Week 2 journal entry

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Iona Orams

Week 2 Studio Journal


This week, groups were required to construct towers of maximum height from around 40 thin strips of balsa wood and super glue. After initial planning, our group agreed that a triangular-framed structure tapering inwards would provide maximum strength and stability whilst creating height. Figure A depicts the shape of the base: an equilateral triangle comprised of overlapping balsa strips. Fig. A

Figure B demonstrates the strength of a triangular structure when compressed by a load. The two sides intersecting where the load is being applied work in compression, causing the third side to work in tension, counteracting the pressure and preventing collapse.

Issues with the super glue increased the fragility of our structure and often prevented the balsa wood from sticking properly. As Figure C demonstrates, the structure maintained its shape despite frequent accidental removal of balsa strips, demonstrating its overall strength. Fig. B The structure remained stable and upright for the majority of the time. This was enhanced by our use of three short legs at the base of the structure, balancing the load. Fig. C

Iona Orams

Week 2 Studio Journal

As time disappeared, we decided that our tower was stable enough to build a spire onto in order to rapidly increase height. This consisted of vertically overlapping and sticking together pieces of balsa wood. By overlapping each piece by around 8 centimetres, strength and rigidity was increased, preventing the wood from warping or swaying. Our structure remained stable until it touched a low part of the ceiling. As more pieces of wood were added to the spire, swaying and bending occurred and the spire could no longer remain upright. If more time and balsa wood had been available, a structure with a wider triangular base would have sustained more height whilst remaining stable. However, the method employed by the group was successful in allowing the tower to withstand a decent amount of height.


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