HOW TO IDENTIFY AND RECOVER FROM GOOGLE PENALTY? A complete step by step guide to identify the Google penalty, and the causes of penalty such as algorithms changes which are responsible for your website traffic changes or Panda/Penalty Updates.
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Step 1: Let’s start identifying google penalty from Google analytics account. Logon to your analytics account and go to overview where for traffic overview.
Step 3: logon to your webmaster account and go to manual actions under search traffic tab.
Step 4: Check Google update On MozCast Go to and Check Algorithm forecast for past 30 days. You can find Google Update details here if Google Changes in its algorithms.
Step 5: Go to and check latest Google update in algorithms.
Step 6: Analyze Backlinks Anchor Text Go to and analyze your website Backlinks details with anchor text information, Collect all the un relevant anchor text and Backlinks pointed to your website and build a List of bad backlinks and anchor text for Penalty Recovery.
Step 7: Fix HTML Errors Go to HTML improvements tab under webmaster account and fix HTML errors and problems.
Step 8: Find out Broken links and duplicate content Go to and analyze you website for broken links and duplicate content issues. Fix your all top priority issues with your website.
Step 9: Analyze Penguin Penalty Go to and check your website for penguin penalty for different search engines free of cost.
Step 10: Penguin Penalty Graph After analyzing your website for penguin penalty watch out penalty graph. You will find your website current running status with custom date range.
STEP 11: Jelly Fish Penguin Penalty Register your account on and enter your website URL and your favorite search engine for which you want to analyze your website and hit submit. The result will be in front of you with no time.
Step 12: Analyze Jelly Fish Graph Watch out Jelly Fish penalty dashboard and identify that your website is hit by Panda or Penguin Pe ng ui n
Step 13: Analyze Bad Backlinks Logon to your webmaster account and analyze your site backlinks under the search traffic “Links to Your Site� and collect all backlinks pointed to your domain.
Step 14: Disavow Bad Backlinks After analyzing and identifying bad backlinks upload your spam backlinks file to link disavow tool under webmaster account.
Step 15: Analyze Index Pages Analyze your submitted and indexed pages in your webmaster account. If you found submitted and indexed pages are same than it’s ok. If you found differ between submitted and indexed pages so, its means something went wrong. And fix the non indexed page errors.
Step 16: Detect Duplicate Content Check your website for duplicate content issues, use Small SEO Tools, CopyScape or PlagSpotter to analyze your entire website for duplicate content.
Step 17: Small SEO Tools Small SEO Tools plagiarism remover is a super easy and free tool to analyze your website for duplicate content issues free of cost without any signup process or limitation process. Small SEO Tools also offering article rewriter tool which allows you to generate unique content for your website.
Step 18: Detect For Plagiarism Go to and choose plagiarism checker tool and paste your content or paste your website URL in box and hit the button “Check for Plagiarism� and result will be in front of you.
Step 19: Verify Duplicate Content If you want to verify your website content Using Small SEO Tools Plagiarism checker tool Simply Click on Already Exists or Unique Sign.
Step 20: Collecting Duplicate Sources After clicking Unique or Already exists result, you will be redirected to google and exact web page sources where your content is available. Collect all the result with your content and file to Google for Removal.
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