Muslim Mosque or Muslim Church
A mosque is a place where Muslims worship Allah SWT. The Mosque is a center place for information & education. In mosque, The Imam leads the prayer. The children are taught Quran in Mosque which is also known as Maqtab [in Arabic: مكتب]. In here every Muslim learns fundamental things of Islam. Mosques come in different structure; it differs from place to place. There is some common structure found in building Mosque. • Dome • Minaret • Mihrab There are some rules that you have to follow in the mosque: 1. You need to remove your shoes before entering the mosque. 2. Recite the Du’a while entering the mosque 3. You must carry out ritual washing called Wudhu. 4. Cover your body in the Islamic way. 5. Keep quiet! You can’t talk except the religious matter. 6. You can’t take any photo or video in the mosque. Read More about Muslim Church or Muslim Mosque: