
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V. Database Optimization Database Optimization is newly added feature in 3.6 version. It provides many more options to clean up the databases. User can enable the necessary option and click “Run DB Optimizer”. Options includes, •
Delete all orphaned Post/Page Meta – it deletes the post/page in metadata in wordpress database
Delete all unassigned tags – it deletes all the unassigned tags
Delete all auto drafted Post/Page – it deletes unnecessary auto drafed post/page
Delete all Comments in trash – it deletes all the comments in the trash
Delete all Trackback Comments – this option deletes all the trackback comments
Delete all Post/Page in trash – it deletes all the post/page in trash
Delete all Unapproved Comments – it deletes all the unapproved comments
Delete all Post/Page revisions – it deletes all the unnecessary post/page revisions saved in draft
Delete all Spam Comments – it deletes all the spam comments
Delete all Pingback Comments – it deletes all pingback comments
Advanced, Easy and Simple Sleek Ultimate CSV Importer Steps Simple 3 steps import process with step by step options make it easy to understand ultimate csv import plugin features. • • •
Step 1: CSV Import Option – Upload your CSV file need to be imported to wordpress Step 2: Map CSV to WP Fields – Map your uploaded CSV headers/column name to relevant wordpress post field attributes and custom field etc. Step 3: Settings and Performance – Choose duplicate handling and server request per import process and number of records to import Page 7
In new 3.6 version user can •
Drag and drop csv files to upload in addition to traditional file browse feature.
Download file from FTP/SFTP server.
Download file from URL.
Use already uploaded file.
Delimiters are auto detected and can be selected from the listed delimiters ,(comma) or ;(semicolon) as separator used in your csv
You can assign an already saved mapping template from the drop down for field mapping.
You can schedule the import process in future time and date which will be handled by smart scheduler.
You can export users, category, tags, custom taxonomy, market press and customer reviews.
You can import particular records from csv file.
I. CSV Import Options You can follow any of the four methods to import the csv file. Page 8
From Computer
User can upload the csv file by traditional file browse feature. They can also drag and drop the csv file instead of file browse. “Select Template” is mandatory while you want schedule your import.
From FTP
Upload the csv file by using ftp server. You can upload csv file by providing some details such as hostname, path, username, ftp username, ftp password and port number for ftp. By default ftp port is 21. Then click “Download” button to download the file from ftp server. After completes downloading, “Next” button is enabled. Click “Next” button to upload the csv file. “Select Template” is mandatory while you want schedule your import.
From URL
Provide the url path of the csv file and click “Download” button. Now “Next” button is enabled and click that to import csv file. “Select Template” is mandatory while you want schedule your import.
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From Already Uploaded File
User can also use the already uploaded csv file. You can select the location of your file from the list list of directory and select the file to import. “Select Template” is mandatory while you want schedule your import.
II. Map CSV to WP Fields
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In advanced mapping feature users can now verify their mapping by added data sampling feature in top by rotating the sample values using next, previous buttons or go to nth row option.
In the footer of mapping step users can save filed mappings as a Re-Usable template now for both scheduled and manual import processes.
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III. Settings and Performance Version 3.6 provides an option for immediate import and scheduled import of csv file. User can select any of the options. Import Right Away •
In pro version duplicates are detected and skipped from importing from a new csv. In case of updates duplicate checks are skipped, so that you can update in full or part of the related records as needed.
In addition to Duplicate Handling options users can add Server Requests depends on their server load and performance. So no more timeout issues. The value should be minimum 1 and max is no rows in your uploaded csv file. Recommended value is between 3-5 to view real time log depends on no of attributes need to assigned to each imported post.
It also provides an option to import specific records from uploaded csv file.
If you want to import specific records from your csv file consider an instance, you have 50 records in your csv file and you want to upload 1to 5 records, 21 to 30 records and the 50th record. Then you can enable “specific records only” option and provide all those record details in the textbox.
If you want to import all the records from csv file, just provide 1 to nth row. Example, if your csv file has 20 records the provide number of records to import as 1-20.
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Logs Generation New version 3.6 provides advanve logging system for log section. After import the records, user can view the generated logs for imported records from your uploaded csv file. User can save the logs and downoad it directly.
Schedule Now •
If you want to schedule your import select “Schedule Now” option.
Before scheduling your import, select the template name while uploading csv file.
Provide schedule date, time and schedule frequency. Schedule frequency have options such as one time, daily, weekly and monthly. Select your schedule frequency based on your convinence.
Then select “Import specific records only” option and provide the record numbers to import. Now based on your schedule, uploaded csv file can be imported.
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Smart scheduler is to manage, monitor all scheduled import job and their process status etc. Users can edit or delete a scheduled job.
A simple template manager to manage saved mapping templates as to edit and delete etc. It also provides search option to find templated between specified dates.
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Export feature is in separate tab in which users can select a post type to export completely as csv to your hard drive. More features like filtered export and other modules export like custom post etc are in pipeline.
Version 3.6 provides export features for all the post type including post, page, users, tags, category.
It also supports third party plugin such as eshop, wp-ecommerce, woocommerce, marketpress, customer reviews and types(custom post and custom taxonomy).
Now with 3.6 version “Dashboard” have a new look interface and provide many more options with importers activity, importers statistics and wordpress admin dashboard. Page 15
Importer's Activity •
New advanced dashboard provides last one year import details for all post types and third party plugins including marketpress, custom post, custom taxonomy, etc. It provides an option to enable/disable modules by clicking it. Using this option user can view their imports clearly.
User can download the import details in both image and document formats. Its an advanced feature in version 3.6. It supports image formats such as .png, .jpeg and .svg and document format as .pdf. It also provides an option to print the import details chart.
Importer's Statistics Advanced dashboard provides drill chart for importer statistics. It shows overall usage statistics as drill chart. User can download the drill chart in both image and document format. It also provides an option to view the particular module by clicking the corresponding link.
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Wordpress Admin Dashboard New 3.6 version has advanced feature with admin dashboard. It displays the importers activity and statistics chart in wordpress admin dashboad.
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FILE MANAGER This is feature which makes our pro version an ultimate all in one plugin. •
Stores unlimited CSV files with auto increment versions for each update serves as a backup tool.
Advanced file manager with pagination feature
You can mange your CSV files and related records in file manager.
It provides filter option to search filename, post type or filename within specified date
Version can be chosen from the drop down; by default the latest version is selected.
Actions - You can delete old files; download the preferred version of a CSV file for editing etc.
Also you can trash related records or delete it permanently on one simple click
Icons Action Download the File – Select your preferred version and click to download the selected file version. Use this action to download any version to further edit and import update the old records. Delete the File – Select your preferred version and click to delete the selected file version. Be careful to use this action as there is no way to restore this action. You can download a copy before deleting it. Delete all Records – Deletes all the related records of the file permanently as listed in Status Log. Be careful to use this action as there is no way to restore this action. Trash all Records - Send all the related records of the file to trash folder as listed in Status Log. Delete Everything (all File versions and Records) – This will delete all the file versions and related records of it. Be careful to use this action as this will erase everything and there is no way to restore this action. Download all files – Use this action to download all version of files which imported already. Restore All Records – Use this action to restore all trashed records.
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Useful Links and Plugins Section •
To add simplicity to get help and support the plugin footer have all useful links to wiki, faq, support, videos, tutorials, sample and cheat sheets links.
• •
Added to this users can use easy support form for feature request and feedback. In footer users can have one click access to other useful free and pro plugin links. Kindly verify our other plugins that may be useful now in future.
Supported Wordpress Modules and custom Import •
Posts Module - This module will import all your data into bulk posts or pages. There are 9 fields to map, in which post status, post title and content are mandatory. All other fields are optional. You can also have published date field which can also have a future date that reflects as scheduled post. Optionally you can Page 19
import as many fields you want as custom fields. You can name these fields as your wish while importing. You can assign a feature image for each post or page through a list of image urls. In addition to that, post_format feature has been added. •
Pages Module – It supports page_template. Pages don’t need category and tags.
Custom posts - Similar to post and pages you can import any custom post types that is configured in your Wordpress. You can also assign feature image for each post created.
Category - You can import any number category you want. Category name fields are mandatory. Slug and description field is optional. Slugs are created automatically if not mapped.
Nested category - This module is just like category module, provided you can import nested categories. You can import nested categories through name field like category1 | category2 | category3. If the category doesn’t exist it will be created in a hierarchy as mention in name field.
Tags - Import bulk tags using this module and assign to post, custom post or products.
Users with roles - Import bulk users with their roles by role id. There 11 fields to map in which user login, email and role are mandatory fields. Roles are mentioned in CSV as ids. Please ensure roles are created in advance before import. Other wise default role is assigned for missing role ids.
Custom taxonomy - Is your Wordpress is configured for custom taxonomy, you can import bulk custom taxonomies as like as nested categories.
Supported Wordpress Third Party Plugins WooCommerce/ WP Commerce/ eshop/marketpress/types/customer reviews/wp-members - You can import products in bulk if these modules are installed in your Wordpress. •
Woocommerce You can import products in bulk if this module is installed in your Wordpress. User can import bulk products with all the wp attributes and csv headers. Our new version 3.6, supports variation for woocommerce product.
Marketpress Its an advanced feature in our new version 3.6. Our plugin provides headers for all variations in marketpress products includes limit_per_order, track_inventory, etc. It also supports product variations along with custom fields.
WP-Ecommerce Our new version 3.6, provide csv files with all the wp attibutes as csv header. It supports variations of the products that includes SKU, price, sale_price, stock, taxable_amount etc. Users are also allowed to edit custom fields for wp-ecommerce.
Eshop Our plugin supports eshop products which includes ship_rate, cart_option, stock_available. It also supports custom fields in which users can create their own attributes.
Types Page 20
Its newly added third party plugin support in version 3.6. It supports custom post type, custom taxonomy and custom fields. Users are allowed to import csv files with custom field headers and mapped it with corresponding wp headers. •
WP Members WP Members adds additional details about users. Our CSV Importer provides csv headers for all those details regarding users. It also supports multiple authors.
Customer Review This is newly added third party plugin in version 3.6. It consist of reviewer details includes reviewer_ip, review_text, review_response, review_rating, etc as csv headers. Users can map all the headers with wordpress attributes. It also supports custom fields.
AIO SEO Our plugin supports third paty AIO SEO plugin. It provides csv files with all the wp fields as csv headers for posts, eshop, wpecommerce and woocommerce products. All in one SEO latest version support has been included in 3.6.
Yoast SEO Our plugin provides support for yoast seo. It consist of csv files with all wordpress attributes for products includes wpecommerce, eshop, woocommerce and posts.
CCTM New version 3.6 supports CCTM for both pages and posts. It provides csv headers with all the cctm attributes including cctm editors, cctm checkbox, cctm textbox, etc for post and pages.
CPT UI Our plugin also supports custom post type UI. It provides csv headers for custom post type and custom taxonomies with all necessary wordpress attributes.
ACF Our plugin supports ACF. Its an advanced feature of our plugin. It supports for both post and pages. It provides all the ACF wordpress attributes as csv headers in csv files.
Important Note: Our plugin does not support for repeated ACF attributes
How to Guide How to Import CSV to Wordpress Post type. 1. You should enable each modules from settings tab if you can see any modules import tab. 2. For e.g. enable post in settings tab. Now you can see the post tab. Same for other modules like pages, wp ecommerce, woocommerce, eshop or custom post types. 3. The import process for all the modules are same as explained below steps
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Steps to import 1. Upload the csv file by using any of the four options.
Note: Same file name of already imported file and it variations (E.g. sample.csv and sample#.csv) are considered same as you are trying to update existing records. 1. If not you must rename it to import as separate csv import without updating existing imported posts. 2. Check the option to update option. 3. Choose update import by post id or title or both for more accuracy. 4. Select the delimiter used in CSV. i.e. ,(comma) or ;(semicolon). 5. You can select mapping template from saved templates listed in drop down. 6. Click Next button for manual import.
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7. Click next to go to mapping configuration 8. If a saved mapping template is selected or auto mapping enabled csv file is uploaded you can see the mapping is populated automatically by plugin itself. 9. Just cross check the field mapping for accuracy.
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10. You can also rotate the data sampling options for checking accuracy 11. Post_title and post_content are mandatory fields for any post type 12. All other fields are optional. 13. Optionally you can import as many fields as custom fields. 14. Give a name for each custom field you map. 15. Pages don’t need category and tags. 16. Post_date can a future date, which are scheduled for publishing on mentioned date and time. 17. Assign a featured_image to each post or page through a list of image urls. 18. Click next to go to Import options.
19. Check the duplicate handling options if needed 20. Enter server request details min. 1 as value and provide record number to import
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21. Click import now, will import the CSV file to your Wordpress. 22. You can see the log details in summary
23. Wait until you see import success message. 24. You can also have an option to save and download the generated logs Posts and Pages Module Use this module to import all your data as bulk posts or pages. There are 9 fields to map, in which post status, post title and content are mandatory. All other fields are optional. You can assign post date field for each post. This can be a future date to schedule your post for publishing on given date. Optionally you can import more fields as custom fields. You assign a name to these fields as your wish while importing. Pages don’t need category and tags. You can assign a feature image for each post or page through a list of image urls. Custom posts Similar to post and pages you can import any custom post types that is configured in your Wordpress. You can also assign feature image for each post created. 1. Category - You can import any number category you want. Category name fields are mandatory. Slug and description field is optional. Slugs are created automatically if not mapped.
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Nested category - This module is just like category module, provided you can import nested categories. You can import nested categories through name field like category1 | category2 | category3. If the category doesn’t exist it will be created in a hierarchy as mention in name field.
1. Nested categories can be imported as category1 | category2 | category3 format 2. But a little trick needs to be applied in your CSV. 3. First line should have category1, slug and description 4. Second line should be category1 | category2, slug and description to create category1 >> category2 with slug and description. 5. Then you can have category1 | category2 | category3, slug and description to create category1 >> category2 >> category3 with slug and description. 6. Like this you can nest categories to many levels as you wish. •
Tags - Import bulk tags using this module and assign to post, custom post or products.
Steps to import (Tags, Categories and Nested Categories) •
Users with roles - Import bulk users with their roles by role id. There 11 fields to map in which user login, email and role are mandatory fields. Roles are mentioned in CSV as ids. Please ensure roles are created in advance before import. Other wise default role is assigned for missing role ids.
Custom taxonomy - Is your Wordpress is configured for custom taxonomy, you can import bulk custom taxonomies as like as nested categories
WooCommerce/ WP Commerce/ eshop/marketpress/types/customer reviews - You can import products in bulk if these modules are installed in your Wordpress.
UPGRADING FROM OLDER VERSION TODO: add upgrade procedure For 3.5.1 to 3.6 1. First upload migration script to your wp-contents/plugins/wp-ultimate-csv-importer-pro 2. Run the script in browser e.g. wp-ultimate-csv-importer-pro 3. A safe backup will created in 4. Now you can delete the old version files completely. 5. Upload version 3.6 files to wp-contents/plugins/wp-ultimate-csv-importer-pro 6. That’s all, you plugin is now upgraded to latest version 3.6 For 3.2.1 to 3.5 7. First upload migration script to your wp-contents/plugins/wp-ultimate-csv-importer-pro 8. Run the script in browser e.g. wp-ultimate-csv-importer-pro Page 27
9. A safe backup will created in 10. Now you can delete the old version files completely. 11. Upload version 3.5 files to wp-contents/plugins/wp-ultimate-csv-importer-pro 12. That’s all, you plugin is now upgraded to latest version 3.5 For 3.2.0 to 3.5 •
First upgrade to 3.2.1 before upgrade to 3.5
First upload migration script (migration_version_3_5.php) to your wp-contents/plugins/wp-ultimate-csv-importerpro
Run the script in browser e.g. http://yourdomain.com/wp-contents/plugins/wp-ultimate-csv-importer-pro/ migration_version_3_5.php
A safe backup will created in wp-contents/db_backup
Now you can delete the old version files completely.
Upload version 3.5 files to wp-contents/plugins/wp-ultimate-csv-importer-pro
That’s all, you plugin is now upgraded to latest version 3.5
For 3.0.0 to 3.5 1. First upgrade to 3.2.1 before upgrade to 3.5 2. First upload migration script to your wp-contents/plugins/wp-ultimate-csv-importer-pro 3. Run the script in browser e.g. wp-ultimate-csv-importer-pro 4. A safe backup will created in 5. Now you can delete the old version files completely. 6. Upload version 3.5 files to wp-contents/plugins/wp-ultimate-csv-importer-pro 7. That’s all, you plugin is now upgraded to latest version 3.5 For 1.0.0 to 3.5 1. First upgrade to 3.0.0, the to 3.2.1 before upgrade to 3.5 2. First upload migration script to your wp-contents/plugins/wp-ultimate-csv-importer-pro 3. Run the script in browser e.g. wp-ultimate-csv-importer-pro 4. A safe backup will created in 5. Now you can delete the old version files completely. 6. Upload version 3.5 files to wp-contents/plugins/wp-ultimate-csv-importer-pro 7. That’s all, you plugin is now upgraded to latest version 3.5 Page 28