1 minute read
The Most Important Business in the World
By: Jesse L. Lee, Jr. ¦ Editor-In-Chief ¦ https://www.smallbusinessconcierge.biz
Whenyour business idea crystallizes, becomes legal, and begins the journey to become profitable your business becomes the most important business in the world. Why? Because you're in charge and how well your business does reflect entirely upon you, your business acumen, and your leadership skills. You have vetted the market research, developed pro-forma financial statements, business, and financial models, and formed a small team of experts or are working with business intermediaries to help you in your (ad)venture. Only a few open issues remain that involve matters that are uncertain, complex, and ambiguous.
You’ve made it, congratulations! You may not feel as if this is a proper time to celebrate. Despite, your business is officially off the ground and running. Now the task-at-hand is to grow a sustainable organization, increase sales, and manage your resources. Consider, for instance, that there are valuable lessons to learn along the way. What you may believe to be true about your business, your industry, and how to increase value for your current customers may be biased. If so, your assumptions may be distorted, and the business outcomes you hope for may miss the mark.
Problem-solving, reflecting on daily activities, and allowing your creativity to flourish is vitally important. The degree to which you are knowledgeable and understand accounting, finance, economics, sales, marketing, information technology, human resources, purchasing, research, and development will enable you to make the wisest decisions. You will want to both invest in your business as well as in yourself to grow and become the best organizational leader possible. Be encouraged. You can do it!