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The Disregarded Witness

The MurderofOlof Palme and the Estonia Catastrophe The Secrets Unveiled

Robert Barestrand

TheDisregarded Witness

The Murder of Olof Palmeand theEstoniaCatastrophe

TheSecrets Unveiled


TheDisregarded Witness

The Murder of Olof Palmeand theEstoniaCatastrophe

TheSecrets Unveiled

Allrightsreserved. No part of this book maybereproduced or translated or used in anyform or by anymeans, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording,orany informationstorage andretrieval system, without thewritten permission of Robert Barestrand.

©2025 Robert Barestrand (ansvarigutgivare)

Korrekturläsning: ChristopherSjölund,Mette Mork Ytterligaremedverkande:Els-MarieTidelius, Tobias Henricsson

Förlag:BoD ∙ BooksonDemand, Östermalmstorg 1, 114 42 Stockholm, bod@bod.se

Tryck:Libri PlureosGmbH, Friedensallee273, 22763Hamburg,Tyskland


Interrogation Anna Hage no 1, 1/3/1986 at 00.15 a.m.............................52

Interrogation Anna Hage no 2, 3/3/1986 at 17.45 p.m.............................54

InterviewwithAnnaHage, Länstidningen(LT)Södertälje, March1986.

Interrogation KarinJohansson no 2, 2/4/1986 at 15.10p.m....................59

Interrogation Lena Bäsenpage2,16/5/1986 at 08.45 a.m.......................61

Interrogation Lena Bäsenpage3,16/5/1986 at 08.45 a.m.......................63

Interrogation Stefan Glantz 5/3/1986 at 18.00p.m..................................65 Interrogation GöranIsraelsson, 3/2/1988 at 15.35 p.m. ..........................67

Who actually arrived first at the site where Olof Palme was assassinated on the 28th of February 1986? This question still dwells in thedebate since it has neverbeen thoroughly investigated or clarified in asatisfactory manner.That which hasbeenpromoted does not, for severalreasons, hold up if reviewed from acritical stance.Apparently there exists

Early on in testimoniesfrom first hand witnesses a"stripling" wasobserved to have been by the side of the fallen person. This "stripling"further on somehow vanished in subsequent

But in the year of 2023 the "stripling"reemerged and wished to put forth hisexperiences. His name is Robert Barestrand andwas at the age of 16 at the time ofthe assassination in the

His accounts of the events he experienced during his juvenile years willbepresentedinanunadulterated manner,depicting howRobert came to the insight of whom the murder was arranged by,and furthermore,why.Robert also gained realisation into what really happened to the M/V Estonia, which perished in the Baltic Sea on the 28th of September

This is astory of an adolescent's journey, which sawa juvenile getting entangledtoo deep inside the events which, in modern history,constitute the Swedish nation's darkest hours... discrepancies that urgently need to be clarified. interrogations,for reasons unknown. year 1986. 1994...

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